Chapter 864
"I'm on my period today." Sensing Wen Dong's strangeness, Su Yuemeng panicked and said hastily.

Wen Dong looked at her in surprise, thinking that it's no wonder his hands are so cold.

"Then you still dare to play with fire." Wen Dong said in a very unhappy tone.

"What are you playing with fire? It's just a little bit of intimacy." Su Yuemeng pouted her lips and said unwillingly. This is what men do, they always associate intimacy with other things.

"Yue Meng, you're so pretty..." Wen Dong held her face in his hands and said, but after he finished speaking, he felt that the words were weird.However, Su Yuemeng was not angry, instead she looked at herself dully. In her clear vision, Su Yuemeng's face was as red as if stained with rouge. Open your mouth and kiss...

"Woooo..." Even though she has experienced it twice, facing Wendong's sudden invasion still caused her brain to short-circuit for a while. After hearing Wendong's praise, she was secretly happy and joyful, but she didn't expect that this was simply sign of aggression.Unlike the gentleness of the previous two times, this time Wendong's kiss was very fierce, even domineering and rude, which made her a little scared, and instinctively wanted to push him away, but a strange feeling came over her body. But it made her addicted again. She already had a lot of affection for Wendong, and she confirmed that she was in a relationship with him. At this time, being held in this man's arms made her unable to exert any strength to resist, and let her What makes her ashamed is that deep down in her heart she actually enjoys this strange feeling that makes her intoxicated...

Wendong seemed to be a different person, with his tongue rolling unscrupulously in that fragrant little mouth, very domineering, with one hand caressing her slender waist, covering the mountains, and the other hand didn't know what to do The time has come under the hem of the skirt, stroking vigorously on a pair of slender and sexy legs, fully feeling the fascinating body of this delicate woman in her arms...

"Hoo hoo... no, no..." It was like a violent storm, and Su Yuemeng's head was a mess. After some time, a bit of coolness made Su Yuemeng finally regain a sense of consciousness, but she was ashamed to find that the wide quilt had She was kicked aside in a mess, and what made her tremble even more was that the short skirt had been picked up by this bastard. Although the quilt was lifted, Su Yuemeng felt as if her body was on fire, and she hurriedly yelled...

Su Yuemeng's exclamation finally brought Wen Dong back to his senses, he took a deep breath, and then regained his composure, thinking that Su Yuemeng is having her period today.But after experiencing this, his body is still hot and hot at this time, and he hummed: "I feel very uncomfortable."

Su Yuemeng's pretty face was so red that she could squeeze out water, panting, and knew that this time she really played a little too big, even herself...

"It's just intimacy. It's because your mind is too dirty." Su Yuemeng forced herself to calm down and said.

Wen Dong stared at him with a gloomy expression.

"you can help me."

Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, then immediately understood, she shook her head and said decisively: "No."

What kind of person is this, how can he let people be like this...

"Okay, as you said, don't beg me later." Wen Dong stared at her, and kissed her little mouth again.


In the room, Xi Suo's voice was mixed with slightly rapid breathing, slightly hasty nasal sound, but the voice was extremely soft, with a bit of emotion, a bit of ignorance, and he hummed foolishly: "Wen...Wen Dong ……Um……"


Broken Cloud Kingdom is located at the southeast corner of Tianxia Kingdom across the sea.

Broken Cloud Country is an island country.As the name suggests, this country is composed of hundreds of small islands, large and small, like clouds that have been smashed by a punch, so it is named Broken Cloud Country.

The largest island in Suiyun Kingdom is 15 square kilometers, about the size of a provincial capital of Tianxia Kingdom, while the smallest island is less than one square kilometer, about the size of a mountain.Most of the islands in the Broken Cloud Country are barren and have little oil, gold, iron ore, etc., making them one of the poorest countries in the world.

Many islands don't even have indigenous residents. The mountains are densely forested and the original form is well maintained. The reason is that no one has developed them at all.

Of course, in today's society, when people's economy has developed to a certain level, but they go back to nature in reverse, Suiyun Country takes tourism as its pillar industry.

However, that was a few years ago.

Because pirates are prevalent here, and a military system has been established.The boss of the pirates was named Mu Mu, and people called him General Mu Mu.

With the rapid development of the economy, the current pattern has tended to be integrated with the world. The sea and the sky are no longer barriers. Although the land of Suiyun Country is barren and has little production, its location is excellent. Goods from Southeast Asia and other places are transported by sea. North and South America, must pass through the islands of the Broken Cloud Country, this is the shortest route.

However, the larger islands in the Broken Cloud Country have many ports. Many passing tankers sometimes choose to rest in the Broken Cloud Country. The two sides will also exchange necessary items. People always have to eat and drink. Isn't Lazar?Naturally, it can bring about considerable economic development for the Broken Cloud Country.

However, with the appearance of General Ling Mu, this grand situation completely broke the pattern. Pirates were prevalent, plundering the cargo of passing ships, killing the men on board, and robbing women.

The government of Suiyun Kingdom was greatly affected, and Southeast Asia and North and South America were also affected. A few years ago, some countries sent troops to attack Ye Mu, but unexpectedly, Ye Mu's methods were extremely high. Although his troops were wild, But he was vicious and merciless, and he was well-armed, so Ling Mu got the news from nowhere and disappeared.

There are many islands in the Broken Cloud Country, many of which are primeval forests, as long as one hides inside, it is so easy to find.Moreover, there are hidden reefs among many islands, and many military ships hit the reefs and sank.At that time, Ling Muben was the leader of the bandits, and he had no fixed lair. In addition, the local combat advantage was great, and many islands were planted by them with landmines.On the other hand, the terrain on the island is complex and there are many natural moats. Relying on their familiarity with the terrain, the natives fought against the encirclement and suppression soldiers in positional warfare, defensive warfare, and guerrilla warfare. Casualties, the encirclement and suppression soldiers sent by many countries not only didn't touch Ling Mu's muscles and bones, but caused great damage, and finally nothing happened.

Since then, people in the Suiyun Kingdom have changed their faces, and no one dares to come to travel. The government of the Suiyun Kingdom has no choice but to let him go.

Of course, the Broken Cloud Kingdom is only a shortcut for the Southeast Asian waterway to North and South America. If you can't beat it, then don't take a shortcut. no way.

Pirates are a kind of people who are hostile by many countries. They don't care about national borders and sea boundaries. Since they can't plunder nearby, they can spread the scope of plunder.

Moreover, for a profession such as pirates, if you don’t open for three years, you can eat for three years after opening, and you can even eat for a lifetime.Although the chance of robbery is small, it is still rampant.

The total number of Mu's army is at least [-], and now he can be regarded as a marshal, but many people are willing to call him a general.As for Ling Mu's subordinates, the most famous ones are the four generals.Although the pirates under his command have become an official system, they are all savages after all, and most of the bandits have a tough personality.

Pirates, on the other hand, are a profession that often does not open for three years, so sometimes multiple pirates are eyeing a target at the same time, and when pirates plunder a cargo ship, it is easy to cause scenes such as looting and scrambling, and often cause dead people. That is infighting.Therefore, there is no harmony among the four generals.


The ear is very quiet.

This is a very empty silence, the human ear seems to be able to hear far away.After careful identification, you can hear the sound of gurgling water, like a musical instrument humming softly in the valley.

Zhang Xiuxiu opened her eyes in this deep tranquility.

She saw the familiar grey-green rattan roof, she was used to it, and she sat up.Touching his cheeks, it was very cold, only to find that the windows on both sides of the room were opened, and the cool wind was pouring in, probably forgot last night.Outside the window, one side is green green hills; the other side is very open, and you can see low hills rolling in the distance from a distance.

She turned her head to look at another bed in the corner of the room. A middle-aged man in his 50s was sitting on the wooden bed, dazed, not knowing what he was thinking.Noticing his gaze, the man smiled slightly and said, "You're awake."

"Hmm." Zhang Xiuxiu seemed to be in a bad mood when she greeted her as usual, so she just nodded and said no more.

Seemingly seeing the worry in her brow, the man whispered, "I'm the one who got you into trouble."

"Uncle Zhang, don't say that." Zhang Xiuxiu was taken aback, waved her hand quickly and said, then gritted her teeth: "Don't worry, we will definitely escape."

The man nodded and didn't say any more. Looking at the girl's resolute little face, he lowered his head and smiled wryly, his face full of guilt and embarrassment.

This man is none other than Zhang Wending!

Zhang Xiuxiu looked up at the green hills in the distance, with a bitter face.

The matter can be traced back to the night when I secretly followed the instructor out to sea twelve days ago.

She drove the speedboat and hung far behind the instructor, but after chasing after her, she suddenly found that Wendong’s red dot was displayed on the connection screen, and she was shocked to find that Wendong’s red dot was very similar to the instructor’s red dot. Quick separation.

She didn't think much, and instinctively looked for Wendong's red dot.Unexpectedly, Wen Dong was not found, but his father-in-law Zhang Wending was found in the sea.

At first, she was overjoyed, "Grandma's, auntie, I am the father-in-law who saved your life, so you should marry me as your concubine to repay it."

And when she rescued Zhang Wending, who was almost unconscious, because she was wondering why the connected monitor was on Zhang Wending, she wasted a lot of time.

Zhang Wending shook his head and smiled wryly, he said he didn't know, he thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect to be alive.

Zhang Wending saw that the little girl was impatient, but thought of the situation on the oil tanker at that time, her life would be in vain if she went there, although he was anxious, he advised her not to go again.

But how could Zhang Xiuxiu listen to his advice, this little girl is a master who is not afraid of anything, but she wasted a lot of time, which showed that the instructor's red dot was getting farther and farther away.

She hurriedly drove the speedboat to chase, but she soon paid the price for her carefree character.There is no oil, and both barrels of oil have been used up.

In other words, she and Ben never thought that they would travel such a long distance by sea.

What made her even more desperate was that there was no signal on the mobile phone at sea!
The small speedboat is floating on the vast sea, if there is a storm, tsunami or the like, if a wave hits it, the small speedboat will definitely be photographed without any residue left.Zhang Xiuxiu wanted to cry but had no tears, she wanted to die.

(End of this chapter)

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