How bad guys are made

Chapter 861 Don't Move the Tire Inflation

Chapter 861 Don't Move the Tire Inflation

"Bang bang..."

"Boss, are you in? Open the door..." As soon as the private room was quiet, there was a knock on the door, and Ling Yun's voice came from outside immediately.

"What's wrong?" The door of the private room opened, and Wen Dong stood at the door with a stern expression.

"Hehe, that's amazing, my brother, I heard that you took old man Su's granddaughter as Mrs. Yazhai when you always went to the ancient city restaurant for a cup of tea. Hehe, boss, you are really amazing, I... 嘎... "Seeing Wen Dong, Ling Yun smiled and flattered, and flattered vigorously, but the flattering was endless, but before the flattering was finished, he saw the quiet and peaceful bed on the sofa in the private room. Sitting Su Yuemeng.

"Stinky boy, stop talking nonsense." Wen Dong gave him a helpless look, reached out and smacked the back of his head. , the important thing is that the person involved is still here, what does it mean to be kidnapped and become Mrs. Yazhai!
Being photographed, Ling Yun shrunk his neck, stretched out his hand to grab the back of his head and smiled smirkly, his eyes sneaked past Wen Dong to look at Su Yuemeng who was on the sofa, and winked at her for a while.

In fact, he also had troubles. At first, he only wanted to run away quickly, but the monk could not run away from the temple, and now the base is under the management of the boss.So after thinking about it, he planned to come here to pretend he didn't know, and explore the situation before talking, but he didn't expect Su Yuemeng to be here, and suddenly felt as uncomfortable as eating shit...

Wendong glanced at him helplessly, and seeing Su Yuemeng got up and walked over with a smile, he didn't seem to be angry, stretched out his hand and pulled her to his side, changed the subject and said: "This is Ling Yun, one of the masters in our gang, this person He's just a chatterbox, he doesn't have much to say, so you don't have to pay attention to him."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and stared at Ling Yundao, but couldn't help laughing and said: "This is Mrs. Yazhai, Su Yuemeng, whom I captured."

"What are you talking about?" Su Yuemeng blushed, couldn't help but glared at Wen Dong, then turned to look at Ling Yun with a smile: "Ling Yun, it's a nice name, I remember it."

"Hey, hey, don't, sister-in-law, please don't, my name doesn't sound good, please don't remember, I'm just a small person, you don't need to remember, you are so forgetful, please don't Remember."

Hearing Su Yuemeng's words, Ling Yun trembled in fright, bared his teeth, and just groaned, his eyes revealing his begging indistinctly.

Now he hated that bastard A Xing to death. When he was sure that Su Yuemeng was the boss's woman, he was so scared that he almost killed himself with a pistol.Paralyzed, this bastard Ah Xing really wanted to kill himself, and he almost killed the kid because of this after returning home.

And what did my sister-in-law just say?Did he remember his name?Ling Yun is about to cry, but Su Yuemeng must not remember it, if he has nothing to do and blows the pillow wind next to the boss to let the boss know that he wants to pick up his woman, he will definitely put himself Chopped up for the dog...

At this moment, Ling Yun's face was crying and begging, and he was about to kneel down for her.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Su Yuemeng showed a trace of surprise on her face, feeling that her brain was not enough, why did my nobleman forget things so much, this is all a mess...

She couldn't help looking at Wendong in doubt, she naturally recognized Ling Yun at a glance, but she didn't take what happened before.Just now she said remember that she just wanted to show her respect for him, but she didn't expect to cause such a big reaction from the other party.

"He's just crazy, you don't need to talk to him." Wen Dong glanced at him, thinking that Ling Yun just said something wrong and wanted to please Su Yuemeng, so he turned back and sat down on the sofa.

"That's right, the boss is right, I'm just crazy, sister-in-law, don't pay attention to me, don't stand there, go and sit down, be careful if you get pregnant, hehe." Ling Yun smiled cheaply, with a flattering face Xu Xu asked Su Yuemeng to go back and sit down.

At this time, Su Yuemeng's face was still blushing. As someone who has been there, she naturally guessed that the boss didn't do anything good to his sister-in-law in the private room just now...

Su Yuemeng blushed when she was told, she didn't dare to talk to him anymore, she turned around and sat down.

"Stop talking!" Wen Dong suddenly raised his head, glared at him angrily, grabbed the cigarette case on the coffee table and threw it at him.

Unexpectedly, with a flash of Ling Yun's shadow, he accurately grasped the cigarette case in his hand.

"Huh? It's done?" Wen Dong frowned. The cigarette case was smashed on his face just now. Although the cigarette case was light, he used some strength and the speed was extremely fast. He stretched out his hand to dodge it, but he didn't expect to be caught in her hand easily, and the way he swayed just now was obviously the "Guying Phantom Killer" given to him earlier.

"Hey, small success." He showed his tricks on purpose to show off, and when he heard Wen Dong's question, he suddenly froze: "Now in our Qingcheng, apart from your old man, I, Ling Yun, dare to call you the third!" , absolutely no one dares to claim second place. Today I practiced a few hands with Zhang Yifeng, that guy was awesome at first, but in the end he was beaten by me so he didn’t even recognize his mother, quack... "

While talking, Ling Yun danced excitedly, frightened.

Wen Dong heard it funny, but when he saw the person standing at the door of the private room, his raised brows made a deeper smile.

At some point, Zhang Yifeng had already appeared at the door of the private room. At this time, his handsome face was blacker than black charcoal...

Su Yuemeng also spotted Zhang Yifeng who had a black face at the door, but couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

Sensing the strange gazes of the two, Ling Yun was slightly stunned, and immediately glanced behind him, and opened his mouth in shock.

"Ling Yun, I heard that you went to the rooftop to play this afternoon?" Zhang Yifeng said.

"Oh, what kind of wind brought you here, deputy gang leader." Ling Yun reacted very quickly, and when he heard Zhang Yifeng's reminder, he immediately greeted him with grinning teeth, licked his face and said, "Vice gang leader, you must have read it wrong." Oh, I didn’t go to the rooftop to play. I’ve been busy practicing martial arts cheats these days, so I don’t have the time to go to the rooftop to play. I think you’ve been working day and night for our Qingcheng these days. Sit down and have a rest." While speaking, Ling Yun grabbed Zhang Yifeng's shoulders, his posture was closer than that of a real brother, and his expression was like a living dog leg.

Although my sister-in-law didn't say anything at the time, Ling Yun still had a heart, and after asking about it, she found out about Ling Yun's oolong incident, and secretly scolded A Xing and Ling Yun for being so daring that even her sister-in-law dared to tease her.

But he didn't care too much. Although Ling Yun was the first senior to graduate from the base, everyone knew his personality. Everyone was an orphan, and he had fought side by side in the base and lived and died together. He had a very good relationship.The only thing is that he has no choice but to be helpless with his idle and cheap nature.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Yifeng walking over helplessly, Wen Dong asked aloud without bothering about these trivial matters.

Zhang Yifeng greeted Su Yuemeng with a nod, sat down and said, "It is indeed something."

"I'll go back first." Su Yuemeng got up suddenly and said, although she is now Wendong's wife, she is still not suitable to listen to the conversation between men, and she is still a member of the Su family, so she knows the seriousness.

Appreciation flashed across Zhang Yifeng's eyes, but he quickly waved his hands and said, "No need."

Seeing Su Yuemeng was puzzled, Wen Dong stretched out his hand and said, "You are my wife."

Su Yuemeng nodded and smiled, and then sat down.

And Ling Yun also licked his face like a curious baby and leaned forward, with a gossip look on his face.

Su Yuemeng couldn't help laughing while watching.She was thinking that Qingcheng was a little different from what she thought.

As for the difference, she thinks it's mainly the people here.Zhang Yifeng's deputy gang leader is gentle and elegant, very respectful to himself, sometimes very shy, like a boy next door, without the annoying temperament of a street gangster at all; Zhen'er is transparent, outgoing and lively, very pleasing; I'm a little bit pale, but I have a big personality and am very funny; there are some other people who are very good.

Originally, she thought that Qingcheng was an underworld, and the headquarters was in a nightclub. The people here should be vicious, slashing, hacking, killing, and moreover obscene. The underworld, isn't it just for rape, adultery, captivity, and looting?

However, none of these.

And these people have great respect for Wen Dong, the gang leader, but they don't face the kind of fear of the master.On the contrary, these people usually joke and have fun, and Wen Dong has no airs and gets along very well.

This made her feel very at ease, even more comfortable than in Jinxiu Villa. She even liked this place very much, which was something she never thought of.

"Brother Wendong, I want to start a company." Seeing Wendong looking up at him, Zhang Yifeng murmured.

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded and continued to listen to him.

There are a lot of companies under the Qingcheng site, all of which can be summarized as no less than Lanyun's, and the 'company' Zhang Yifeng mentioned is definitely not that simple.

"Actually, my idea is similar to Lanyun Group..." Zhang Yifeng began to talk about his own ideas.

Wen Dong listened quietly, nodding from time to time.

In fact, Zhang Yifeng's idea is very simple.

The Qingcheng Gang controlled many companies, and Zhang Sanbai gave the fashion entertainment company back then, which was a drop in the bucket.

At the beginning, Zhang Sanbai transferred all the family property and shares in Qingcheng to himself. At that time, he looked through it roughly, and it was really too much.However, it is very heterogeneous. There are real estate companies, entertainment companies, security companies, shopping malls, hotels, nightclubs, bathing cities, and even tourist routes. There are taxi companies, and there are well-known Bowan Industrial and Commercial Banks in Shui City and Qingcheng. No small stake.

Almost all physical companies, Qingcheng has one or two, or even four or five as many, and the industries involved are more complicated than Lanyun.

But now the Qingcheng Gang merged with the Lanyun Gang, so many asset companies of the Lanyun Gang that were not swept away by Wei Zhong and Yu were brought under the management of Qingcheng.

Although there are many talents in the gang, most of them are good at fighting and killing, watching the scene and so on. If you want to manage a company and make a company make money, there are many ways in it, which can only make them scratch their heads .

Fortunately, they can find some business talents to manage the company, and it is enough for the gang to get dividends every year.

(End of this chapter)

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