Chapter 883
The sky outside the window was white, and the surroundings were so quiet that there was no sound.

This is probably the most ordinary morning in the seven months since I came to the island of the Broken Cloud Country.

Yingzi opened her eyes tiredly, but her hands were still raised behind her head, her whole body was naked, and the delicate white skin all over her body could be seen at a glance.

Last night was really my first time, but the master was so rude to me.In the chaotic memory fragments, almost all of them are the scene of him begging for mercy, but the master is like a general galloping on the battlefield, conquering his body all night long.

Even though I have been exercising all the year round and my physique is excellent, I still feel a dull pain in my lower body at this time.

She straightened up slowly, only the thin quilt covering her navel slipped off, and the thin blanket was bright red like a delicate cherry blossom.It seems that there is still some kind of fiery temperature left on it, and there is still a certain kind of liquid with a special taste in the man's body.


I don't know how long it took, when Yingzi was in a daze, a big hand wrapped around her bare shoulders, and directly embraced her naked body into a wide and warm embrace.

"Master?" A flash of panic flashed in Yingzi's eyes, but she saw that Wen Dong, who had been sleeping just now, had already woken up, with dark eyes, looking at her.

She didn't know what she thought of, just like last night, she lay docilely in the other's arms, motionless.

"What did you do to me last night?" Wen Dong asked directly.

In fact, he woke up as early as Yingzi woke up, and he also wanted to see if Yingzi would attack him while he was asleep. After realizing that Yingzi had no murderous intentions for him, he was completely relieved Come.

But thinking of the scene where he lost his mind last night, Wen Dong still has some lingering fears. Although Ying Zi is sexy and beautiful, although he has been abstinent for a long time, he will never lose his mind.He thought that Yingzi had poured himself a glass of water before, whether something had been put in it.

Seeing the seriousness of Wendong's question, Yingzi's body trembled, knowing that she was still spotted by the master, she crawled out of the other party's arms in a panic, and knelt down on the bed: "I'm sorry, master, last night the servant girl cast "Meizi" on you. achievement"."

"Mei Zi Gong"?This thing again...

Wendong is somewhat familiar with this kung fu, and Lina seems to have this thing.

Anyway, things have been done, and after he was released last night, he woke up.But at that time, I still felt that it was not fun to the end. Anyway, this is my slave, and I want to help her kill. Yingzi is not like people like Sun Xiaojie. She doesn't need to cherish, so she was released to the end.

""Mei Zi Gong"... What kind of kung fu is this? Don't you ninjas have special training methods to seduce men?" Wen Dong was not angry, but couldn't help asking in surprise, this "Mei Zi Gong" "It sounds very familiar, but it's also unpredictable. Until now, he doesn't know how he got tricked.

"Reporting to Master, this is not training among ninjas. It is the kung fu of the shadow family. It was collected by grandpa from outside. My mother thought it was suitable for me to practice, so I practiced it." Yingzi replied respectfully.

"Uh..." Wendong was a little speechless, feeling that her mother asked her to practice this kind of kung fu to seduce men?
"This is actually a relatively special kind of skill. It's not common, but it's by no means rare. It mainly depends on the person who performs the charm. If the person is naturally charming, at least half of the effect can be improved. In fact, this kind of skill is blunt. It is similar to murderous aura and aura, the only thing is the nature is different." Seeing that the master is not angry, Yingzi said without any concealment.

"I used the art of flattering my master, just wanting to dedicate myself to the master, then the master will definitely avenge me." Yingzi lowered her head and said.

"Oh, so that's the case." Wen Dong nodded half-understanding, as if he understood.

But after hearing her last sentence, she was a little speechless. The dogma of Japanese ninjas is really a bit mentally retarded. Now that there is no society, you can go back on your oaths, let alone these things.But Yingzi is different. She has been infected by those dogmas since she was a child. She just feels that as long as she wants her, she will definitely help her avenge her. This seems to be the almost dead definition of one plus one equals two.

"Yes. "Meizi Gong" is divided into different types. I use one of them in my homework. When the master is not paying attention, it attracts people's attention and mobilizes the master's demand for sex, so..." Said At this point, Yingzi was a little hesitant. After all, she was still a young girl who had just experienced human affairs, and her expression was a little shy, but seeing Wendong listening seriously, she continued to say: "So when the master agreed to my request, I will show you This kind of aphrodisiac meizigong, you will think in your heart, think... want to get me on the bed to do that thing."

"I'll go, it's so powerful..." Wendong was really shocked. These things are really unique. No wonder Zhao Yifei met the two girls, Hongyan and Lanyan. When he talked about this kind of kung fu, he was still covered in cold sweat. They wished they could turn around and run away, but they themselves were also tricked for no reason.

"In fact, this method also has disadvantages, that is, the person performing it will also be emotional during the process, especially last night's charming skill, when I performed it on you, I would actually think about that kind of thing in my heart..." Sakura The child hesitated and explained, her pretty face flushed.

"Actually, according to grandpa, the initial effect of this method is, is..."

"What is it?" Speaking of it, this thing is similar to murderous aura and aura that shocks people's minds, but this kind of invisible and intangible thing is the most magical.

"In the beginning, this method was actually used to increase the stimulation of sex between men and women in bed. Later, it was improved to create the charm technique. In fact, it is also the first time I have used this kind of charm technique..." Yingzi said Here, a face was so red that it was about to bleed.

"Okay." Wen Dong was also a little dumbfounded. There are three thousand roads and the same goal. This sentence is not bad at all, but it can still be like this...

"This Meizi skill is really a treasure." Wen Dong couldn't help but nodded.

He was thinking, there are so many beautiful female assassins in the base, if these female assassins can also learn the mesmerizing skill, they must be more confident in killing people, and the battle between Zhao Yifei and the two beauties also let him know that this mesmerizing Zigong can also be used directly in battle.As long as a skill can enhance strength, it is a good skill, regardless of its nature.He didn't have any aversion to these things. After all, he had a system on his body, and he was not a person who followed the rules.

"Master wants to learn? This servant can teach you." Yingzi said respectfully.

"Oh? Men can learn too?" Wen Dong asked strangely.

"Theoretically it is possible, of course, it also depends on the talent." Yingzi pondered, and then quickly said: "Master's talent is excellent, he must be able to learn anything."

"Well, it doesn't matter, tell me these things when you find time, and I'll see if it's useful." Wen Dong said casually, there is nothing to learn about murderous aura and aura, most of which are obtained from years of experience in the dead. It's a thing, but this meizi skill is really amazing.At that time, I can learn it, but I don’t know whether it will work or not. If I can learn it, I can use it on Zhang Hanhan by myself...

When Mr. Zhang Wending is rescued, Zhang Hanhan, a stinky woman, will still give me a bad face. Remarriage is already a must.

If he had this mesmerizing skill, when he remembered that Zhang Hanhan was fascinated by his own demeanor and took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, Wen Dong would burst into obscene laughter. Although he would not really do anything to Zhang Hanhan by then, but Just admiring the seductive look of my wife is also a very cool thing.

However, he also thought of Lina, Hongyan and others, they would also do this kind of thing, if he got tricked again inexplicably, it would definitely not be good news.

"How to crack this thing?" Thinking of this, Wen Dong asked immediately.

"Actually, there's nothing magical about this thing. It's just taking advantage of the other party's inattention to disturb the other party's mind. To put it more simply, it is to arouse the other party's desire. It will be a matter of course when you use it, so it is said that people who are naturally charming are more suitable for this kind of exercise. Therefore, the method of cracking is very simple, as long as the opponent's mind is firm, it is difficult to confuse the opponent."

"Well, are you saying that I am not determined?" Wen Dong's eyes sank, and he looked at her leisurely.

Hearing this, Yingzi was tongue-tied, knelt down in horror and said, "Yingzi dare not."

Seeing Yingzi with a panicked face, Wen Dong's eyes naturally fell on the pair of bulging snow-white breasts on her chest, and suddenly felt dry mouth again: "Fart, you still say you don't dare, don't you?" Are you showing me subdued skills again?"

"Ah? I don't have one." Yingzi raised her head with an innocent face.Meizi Kung has been successfully used last night, and she has tasted the "suffering", and she has lingering fears about her master's ability, so how dare she use it again.

"Still quibbling, then why do I have such an impulse when I see you now?" Wen Dong snorted, grabbed Yingzi's arm, and pulled her into his arms.

"Master, I really don't have one." Yingzi did not dare to move, bit her lip, and explained in trepidation.

Seeing that the other party was about to cry in fright, Wen Dong was amused in his heart, and he was just a bug in his heart.

"Then show it to me again, and I'll try how it feels." Wen Dong said with a funny smile.

Yingzi looked up at her, eyes full of shock, and then suddenly realized that the master was simply scaring herself.She felt the fiery masculine breath surrounding her body, and she felt something near her legs that almost killed her last night.Yingzi felt aggrieved, is this still using meizi skills...

"Master, I..." Yingzi no longer refused in her heart, but she was still a little scared.

"It's okay, I'll be gentler." Wen Dong caressed her snowy plumpness and said.

"Yeah." Yingzi's pretty face flushed, and she agreed softly, her eyes slightly closed.

Wen Dong bowed his head and kissed her small mouth.

At this point, he didn't think much of it. A man is such a thing. Besides peeing, isn't that what he does? Since he made a fuss about him last night, there is no need to pretend.

The sky is bright, and the cool morning wind blows in through the wooden window. There are rustling sounds and slightly rapid breathing.

Finally, a female voice with Japanese jerky soft voice, with a bit of emotion, a bit of irrepressible enthusiasm, uttered a short nasal voice: "Master... um..."

(End of this chapter)

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