Chapter 854
Autumn is refreshing, the cool breeze blows, the grass withers and leaves fall, but it can't stop the spring scenery that fills the house...

Su Yuemeng only felt that her heartbeat had never been faster, and her head was already in a mess under Wendong's sudden invasion.

His kiss was so gentle, he gently opened her white teeth, enjoying the fragrance in her mouth...

Su Yuemeng seemed to have been given a body-fixing technique, her body was lying there upright, her two little hands were pressed behind her head, her eyes were closed tightly, and she let her lilac tongue be rolled back and forth, the room was silent As expected, her muddy facial features could clearly hear the other party's slightly heavy breathing...

When a big hand brushed her fragrant shoulders and climbed onto a territory that had never been explored, she felt as if she had been electrocuted all over her body, a strange feeling she had never experienced before. The numbness spread all over her body in an instant, and her brain went blank with a bang. The big hot hand was as gentle as that kiss, and the gentle kneading made her body tremble violently like a sieve...

Su Yuemeng's body is fully developed, but not big enough to be grasped, Wendong's affection is deep, and the other party doesn't stop her, playing with her wantonly...

"Don't..." When the big hand invaded the skirt, Su Yuemeng was startled, she shook her head suddenly to avoid Wendong's kiss, and shouted loudly, panting delicately, her face flushed.

Hearing Su Yuemeng's voice, Wendong woke up with a start, glanced at the woman in his arms who was already too provocative, and then slowly turned over.

The body returned to freedom, Su Yuemeng shrank to the foot of the bed with a 'swish', rolled up the entire cup, tightly wrapped her body in it, but her delicate body still trembled uncontrollably, fascinated His eyes saw that the quilt was being swept away to Wendong, and he immediately groaned, like a tortoise for ten thousand years, he retracted his head into the quilt with a 'swish', and the whole person became a big ball ...

Wen Dong looked down, feeling embarrassed for a while, and then grinned: "Aren't you hot?"

Hearing Wendong's words, the big ball trembled for a while...

Nonsense, my body was like it was on fire, but now it's wrapped up in an airtight way, can it not be hot?

"You still say." Su Yuemeng finally couldn't bear the heat wave in the quilt, raised her head and said angrily, her pretty face was dripping with water.

Su Yuemeng became angry from embarrassment, and Wen Dong didn't know what to say. To be honest, he just lost his mind and mistook her for Zhang Hanhan.

But how to say this, I can't say I'm sorry, I must have admitted the wrong person, then I guess Su Yuemeng is not angry, but kicks him directly to the bed...

"You, are you hungry? I'll cook." Su Yuemeng was in a state of disarray, she just looked at Wendong and was defeated. It was lucky to escape from the clutches of the clutches at this time, so she pulled the quilt away in a panic About to get out of bed.

"No hurry." Wen Dong grabbed her.


"Don't worry, let's get down to business." Wen Dong interrupted her.

"Oh, good." Seeing that Wen Dong said seriously, with a serious expression, unlike the fiery eyes just now, Su Yuemeng bit her lips, and then agreed, but she still shrank at the foot of the bed, her eyes Be vigilant.

Wen Dong didn't care, he simply leaned on the head of the bed, and Su Yuemeng didn't dare to look at it anyway.

Su Yuemeng turned her head away, cursing shamelessly in her heart!
"Tell me about your parents." Wen Dong said.

"Huh?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered the agreement she had made with Wendong yesterday, that he would accompany her to see her parents.

"What do you like about your parents' personality?" Wen Dong reminded her, seeing her dumbfounded look.

"Oh." Su Yuemeng nodded half-understood, and sat cross-legged to ponder. Wendong was speechless for a while watching this scene, because he was not in a hurry or urged.

"Actually, there is nothing special about my parents." Su Yuemeng said: "My mother is from the countryside. I met my father when I came to Shui City for junior college. Because of her limited education and knowledge, she only worked as a staff member in the company, but because With my dad’s relationship, my mother is not tired from work, and she is also a half housewife; my father’s favorite things are even simpler. He likes to practice martial arts, and he listens to what grandpa says... I don’t understand the limit of human beings. But my father usually exercises on the Gaoyun Mountain that he bought to strengthen his body. The second is to go to the martial arts hall to teach. I heard from my grandfather that you are very good at martial arts. If you can share your martial arts experience with your father, you will definitely be able to win my father. .”

"Take his precious daughter?" Wen Dong smiled at her.

Su Yuemeng blushed and gave him a look.

Wen Dong became serious again, as if he was thinking about it. Su Yuemeng's father was easy to say, but his mother's words were a little confusing.

As the saying goes, if you don't want to be strong, she is short-sighted and doesn't have much ambition. Only a daughter like Su Yuemeng wants her to give her daughter to herself with peace of mind, so she needs to put more thought into it.

Su Yue dreamed that Wendong was thinking seriously, frowning from time to time, letting go of most of the tension in her heart, and even a little happiness spread in her heart.At least, Wendong is seriously thinking about how to please his parents, isn't he?

Su's mother is an out-and-out rural person, and she hates extravagance and waste.

"I think, buy some clothes for your mother. She will think those expensive supplements are too expensive, unaffordable, and wasteful." Wen Dong said to himself: "You don't need to buy too expensive clothes, But the quality and style should be better. Women love beauty. Then buy some better cosmetics." After finishing speaking, Wen Dong looked up at Su Yuemeng.

"Hey, how do you know my mother so well?" Su Yuemeng's eyes lit up, and she looked at Wendong in surprise: "Have you investigated my mother?"

"Isn't this investigating with you?" Wen Dong glared at the chick angrily. He was also born in poverty, so he naturally knew better.

"Your mother is from a rural area, so I think it is better to be honest. Buying something that is too good is too exaggerated, but it is not good." Wendong said.

"Yes, that's what it looks like." Su Yuemeng nodded excitedly, as if seeing a confidant, moved the quilt with her buttocks and leaned against the head of the bed like Wendong, discussing with him side by side.

In fact, she is also thinking about this matter. If she takes her daughter-in-law to her natal house and buys some popular goods, people will laugh at them. Wendong is always the lord of Qingcheng, and he always has to talk about ostentation when traveling. After all, face is more important than anything else, but mother She doesn't like Zhang Yang, and she was thinking of how to persuade her, but she didn't expect Wen Dong to say it out loud.

"Well, your father is training, pursuing the ultimate human body, right?" Wen Dong nodded.

"Oh, yes, Dad seems to be saying that. I don't quite understand. Grandpa Xing told him, and he became interested, and even bought a quiet mountain." Su Yuemeng pouted and said.

"Well, I have a gift for your father, I'm sure he will be satisfied, and it will be of great benefit to him." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Enn, I'll call my parents right now and tell them, let's go home and see them later." Su Yuemeng nodded excitedly.

"You haven't told your parents we're going?" Wen Dong glared at her, why is this chick so sloppy.

"It's okay for my father to talk about it, but what does my mother say? I didn't even have a boyfriend before, and today I suddenly brought... a husband home. It's not surprising if she doesn't scare her to death." Su Yuemeng He pouted aggrievedly and gave Wendong a blank look.

"Oh, what should I do? How about delaying it for two days and let your mother take it easy?" Wen Dong frowned.

"No need." Su Yuemeng raised her mobile phone with her little hand, and said: "Yesterday, I told my mother that I had a boyfriend, and my mother was so happy that she said that she would take it home when she was free. Now is just right." Su Yuemeng smiled Said, with dimples showing on his cheeks, very proud.

Wendong saw it in his eyes, and felt more pity for her in his heart.

"Okay, you can call your mother to say hello, let's go shopping later." Wen Dong said.



"Mom, where are you?" The call was quickly connected, and Su Yuemeng asked first.

"Silly girl, of course I'm at work. Why did you call early in the morning? You've never called before. Is there something good?" Mother Su's voice came from the phone.

Hearing this, Su Yuemeng's face was embarrassed, she secretly glanced at Wendong who was beside her, and said, "How do you know..."

"You are my daughter, why can't I hear it, is it about the boyfriend you said yesterday?"

"Enen, yes. It just so happens that he is free today, I, I want to take him home and let my mother check for me." Su Yuemeng said with a smile.

"What's the point of this? I've just talked about it for a day, and you are in a hurry to take him home. I guess Hun'er has been hooked away..."

"Mom, what are you talking about!" Su Yuemeng blushed pretty, and Wen Dong grinned at the side, listening to the conversation between the mother and daughter, he had a rough plan in his mind, this mother Su is not difficult The entangled person.

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk." Mother Su smiled and said, "Well, I will ask for leave in the afternoon and not go to work. I will cook a good meal at home and wait for my son-in-law to come."

"Enen, where's dad?" Su Yuemeng nodded happily, and asked again hastily.

"Your father?" Su's mother's tone suddenly sank: "That dead old guy hasn't been home for two days."

"Huh? Dad lives in Gaoyun Mountain now?" Su Yuemeng asked in surprise.

"No, he didn't know who said that there was a martial arts master in SJ giving a lecture a few days ago, so he went, and there was no news for two days. I was angry and didn't bother to call him. It's annoying." Mother Su said angrily.

"Ah, then..."

"It's okay, I'll call him right now and ask him to come back. If he dares not come back today, then he won't be able to enter this house. From now on, he will live with the monkeys on the mountain! Don't even recognize him as a father, hmph—" Mother Su said domineeringly.

Wen Dong listened to it from the side, secretly praising Su's mother in his heart.No matter how gentle and virtuous a woman is when she is in love, no matter what kind of woman she is, she will turn into a tigress when she gets married back home. There are more than tens of millions of people in the world who are afraid of guilt. Today I met another one. Wendong praised in his heart—— The way is not alone!

(End of this chapter)

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