Chapter 856

Wendong dressed well today, thanks to Su Yuemeng's promise to be a good wife for Wendong.Inside was a clean white shirt, and outside was a suit, which Su Yuemeng put on for him one by one, very decent.

Although Wen Dong is not the handsome type, he is very handsome.Under the background of a suit, he is a young and energetic young man with a prosperous career, and the scar on his face is much less hostile under his gentle smile.

Mother Su was satisfied when she saw it. After all, men don't have to look too good.He only thought that as long as he treats his daughter well.

"I'm afraid you're going to make preparations, that's why Yue Meng and I came in such a hurry." Wen Dong smiled, thanked him, took the apple with his hand, and took a bite.

"There is only one daughter in our family. Her father and I both love her, and she is always spoiled. What kind of temper does this child have? Xiaodong, you have to take care of her." I don't know what to say about the scene, but to speak the truth.

"Mom." Su Yuemeng on the side immediately stared in displeasure.

How did I spoil my...

"Auntie, you are joking. Yuemeng is the kindest and gentlest girl I have ever met. It is my blessing to meet her." Wendong replied with a smile, without revealing anything.

What a joke, he can handle even a tough mother-in-law like Zhou Yahe, let alone someone as easy-talking as Mother Su.

Hearing the other party's praise of her daughter, the smile on Su's mother's face was even stronger.

"I'm a woman, and I seldom go out after work, and I'm more and more like you when you were young." Su Mu sighed: "Yuemeng was sensible since she was a child, but her heart was too kind. I was also afraid of being cheated, so She has never been allowed to fall in love early. She is also obedient and has never talked about a boyfriend. Now I hear you say that, and I feel relieved. "

Su Yuemeng sat quietly by the side, listening to her mother and Wendong praise herself, her little face was flushed, and she was secretly delighted, she was so happy, showing the attitude of a little girl.

"Yuemeng is kind, you love her. I love her the same when I'm by my side, and I won't make her suffer. Don't worry about that." Wen Dong quickly assured.

"Yes, I don't worry." Mother Su nodded with a smile on her face, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes deepened because of her happy smile.

Wen Dong speaks decently, not too much, and not too much, which makes people feel comfortable.With a gentle face, mature and stable, Mother Su became more and more satisfied the more she looked at it.

Su Yuemeng on the side looked a little dumbfounded, especially when she saw her mother nodding repeatedly, don't worry, why don't you worry, you know this guy...

"Here, have another apple." Su Mu smiled and handed it over.

"Thank you auntie, I can take it myself." Wen Dong quickly reached out to take it.

"It is said that daughters are expensive to raise. Yuemeng has never experienced any hardship since she was a child, and her relatives love her. She is always willing to be by her grandfather's side..." Mother Su said with a smile, as if she was talking about homework, but once When mentioning her grandfather, Su's mother paused.

Although she usually doesn't participate in the affairs of the Su family, she knows a little about the power of her husband's family, and she is a little worried. She looks up at her daughter, then at Wendong, and finally opens her mouth and says, "Yuemeng, her see her?" ever?"

"Yes." Wendong nodded with a smile: "Yuemeng and I met Grandpa Su yesterday. Grandpa Su is very nice and invited us to drink tea."

"Will you drink tea?" Su's mother was taken aback when she heard the words, a flash of surprise flashed in her heart, she glanced at Wendong suspiciously: "Yuemeng's grandfather knows about your love affair?"

"Of course grandpa knows, there's no need to talk about it." Su Yuemeng said carelessly with her small mouth curled up.

Grandpa can't know, isn't he just thrown to Wendong by his grandpa...

"You child." Mother Su glared at Su Yuemeng, curious about Wendong's identity, and asked, "I wonder what Xiaodong does?"

What parents care about is nothing more than what time, what job to do, and where to work.

Su Yuemeng's heart tightened, but Wendong was already ready to speak, and said with a smile: "I started a small company and cooperated with the company managed by Yuemeng. That's how I met Yuemeng."

Mother Su nodded and smiled when she heard the words: "So that's the case."

Hearing what Wendong said, Su's mother had roughly guessed that Wendong's company should have cooperated with the Su family.

Wendong seemed to be a solid and stable person, and the old man in charge of the family also nodded, and he was satisfied with what he saw, and his daughter liked it, so everyone was happy.

"Small companies also have the benefits of small companies. You don't have to worry about it. Look at the bosses of those big companies, they are all bald before they reach their forties." Mother Su said with a smile.

"Yes, what Auntie said is true." Wen Dong grinned and gnawed on the apple.

Su's mother saw it, this guy can eat and drink, he is a good guy.

When she came to her home, Su Yuemeng was much more real than Wendong, she reached out and grabbed a handful of grapes and sat beside Wendong, eating slowly and listening to the two of them talking quietly.But out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but look at Wendong curiously.

After all, she had just met Wen Dong for two days, and the time they spent together was less than a few hours. She knew very little about Wen Dong, and she only defined Wen Dong as the Lord of Qingcheng in her heart.

Because you are young, you should be domineering.

But at this time, he couldn't see such a gesture at all.With a pleasant face and gentle manners, it is hard to think that this is the mighty Lord of Qingcheng in the water city, let alone that the man who stabbed someone with a knife last night is the one in front of him.

Especially this guy was still hugging the apple that his mother handed him, like a starving ghost who hadn't eaten in eight lifetimes, even she thought she was mistaken and admitted the wrong person.

Su Yuemeng couldn't help frowning slightly, looking at Wendong from the corner of her eyes.

When we met for the first time, we were with Grandpa.He was neither humble nor overbearing, his words were sharp, and he exuded a masculine arrogance.

The second time we meet, in the car.He was quiet and cold, deep and sad.

When getting off the car.He solemnly promised to be a good husband to himself, and to meet his parents, a man's responsibility.

Go back to Qingcheng, in the basement.His face was cold and full of killing intent, making people frightened.

After a glass of wine, a private room late at night.He was drunk, flirting with his words, nondescript!

Early in the morning, in the bedroom.He is a beast, bullying himself, a pervert!
After the ambiguity, discuss matters at the bedside.He has a serious expression, talks to his parents, and is thoughtful.

I'm free at noon to see my parents.He has a pleasant face, gentle manners, and speaks responsibly.

In just two days, although I didn't talk to him much, and sometimes I contradicted myself, he didn't bully, but he was reasonable, but with a cold face, I defined him as a villain!
There are all kinds of things, there are good and bad, just two days of acquaintance, Wendong has shown a characteristic that should not be in front of her - a multi-faceted person!

She suddenly felt that what grandpa said was right, Wendong was not simple.And she noticed more delicately that Wen Dong seemed to be wearing a mask all the time, and everything she saw was an illusion shown by him.

Thinking of this, Su Yuemeng took a deep look at Wendong, with a gentle smile and bright black eyes, but still felt a sense of sadness.

This is a man with a story.Su Yuemeng thought so in her heart.

And this sadness may come from Zhang Hanhan.

He valued Zhang Hanhan so much, what about himself?
She thought of what she asked him sleepily last night - if I was bullied, would you vent your anger on me like this?
Without even thinking about it, he answered: Yes.

Perhaps, being his wife is really a good choice.

When the various states that Wen Dong had displayed in the past two days were circling in her head, especially his cold face and ignoring anyone, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Even Su Yuemeng herself didn't expect that the things that she was very conflicted with in her heart would dissipate quickly in just two days, and she accepted this reality very naturally.

Her tightly wrinkled brows slowly relaxed, and her beautiful face became more and more beautiful.

"Come on, Xiaodong, eat another apple." Mother Su said with a smile.

"Oh, Mom, I can't let Wendong eat anymore." Su Yuemeng quickly reached out her hand to stop it, and naturally reached out to wrap Wendong's arm: "I always told him that you are a good cook, and Wendong still keeps his stomach Come and eat the rice you cooked, and if you continue to eat like this, you will be full with just apples, right?"

Wendong was taken aback by Su Yuemeng's sudden intimacy, and immediately smiled and said: "Yuemeng often mentions to me that your cooking skills are better than those made by restaurant chefs. I'm not just greedy, I rushed to visit with Yuemeng, just want to taste your handicraft."

"Oh, don't listen to this girl's nonsense, I don't cook that deliciously." Hearing Wen Dong's praise, Su's mother piled up a smile, a little unstoppable, but it was true, she stood up quickly and said, "It's my negligence." No wonder you ate two big apples, you must be hungry, so I'll cook right now."

Mother Su smiled happily: "Xiaomeng, you can talk to Wendong, eat whatever you want, treat it as your own home."

"Okay, auntie." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

"Yuemeng's father, we won't wait any longer, and we don't know when he will come back. My son-in-law is here, and he still doesn't come. It's shameless." Mother Su snorted angrily, her mouth full of complaints. .

"Didn't I come back? Where is my uncle? Let me see." Just as Su's mother's voice fell, the door rang, and a man's voice came out. .

Wen Dong followed the prestige, and quickly got up to greet him.

Mr. Su has three sons: the eldest son Su Jianye, the second son Su Jianfeng, and the third son Su Jianhan.

The person who came was Su Yuemeng's father, Su Jianhan.

Su Jianhan was wearing a black and white style sportswear for morning exercises, and he had a very stylish figure.Neat short hair, thick black eyebrows, face cut like a knife, clear water chestnut, cold and resolute.He is not tall, just about 1.7 meters [-], but his not tall figure gives people a sense of tallness, a little thin, wild and unruly eyes, and the whole person standing there gives people a sense of strength masculine breath.

According to Yuemeng, Su Jianhan is 45 years old, but he looks like a young man in his 30s who is in full swing. Presumably this is also the result of his long-term exercise.

Moreover, Su Jianhan is a very handsome man, no wonder he gave birth to such a beautiful daughter as Su Yuemeng.

"Hello, Uncle, I'm Wendong." Wendong smiled and greeted him first.Only then did he see that Su Jianhan's hands had a thick layer of calluses, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this was a Lianjiazi.

Su Jianhan raised his head and looked at Wendong, but didn't speak. A pair of fierce tiger eyes examined Wendong, as if he had thought of something, and the same wild and unruly thick eyebrows were raised slightly, with a huge momentum.

Sensing the gaze of the other party, he smiled unchanged and looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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