How bad guys are made

Chapter 867 Nightmare

Chapter 867 Nightmare
Putting her on the sofa, Wen Dong bent over and poured her a cup of hot water.

After drinking the hot water, Su Yuemeng finally regained her strength. She didn't have a good dinner today. It was the takeaway that Qing Xiao ordered someone to buy from outside. Fortunately, the taste was not bad.Seeing that it was already ten o'clock in the evening, she got up and went into the bathroom to wash up, returned to the sofa, put on the mask again, and patted her face with her little hands.

After working for a while, Su Yuemeng curled up on the sofa, not wanting to move.The two dark eyes under the mask couldn't help but look at Wen Dong's tired expression, and slowly moved his body, putting his small hands on his shoulders.

"Grandpa often asks me to rub his shoulders. I'm very good at it." Seeing Wen Dong looking at him suspiciously, Su Yuemeng smiled, and gently kneaded her little hands.

Su Yuemeng didn't have much strength in her hands, and Wendong's skin was thick, so she didn't feel much when rubbing it, but it was still comfortable.Of course, this is just the reason for the atmosphere.

"Let me do it." Sensing that the strength in her hand was getting weaker and weaker, just like scratching an itch, Wen Dong smiled helplessly, took her hand behind his back, and turned around.

"How do you feel?" Wen Dong asked casually while rubbing her shoulders.

"Well, it's very comfortable." Su Yuemeng half-closed her eyes with enjoyment, and leaned half on Wendong's body.

"I'm asking how it feels to be in Qingcheng Group." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Oh, very good. But this matter was arranged in a hurry. I just got to know some small companies this afternoon, and tomorrow will be the most tiring time." Su Yuemeng said, and then frowned slightly: "It's just that the company too It’s too complicated, and many companies can’t connect with each other at all, and they can’t join forces, which is a headache.”

While talking, Su Yuemeng couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her swollen head. She also received a report from a hardware company this afternoon, and she really couldn't think of how to integrate them into a joint operation.

"Actually, this thing is not so troublesome." Wen Dong said while giving her a massage.

"Oh, do you have a good idea?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, and then said pleasantly.

"It's not a good idea. I ran to more than a dozen places today, and I thought about it on the way."

Wen Dong paused and said: "Actually, this thing is like compounding medicine. A single herb can't play a role, but if it is combined with other herbs, the two can complement each other and can play a very good medicinal effect. Uh... …just like this mask of yours, the main effect of the advertisement is: it can replenish moisture, and it can also tighten the pores and tighten the skin, because of the combined effect of many herbs.”

Seeing that Su Yuemeng listened seriously, Wendong smiled and said, "Our Qingcheng Group can focus on several directions, just like a tree, it needs a fulcrum if it wants to spread its branches and leaves. Take real estate for example. Generally, those who buy new houses What kind of people are they mostly?"

"Newlyweds? Or is it for wedding?" Su Yuemeng asked doubtfully.

"Yes, newlyweds. What do they need to get married? First of all, honeymoon. Don't we have a travel company under our umbrella, and it will come in handy at this time; secondly, we need a banquet when we get married. Coincidentally, we also have There is a large business hotel, where not only can banquets be held, but also their relatives and friends can stay in the hotel; the wedding room needs to be decorated before they get married, and we also have a home furnishing company, a hardware company, and we can handle everything he needs. Yes. These are like shopping malls holding activities. As long as they buy a house, we can list a series of discounts for them. Originally, it would cost 4 yuan to go to a hotel to hold a banquet, but as long as we buy our house, we can not only save Tens of thousands, and you don’t have to worry about it. Don’t we have a few [-]S stores under our banner? Buying a house can give you a car, or you can get a discount. In this way, the travel company makes money, the hotel makes money, and the furniture company also has income. Isn’t this mutual help in disguise?”

"Oh, that's right." Su Yuemeng nodded again and again, with an excited expression on her face: "We also have shopping malls, and we can give them shopping cards, and there are also several regular bathing cities, they have ordinary cards, VIP card levels , and how much these people spend to buy a house, there will be corresponding preferential levels to promote consumption."

"Yes, that's the reason." Wendong nodded: "In addition, we also have several entertainment companies and video theaters, which can also come in handy. The promotion can be postponed. When they give birth, our video theater can Take family photos for them, and get a few discounts. Also, some second-tier and third-tier stars are quite famous, and you can ask them to present a song at each other’s wedding, and the appearance fee is [-]% off. If a star appears, that is called style. I want to have With that level of service, you just buy our house."

"That's right, that's right." Su Yuemeng couldn't stop nodding, the excitement on her face couldn't be expressed in words.

"Actually, this method is similar to the Splendid Villa you manage. You pull people over for tourism, and then let them go shopping. By the way, you pull them to stay in a hotel in the villa for a night or two. We're just expanding it. That's not it. It’s all because you are good at tricking people.”

"You're the one cheating!" Su Yuemeng immediately gave her a displeased look, but her body was leaning comfortably against him.

Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled, looked down at her snow-white jade neck, his eyes darkened: "It's getting late."

"Wait a minute, you can rub it for me again. I didn't expect you to be good at massage." Su Yuemeng closed her eyes and hummed comfortably.

Wen Dong didn't speak, but after a while, the hands on her shoulders went to other places, and after rubbing again, they ran to the bed...


Cui Liu Yuan Ju villa area.

Yawning, Zhang Hanhan stepped out of the study with a tired face on his slippers.

Sitting on the bed in the bedroom, in a daze.

It has been two days since the meeting at Jinxiu Villa. Although she skillfully prevented everyone's attack, she also knew that things would not be so simple. The family company behind them would definitely exert their strength to make things difficult for Lanyun.

However, what she expected didn't happen.

She was not a fool, and immediately remembered the scene where Wen Dong beat Hong Zhanyun that day, after which Hong Zhanyun only said that he was not as good as Wen Dong, and only then did she realize that it was Wen Dong who was helping her!
This made her a little at a loss.She always knew that the divorce was her own fault, and she couldn't accept it.

Fortunately, she has been very busy these past few days, and she has no time to take care of him, but once she is free, her mind will always get into his figure uncontrollably, heartbroken.

She shook her head vigorously, shook off these thoughts, pulled away the quilt and got in, she didn't think about anything, since it was unacceptable and irreversible, so be it...

Wendong has a good physique, although he doesn't need to rest like ordinary people at all, in the middle of the night, the mobile phone next to the bed suddenly vibrated.

Wen Dong opened his eyes, picked up the vibrating mobile phone and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number. He frowned and hung up directly, but after a while, the call came again.

He just got up, lifted the quilt and walked out.

"Who?" Wen Dong answered the phone with an unhappy tone.

"Qingcheng gang leader Wendong? I'm Li Zhenwei." A man's voice rang out from the phone, his tone very depressing.

Wen Dong frowned, understood, and sneered, "What? Didn't you receive the goods?"

"Wendong, are you declaring war on Tianzi?" Li Zhenwei said coldly.

This afternoon, his son Li Jiahua was brought back to Hong Kong by plane.

With a ransom of [-] million, Wendong can be said to be a lion.But Li Zhenwei is just such a son, no matter how much money he has to get back.

The money was sent, and his son came back, but when he saw Li Jiahua's appearance, he almost fainted on the spot.

Li Jiahua's tendons and hamstrings were all picked, and his brain was obviously hit hard, and his spirit was severely traumatized. He was lying on the bed like a living dead.

And when they came back with Li Jiahua, there was another square box, which turned out to be Tao Shuang's head!

They killed Tao Shuang directly!
"You should be glad that I didn't abolish his fifth limb. At least I can pass on the Li family to the next generation. This is the best of humanity. As for your dog, it will die when it dies." Wen Dong sneered.

Back then, Tianzi's Li family launched an offensive against Lanyun first, and Lanyun has shrunk ten times now. Tianzi's suppression of Lanyun in the stock market is the most critical. If Qingcheng is not stable now, and Hong Kong is too chaotic, he He would have killed Tianzi a long time ago!
"Okay, Wendong, you are amazing! You have to pray, don't fall into my hands!" Li Zhenwei trembled in anger.

"Stupid." Wen Dong spat out two words, stretched out his hand and hung up the call.

Walking to the window sill, looking at the cold sky with deep eyes, he will pay back everything they have done to Lan Yun sooner or later, this is just the beginning!
Han Han...

Wen Dong murmured softly, the veins in his hand pressed against the window sill twitched.

Lying back on the bed again, looking at Su Yuemeng who was sleeping soundly beside him, he couldn't help reaching out and hugging her tightly in his arms.


"Sorry, woke you up?" Wen Dong said softly when he noticed the woman in his arms moving.

"I woke up just after you woke up, what did you do?" Su Yuemeng said in a daze, as if she was talking in her sleep.

"I went to answer the phone, it's okay, go to sleep."

"Yeah." Su Yuemeng agreed, burrowed her head into his arms, and continued to sleep.


late at night……

"Wendong... Wendong... don't... woo..." In the bedroom, a panicked and frightened voice sounded intermittently, as if talking in sleep.


After a while, the bedroom door opened, and a tall and straight figure appeared in front of the door, reflecting the faint moonlight outside the window, that figure became more and more cold...

Bailihan looked at Zhang Hanhan who was pretty and pale on the bed. He stood at the door without moving. This was not the first time that she had a nightmare again.

But this time, it seemed surprisingly powerful.Zhang Hanhan was lying on the bed shaking his hands, but his pretty cheeks were full of tears.

Finally, a slight ripple appeared in his indifferent gaze, Bailihan took two steps, and sat quietly on the edge of the bed.

Zhang Hanhan touched his arm with his swing, and grabbed it suddenly.I don't know what she dreamed about, she exerted so much force that her fingers were embedded in her flesh, Bailihan sat there with her back straight, looking at her sideways, motionless, under Zhang Hanhan's pillow, had already been buried Wet with tears.

Because Zhang Hanhan grabbed Bailihan's arm, Zhang Hanhan didn't know what it looked like in his dream, but he slowly calmed down, but his hands were tightly grasping his arm.

Sitting for two hours at a time, after making sure that Zhang Hanhan is fast asleep, he won't have any more nightmares.Baili Han slowly reached out and took away her hand, which was very cold.Bailihan moved very slowly, slowly put her hands into the quilt, stood up, and walked out quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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