How bad guys are made

Chapter 852 Trouble

Chapter 852 Trouble
Such occasions are mostly between men, and women generally don't get in the way. Su Yuemeng doesn't care much about these things, but fortunately, there is Zhen'er who is equally boring by her side, and the two chat and laugh, but they are not lonely.

Her relationship with Zhen Er progressed even faster than that with Wen Dong, and she soon became a sister.

Zhen'er drank a lot, Su Yuemeng drank some red wine in desperation, her pretty face became more pink and rosy, and all the hall masters praised the gang master for marrying a beautiful wife.

Elder Su almost went out with the help of the wall. After sending off grandpa, Su Yuemeng, accompanied by Zhen'er, went to her and Wendong's suite.

She and Zhang Yifeng only learned something about Wendong, but they didn't know much about Qingcheng, especially some rules of the underworld, so they had to ask Zhen'er to avoid offending.

By the time Zhen'er left, it was already twelve o'clock in the morning.

She is very satisfied with the suite that Wendong lives in. It is about 100 square meters, with a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. , she likes it very much.

Although he is still not very used to Qingcheng, but at least he is not as resistant as he thought.

She went to take a shower first, but she was afraid that Wendong would come back suddenly, so she changed her clothes immediately after drying herself.

There was no grand wedding, and there was no helpless bridal chamber, but this night was the most important day in her life for her, which heralded that she would become Wendong's wife.

All this happened too fast and suddenly, to be honest, she was not prepared at all.

She was even a little scared, afraid that Wen Dong would come to her side drunk, and then...

Because watching TV, it seems that this is the pattern...

He accepted all of this as a matter of course, but it didn't mean that she didn't really have any resistance in her heart.

Wearing a dry dress, she came to the bedroom, spread the quilt over her lap, her delicate body leaned against the head of the bed, her beautiful eyes were flowing, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Wen Dong never came.

Su Yuemeng's sleeping time is very stable, logically speaking, she should be asleep by now, so she fell asleep before she knew it.

Perhaps it was because she was always worried that Wendong would come back here suddenly, maybe because she had changed places and she couldn't sleep well.

In the middle of the night, she woke up, opened her eyes in a daze, and found that the bedside lamp was still bright, the whole room was quiet, and the Wendong she was worried about did not appear.

Looking up at the time, it was exactly 01:30 in the morning.

It turned out that I only fell asleep for more than an hour when I dozed off.

Su Yuemeng grumbled, lifted the quilt, put on her slippers and went out. The living room was empty, and Wen Dong never came.

It's already autumn now, maybe it's because she just woke up, and because she didn't wear much clothes, Su Yuemeng couldn't help shivering standing in the living room.

Because it was a new environment and the room was too quiet, Su Yuemeng was a little scared, and couldn't help but look up in the direction of the door.


A private room was very quiet. Wen Dong was sitting on the sofa, looking like a sculpture. There were a few empty wine bottles scattered on the coffee table, reeking of alcohol.

Suddenly, there was a sound from the private room door.

Wen Dong raised his head, and a beautiful figure came into view, his sluggish eyes showed some excitement, he got up and said, "Why are you here?"

"I can't sleep, so I came to see you." Seeing Wen Dong's indifferent look, Su Yuemeng breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door and walked in: "Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"If I go back like this, you won't be able to sleep even more." Wen Dong smiled, and pulled Su Yuemeng to sit beside him.

Su Yuemeng was puzzled, and when she looked up, she found that there were some messy paper towels scattered on the coffee table, with blood stains hidden on them, and then she found that Wendong's suit was also splashed with blood. Since it was not Wendong's, it was very It may be Li Jiahua's.

After drinking, he went to find Li Jiahua again.

Su Yuemeng got up and swept the blood-stained tissues on the coffee table into the trash can, looking a little cold.

"Regret?" Wen Dong lit a cigarette and said with his legs crossed.

Bloodthirsty and moody, these two points alone are enough to make her disgusted, even disgusted.

"What's the use of regretting it?" Su Yuemeng said angrily.

"Actually, you don't have to live with me. You can go home and live there. There is no certainty about this. After all, the essence of our being together is actually a marriage of strategy." Wen Dong said, puffing out a smoke ring.

Wen Dong's words hit the nail on the head, making Su Yuemeng's tender body slightly stiff, but she shook her head and said, "Then I can't go back."

"Oh?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looking at her suspiciously.

Su Yuemeng sat beside him, looked up at him and said, "I really want to go back, but I just arrived in your Qingcheng, and you sent me home the next day, what do you mean?"

"Grandpa has such a good face, I'll be blamed if he doesn't beat me to death." Su Yuemeng frowned, with a very unhappy expression.

Wen Dong stared at her blankly, then laughed dumbly and said, "You are so pitiful."

Hearing his heartless words, Su Yuemeng was even more annoyed, glared at him, reached out to pick up a beer and said, "Have a drink with me."

Wen Dong: "..."

The beer was a little too strong, Su Yuemeng couldn't help but frowned after taking a sip, and it was very cold, she stretched out her hand to gather the hem of her skirt.

"Cover it." Wen Dong took off his suit and handed it to her.

Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Oh, it's a bit dirty." Wen Dong glanced at the dirty suit, and was about to take it back, but was grabbed by Su Yuemeng.

"If it's dirty, it's better than catching a cold." Su Yuemeng said indifferently, covering her body with the suit, and curled up on the sofa. A suit can almost completely cover her curled up body. Only two small hands were exposed holding the wine bottle, sipping beer.

"Grandpa is a little afraid of you." Su Yuemeng said leisurely.

Wen Dong turned to look at her suspiciously.

"Grandpa came here uninvited tonight, isn't he showing his favor to you and strengthening your relationship with the Su family?" Su Yuemeng said with a sweet smile.

Wen Dong looked at her with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Su Yuemeng saw it clearly, there was indeed a reason for Mr. Su's uninvited visit tonight.

Qingcheng's foundation is not stable now, and with the arrival of Mr. Su and the announcement that Su Yuemeng will marry into Qingcheng, Qingcheng's rise in Shuishi will never dare to say 'no' again. That being said, the benefits are huge.And all of this originated from Su Lao.

So Wendong must be very grateful.

Mr. Su just came to have a drink and married his granddaughter to Wendong. It seems that he didn't pay anything, but all this love was invested in Wendong.

Mr. Su has sharp eyesight. Now that Wendong is here in Qingcheng, the general trend has been achieved. Since it can't be stopped, let's make friends directly.No matter what the rise of Qingcheng will be like in the future, you can't open fire on the Su family. Even when the Su family is in danger, Wendong has to return his favor.

"So, I can't go back even more." Su Yuemeng said with self-pity.

With the warmth of the suit and the wine in her belly, Su Yuemeng's pretty face was flushed with a drunken blush, rosy, and she sighed softly, I looked very pitiful provoking.

If you drink too much, you tend to talk too much and mutter...

Wen Dong also opened a bottle of beer and drank it. He kept a cold face and didn't speak, as if he was very unhappy with Su Yuemeng's nagging.

"Not only can't go back, but I have to take good care of you." Su Yuemeng didn't look at Wendong's expression, and muttered to herself: "No matter who you are, no matter how you treat me, I won't leave."

"Whatever it is to you?" Wen Dongyou turned his head, approaching her pretty face curled up on the sofa, his eyes skipped the lips that became more moist from the wine, and wandered on her body wrapped in the suit.

"No." Su Yuemeng was startled, especially when she saw the other party's eyes that seemed to be emotional, she shook her head nervously without even thinking about it.

"At least, we are husband and wife. You said that you want to be a good husband, and you should at least respect me." Su Yuemeng said quickly, her heart was inexplicably nervous, her little hands were tightly holding onto the wine bottle, like Wen Dong Whenever there was a change, she greeted his head with a wine bottle.

"We are husband and wife, and the word 'respect' has nothing to do with it." Wen Dong said quietly, aggressively.

Su Yuemeng froze for a moment, speechless.

"Besides, your grandpa hopes that you will give me a baby soon." Wen Dong said with a smile.

At the reception today, Mr. Su mentioned this matter several times.Obviously, the old man still felt uneasy that he married Su Yuemeng, and wanted Su Yuemeng to conceive his own child, so that he would almost tie himself to the Su family.Regarding the old guy's thoughts, Wen Dong had a thorough understanding, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was also a reasonable thing.

"Grandpa just said that, but he's not in a hurry." Su Yuemeng said quickly, looking at him nervously.

"So, are you willing to give birth to me?" Wen Dong heard her tone and asked curiously.

"Yes, but not willing." Su Yuemeng said something twisted.

"Then don't give birth first." Wen Dong said casually.

"Enen, that's what I think." Hearing this, Su Yuemeng nodded quickly, her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Wen Dong nodded and looked away.

Without her aggressive aura, Su Yuemeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.He couldn't help but secretly raised his face and glanced at Wen Dong, and found that he was frowning, as if he was considering what he said just now, his face was a bit smelly, obviously his over-excited appearance just now made him very unhappy.

Su Yuemeng smiled slightly, and said to herself, this man is not unreasonable.

Just be reasonable.

She said so in her heart.

The room became quiet again, and Su Yuemeng's leisurely words could be heard from time to time, like talking in sleep.



"You said, if I was bullied, would you vent your anger on me like today?"

"Yes." Wen Dong nodded.

"En." Su Yuemeng responded softly, and then fell silent.

Wen Dong took the last sip of wine, and was about to lean over to take out another bottle when he suddenly felt his shoulders sink. When he looked sideways, he found a head pressed up.Su Yuemeng obviously couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep, her two little hands were still holding the half-drunk wine bottle, and she looked naive.Her rosy lips are slightly parted, and the orchid scent that is good at mouth is cloudy with a little bit of alcohol, making her look more and more charming...


Wen Dong frowned, got up and reached out to pick her up, and walked out.

Putting this trouble on the bed and covering it with a quilt, Wen Dong sat aside, and then remembered the system's notification sound when he beat up Li Jiahua before. At that time, Zhang Yifeng rushed to say that the hall master had come, so he didn't have time to check.

The ultimate reward, the Sword of Chaos.

It sounded like a dick, Wen Dong saw that Su Yuemeng was sleeping, so he entered the property panel.

(End of this chapter)

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