How bad guys are made

Chapter 874 Plans and Messages

Chapter 874 Plans and Messages

Zhen'er's exclamation immediately attracted everyone's attention, and she quickly told everything Xiuxiu had said.

"This, this is a bit difficult..." Ling Yun's face was a little ugly, and he looked up at the boss who had been silent all the time.

"General Black Skull has the largest territory among the four generals, and his prestige is extremely high. Because he asked us to join, he told us some of his family background. There are about 3000 people who have established a military system. These [-] people are exactly the same as the country's military system. , tanks, heavy artillery, and well-equipped. If you add other idle troops, there are at least [-] people, and this was a year ago. Now, I don’t know what it looks like." Ling Yun smiled wryly.

He never thought that Xiuxiu's wild girl would offend General Black Skull. Although they are better equipped than the other party and have stronger combat capabilities, they are the army, so how can they fight against them? Well, if you go there, only one cannon will be bombarded into scum, and everyone will be drowned with a mouthful of saliva, besides, they are still fighting locally.

"Don't belittle yourself, don't forget our purpose. We are going to save people, and we will leave after saving people, and we are not going to grab the territory with General Black Skull, whose tanks and cannons can cover the entire nearby island? "Seeing that everyone's faces were not good-looking, Wen Dong stubbed out the cigarette butts and said seriously, then opened his eyes, looked at Zhen'er and said: "Didn't you say that they are now on the island of General Poppy? Moreover, General Black Skull is not They were not found."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

"That's right." Zhang Yifeng also slapped his thigh anxiously. He also thought too complicated, always thinking that Xiuxiu had offended General Black Skull, and if they wanted to save Xiuxiu, they had to beat each other down first...

"Of course not." Ling Yun quickly said: "The reason why Suiyun Kingdom is called Suiyun Kingdom is because there are so many islands there, it's like a stone slab has been smashed into pieces and scattered randomly."

"There are more than 2000 islands in the Broken Cloud Kingdom, but most of them are uninhabited, because some islands are too small and the terrain is too low, and there is often heavy rain over there, which attracts sea tides. Some low-lying islands will be submerged, and the islands will return after the tide falls. It will appear that there are only one-tenth of the islands that can be inhabited, two hundred islands. And these two hundred islands are shared by General Mu and the Suiyun government. The general Poppy you mentioned governs about seven or eight islands. I don't know which one is Xiuxiu?"

"It's called Qiaomu Island, Huanggou Town, and Kama Village. Xiuxiu only told me these things. Discuss first, and wait for me." Zhen'er said without turning her head, her little hands clattering on the keyboard ring.

Ling Yun and others knew that she was deciphering the satellite surveillance of a certain country, so they quickly kept silent and did not dare to disturb her.

"I found it." About a quarter of an hour later, Zhen'er's surprised voice came.

Everyone hurriedly approached, Zhen'er clicked the mouse with her little hand, and a blue topographic map appeared on the computer screen in front of everyone.The Broken Cloud Kingdom has a large sea area, which is a piece of blue, and there are some islands of different sizes dotted under it. Except for the islands that are too small and have no names, other large islands are marked in detail.It even divided the territory of General Ling Mu and the territory of the government of Suiyun Kingdom.

"This is the topographic map of the Broken Cloud Kingdom?" Wen Dong asked curiously, staring at the computer screen.

"Well, I deciphered the surveillance satellite of the government of Suiyun Kingdom." Zhen'er nodded, her small face unavoidably a little smug.

"Excellent." Wen Dong gave a thumbs up.

Zhen'er nodded happily. The firewall of a small country like Suiyun Country is not complicated, and it is often an item for their base assessment.

A big warm hand hit her, rubbing her cheeks, and Zhen'er raised her head to stare at Zhang Yifeng.Today when the two had a quarrel, she was still angry, but seeing his gentle face, she just pouted and glanced at him, and did not refuse his caress.

Now that they had calculations and goals in mind, several men gathered around a table to discuss.

"Soldiers are more expensive than many. Besides, we are only going to save people. In order not to attract attention, I suggest that the number of people should be between ten and twelve, like a tourist group or businessmen." Zhang Yifeng looked serious. Said.

Wen Dong and Ling Yun nodded slightly, while Bai Lihan stood aside without interrupting.

"Sightseeing is fine, it's the territory of pirates, whoever dares to go sightseeing, besides, there is nothing to see." Ling Yun knew where he was, shook his head and frowned, and said: "As for the merchants..."

Ling Yun's eyes lit up immediately, and he had an idea: "By the way, they are rich in poppies, the raw materials of drugs. We can go there as a wealthy merchant and buy drugs. The Poppy General will treat him with courtesy, and then we will Visit their poppy fields and rescue Xiuxiu. And the raw materials over there are cheap, we can really buy a batch and bring them back to the water market to make a fortune."

While speaking, Ling Yun's eyes were already shining, and his eyes were full of white money and women.

Immediately, they sensed that something was wrong. Wen Dong and Zhang Yifeng were staring at him coldly, and the coldness in Baili Han's eyes was even more undisguised.

Obviously, although their hands are covered with blood, they are not very interested in this kind of drug business that Wan Jia spit on.What's more, Tianxia Kingdom has very strict control over the drug business, and now that Qingcheng is so powerful, he is already a bit of a showrunner. If he sells drugs again, once he is caught, it will be a big trouble...

"It's just by the way..." Seeing the cold expressions of several people, Ling Yun explained bitterly, with a mournful face.

"Brother Ling's idea is good, but drug trafficking will definitely not work. We need to change it." Ling Yun nodded.

The three of them frowned in thought, then suddenly raised their heads, and said in unison: "Armment!"

Yes, ammunition.Since they don't buy drugs, but they can sell them some things, daily necessities are definitely not rare, and the only thing that is in short supply is arms.

Although these pirates are well-equipped, that is only in comparison. The munitions in the base are excellent.

"I found Qiaomu Island and Huanggou Town." Zhen'er's voice of surprise came, interrupting everyone's thoughts immediately, and hurried over to check.

Because the map is too big, Huanggou Town is only marked with a small dot, which is already very detailed.

After finding out the location, everyone quickly got together to discuss the rescue route, because Xiuxiu said that the safest time is two days.They had to discuss a rescue plan tonight and rush over there.

Zhen'er did not participate in the plan, but tapped on the keyboard with her little hands, not knowing what clues she was looking for.

The three cobblers outmatched Zhuge Liang, and with just one cigarette, the three determined their course of action and plan.

Through Ling Yun's words, everyone already has some understanding.It is impossible to rescue Zhang Xiuxiu and the others without anyone noticing.Needless to say during the day, pirate activities are the most frequent.Although the pirates were basically inactive at night, the vicinity of the island was still heavily guarded. It was impossible to land without alarming them.What's more, I only know that Xiuxiu and the others are in Huanggou Town, and there are many villages in Huanggou Town, even if I find that Kama Village, it must not be easy to find them.After all, Xiuxiu and the others must have been hiding, and it might take a day or two to delay, and every village has sentry guards.So due to all these factors, they must enter here in a legitimate way.

All the munitions in the base come from Monlita, a big Soviet-Russian arms dealer. Zhang Sanbai purchases a lot every year, and has a good relationship with that big dealer.Although Zhang Sanbai is dead now, and the relationship has become weaker, but because the previous cooperation relationship has been good, it is not difficult to get on this line.

Now that we are looking for General Poppy, we naturally have to show some sincerity and make some preparations. No matter how much ammunition they bring, it is still not enough to equip thousands of people. Therefore, what General Poppy needs most is the source of arms. channel.

As a large arms dealer, he naturally dared to do any business.But Monlita has never wanted to do business with the pirates of the Broken Cloud Kingdom, for no other reason than being too poor!They only have opium poppy drugs, but Monlita only deals in arms, not white powder.

Of course, if you only have a small business, it’s okay. Although Suiyun Country is poor, General Poppyhua, as a general, governs many islands, so he can have some money, and some of the men and women they plundered can use The ransom is expensive, and the money must be there.

Besides, they were just pulling strings and making excuses, as long as Xiuxiu and the others were rescued.Afterwards, it has nothing to do with me whether they can really get online for a long-term cooperation.

"Everyone, come and see." Zhen'er's voice came again.

"This is, the database?" The four hurried over, Zhang Yifeng looked at the dense string of words on her computer, and couldn't help but wondered, but he only knew one or two words on the words, Thai, he didn't know Understand.

"Yes, this is the archive database of Suiyun Kingdom, which was invaded by me. I know these words, it is General Yu Mu, and the following are obviously the information of General Ling Mu and his four generals. We should It will help." Zhen'er said excitedly.

Several people nodded quickly, it must be useful.

"Someone in the base should know these words?" Zhang Yifeng asked quickly.

"Yes, wait a minute, I'll connect right away." Zhen'er nodded excitedly, and started typing on the keyboard with her little hands.

Chi chi la la sounded in the stereo, and then a girl's doubtful voice sounded: "Zhen'er?"

This woman is obviously not from Tianxia country, her tone of voice is a little lame.

"Well, have you seen the things I passed on to you? You must know those words, right?" Zhen'er replied quickly.

"Of course, Broken Cloud Country, bandit den." The woman snorted, and then said amusedly: "I heard that Zhang Yifeng got your hands on your little couch? Are you going crazy to go to the bandit den for your honeymoon in search of excitement?" Hee hee, tell my sister quickly, how did you feel when you two were doing that? Are you happy?"

Hearing the unrestrained words on the other side of the line, Zhen'er couldn't help but swear, her face was as red as a cooked eggplant, and Zhang Yifeng's handsome face was also red, very embarrassed.

Wen Dong stood aside, pretending not to hear, but looked at the two with a smile in his eyes.

"Ahaha, this bitch seems to be in a daze and still not awake, hehehehe." Although Zhen'er usually speaks freely, she often flirts with her sisters like this, but at this time, she is in front of so many men. After being so blatantly teased, he still couldn't hold back, so he quickly explained with a haha.

"Oh shit, is there someone else next to you? Why didn't you say it earlier? Is there a handsome guy?" The other party exclaimed.

"Yes, several."

"Ah, you bitch, why didn't you say it earlier, it really ruined the reputation of this young woman, what a pure young woman I am..."

"All right, all right, don't make a bed there. Hurry up and explain it to us. The matter is urgent and we can't delay a moment." Zhen'er quickly interrupted the other party's chatter.

"Okay then, wait for me for a while, and I'll explain it to you after reading the summary." The woman heard Zhen'er's serious tone, and knew it was a task, so she didn't dare to fight any more.

"Well, the focus is on the Black Skull Pirates and Poppy Pirates, hurry up." Zhen'er said anxiously.

"I know, I know, like a ghost, anxious to get on with your little Yifeng..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Zhen'er hung up the call with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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