Chapter 875

Due to the long distance and rugged mountain roads, it took a lot of trouble to get in touch with Zhen'er after going to Huanggou Town. Fortunately, Zhang Xiuxiu had received professional training and did not get lost. It was already past [-] o'clock in the evening when she returned home. It was very dark.

A vigorous black shadow flitted out of the dense jungle, and a small courtyard with a fence not far away could be seen in the distance.From a distance, the second-floor attic was pitch black, only the pergola in the courtyard shone with dim light.It was expected that Ya and Uncle Zhang were afraid that the neighbors would come here to play, but after finding out the difference, they turned off the lights in the house.However, Zhang Xiuxiu was worried that something might happen to Uncle Zhang during this day, and she was anxious to come back all the way. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and her pace quickened a little.

"Xiuxiu?" When she came to the door of the familiar small courtyard, she was relieved that Zhang Wending and A had been waiting in the small shed for fear of something happening to her. Zhang Wending quickly stood up and asked, his tone a little eager and friendly worry.

"Well, Uncle Zhang." Zhang Xiuxiu nodded, quickly walked into the small courtyard and closed the fence gate, greeted them, looked at them, grinned, and made an 'OK' gesture.

Zhang Wending smiled, and the big stone in his heart fell.She is a woman from a Taoist family, plus she has a kind heart, and knows in her heart that Zhang Xiuxiu's trip is dangerous. Seeing her coming now, she couldn't help but step forward two steps excitedly, and hugged her.

After embracing, A walked into the south room to cook, while Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending talked in a low voice and went up to the second floor.

"How is it?" Zhang Wending asked anxiously.

"I've already contacted Brother Wendong and the others. I think they've started gathering people to set off now. Now I just hope they can find us in Kama Village within two days." Zhang Xiuxiu said, looking tired and worried, Kama Village There are many guard posts, which is already strict enough, but I didn't expect that there were more guards in Huanggou Town. Even if Brother Wendong and the others could get here in time, it would not be that simple to pass through so many crossings without anyone noticing.

At that time, because of the rush of time, Zhang Xiuxiu was afraid that talking too much would attract attention, so she only talked to Zhen'er for a few minutes to explain the situation and then hurriedly hung up the phone. Now she can only rely on them to arrive in time.

"Well, according to the time calculation, we still have one day of safe time tomorrow. After tomorrow, we have to move out of here." Zhang Wending nodded and pondered.

"Yes, but don't worry, uncle. When I went out on this trip, I found a forest depression ten miles to the east. There are poisonous swamp beasts in the depression. The villagers don't often go there. We can take our luggage and eat there and hide there for two days without any worries. .And I have already explained to Brother Wendong that we will go over there to find us when the time comes." Zhang Xiuxiu said, although she is usually careless, but at this moment she knows that the matter is serious, and she is extremely thoughtful.

"Poison Swamp Beast?" Zhang Wending frowned upon hearing this. When he was young, he served as a soldier at the border of the dense jungle in the extreme south of Tianxia Kingdom. He knew very well how dangerous this Poison Swamp Beast was.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, there are some ways to deal with these poisonous insects. As for those fierce beasts, I can deal with them. However, we can last for two days at most. The poisonous swamp, plus the mountain depression, is extremely atmospheric, so we have to work hard." Uncle Zhang." Zhang Xiuxiu said helplessly.

"What's the matter, you're the one who worked so hard." Zhang Wending gave her a grateful look. Although he didn't know how difficult Zhang Xiuxiu's job was, he saw that her clothes were scratched a lot, revealing her snow-white skin. There are bloodstains hidden, and the trouser legs are also scratched in many places. As for the special grass-sewn shoes, they are even more torn, exposing the toes that have been stained with a lot of dust.

"Uncle Zhang and I share weal and woe. Isn't it a little bit outlandish to say that?" Zhang Xiuxiu grinned, revealing two rows of snow-white teeth.

"Yes." Zhang Wending nodded, put away his grateful eyes and said, "I have already heated water for you, you can take a bath first."

"it is good."

After taking a shower, I feel much refreshed.Zhang Xiuxiu was wearing a sarong and sitting on the bench wiping the water droplets on her body. She couldn't help but reached out and stroked the bloodstains on Xuebai's legs. Her calf was a little sore, and she muttered in her small mouth: "I haven't been in the woods for nearly a month." , The physical fitness has dropped a lot."

It's okay to cross the mountains and forests, but the key is that there are occasional minefields in the forests, which is why it takes a day to work in the last town.During this period, she accidentally stepped on a mine, but fortunately, the mine had been buried for a long time, and she had received mine clearance training at the base.Even so, she still dug a big hole with great effort, her body bounced back with force, and the landmine exploded with a bang, leaving her covered in dust. Chest squeezed.

"Brother Wendong, I have done so much. If you don't want to marry me as a mistress, I will run to your father-in-law and die for you to see!" Zhang Xiuxiu reached out and rubbed the bulging couple who were still in pain. The rabbit muttered bitterly.

While talking, the little girl couldn't help showing a smile.The delicate Qiong's nose trembled, and she smelled the smell of rice. Although she carried some dry food in her bag this day, she was already very hungry. She wrapped herself in the sarong, calmed down, and hurried out to eat.


In the basement computer room of Qingcheng Nightclub, a woman's lame Tianxia Mandarin sounded from the speakers.

"It seems that the government of the Suiyun Kingdom has always wanted to eradicate the pirates like General Mu Mu, and has worked hard on their information." The woman concluded.

"Oh, tell me quickly." Knowing the urgency of the matter, Zhen'er hurriedly urged.

"Yes." The woman agreed, and said directly: "According to this information, General Mu Mu has four generals under his command, but the four generals are not on good terms. Part of the reason is the spies sent by the government of Suiyun Kingdom." What’s wrong, there is an example here, which just came out during this period, and... well, it’s also related to General Poppy.”

"Tell me quickly." Zhen'er asked anxiously.

"Well. General Black Skull is brave and good at fighting. He has been with General Mu Mu for the longest time, and he is the most valued and trusted. General Black Skull values ​​love and righteousness, and his subordinates are extremely convinced of him. They are all brave and good at fighting. They are powerful among the four generals. The biggest. Because of his character of emphasizing love and righteousness, he also attaches great importance to his own women. The government of Suiyun Kingdom has figured out his character, and has already approached a beautiful spy as a female-slave to General Black Skull, and Gained a lot of trust from the other party.”

"Ten days ago, the spy's younger brother was killed at sea for no reason. General Poppy was involved in this matter, so the spy blew the pillow of Black Skull, which made the general Black Skull and General Poppy even more estranged. As for the dead That person is not the woman's brother, but another spy."

"I'll go..." Zhen'er was startled, and said inwardly that she was speechless, Zhang Xiuxiu was unlucky enough to kill someone casually, and was involved in the competition between the government of Suiyun Kingdom and General Mu Mu for no reason.

"What's wrong?" the woman asked.

"It's okay, keep talking."

"Well, let's talk about General Poppy. General Poppy's original name was Zhou Shuhua, and he has been with General Yu Mu for a long time. However, this person is not brave, but very shrewd and good at management. He used to be General Ling Mu's behind-the-scenes and think tank, and later he accumulated meritorious service. , he was promoted to a general by General Mu Mu. He is also the weakest of the four generals, and General Black Skull dislikes him the most for his crooked and calculating people. The two sides have had a long-standing rift, but General Black Skull is powerful and domineering, General Poppy is generally tolerant."

The woman over there introduced some more in detail, and several people stood aside and listened attentively.

"General Mu Mu's four major generals are strong and powerful, especially the Black Skull General. Isn't he afraid that these four generals will turn against him?" Wen Dong frowned.

In ancient China, there was a cup of wine to release military power. Those generals with high prestige in the world would be relieved of their military power to prevent rebellion. This is the simplest and most common method of centralizing power in the imperial technique.Although Ling Mu is not recognized as a country in the world, he is almost the same as the head of the country at this time. As long as he is not a fool, he can think of this.Although there are checks and balances among the four generals, the Black Skull General has lost his balance.

"This is?" Wen Dong's sudden question stunned the woman over there, who obviously didn't recognize him from his voice.

"This is the leader of Qingcheng, and the boss of our base. Miss's husband is Wendong." Zhen'er quickly explained.

"I've met Master Wen." Hearing Zhen'er's explanation, the woman over there turned solemn and hurriedly said hello.

"Well, the matter is too urgent, you continue to talk." Wen Dong nodded and urged.

"The Broken Cloud Kingdom is also concerned about what you said. Although they have been sending spies to obstruct the four generals, the effect has been minimal. They learned from the spies that there is another big man behind General Mu, Ling Mu. The reason why Mu was able to rise so quickly was with the help of this great power. The sophisticated armaments and so on were provided by this great power, but the government of Suiyun Kingdom did not know what purpose this great power had in supporting General Mu Mu. The four generals also knew that There is a powerful presence behind General Mu, so naturally he dare not rebel."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in understanding, it turned out to be the case.

But for these complicated matters, it has nothing to do with them, Zhen'er asked a few more questions, and the call ended in a hurry.

"In this way, it's too slow to get the goods from Monli Tower. There are some stocks in the base, and we can take them to deal with them first." Zhang Yifeng pondered and said: "Let's go to the base first. Coincidentally, the base is far away from Suiyun The territory of General Poppyhua is not far away." A few people quickly got together at a table, and Ling Yun was familiar with the terrain there, pointing to the map and talking.

"Well, it's not too late for us to discuss these things on the road. The main thing now is to arrange manpower." Wen Dong nodded and looked up at Zhang Yifeng who was beside him.

"In terms of manpower, I suggest that at most five people from our side go there, because the real masters in the base are still in the mercenary regiment, and I didn't bring them here." Zhang Yifeng said directly.

What he said was not bad, Ah Xing and others were only the backbone masters of the base.When Zhang Yifeng went back to the base to transfer people, he also thought a lot.First of all, those masters in the mercenary regiment regard life as worthless due to environmental reasons, and this is the country, it is okay to say that fighting and cutting people, but it is too much to say that killing people, besides, these people are too rebellious Secondly, the enemies of the Qingcheng Gang are just large-scale gangsters. To deal with these people, as long as they have similar skills, they are enough to deal with them.So most of the people he brought, except for Ling Yun, were masters who had just graduated from the base.

No wonder Ling Yun brags all day that he is the second master of the Qingcheng Gang.

"Everyone, hurry up and settle down. We are still about a quarter of an hour away from Shuishi International Airport. In other words, we still have 10 minutes of preparation time here. I have booked eight tickets, I'm afraid it won't be enough." Zhener said .

Everyone saw that it was already seven o'clock in the evening, and it was obvious that they had wasted a lot of time just now.

"I'm going." Baili Han said.

(End of this chapter)

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