Chapter 863
"It's actually not difficult to be the boss of Qingcheng." Wen Dong said suddenly.

"Huh?" Su Yuemeng looked up at him, and continued to listen to him, with a look of all ears.

"Although the Qingcheng Group is a collection of messy industry companies, it is actually like cooking. It's like this eight-treasure porridge. Even the messy beans are mixed together, and the pot is better than a single rice. A lot. Therefore, the company's projects are complex and have disadvantages, but as long as they are handled well, there will be greater benefits. Some of these beans are not suitable for boiling, and if you want to make a good pot of porridge, it mainly depends on the heat. "Wen Dong said with a smile and narrowed his eyes, talking eloquently.

Su Yuemeng stared at him blankly. It was a very common metaphor, but it was deeply philosophical when read carefully.

"Of course, I only know how to cook porridge, and I don't know how to manage the company, hehe." Wen Dong grinned and buried himself in the porridge.

Su Yuemeng came back to her senses, and after thinking about what he said, it really made sense.But after thinking about it carefully, in fact, what he said is the same as what he didn't say, especially when he saw his heartless appearance, he couldn't help but annoyed and said: "It doesn't hurt to talk while standing."

Thinking about it this way, Su Yuemeng looked down at the good porridge in the bowl, as if she saw a lot of messy companies, and it didn't taste that good anymore!
Why is this person so annoying!


"I'm full." Su Yuemeng took the last bite of food, put the small bowl by the table, and patted her stomach with satisfaction, obviously eating well.

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded and got up to tidy up.

Su Yuemeng hiccupped, looked up and squinted at him: "This is the first formal meal between us, I didn't expect it to end so easily."

"What else?" Wen Dong glanced at her with a smile: "We slept for the first time last night, didn't you just fall asleep in such a daze? Didn't do anything real."

Su Yuemeng gave him a troubled look, and ignored his teasing: "Boring!"

Wen Dong bared his teeth and walked out with the tray in his hand.

After a while, Zhang Yifeng came and said he wanted to discuss something with Wendong. He came to the study and said hello to Su Yuemeng, but seeing her face buried in resentment, he pretended not to see her and pulled Wendong along. leave now.

What they are talking about is Qingcheng Group.

Wen Dong didn't go home until ten o'clock in the evening.

"Go to sleep, are you going to finish reading it overnight?" Back in the study, Su Yuemeng was still buried in her head and said with a smile.

"En." Hearing Wendong's words, Su Yuemeng was extremely tired, put down the materials, and stretched deeply, the pair of crisp breasts under the thin sweater were revealed under this movement. With the exaggerated arc, Wen Dong sees it deeper.

Wen Dong was lying on the bed thinking about something, Su Yuemeng, who had taken a bath, came to the bedroom with slippers on, and in the pink slippers, a pair of small snow-white feet were more exquisite and translucent.He stretched out his hand to untie the towel tied around his head, his hair was covered with black hair, his shoulders were covered with blue hair, his face was tender and white, under the bright light, his skin was like fat white jade, with a glistening luster.

Sensing Wen Dong's somewhat curious eyes, Su Yuemeng looked a little unnatural.She was still wearing a nightdress, but it was different from last night, with a bit of fun.Because she ran to the box in the middle of the night last night, and it smelled of alcohol and tobacco, she washed it tonight and it hasn't dried yet.I bought two conservative nightdresses today, and I thought I would wash them tonight and dry them before going to bed, but I forgot about them after just reading the materials all night.The nightdress on her body was prepared by Zhen'er. At first, she didn't know what she liked, so she bought two, one conservative and the other revealing, which was thoughtful.

Su Yuemeng's figure is already petite, but the hem of the skirt is still much smaller. It has just covered half of her thighs, exposing her two snow-white legs to the air, and there is a special design on her shoulders, with a finger width Through the gap, you can clearly see the tender skin inside, but fortunately, the exposed parts are not important, so she can only comfort herself in this way.

"Aren't you cold?" Wen Dong frowned, but his bright black eyes were still fixed on her beautiful white legs.

"Of course it's cold." Su Yuemeng rolled his eyes at him, and after the words fell, the room was dark, and she turned off the light.

Wendong is helpless, thinking that he can't see it like this?

But he was afraid that she would touch him, so he reached out and turned on the bedside lamp.

At this moment under the lampshade, there was a dim yellow light in the room, like a blurred dream.Although Wen Dong has slept in the same bed once, logically speaking, this is the first time in the real sense, because at this time, both of them are awake.Su Yuemeng pursed her red lips tightly. Under the blurred light, she was a little excited, a little flustered and at a loss, even a little - scared.

Seeing Su Yuemeng standing by the bed hesitating, Wen Dong secretly smiled inwardly, looked away casually, looked up at the ceiling, and said, "Qingcheng Group is doing renovations, and the materials used are good, but they can only be used after a week of drying." , adding up to at least ten days."

I wanted to tell you to read it quickly, but I thought of her serious and careful figure in the study, and when I got to the point of speaking, I changed my words: "So, don't worry."

"Yeah." Having a topic, breaking the quiet atmosphere of the room, Su Yuemeng heaved a sigh of relief, nodded, and pretended to be natural, walked to the bed and climbed up.

Seeing Su Yuemeng pull away the quilt to hide her delicate body, her little hands grabbed the neckline of the quilt firmly to protect it, but fortunately, the quilt was big enough.Wen Dong knew she was nervous, so he didn't speak, and reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, and the room suddenly became dark.

Wen Dong's sleeping posture is very healthy, lying flat, motionless, the subtle moonlight spills through the curtains, reflecting a blurred face, eyes closed, very quiet.

Although Su Yuemeng was a little tired, she became sober after taking a bath. She felt that it was not good for her to be like this.

After thinking about it, she bravely exposed a gap in the tightly wrapped quilt, stretched out a small hand, fumbled, and cautiously touched Wendong. The tentacle quickly touched Wendong's arm and moved down slightly. caught his big hand.

Wen Dong's hand moved, and it was obvious that Su Yuemeng was startled, and retracted like an electric shock, but he held his hand. Su Yuemeng didn't dare to move, maybe his palm was very hot, and he was caught by the hand. He held it very comfortably, and because he just held it and didn't move any more, she finally relaxed slowly.

Su Yuemeng's hand was very cold, whether it was from fright or catching a cold, Wen Dong said softly, "Give that one to me too."

"Oh." Su Yuemeng nodded, and put the other hand in his.Although my father often warmed my hands when I was a child, but now, I have never felt like...

Su Yuemeng stretched out both hands, this posture made it impossible to sleep, Wen Dong took out the quilt with one hand and said, "Come on."

Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, although she had never experienced it before, but she saw Wendong's movements in a blur, she already understood, hesitated, she boldly raised her neck and pressed it on his arm, her cheek pressed against his warm Chest, the whole delicate body is shrunk in his arms.

His body was as hot as his hands, and it was warm and comfortable to lean against.

Wen Dong just put one hand on her back and didn't move.However, soon, his hand moved, and he said softly in the dark: "Sleep with burden?"

Su Yuemeng seemed to be able to imagine his frowning and reluctance.

She naturally knew what Wendong meant, and this burden was naturally the hood inside the nightdress.

Women have to take off this thing before going to bed, otherwise it is not good for the body, and they will be very tired when they wake up the next day.She wanted to wait for Wendong to fall asleep before taking it off, but she didn't expect to be told by him.

Su Yuemeng's pretty face blushed, and now that it was said, she no longer concealed it, hesitated and said, "Don't be like this afternoon again."

"it is good."

Hearing his promise, Su Yuemeng felt relieved and stepped back.After a while in the bed, Xiangruan's body fell into his arms again.

"Sleep." Wen Dong said softly.

"En." Su Yuemeng agreed without moving.

The past few days were also very tired, Wen Dong didn't think much, and soon fell asleep, the room was silent, and soon there was the sound of even breathing.

Su Yuemeng was cautious, but she didn't have his mentality. She raised her head to look at him curiously, and seeing that he had actually fallen asleep, she cursed secretly——pig!

Touching the other's broad, firm and warm back with her small hands, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of Su Yuemeng's mouth.The past few days have been like a dream, but the warmth that clings to her body is so real.

She silently accepted this fact. Although she was already Wendong's wife, she thought it was a relationship.

People are like this, when the facts are in front of them and irreversible, then they will always find a suitable reason for themselves and let their hearts accept it calmly.

Although the progress is still too fast.But at most, it was love at first sight for Wendong.Su Yuemeng gave herself a reason to accept it calmly.

Fortunately, Wendong didn't ask her to do the last step, which is why she really accepted it.Although she has never been in a relationship, she is not an old-fashioned old thing. Some physical contact between lovers is normal, only twice, but the strange feeling that she has never experienced before makes her feel exciting and sweet.

She clearly thought that this was a relationship with Wendong, and she kept talking about the perfect love when she was willing to give him her whole body and mind.

Under the quilt, she clenched her fists, her eyes longing.

She raised her head slightly, looked at the other person's quiet cheek in a blur, moved her body, and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Wen Dong moved and turned to look at her.

"You, you haven't fallen asleep?" Su Yuemeng was startled, her body shrank in fright, her pretty face flushed, but luckily the room was dark and she couldn't see it.

"You toss and turn like you're making sesame seed cakes, and you're fiddling with your hands under the quilt. How can I sleep?" Wen Dong said.

In the dark, she couldn't see his real face clearly, but she could imagine his dark face.

Su Yuemeng smiled and relaxed.

"Why, aren't you afraid?" Wen Dong turned to look at her and said.

"We are in a relationship, why should we be afraid of you." Su Yuemeng said softly.

fall in love?Wen Dong was taken aback, chewing on this sentence in his heart.

Sensing Wen Dong's stupefaction, Su Yuemeng thought it was fun, and boldly approached him again, and kissed him on the cheek, her face was happy.

Wen Dong reached out and held her cheek.

Although she couldn't see the other person's expression clearly, Su Yuemeng could clearly feel his enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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