How bad guys are made

Chapter 855 Whose Husband Are You Calling?

Chapter 855 Whose Husband Are You Calling?

Wen Dong listened to it from the side, secretly praising Su's mother in his heart.No matter how gentle and virtuous a woman is when she is in love, no matter what kind of woman she is, she will turn into a tigress when she gets married back home. There are more than tens of millions of people in the world who are afraid of guilt. Today I met another one. Wendong praised in his heart—— The way is not alone!

In just one day, the news that the Lanyun Gang was merged into the Qingcheng Gang flew out like wings.And that night, the Qingcheng gang celebrated with each other; at the same time, there was another horrifying news that Wendong married Su Yuemeng, the daughter of the Su family that day, and Mrs. Su rushed to Qingcheng to celebrate the reception that night. .

The Qingcheng Gang will dominate the underground world of Shuishi!
All the confusion was swept away, and all the suspicion and gloating turned into deep fear. When the Qingcheng gang completely swallowed the Lanyun gang, then some other scattered small gangs around them would not be spared, even the Su family stood on their feet. When it comes to Qingcheng, who else in the entire water city can stop Qingcheng's footsteps.

Some jittery gang leaders have already started to clean up the chowder in the gang's small territory, organized the territory in an orderly manner, and then prepared to go to the Qingcheng nightclub to pay homage to the overlord of the water city and pledge their allegiance to Qingcheng.

Giving charcoal in the snow is always better than icing on the cake, but now that Qingcheng has become a big trend, when they have time to start expanding, then there will be no chance of even icing on the cake.

And they all heard that although the Lanyun Gang merged into the Qingcheng Gang, the positions of many of the hall masters have not changed. It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. It also depends on the master, as long as he bears the name of Qingcheng, which force in Shuishi dares to bully him?

So, early the next morning, the Qingcheng nightclub was overcrowded, and the traffic police had to dispatch some traffic police to clear the traffic.

These forces saw that the traffic police had no good looks at first, but Qingcheng spoke out and obeyed the arrangements of the traffic police, so they could only obediently obey. Many luxury cars even drove to the parking area ten miles away. The streets around Qingcheng Nightclub were full of cars and people. ...

"By the way, didn't I sleep in the box last night? How did I get back?" Su Yuemeng looked at him suspiciously.

"What do you think?" Wen Dong gave her an angry look: "Who said you wanted me to drink with you at the time, but I didn't expect that someone would sleep like a dead pig after a while."

"You are a dead pig." Su Yuemeng blushed pretty, and gave Wendong a white look.

He didn't say it, but it was obvious that she was carried back by him. When she thought about it, a little sweetness that she had never felt before appeared in her heart.

"I'm going to wash up, and you get up too. Let's go shopping later." Su Yuemeng lifted the quilt, found that she hadn't missed anything, stepped on her slippers and ran out.

Wen Dong looked at Su Yuemeng's leaving back quietly with his head sideways, and the comfort and ease that hadn't appeared in his heart for a long time made him narrow his eyes slightly.


After Su Yuemeng washed and dressed, the two went out of the nightclub hand in hand, but they were taken aback by the grand occasion in front of them. Fortunately, the little six were excited and took the two of them out through the back door.

After getting in the car, Xiaoliuzi was familiar with the road, and squeezed out of the traffic jam after turning around and turning eight times.

Wen Dong curiously asked what was going on, and Little Six replied excitedly.

Wendong understood the reason, nodded, with a calm expression, but he couldn't hide the excitement on his face. Qingcheng is now in the sky, and he should be the first!
Su Yuemeng sat beside Wendong quietly, seeing Wendong's complacent expression, she felt contemptuous in her heart.

Her outfit today is a bit youthful and beautiful. Originally, she planned to wear the cheongsam that Zhen'er prepared for her, and put on flesh-colored plush leggings underneath. It is very feminine, and Su Yuemeng also likes it very much.

But what made her angry was that Wendong didn't like it. Originally, she didn't want to pay attention to Wendong's opinion, but Wendong said something - too feminine, it's not good for your mother to see, you think you are so feminine, you think I am You have already driven without a license.

Hearing these words, Su Yuemeng felt chills, and after glaring at Wendong fiercely, she hurriedly took off the cheongsam and changed it into the current appearance.

Inside is a thin black and white sweater, with a light yellow down jacket on the outside, and a pair of tight black slacks. Su Yuemeng is not tall, just over 1.6 meters tall. Very sexy and slim.The braids were tied up, revealing a delicate and white face, looking young, fashionable and energetic.

Although this dress was newly bought by Zhener, it was undoubtedly her college collocation. She has been working for more than a year now, and she always feels a little awkward.But when Wendong saw it, his eyes lit up, and he admired the beauty.

Hearing what Wen Dong said, Su Yuemeng was also happy in her heart, so she settled down like this, but when she noticed that Wen Dong's eyeballs were chaotically sweeping over her body, she was even more contemptuous in her heart - Lolicon!


A quarter past eleven.

Wen Dong leaned on the back seat, looking tired and bored, but on the contrary, Su Yuemeng beside him looked excited.

The reason for this is because of shopping.

The trunk of the car is full, and this chick seems to have never been out of the house in 800 years. Every time she passes by a shopping mall, she will drag Wendong into it to search. Su's mother's things are easy to buy.Therefore, more than half of the trunk is Su Yuemeng's own new items.

Zhen'er bought some for her last night, but after all, time was short and she bought too little.Su Yuemeng simply took this opportunity to search wantonly, anyway, there is someone who pays behind him!
Sanfeng Garden Community.

It is a mid-range community, where Su Yuemeng's parents live.

Xiaoliuzi is familiar with the water market, Su Yuemeng just said the name of the community and he immediately knew the location, which made Wendong suspect that Xiaoliuzi used to be in his old business, breaking the door!
"This is mine. Don't take it wrong. If you take it up, you won't be able to get it back. I have to buy it again." Su Yuemeng stood at the trunk with her chest folded, pointing with her little finger, very helpful Madame style.

"Yes, yes, I remember it all, sister-in-law, don't worry, you won't take it wrong." Xiaoliuzi nodded hastily, and Wendong stood behind him, even more speechless, saying that the water splashed by the married daughter, From now on, I will be of one mind with my husband's family, this is not deceiving me!

Little Six got his head into the trunk and took out the presents one after another. Wen Dong stood behind him and continued. He was the one who carried the things!
"Okay, it's getting late, you find a place to eat, and I'll leave you alone." Wen Dong said to Liu Zi with his hands full of gifts.

"Sure, Boss, don't worry, I'll come here on time at two o'clock in the afternoon to wait for you and my sister-in-law, but I'll use this car for a while." Little Six said to Wendong, showing a look that you understand.

This car is Zhanyi 8 series luxury car, the best car in Qingcheng, this guy definitely wants to drive it out to have fun, it is definitely a weapon for picking up girls.

"Well, let's go." Wen Dong nodded and smiled.

"Go back, it's fine to lose the car, but don't lose my things." Su Yue dreamed that Little Six was about to drive away, so she hurriedly told her.

Wen Dong, who was walking in front, staggered when he heard this, how could he praise her just now...

Damn, how much did you buy those little things, this car is worth a train of those little things.Damn, this is Qingcheng's property, our property!
"Wendong, you can't reveal your secrets when you get up later. Although my mother knows little, she is not stupid!" Walking into the corridor of the unit, Su Yuemeng did not forget to ask.

Only then did she walk to the second floor, and she had already told her this three times.

"Are you afraid that you will reveal yourself?" Wen Dong glanced at her and said.

It was said that Su Yuemeng was stagnant, and had never had a boyfriend since she was a child. This time, she suddenly brought a husband home. It would be strange if Su Yuemeng was not nervous. Although Wen Dong saw through her mind, Su Yuemeng was He hummed and said, "I won't reveal my secrets."

"Here we are." Su Yuemeng reminded when he came to a security door.

"Well, here..." Wen Dong nodded and spread his arms outward.

"What's wrong?" Su Yuemeng looked at him suspiciously.

"Be more intimate." Wen Dong frowned and explained.

"Oh." Su Yuemeng patted her head, suddenly realized, and quickly reached out to wrap Wendong's arm affectionately.

Seeing her appearance, Wen Dong was speechless for a while, especially since her hand was still tightly held, and a piece of flesh was almost pinched off his arm between her fingers.

"Don't be nervous. Remember, we are boyfriend and girlfriend now, so don't call out your husband when the time comes." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Go to you. You are not used to calling me your husband now." Su Yuemeng blushed pretty and gave him an angry look.

"Who are you calling husband?" Just as the two were talking, the closed anti-theft door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged woman's voice came from inside.

"Ah, Mom, why did you come out?" Su Yuemeng asked in surprise.

"Hehe, the food is ready, and we're waiting for the cooking. Seeing that you haven't come, I wanted to go down and have a look." Mother Su explained with a smile, and couldn't help but look at Wendong, who was being held by her daughter, and said with a smile: " You are Yuemeng's boyfriend, Wendong?"

"Yes, I am Wendong. Hello, Auntie." With a smile on his face, Wendong bowed to Su's mother.

Su's mother is four years younger than Su's father. She is just in her early forties, and some shallow crow's feet have appeared on the corners of her brows after years of hard work, and her appearance is somewhat similar to that of Su Yuemeng.

"Hello, hello, the young man is so handsome, come here, come in and sit down." Su's mother narrowed her smile and looked at Wen Dong, before quickly moving away from her seat.

"Mengmeng, let Wendong carry so many things by himself, you won't help him." Seeing Wendong walking in with big and small bags, Mother Su gave her daughter a displeased look, and quickly stretched out her hand To help pick up the gift from Wendong.

"Auntie who doesn't need it, it's not heavy." Wen Dong smiled, but gave her a gift box. The three of them came to the living room, put the gift down, and then sat down.

This family room is not big, with three bedrooms and one living room, more than 100 square meters.Su's mother is obviously a clean person, the whole room is cleaned very cleanly, the layout is in order, and it looks very bright.

Mother Su had already made preparations. There was a large fruit plate on the coffee table, with washed fruits in it.

"I don't have any preparations at home, Xiaodong, eat an apple." Mother Su smiled, picked up an apple and handed it to Wendong.

By the way, he looked up at his prospective son-in-law.After all, if you want to stay in their countryside, take it home, it is basically settled, she has to take a good look.

(End of this chapter)

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