How bad guys are made

Chapter 862 Qingcheng Group

Chapter 862 Qingcheng Group
"It won't work like this." Zhang Yifeng shook his head and said, with some worry in his eyes: "Now our Qingcheng is powerful and has many industries. After a long time, the control over these companies is getting weaker and weaker, so it involves a sense of belonging."

Zhang Yifeng talked eloquently: "Although many company bosses are very respectful to us in Qingcheng, they are not our own people. Although there are a lot of offerings every year, it also enriches his own pockets, and many employees of the company only recognize I don’t know the brand of our company in Qingcheng. So I want to set up a large company, manage them in a unified way, and rationalize them, so that our foundation in Qingcheng will be more stable, at least it will not make people laugh, like a mess.”

"It's a good idea, did you come up with it?" Wen Dong said happily.

"How can I have this ability? Qing Xiao thought it up, but he is very busy now, so I can only tell you." Zhang Yifeng couldn't help but said awkwardly.

"Well, since you have an idea, then implement it as soon as possible, do it, don't ask me." Wen Dong nodded.

"Hey, I'm already doing it." Zhang Yifeng smiled proudly: "It happens that we have a real estate company, and they built a building on the Central Avenue of Huayang Street. Sample?"

"You guys, since I'm already doing it, why do you still ask me? Since Qing Xiao can come up with this idea, then he must have an idea on how to integrate these miscellaneous industries. Just do it, don't ask me, when the time comes Just give me the money." Wen Dong grinned.

"Qing Xiao only has the talent in this area. He tried to learn the wild way from others, but he didn't have much practice. So, hey, I'm here to borrow someone from you." Zhang Yifeng said flatteringly.

It turned out to be the case.

However, Wen Dong was a little puzzled, and shook his head: "Don't look at me, I don't have the time, and I don't know how to play with these things."

"Of course it's not you, it's sister-in-law." Zhang Yifeng also smiled and looked up at Su Yuemeng who was beside him.

Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood.

"Me?" Su Yuemeng was startled, and pointed at herself in surprise.

Seeing the surprise on Su Yuemeng's face, Zhang Yifeng nodded hastily.

"Sister-in-law is naturally the boss of Qingcheng. Because the Su family is an expert in this area. Don't blame me for investigating you, sister-in-law—Master of Economics from Hong Kong University of Economics, Jinxiu Villa in the past two years The development is so good, at least half of the credit is due to you." Zhang Yifeng said affirmatively.

Jinxiu Villa also involves many industries. In terms of experience, Su Yuemeng is the best candidate.

"I, I can't. It might be okay for me to manage a small company, but I can't manage such a big company." Su Yuemeng quickly waved her small hands, her pretty face full of horror.

Su Yuemeng admits that she does have experience in this area, but if she is asked to manage such a large and numerous company, she dares not take it on.Moreover, she has a delicate mind and thinks much more than these big bosses.Although she is now married to Wen Dong as his wife, she is still a member of the Su family after all, and Zhang Yifeng's idea is to integrate and manage all the industries in Qingcheng, so if she takes the position of the boss, she will undoubtedly capture Qingcheng. She would not dare to deal with the city's biggest economic lifeline.

"You guy, you actually made an idea on Yuemeng's head. However, it's a good idea." Wen Dong glanced at Zhang Yifeng and praised.

"Wendong, you're crazy." Su Yuemeng suddenly turned around and looked at him with a shocked expression.

"Yuemeng, don't make trouble, okay?" Wen Dong grabbed her little hand and said seriously.


Su Yuemeng couldn't help but blush when Wendong stopped her in front of the two of them, and hearing his words at this moment made her feel a little bit at a loss.

"Yifeng is right. There are many bosses in our company in Qingcheng who are not our people. They use our company to enrich their own pockets, but in their view, they deserve it for their hard work, but his mother If he uses our company to make money for himself, how can he deserve it?"

Although Wen Dong doesn't know much about business, and he was just messing around with fashion management before, but when it comes to money, he hears it in his heart.Lao Tzu has always taken money from other people's pockets, how can there be such a thing as others taking money from his own pocket?This cannot be tolerated!
Wen Dong gritted his teeth and said angrily: "My wife, this is all our money and our family property. Since ancient times, my wife has been in charge of internal affairs. President of Qingcheng Group, who else is more suitable for this position than you?"


Ling Yun bared his teeth, and at this time also quickly flattered: "Boss is right, sister-in-law, I see that you have a ruddy seal, a cherry mouth, a beautiful nose, and delicate eyebrows. You must be from Wangfu. Boss has brought Qingcheng to a higher level."

"I..." Su Yuemeng was so confused by what was being said, Lingyun was still a good fortune teller, and he knew how to read faces...

"That's right, Ling Yun finally said something human." Wen Dong nodded quickly, boasting admiringly, but the smug Ling Yun rolled his eyes, but he didn't care, and grabbed Su Yuemeng vigorously Xiaoshou said: "My wife, think about it, when you take charge of the Qingcheng Group, I have to get your permission to get any pocket money, and you have the final say on all the external expenses of Qingcheng, how powerful, so to speak Come on, you are the boss of Qingcheng, boss, you just follow..."

"I, Wendong, you..." Su Yuemeng had been told that she didn't know where to go, and was completely messed up.

Zhang Yifeng looked at the two singing together in surprise, lowered his head, and suppressed his smile...


Su Yuemeng just felt dazed, and she didn't know why, so she agreed.Zhang Yi ran out like a breeze to get the materials.

So Su Yuemeng was dragged by Wendong to the penthouse suite in a daze, and specially cleaned up a study room for her to read the materials.

After a while, the door of the suite opened, and seeing a dozen boys carrying four large cardboard boxes in with great difficulty, Su Yuemeng stood at the door of the study, her cherry red mouth opened into an 'O' 'type.

Opening the cardboard box, there were all the materials of various companies inside, neatly stacked together, and it would probably be able to boil a boiler of water when lit, but she wanted to read one by one.She felt that the books she had read in four years of college were no less than these, and she almost turned around and ran away in fright—I want to go home!
A dozen guys put down the cardboard box, greeted respectfully and left, but Zhang Yifeng didn't follow right away, probably because he didn't dare to come because he was afraid that he would beat him out...

Indeed, Su Yuemeng now has a strong urge to kill, no, it's suicide!


Wen Dong crossed his legs to find a stack of materials, read them critically, and clicked his tongue, excited in his heart, this is all money, it is all mine...

Su Yuemeng was sitting beside him, with a sad face, looking at his complacent expression, never felt resentment, but all the ease and comfort that he thought before were swept away by the four big boxes in the corner null……

But she has promised, and she has no reason to back down.And she was a little happy, even moved, that Wendong handed over such a large industry in Qingcheng to her in such a simple way, that was her trust in herself.

The study room soon became quiet, and Su Yuemeng also began to read the materials quietly, only the sound of keyboard knocking could be heard from time to time.She doesn't have the ability to remember with a photographic memory, so she has to take notes and even make a short business proposal for each company, which is the most brain-intensive part.

"It's getting late, I'm going to cook, what do you want to eat?" After reading for some time, Su Yuemeng finally put down the materials, stretched her waist, and asked Wendong.

"No, don't cook, I'll do it, what do you want to eat?" Wen Dong said with a smile.

"You? You know how to cook?" Su Yuemeng looked at him in surprise, with an unexpected look on her face.

"You underestimated me, didn't you? Tell me, even if you want to eat a full feast of Manchurians, I'll make it for you." Wen Dong patted his chest and made a loud noise.

"Cut..." Su Yuemeng snorted: "Then let's cook something casually, and it's best to make another pot of porridge."

"Okay, keep watching, I'll make it for you later." Wen Dong nodded quickly, got up and walked out.

read on!It's obvious that you treat me like a laborer!Su Yuemeng stared at him weakly, and continued to dig into the sea of ​​data.

After more than 40 minutes, Su Yuemeng read several materials again. She was dizzy from the many different planning proposals. She raised her head and stretched her waist. Yuemeng couldn't help but look around curiously, she didn't expect this guy could really cook.

She just got up and wanted to go out to have a look, but Wen Dong who was holding a dish blocked the door.There is not much dinner, a stir-fry, a plate of pickles and a bowl of porridge.

Yep, I ate dinner on the desk in the study.Pushing the keyboard, Wen Dong put a few plates in front of her with a smile on her face, and she couldn't even eat dinner on the dining table, Wen Dong is really considerate!
"Is it delicious?" Wen Dong asked.

Su Yuemeng held a small bowl in one hand, stared at the computer project, and scrolled the mouse with her small hand from time to time. She hadn't studied so nervously for a long time.

"Very good." Hearing Wen Dong's voice, she nodded vaguely while breaking the eight-treasure porridge into her mouth with chopsticks.

Wen Dong bared his teeth and grinned, and didn't say much, just lowered his head and sipped his rice along with him.

Not long after, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, Wen Dong looked up, and Su Yuemeng held the bowl with a small hand and handed it to him, his eyes were still fixed on the computer.

This is, still want to eat?

Wen Dong smiled, reached out to take it, and went out to serve her a meal.

The study was very quiet, and from time to time there was a soft sound of chopsticks hitting the edge of the bowl. Wen Dong glanced at her from time to time. He remembered that Zhang Hanhan was often like this. When he was working, he didn't even care about eating. With a serious face, Wen Dong felt very at ease.

"What are you looking at?" As if aware of it, Su Yuemeng raised her head and found that Wen Dong was staring at her in a daze, with a hint of joy in her heart, but asked pretending to be puzzled.

Hearing Su Yuemeng's voice, Wendong came back to his senses, put down the bowl and grinned: "I was thinking, my wife is a college student! Amazing!"

"What's so strange about this?" Hearing his words, Su Yuemeng couldn't help but give him a blank look, a little speechless.

"Hehe." Wen Dong smiled, stopped talking, and sat on the chair with his legs crossed, holding a bowl and drinking porridge.

"Actually, I didn't expect that my husband can cook, and the cooking is so delicious." Su Yuemeng put a mouthful of vegetables into her mouth, and looked up at him with a smile.He is the gang leader of Qingcheng, he has too much money to count, and there are too many beauties to throw himself into his arms, and a masculine man like him absolutely disdains to do things like this kind of woman, especially Wendong is eating at this time He looks like a gang leader.

"What's so strange about this?"

Wen Dong pushed back again, Su Yuemeng caught her breath and glared at him: "Because you are the leader of the gang, so it's strange."

"No one is born to be a gang leader. Your grandfather must know more things than me. He is also the patriarch of the Su family." Wen Dong smiled.

Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood.No one is born capable of these things. They obviously don't like it, but they still have to learn and do it. This is the helplessness of life.

And Wen Dong was able to sit on the gang leader, because the reality of life abruptly pushed him to this step.And grandpa, too.There is a burden on their shoulders, and they have to stir up this beam, either for the strength of the family, or for a happier and more comfortable life in the future, or to protect the people and things they care about. .

He must have suffered a lot in the past, at least he was also a person who lived a hard life.

Su Yuemeng looked at him and thought in her heart.

Like he said, no one is born a leader.Compared with Wen Dong, she was born with a golden spoon in her mouth, and before she knew it, she had a little respect for Wen Dong in her heart.

And only such people, who have experienced suffering and loss, will know how to cherish more after they get it.

Will he cherish himself?Such a question arose in my heart, and then I quickly confirmed it in my heart-yes!

Su Yuemeng smiled slightly, looking at Wen Dong's manner of eating that was by no means gentle, but she felt a different kind of peace of mind, even the eight-treasure porridge in her mouth was so delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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