How bad guys are made

Chapter 866 Simple Method

Chapter 866 Simple Method

The furniture in the house is all wooden, square and square, with a faint fragrance of grass and trees on it. There is also a TV and a refrigerator, but the TV can only receive one channel.

The clothes on his body have already been changed.She was only wrapped in a red sarong, with her entire shoulders exposed. The fabric was very thin, and it gently rubbed against her skin, mixed with the cool breeze blowing from the window, making her very comfortable.

The four seasons here are like summer, the only disadvantage is that it is too humid and a bit cold at night.

A few bunches of red chili peppers hung on the corner of the wooden window. People here are good at eating spicy food, in order to get rid of dampness and coldness.

"I'll go out and have a look." Zhang Xiuxiu said softly, Zhang Wending nodded and did not speak.

She got out of bed and stepped on a pair of hand-sewn slippers. The top was knitted cotton yarn, and the bottom was a wooden board. The workmanship was very simple. Walking on the wooden floor, there was a 'da da' sound.

This is Yu's hidden courtyard. Yu only allowed her to walk in the courtyard, but not allowed her to go out. Zhang Xiuxiu knew the danger, so naturally she didn't dare to go out easily.

The ground is too wet at night, and most of the people here live on the second floor. Zhang Xiuxiu stood at the foot of the stairs and glanced sideways. Yu usually lives next door.

At this time, the door of the next door was closed and it was quiet. She had no reason to ask for trouble.Walking down the wooden ladder, the air in the morning is fresh, refreshing and pleasant, very quiet.

Surrounding the double-storey wooden building is a small courtyard surrounded by fences, tens of square meters, not very big, but with green grass and trees, some melons and fruits are planted.The path in front of the courtyard is an open space, with jungles on both sides, tall trees and messy weeds, like a solid green barrier.

This is a good place for vacation and rest, but Zhang Xiuxiu doesn't like it at all.

After all, I am not a local, and the sun here is too hot.It’s fine when it’s raining, but when the sun comes out after the rain, it’s hot and humid, making it even more uncomfortable.Zhang Wending was beaten badly at that time, and he fell seriously ill when he was brought here by Yu. Fortunately, he survived, but his complexion was still not good.

In the early morning, the sun slowly revealed its face in the sky, warming the sandy ground under our feet.

In front of the courtyard, there is a narrow path leading to the valley in the distance. At the entrance of the path, there is a dirty and old jeep parked, which is Yu's car.The people in the village are poor, and this broken jeep is worth a lot.

There is also a south room next to the two-story wooden building, which is a dining room for cooking.

After Zhang Xiuxiu walked a few steps, she vaguely saw the situation of the restaurant and stopped.

At the same time, some unbearable voices came more and more clearly.


In the dining room, the knitted futon that was sitting on the fire had already reached the stove, and the long, slender legs stood beside the stove, stepping casually on the sandy soil full of dry firewood.The bare wheat-colored back undulates vigorously, and the big drops of sweat shine brightly in the morning sun that passes through the crack of the door.

Two slender wheat-colored long legs hung down beside him. Following his silent and violent impact, the two legs hanging around his waist also swayed...

It is Yu Heya.

A is a local aborigine, and Yu spent some money to buy her, and Yu can hold her back these days, and one of the reasons is not a small one because of A.

The pirates not only plundered at sea, they also plundered some villages in the Suiyun Kingdom, and Ya was plundered and sold to Yu.

They were slaves, priced according to age and appearance.

It is said that Yu bought a lot of savings, maybe because of the different aesthetics, Zhang Xiuxiu didn't think that A is so beautiful.But A is kind and honest, Zhang Xiuxiu likes her very much.

She has been with him for three years, and she is very clear about her status, which is just a slut for venting.She didn't even want to run away, and where could she run away? She didn't know where she would be trafficked if she was caught by the soldiers outside.And if she wants to be found by Yu, she must be beaten severely, so she has no idea of ​​running away.

A is obviously making breakfast, so Yu couldn't hold back and simply asked A to have sex with him in the dining room!
"Bastard!" Her finger lightly touched the only blade hidden in her waist, Zhang Xiuxiu coldly withdrew her gaze, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.


In the morning, there was a light rain, pattering.One autumn rain and one cold, the weather is getting colder, and the air conditioner is turned on in the house.

The room was warm, Su Yuemeng was only wearing a light yellow gauze skirt and sat in the study to continue her homework, nourished by love, that pretty little face became more rosy.Wendong was fine, so he simply stayed at home and accompanied her to read the materials.

"I'm so tired." After being busy for several hours, it was noon, Su Yuemeng felt dizzy, stretched, got up and walked out of the study, and came back after a while, holding two glass of orange juice.

"Actually, there is an easy way to do this." Wen Dong reached out to take the orange juice, put down the materials in his hand, and rubbed his head that was swollen from reading.

"How to say?" This noon, the two of them also exchanged a few ideas from time to time. Su Yuemeng knew that Wen Dong was not simply accompanying her, but was also studying carefully. She thought about finding some people in this field to help her read it. After reading it, I will report and summarize to her, but after all, there are still some discrepancies between what others see and what I see, and my own research and thinking.

"Let others look at it for you to improve efficiency." Wen Dong said.

"Then, then?" Su Yuemeng pouted.

"It's nothing after that. What have you been doing? Reading materials, making company business proposals, right?" Wen Dong said.


"Then you can do this. These companies are all physical companies. You can ask each company's industry elite to make a summary of their company's information, including the company's main focus, the company's shortcomings, and the company's future development direction. ; Then each company elects a representative, summarizes and screens the information of the company’s industry elites, and then makes a more complete summary of the information and hands it to you. You can just read these. No matter how bad it is, When each representative brings the information, you can read it first, and if you have better ideas or doubts, you can talk to him face to face. In this way, not only can the efficiency be improved, but the effect should be better. After all, to truly understand The company is still an elite employee in the company, and so many people think together, it’s better than thinking about it alone, it will be more comprehensive, and it will save you trouble.” Wen Dong said a lot, but Su Yuemeng didn’t know Do you understand? He stretched out his hand to take a sip of orange juice and looked at her.

"Well... this method is good." Su Yuemeng pondered for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, then didn't I do it for nothing?" Su Yuemeng looked at him angrily.

Wendong's method is very simple, and it is generally expected.However, when a company as big as Qingcheng Group was handed over to her, Su Yuemeng only wanted to fully understand them as soon as possible. Although the method was clumsy and slow, it was practical.

"I just figured it out too. I'm a lazy person, so lazy people have lazy ways." Wen Dong spread his hands and smiled wryly.

"Okay, I'll go find Zhang Yifeng and let him instruct these companies to do it." Su Yuemeng happily went to Wendong's side and kissed him, then left excitedly.

"Let him come over, you are the boss of Qingcheng, there is no reason to go find it yourself." Wen Dong grabbed her waist, put her on his lap and smiled.

"Oh, yes." Su Yuemeng sat on Wendong's lap with her little buttocks, her calf dangling, and grabbed the phone beside the table sideways to find out Zhang Yifeng's number.

Although Su Yuemeng, the boss of Qingcheng, only has a title now, he has been affirmed by Wendong, and he has already lived up to his name. After receiving Su Yuemeng's call, Zhang Yifeng hurried over.

After some discussions among the three, this method has been changed a bit.

That's where the materials are delivered, it can't be this study, and it can't be the Qingcheng Nightclub either.This brings me back to the issue of belonging and formality.

Zhang Yifeng suggested that Su Yuemeng move to Qingcheng Group now. The Qingcheng Group building has already been completed and decorated, and he has only slightly remodeled some places in the past few days.Zhang Yifeng asked Qing Xiao to clean up a president's office in the top office of the building.

In this way, representatives of many companies came to Qingcheng Building to report, which was more formal and more formal than coming to Qingcheng Nightclub. By the way, let them meet the new president of Qingcheng; of course, the most important thing is to let them meet Qingcheng. They will definitely discuss this matter with their colleagues when they go back, otherwise they will suddenly integrate and move into Qingcheng Building, which may make them uncomfortable.

And Qing Xiao temporarily worked as Su Yuemeng's assistant, while Ling Yun was arranged to protect Su Yuemeng's side.

Qingcheng merged with many sites of the Lanyun Gang, and they are rapidly digesting and merging into one. Qingcheng Group is also building vigorously, and it is very hot and thriving.

Wendong is not idle either. Qingcheng manages many companies, but some of the shares are not clear. That is to say, Qingcheng only holds part of the shares in some companies and has no compulsory rights over this company. Many companies are involved in this. thing.In order to pave the way for Su Yuemeng and for the smooth integration of Qingcheng Group, Wendong traveled to more than a dozen places in the afternoon to discuss interests.

Although Wendong has the scary title of the leader of the Qingcheng Gang, it is quite difficult to face these old fritters. Fortunately, he coaxed and frightened, and gave up some of the benefits, so that these companies with unclear shares were settled.

Wendong was busy until 09:30 in the evening, and Wendong also drank a lot of tea. Every time he went to a company, he was served with tea, and he drank so much that he almost vomited.

Calling Su Yuemeng, the girl acted like a baby and asked Wendong to pick her up.

Arriving at Qingcheng Group, Ling Yun happily became the driver of the two of them.


"I heard from Qing Xiao that you were busy all afternoon today?" Su Yuemeng said as she stood at the door and took off her coat and hung it on the hanger.

"Well, I'm not idle anyway." Wen Dong smiled and bent over to put on his slippers.

"I'm exhausted!" Su Yuemeng stretched her waist, but her face was very excited. Seeing Wendong bent over, she simply lay on his back: "Carry me on the sofa, I can't even walk now." I have no strength."

She came to see her aunt last night, and she has been busy for another day today, so she is really tired.

Feeling the soft body on his back, Wen Dong felt a little funny, is this girl really in a relationship?

"Hold it steady." Wen Dong stretched out his hand to support her leg, and straightened up.

"Yeah." Su Yuemeng smiled and nodded, holding his neck tightly with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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