How bad guys are made

Chapter 882 Master's Gift

Chapter 882 Master's Gift

Yingzi's whole body was suddenly enveloped by Wendong's terrifying and cold aura, and her pretty face turned pale with fright. Seeing the shock on Wendong's face, Yingzi's pale pretty face lost all color. It seemed that the master knew this A hidden power, and...

Ying Zisu clenched her hands tightly, knowing that things would not work out...

"I promise you." After being shocked, Wen Dong replied without thinking.

"Ah?" Yingzi looked up at him in surprise, apparently not turning the corner all at once.

"I can agree to your request." It's just an extraordinary warrior. Wen Dong really didn't take him seriously. Of course, although he is not afraid of the so-called super forbearance, he doesn't want to be an enemy of that horrible guy. , besides two big families were involved, however, this matter actually involved the breeder, so even if it was trouble, it would have to get into this muddy water.

He has always wanted to know more about this so-called Dark Dawn organization.So I also thought about the adjutant of the Suiyun Kingdom, but it has been involved in the national power of Suiyun Kingdom, which is too troublesome, and it is just two families, and the network power of a country. In comparison, it is much simpler than that.

"Really? Master, have you agreed to the servant's request?" Huitian Yingzi looked at Wendong in shock.

"Yes, I agreed. However, I know that you ninjas are very loyal to your master, but I still don't believe that you will really submit to me." It turns out that she is really not a spy, although she has already believed what the Chunin in front of her said. To be honest, Wendong is full of confidence in his eyes, and he will not be wrong.But I still feel a little uneasy.After all, once she is brought back, this woman will know a lot of information about herself, and he dare not take risks casually.

"Slave Yingzi is willing to swear blood to Ninzu with the blood of her eyebrows. From today onwards, there will only be one master in her heart, and she will never leave and never betray until death." Huitian Yingzi said seriously, shaking her wrist that was still aching. Picking up the dagger that had been shaken to the ground, a look of resolute misery flashed in his eyes, he raised his hand to lift up his hair, and swung the knife sharply towards the center of his eyebrows...

Seeing the sharp dagger between her eyebrows, a big hand quickly grabbed her small hand again.

"Master?" Yingzi looked at Wendong suspiciously, not knowing what the master meant by preventing her from swearing in blood.

"No need, I believe what you say." Wen Dong took the dagger with a wry smile. He couldn't bear to see such a seductive face, which caused a disaster to the country and the people, and left a horrible scar on his forehead.Moreover, the most important thing is that he has confirmed the determination of this Chunin, she really decided to submit to him.

"Thank you, master. If you have any questions, master, you can ask them right now. Yingzi Huitian will know everything." Yingzi looked happy, and once again prostrated herself at Wendong's feet, with an indescribably pious look on her face.

"There is nothing to ask. I will avenge your revenge. I will also uproot the mysterious power you mentioned, but now is not the time." Wen Dong said coldly.

"My servant knows, and this servant also believes that the master will avenge this servant in the future." Yingzi knelt on the ground and said excitedly.

Looking down at the woman kneeling on the ground, Wen Dong was really not used to it. He withdrew from his anger and sighed: "Get up first, you don't have to kneel with me, and don't do this in the future. dislike."

"Hi." She knew that the master would definitely not leave immediately to avenge her, but the master had already promised, and she would not lie to herself. She was filled with excitement, and stood up with a promise, and stood aside respectfully.Because kneeling for a long time, the snow-white knees under the sarong were already red, and those who didn't know it thought that this lonely man and widow made some strange postures and movements.

Wen Dong quickly shook off the messy thoughts in his head, and turned his head to look aside.Yingzi didn't speak, and stood aside respectfully.

After dealing with these matters, Wen Dong turned his head and didn't know what he was thinking. The room was completely quiet, and some unbearable voices came from afar.

It's next door!Because everyone is together, two people can live in each loft, and the person living next door to me is obviously that bastard Ling Yun.This guy is obviously making a fuss about that European gorgeous girl in the room. The European woman is screaming, and I don't know what she is talking about, but the voice is so fucking ecstasy.

Damn it, Wendong cursed inwardly, he really shouldn't have brought that bastard here, thinking he came here to play with women on vacation?

The evil fire that had just been suppressed in his heart began to rise. Wendong didn't dare to look at Yingzi next to him. He reached out to grab the cigarette case and put a cigarette in his mouth. Wen Dong withdrew his small hand, and looked up at Yingzi suspiciously.

Yingzi smiled, picked up the lighter, squatted slightly, and respectfully lit his cigarette.

It's a bit sharp!

Although Wendong was still not used to the appearance of a servant girl, he knew that Japanese women were more or less servile, and what Yingzi accepted was the strictest ninja dogma in the Japanese country.Wen Dong didn't stop him either, and lowered his head to touch the cigarette butt to the flame, but when he lowered his head, he saw the half-covered plumpness under the sarong.Yingzi's skin is well maintained, and at such a close distance, Wendong knows how good it is, the pores of the skin can't be seen at all, the skin is white and delicate, just like finely carved white jade.

Wen Dong swallowed, suppressing the throbbing of the evil fire in his stomach, took a puff of cigarette, and did not look up.

Seeing Wendong's unnatural eyes, Yingzi's heart tightened. After all, she was still a virgin, but she knew what the throbbing in Wendong's eyes represented.

"Master, it's getting late, this servant will wait for you to rest." Yingzi reached out and put the lighter on the coffee table, knelt down, and reached out to take off his slippers.

"No, no need, I'll do it myself." It was okay just now, but Yingzi's half-kneeling posture now reveals the depth of Yingying, especially the half-kneeling sarong skirt, which is full of pearls. The show-legs are even more eye-catching.Wen Dong shuddered and was almost burned by the cigarette butt. He quickly pushed her hand away and stood up.

"I'm sorry, master. Yingzi was wrong, and shouldn't make her own claims." Yingzi trembled in fright, and knelt down on the ground again.

Grass, why are Japanese women so willing to kneel down!

"Get up, I don't blame you." Wen Dong waved his hands in a speechless and disturbed mood.The snowy scene in my mind couldn't be lingered, and my heart throbbed unbearably hot.If this woman is just an ordinary female-slave, he really doesn't want to bear it anymore, but she is still a master of Chunin.Although I believe that the other party has sincerely surrendered, I still only know each other for a few hours. God knows if I will be turned into a corpse in bed early in the morning after that incident.

"Yes, master." Yingzi stood up and stood beside him respectfully.

"Is your hand okay?" Wen Dong looked down at her slightly red and swollen wrist. His kick just now was not light.

"It's okay." Yingzi bit her lip and shook her wrist pretending to be casual.

Wen Dong saw it in his eyes, and frowned slightly: "I kicked my wrist off the bone, and you still say it's okay?"

"Sit down, I'll pick it up for you." Wen Dong pointed to the wooden bed next to him.

"Yingzi dare not." Yingzi was taken aback, she was just a slave now, how could she be honored to have her master help her to set her bones.

"Sit down as soon as I tell you." Wen Dong frowned displeasedly.

"Yes, master." Yingzi didn't dare to disobey, and sat down quickly, with a sincere and fearful expression.

"Be patient." Wen squeezed her hand with one hand and her arm with the other.



"You have a good physique. Don't move around in three days, and you will be back to normal." Wen Dong wrapped a white cloth around her wrist to fix it, stood up and said.

"Thank you for the gift, master." Yingzi stood up quickly, her tone was respectful, her eyes were full of emotion, as a ninja, she had already made a blood oath that her master should treat her as she should, but she didn't expect her master to bandage and massage herself.

There was some pain in the bone setting just now, but fortunately after a special massage, it got better, but there was still a trace of sweat oozing from the forehead.

Wen Dong glanced at her from the side. This woman's temperament is really special. Although she has the same charm, it is different from Lina's sexy and mature charm. After all, she is younger and has more youthful breath in her charm.The skin is as soft and smooth as gentle jade, and the small cherry mouth is tightly pursed, not spotty and red, and the two strands of hair on the side of the cheeks are gently brushed by the wind to add a bit of seductive style. , Let the breeze outside the window blow away the fine sweat.

After all, she is still a young lady from a big family, with a completely different temperament. Every movement she makes has a gentle and ladylike feeling, but her gestures give people a different kind of seductive style.

"Master." Sensing Wendong's eyes, Yingzi tilted her head slightly, slightly opened her small cherry red mouth, and called softly.

Wen Dong stared blankly at her pretty face, as if struck by lightning.

It was a kiss that was domineering, impatient, and desperately seeking to be released—his big hand was dragging on the back of her head, making her unable to move, and he seemed to be thirsty for a long time, sucking her heavily.It seems that this is the only way to vent the violent throbbing in my heart.

She was forced to be pressed on the bed, and she felt a little regretful in her heart for playing the trick of charming her master.Although Yingzi is not a human being, she is already familiar with this kind of thing because she has learned Meizi Gong, but she still feels a little scared when faced with such a looting action.With her eyes closed, she caressed her master's broad back with her soft and boneless hands, and her whole body was wide open for you to pick.Facing the invasion of the master with both hands and mouth, her breathing gradually became heavy, and her mind became muddled. The so-called kiss-skills and the so-called skills of how to make men obtain greater pleasure were all forgotten in her mind. back.

Because these are no longer needed.

Wen Dong seemed to lose his mind, his eyes were red, and he ignored her nervousness and panic.Yingzi resisted the suffocation and the heat all over her body, opened her eyes slightly, and when she saw his appearance, her eyes darkened, knowing that she could not escape today.

Randomly and rudely, he leaned into the sarong, grasping the plump, delicate and elastic skin that had never been touched before, which seemed to loosen his madness slightly, and he instinctively softened and stroked gently...

(End of this chapter)

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