How bad guys are made

Chapter 865 Zhang Xiuxiu's Tragic Experience

Chapter 865 Zhang Xiuxiu's Tragic Experience

The small speedboat floated on the sea for a whole day, but the storm Zhang Xiuxiu expected did not come, but then he faced a huge problem.

Hungry and thirsty!

If you are hungry, you can still support it for a while, but if you have no water to drink, you can last up to three days, and you need some conditions.He was exposed to the sun on the sea during the day, and Zhang Wending was getting old, and he had been injured before, so he was about to die, and he was already comatose.

The speedboat was floating on the sea, and I didn't know where it was going.

Zhang Xiuxiu's eyes were also darkened from thirst, and she was about to pass out. She never thought that one day she would encounter such a thing—wait for death!
However, there is no unparalleled road, they met a ship, and what made Zhang Xiuxiu excited was that the ship had obviously spotted them and was approaching them.

They were rescued, and Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending survived the catastrophe. She even thought, no matter what, these people must be rewarded greatly. My aunt's brother is the deputy leader of Qingcheng, and he has plenty of money. rich man!

However, she seems to be wrong.

The rescuers were seven or eight men with guns, very tough.And he muttered in his mouth, saying things she couldn't understand.It sounds like Thai, but it is obviously not very pure. It should be an indigenous language similar to Thai.But she understood one sentence, 'Tianxia Kingdom'.

It seems that this person has some knowledge, Zhang Xiuxiu nodded quickly.

But he didn't care about that, he didn't care who he was.

No matter where beautiful women go, they are treated well.

The leader gave her a jug of water, Zhang Xiuxiu picked up the jug and poured it into his mouth desperately.But she didn't forget about Zhang Wending, she took a few sips and regained her strength, her pale pretty face turned rosy, she hurried to Zhang Wending to give him water to drink, but unexpectedly the leader grabbed her by the neck arm.

Zhang Xiuxiu was taken aback, and a stern look flashed in her eyes: "What are you doing?"


"Slap!" She didn't understand, but she could understand the man's expression, very cold and fierce, and he slapped her face directly.

The man struck so hard that Zhang Xiuxiu felt a burning pain on her face. Although she gained some strength after drinking water, it was a slow process to recover her strength. Before she could resist, she was slapped on the deck.

"&;%*&;*..." The leading man murmured another sentence, which she couldn't understand, but the seven or eight people around him laughed out loud, their smiles were very lewd.

The man winked at the people around him, and then he surrounded Zhang Wending, who was casually thrown on the ground, and started kicking and kicking.

In a panic, Zhang Hanhan suddenly raised his head, his expression full of murderous intent.Seemingly aware of it, the two men standing next to the leader quickly raised their guns and aimed at Zhang Xiuxiu. Zhang Xiuxiu was anxious to die, but the guns were pointed at his forehead. There was nothing he could do.

She suddenly understood that these people were not good people, but pirates!

And the reason why there are so few of them is that they are obviously here to find the way with toothpicks, that is, to detect pirates.

Seeing that Zhang Xiuxiu didn't dare to move, the leading man laughed wildly, and then untied his belt, revealing the dirty things.Immediately, he pulled up Zhang Xiuxiu, who was limp on the ground, and tore off her clothes with a 'chi la'. The snow-white skin came into view, and the eyes of the leading man were naked. Pirates also saw binocular dementia
These pirates have not been influenced by any culture. To find a common saying: this is a group of two-legged beasts.

The leading man's approach is obvious, that is, to have sex with Zhang Xiuxiu in front of everyone here.

He grabbed Zhang Xiuxiu's chest with his big hand and rubbed it vigorously.Zhang Xiuxiu remained motionless and let him do what he did.Seeing this, everyone relaxed, even those who beat Zhang Wending couldn't help but stop and admire the beautiful scenery here.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiuxiu saw the right opportunity, suddenly jumped up, killed the leader, grabbed the gun, and directly swept away the beasts.

The sound of gunfire spread far away in the quiet and empty sea, and when Zhang Xiuxiu fed Zhang Wending into the water and rescued her, her little pirate ship was overtaken by another pirate ship.

She had just escaped from the wolf's mouth and fell into the tiger's mouth again. Seeing a dozen pirates rushing to the ship with guns in hand, she knew that it was over!
The reason why she was able to take down these pirates in one fell swoop before was entirely because the other party let down their vigilance, but now there is no such good chance.

She thought she was going to die, but she didn't expect that these pirates didn't want to avenge the dead pirates.

The name of the pirate leader who came this time was Yu, which should be a homonym, and Zhang Xiuxiu didn't know his exact name.

And Yu could speak some simple English, and asked her about the situation with vigilant eyes. Although Zhang Xiuxiu was a little scared, but fortunately, she was unruffled and extremely smart.She tried hard to express that these pirates were not killed by her, but that there was internal strife because of these people's dispute over her ownership.

When Yu understood, he murmured a few words to his companions, and the big men showed disdain, spit on the corpses of the dead pirates, and even kicked them a few times.

Zhang Xiuxiu had already seen that these two groups of pirates were not in the same group, and there seemed to be enmity between them.

However, she didn't expect the other party to let her go, but at least it seemed that her life was not in danger for the time being.Yu, the leader of these people, obviously brought a little humanity.

And she also noticed the difference afterwards, the numbers of the two pirate ships were different, at first the pirate ship had a skull painted on it, while Yu's pirate ship had a flower-shaped pattern painted on it, like poppies.

They do not belong to the same faction.

Zhang Xiuxiu looked fragile, and Zhang Wending was a living dead man, so Yu had no doubts about Zhang Xiuxiu's words.

Regarding things like internal strife, although the people above turned a blind eye to it, it was not good after all.Now that the skeleton pirates are all dead, and only the pirate ship on their side is approaching, others must think that there is a gun battle between the two forces, not the skeleton itself.

Yu and his group hurried away with Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending.

The items obtained by pirates need to be enshrined to the general above. This is true for goods and women.Especially for a beautiful woman like Zhang Xiuxiu, it is best to enshrine it to the general above, so as to get more benefits and attention.

Besides, there are so many people watching here.

But I have a little thought, that is to keep Zhang Xiuxiu and enjoy it by myself.So he did so, fortunately the pirate ship was all his own people, Yu took out a lot of savings to silence the brothers, and brought Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending to his residence.

For this idea, Zhang Xiuxiu naturally hurriedly agreed, if they dedicated themselves to the general, then there would be no way to go to heaven and no way to go down to earth.

Yu kept his word and did not kill Zhang Wending, because Zhang Xiuxiu said that Zhang Wending was her uncle and could not be killed.Yu agreed without thinking too much, it was nothing more than an extra mouthful of food, he didn't think much of it.

However, it's not that simple.

What Zhang Xiuxiu didn't know was that the killing of the headed beast had something to do with General Skeleton. The man's sister was a concubine of General Skeleton, and she was very favored.The elder brother died at sea for no reason, and the concubine wept with tears, blowing the wind beside General Black Skull's pillow. Logically speaking, the person who died was his brother-in-law. .

And they found some clues on that pirate ship.This was also Zhang Xiuxiu's negligence, who didn't know that my concubine's brother left some signals before he died, and a line of blood was drawn under his body: a man and a woman, from Tianxia.

And at that time, there was also a pirate ship with toothpicks hanging around nearby. General Black Skull learned that the pirate forces of Poppy Flower had approached my brother-in-law's ship.

General Black Skull is the toughest of the four generals, and has the most subordinates and the greatest power.He put pressure on General Poppy, saying that the murderer was rescued by his men, and General Poppy felt wronged.As a result, several nearby small towns were blocked.

Search for a man and a woman in Xia Guo this day.

The good thing is that they were not found out because of some methods, but they knew that they had caused a lot of trouble, but he had already saved Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending, and now he was on the verge of riding a tiger.And saving Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending by himself will definitely provoke the wrath of General Black Skull. General Poppy is weak, and he will [-]% become an outcast, and will be disposed of by General Black Skull at will.

Now, he can only make mistakes.

When the news passes, it will be fine. The little concubine will be troubled for a few days, and General Black Skull will slowly let go if he can't find anyone.

And now he began to doubt what Zhang Xiuxiu said at that time, did Zhang Xiuxiu kill those pirates or were those people fighting among themselves because they robbed her of ownership?
Although it was too late to think about this now, he began to be wary of Zhang Xiuxiu.

Yu is good at skills, but she definitely can't look down on Zhang Xiuxiu who is in good health, and Zhang Xiuxiu has not made any moves. Firstly, she needs his cover. Slowly trying to figure out a solution, this is why Zhang Wending felt guilty and apologized.

During these days, she also took the opportunity to get familiar with the surrounding environment.

This is a village called Karma. Because of poverty, there is no signal tower here, that is, it is impossible to communicate by phone.The soldiers here only use walkie-talkies for local communication. If they want to make calls, they have to go to the town, and the distance is not close. It takes at least half a day to go back and forth.Yu was on guard against her. Although he sometimes went out these few days, he would be back in a few hours, so she didn't dare to go too far.

Because of the constraints of Zhang Wending, she dared not take this risk.

Yu took such a risk to hide her at home, and any fool would know his intentions.

Zhang Xiuxiu is smart, good at maneuvering, plus flattering, she looks very honest, but she also held the last line of defense, but Yu took advantage of her body.

Zhang Xiuxiu stretched out her hand to touch her chest, her tightly pursed mouth couldn't help but twitch, these two babies have suffered quite a lot in the past few days, and they both hurt a little from being caught.

And Yu's mood became more and more irritable these days, not because he was afraid of being discovered, but because of those brothers who were traveling with him at that time, he was afraid that these people would not be able to hold on, so he went out these days to do emotional homework for these brothers.But the rewards of General Black Skull are too generous. Those who provide information will receive 50 pearl coins, those who donate Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending will be rewarded with [-] pearl coins, and will be given a big official position in the Black Skull Army.

Pearl coins are the common currency here. 50 is enough for them to spend most of their lives, and they can also buy a few beautiful women.

To die under the peony flower is to be a ghost.Yu was very anxious, even if he really fell, he would definitely ask Zhang Xiuxiu before he fell, and this day would be very near.

Zhang Xiuxiu's eyes flashed with killing intent, she could see it.However, before making this decision, it was also the time of his death.

Although Yu saved them, Zhang Xiuxiu was not grateful to him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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