How bad guys are made

Chapter 881 Sakurako's Request

Chapter 881 Sakurako's Request

"Promise what?" Wen Dong felt a little curious, so he couldn't help asking strangely, and then added: "Don't forget, now you are in my hands, if you surrender, your life will be my decision Forget it." Wen Dong said, and couldn't help sneering, he didn't believe that this woman would have a plan if she sincerely surrendered.

"Yakko knows." The beautiful spy suddenly raised her head with a serious expression: "If the master agrees to Huitian Yingko's request, Yingzi will be willing to be the master's wife and slave in the future. If the master doesn't Promise, Yingzi would rather be killed by you here than say anything."

Yo, are you threatening me?
Wen Dong frowned, feeling more and more funny. Looking at the serious expression of the beautiful spy, Wen Dong felt a little puzzled, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this woman's identity was unusual.He could see that this was the woman's decision after she had struggled a lot, and her determination could be seen from her firm eyes, which made Wen Dong instinctively believe that the other party did not lie to him, and sincerely surrendered.

But Wendong felt embarrassed when he wanted to help her. His purpose of coming here is very simple. As long as the plan goes well, he will leave tomorrow and go back. She doesn't want to share the things here, and it's for a woman she just met. .

"Sorry, you have no interest in taking you as a prostitute or a slave, and you don't want to know about you, so let's go."

"Let's go?" Seeing Wen Dong's uninterested look, the beauty spy let out a miserable laugh, thinking of something, her pretty face turned pale.And that pale face quickly turned into determination, and he stretched out his hand suddenly, and the dagger slashed towards his snow-white neck.

"Grass!" Seeing the woman's mortal thoughts, Wen Dong swears suddenly, and suddenly reaches out to grab her wrist in his hand, squeezes and shakes her fingers hard, and the female spy groans in pain. The dagger fell to the ground.

"What are you doing!" Wen Dong glared at her angrily. Her suicide action just now really shocked him. If he hadn't been on constant alert for the female spy's movements, it would have been too late to stop her.

Yingzi raised her head to look at Wendong in surprise again, with a sad look on her face, which made Wendong feel a little pity.

Wendong was angry in his heart, and wanted to yell that he wanted to die, don't die with me!You know, whether Yingzi is a spy or not is given to him by General Poppy, and it is clearly stated that he is still Yingzi's uncle.If he ran away, it would be okay to say, but if he said that the suicide was on his side, then he wouldn't be able to clean himself up by jumping into the Yellow River.

He was furious in his heart, but seeing the sad look of the female spy, Wen Dong was touched in his heart, and when he cursed, he said: "Then tell me, what is your request."

Wen Dong was so speechless, he never thought that he would be blackmailed in the end.

After all, he was still unhappy, he dropped Ying Zi's wrist, got up, walked to the door and closed it, and looked at her again.

Wen Dong also looked at this beautiful and outrageous female spy with some curiosity. It seemed easy to fight her just now, but he knew that this female spy's skills were really not simple.I'm afraid it's at the level of Zhang Yifeng, and his movement is a little erratic and weird, a bit like "Guying Phantom Killing" or "Zhanyi Eighteen Falls", and he looks a little phantom and invisible for a moment.Fortunately, I have nothing to do during this period of time to study "Guying Phantom Killing", knowing that this invisibility is actually just too fast, coupled with the elegant movement, resulting in blind spots of the stuck vision, but this is really not easy.

The most important point is the feeling that this female spy's eyes gave me. This kind of feeling just tells him that she didn't lie to him. As long as he promises to help her, she will be willing to be his slave for him to drive.This is strange, what kind of request can make a master spy surrender?
Hearing Wendong let go, the female spy immediately became happy, moved her knees, turned around and knelt in front of Wendong, and immediately said: "This slave has a fierce enemy, as long as the master promises to help the slave to avenge her hatred, Yingzi will follow her from now on." The master is left and right, and drives it at will."

"Enemy? Help you avenge?" Wen Dong's eyes widened. The change of the matter made him a little confused. Although he knew that the other party's request was definitely not simple, he still didn't expect it to be like this. Such a humble request from a master is actually just this.

"Yes, as long as the master promises to help Yingzi get revenge in the future." Yingzi immediately prostrated herself on the ground devoutly, and said excitedly.

"Then let me ask you a question first." Wen Dong interrupted her.

"Master, please ask." Yingzi said respectfully.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with the Suiyun government?" Wen Dong asked directly.

"The government of the Suiyun Kingdom?" Yingzi was taken aback for a moment, seeing her master staring at her closely, she quickly said: "I have nothing to do with the government of the Suiyun Kingdom. My father is the patriarch of the Huitian family, who controls Qiga There are many forces and industries in the county. There is a ninja village in Kiga Prefecture, which is controlled by a powerful super ninja from Koka. My father’s industry has conflicts with them. Seven months ago, my Huitian family was besieged by many ninjas Miemen, afterward, this super ninja took over our Huitian family's property, they killed Yingzi's family, so..." Yingzi looked up at Wendong again, her pretty face was snow-white, with tears in her eyes, her expression Very sad.

Super tolerance?What it is?
Wen Dong stared blankly at the woman, then suddenly understood, Japanese ninjutsu!In the end, he got the ability because of the system. He is not familiar with the masters of many countries, but he has heard of this Japanese ninja in the previous world, but he always thought it was compiled by later generations, but he did not expect it to be really have.

And according to my meager amount of knowledge, I also know that ninjutsu has been passed down in Japan for a long time, and has become a complete martial arts system, and ninja seems to have a characteristic of changing body skills.

"Are you a ninja?" Thinking of this, Wen Dong was startled, and looked at the woman lying on the ground in surprise.

"Yes, master. But, I'm just a Zhongren." Yingzi said sadly, there are high ninjas above the Zhongren, and the special nin is the special nin, and the super nin is above the special nin.Gao Ren, already a very powerful and terrifying existence in the Wa country, can become a strong one.But compared with the mysterious super ninja, it is not a heavy class.As for the supreme god ninja, it has disappeared in the Wa country.Vaguely speaking, Super Ninja is already the strongest among ninjas.

It seems that the difference is only a few levels, but in terms of strength, it is basically the same as the gap between the tiger and the white rabbit.She can't take revenge on her own, and she also learned from the news of the disciples who escaped from the family that there is actually a big force behind Super Ninja who is secretly supporting them.

Their Huitian family is also a tyrant in Kiga County, and many of them are guarded by several high ninja masters. Grandpa and the family elder are still special ninjas. Shed the reason why they have been living in peace.

"Chunin? Is there any special difference between Zhongren and Super Ninja?" Wen Dong asked curiously.What Yingzi said let Wendong know that this is definitely a mess that will give anyone a headache. He still has some self-knowledge, so he dare not take it casually.

"Yes. Zhongren to Gaoren is a relatively vague level, while special ninja is the peak level of human beings. As for super ninja, I only heard from my grandfather that it has surpassed human beings, but it can't be said that it can't be Defeated. And my grandfather and the great elder are both super masters who have crossed half a step to Super Ninja. Together, they can be equal to Super Ninja, and even have a hidden victory." While talking, Yingzi couldn't help showing a trace of pride on her face color.

Wen Dong didn't look at her expression, and pondered for a moment, as if he had realized something.Super Ninja, to put it bluntly, is an extraordinary warrior.And the special ninja is actually on the same level as Xuejian Jianghan, or even stronger.

With the improvement of his ability, although he is not extraordinary, he is not afraid of this extraordinary warrior. After all, he had seriously injured the extraordinary king back then.

Some time ago, when I had nothing to do, I learned some knowledge about this from Mr. Su.Extraordinary warriors are actually on the same level as high-level builders, or even stronger.That's why he realized later, no wonder Mr. Su bent his knees to marry him.

He is not afraid of extraordinary warriors.But he was afraid of trouble, from what Yingzi said, this had already involved the power of the two major families, and it was still abroad - trouble!

Wendong didn't speak, Yingzi raised her head and looked at him nervously, seeing him nodding and pondering, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

Yingzi was overjoyed. She had just made a move with Wendong, but she had vaguely guessed the man's strength.She often fights against Gao Ren in the family, knowing the strength of Gao Ren, and Wendong in front of her is definitely higher than Gao Ren, perhaps at the level of Special Ren.

And she has never seen such a young special ninja, but, at least, he has the potential to become a super ninja or surpass a super ninja.So before, after hesitating, she thought of returning to Wendong and asking him to help avenge herself.Moreover, maybe this man is already a super ninja level, because of his strength, I really can't see through it!
"Although there is a huge gap between special ninja and super ninja, it is not impossible to win. The reason why my Huitian family was wiped out is entirely because there is a powerful hidden force behind this super ninja. I don't know I know how strong this hidden force is, but they have already extended their tentacles to Suiyun Kingdom, and the adjutant next to my uncle is a master of this force. But I found out through trial, that uncle doesn’t actually know.” After hesitating, Yingzi decided to be honest.

In their Japanese country, ninja dogma is very strict.Once attached, he will definitely die and will not betray.

"What?" Wen Dong was startled and stood up abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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