How bad guys are made

Chapter 884 Search

Chapter 884 Search
The sun is hanging high, baking the earth, without the coolness of the morning, there is more troublesome heat.

It was almost early morning when I came last night, and the sky was so dark that it was impossible to see the appearance of the barracks clearly.Standing at the entrance of the attic at this time, I realized that this is actually a military gathering area covering an area of ​​nearly one hundred acres, and I can't see the edge at a glance.

Seeing Wendong looking into the distance, Yingzi introduced in a low voice: "This is Poppy Island, the largest island under the jurisdiction of General Poppy. Heavy artillery is deployed around the island. There is a special artillery battalion with about 1000 People are the largest standard military camp on Poppy Island. Poppy has about [-] standard troops. Except for the artillery battalion, the rest are difficult to form. Because of the scarcity of armaments, the equipment is uneven. However, he has forty tanks, which are the strongest and most lethal weapons other than the artillery battalion, all of which are on this island."

"Focus on defense and despise offense?" Wen Dong nodded.

"Yes, General Poppy's army is almost the bottom of the four generals. General Black Skull has a hundred tanks alone, which is more than twice that of General Poppy." Yingzi said cautiously.

Wen Dong nodded secretly, no wonder General Poppy needed equipment so urgently, and never let go of any opportunity to arm his soldiers.

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded, still unable to bear the shock in his heart.

He was not shocked by the strength of these generals, but the organization of Dark Dawn.Wen Dong has already thought that the so-called hidden power behind General Ling Mu is the Dark Dawn, how powerful this organization is!They can control nearly [-] standard troops of the Mu pirates in the Suiyun Kingdom, which shows their strength.And, this is just one of them, by no means the only one.

No wonder Xuejian Jiang Han had that expression when he learned about the Dark Twilight organization, and it’s no wonder that Lina said that he can be an enemy of He Wen Long, but he must not be an enemy of the doctor, and the doctor is Dark Twilight The real master behind the scenes!
Thinking of his base with more than 1000 people, it is incomparable to the strength of General Ling Mu, let alone Dark Dawn!Such a gap!

Wen Dong couldn't help but clenched his fist.
When Wendong went downstairs with Yingzi, he found that Gu Fengshuang, Zhang Yifeng and others were already waiting.

Ling Yun put his paws on the beautiful European girl and caressed casually, but glanced at Yingzi winking at the boss behind him, and there was a lewd laugh from time to time.

Because he lived next door to the boss, he could clearly hear the voice of the boss doing morning exercises with this handsome Japanese girl this morning.

In front of the tent in the camp.

General Poppy is wearing a military uniform, without the gentleness and elegance of last night, there is actually a trace of iron and blood of a soldier.

"Brother Zhou." Wen Dong stepped forward and said hello with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Wen, how are you? Did you sleep well last night?" General Poppy extended his hand and patted Wen Dong's shoulder affectionately, turning his head slightly to look at Ying Zi who was quietly standing behind Wen Dong, with an ambiguous look in his eyes .

Yingzi's little face was slightly red when she was watched, she quietly took a step closer to Wendong's side, bowed slightly, and said sweetly: "Yingzi has met Uncle Zhou."

"I really like Brother Zhou's place, I will come to bother Brother Zhou when I have time, and stay for a while." Wen Dong's face remained unchanged, and he nodded with a smile.

"Haha, okay, as long as you like it. Of course it's fine. I'm also Yingzi's natal family here. If you have nothing to do, bring Yingzi to see it, haha." Zhou Shuhua laughed happily.

"Brother Zhou is right." Wen Dong smiled and nodded, reaching out to hold Ying Zi's little hand.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Yingzi blushed even more, and stood beside Wendong pretty, gentle as a lady.

Ling Yun on the side stared at the boss with wide eyes. He was very drunk last night, so naturally he didn't hear about Zhou Shuhua betrotting Yingzi to Wendong.Hearing this at this time, I felt even more envious and jealous, Yingzi's gentleness and pure beauty were much better than the glamorous European girl beside me.

"General Zhou, my brother's body..." Zhang Yifeng stepped forward to remind him.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Zhou is incompetent." Zhou Shuhua sighed.

"Everyone has his own destiny, brother Zhou has done his best." Zhang Yifeng nodded slightly.

"Well, I'll take you to have a look." Zhou Shuhua nodded and waved his hand.

A dozen people followed behind, and after a while they came to the road in the wide wild forest, where a small truck had already parked, with a coffin on it.

"As long as it's Big Brother Zhou's territory, you can go there. As long as you hold the armband I gave you last night, no one will dare to stop you." Zhou Shuhua said domineeringly.
Accepting Huitian Yingzi was just a last resort, and now, it was the real purpose of their trip.

Wendong, Zhang Yifeng and Yingzi sat in the truck where the coffin was placed, and the others were arranged to sit in another off-road jeep and followed.

The driver was a young man about 25 years old. His skin was healthy and wheat-colored, his eyes were bright, and he looked like a shrewd man. His name was Zhenhe.

"Brother Zhen, I think the weather on that island is good, but is it the territory of General Poppy?" Zhang Yifeng asked, pointing in the direction of Qiaomu Island.

Before they came, Zhen'er had already helped them find the exact location. Qiaomu Island, Huanggou Town, and Kama Village were the villages where Xiuxiu and the others were hiding.

"Yes, that is Qiaomu Island, which is also the territory of the general. But in this case, we still need to go by water. We will drive to Mercury Port first, and then take a boat to Qiaomu Island. It will take about two hours if it is fast, at ten o'clock in the afternoon It will arrive at about one o'clock." Zhenhe introduced.

"Okay, then I will trouble Brother Zhen." Zhang Yifeng said gratefully.

"You are the general's distinguished guests, you are welcome." Zhenhe smiled, showing two rows of white teeth.

With the armband given by General Poppy, Wendong and his party were unimpeded, but they attracted the attention of General Black Skull's troops.

In order to find Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending, Black Skull coerced General Poppy to block off many villages and towns on Qiaomu Island, and some of them were Black Skull's army, which shows how powerful Black Skull is.

Fortunately, they had the armbands given by General Poppy and Hazel explained that nothing happened.

However, although Qiaomu Island is not big, it is as big as a city.According to Zhenhe, there are no counties under Qiaomu Island, and all of them are composed of villages and towns. There are more than 200 towns and more than 1000 villages.

It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that Wendong and his party found the remote Karma Village.

When they came here, Wen Dong and others became more and more anxious, because the incident that Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending were hiding in Kama Village had already broken out.

Early this morning, when Yu's brother went out to sea and returned to Kama Village, he discovered the difference. Yu and his brothers all disappeared, along with Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending that Yu had brought along.

So he hurriedly found General Black Skull and revealed the matter.The military department of General Black Skull is communicating with General Poppy, and has sent troops to search for the whereabouts of Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending in the village.

Karma Village has a sentry squadron.The captain is from General Poppy's side, but the outpost of the Black Skeleton Army has arrived and will take control of this place.

Fortunately, Wendong and his party did not have female relatives, the only one was Yingzi, Japanese, and they were distinguished guests of General Poppy, and Wendong and others asked them to check the coffin, it was just a dead body, so the outpost was relieved, Don't dare to be presumptuous.

Although they knew that Xiuxiu and the others must have sneaked into the poisonous swamp in the Dongpo mountain forest before, but Zhang Yifeng and the others were still very anxious.

"Brother Zhen, you and my brothers should stay in the camp for now. We will rush back after we bury the brothers." Zhang Yifeng said, and while talking, he glanced at the black skeleton outpost.

Hearing that, Zhenxi knew Zhang Yifeng's worry, Wen Dong and others were the general's distinguished guests, and they had offended the Black Skull Pirate Army before they came, so if there is an emergency, stay here and make a deal also good.

"My lord, the Dongpo mountain forest is a poisonous swamp where wild beasts are prevalent, so you have to be careful." The sentry squadron leader knew the reason for Wen Dong's trip, and also knew the identity of the other party, so he was naturally respectful, and quickly and cautiously persuaded: "Or, I'll find someone to lead the way for you. We are locals, so we are more or less familiar with it."

Hearing this, Wen Dong pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, thank you very much."

Naturally, they didn't let Zhenhe follow because they were afraid that things would leak out, and if the squadron leader's sentry was leading the way, it wouldn't be difficult to avoid them, the worst would be to knock them unconscious.Besides, the Black Skeleton Army will arrive soon, and they must find Zhang Xiuxiu and the others as soon as possible. It is naturally much more convenient to have a guide.

Therefore, the mercenary surnamed Yuan and others stayed with Zhen Ge, and Wen Dong only took Zhang Yifeng, Ling Yun, Gu Fengshuang, Bai Lihan and Yingzi to go.

When they arrived at Lin'ao, the car was impassable, so Gu Fengshuang took up the labor and carried the coffin together with the guide.Gu Fengshuang was so strong that he carried the coffin like nothing, but the guide was not good, he was already tired and sweating profusely after walking not far.But the other party was a distinguished guest of the top general, so he could only secretly grit his teeth and insist.

The mountain road is rugged, and the guide is already tired and panting like a cow. Wen Dong found out that the other party was exhausted, and said to take a break first.

The guide was very grateful, found a big rock and sat down.Yingzi, who was quietly standing aside, noticed Wendong's wink, and quickly took the water bag and handed it to the guide.

The guide took a look at Yingzi, this is the woman who is the head of Wendong, he already knew it on the way, when he saw Yingzi handing water, he quickly waved his hand and said: I dare not.

But because of the hot forest, he was already exhausted from this job, his lips were dry, looking at the water bag in Yingzi's hand, although he didn't dare, he licked the corner of his lips greedily.

Wen Dong smiled and waved his hands: "You don't need to be so restrained."

Seeing Wen Dong nodding, the guide hurriedly took the water bag gratefully, opened the stopper and poured it into his mouth, almost choking.Yingzi stood aside and covered her mouth with a chuckle, the guide was embarrassed, took a few mouthfuls and felt much more comfortable, wiped her mouth, then handed the water bag back to Yingzi, thanking her with her mouth open.

Yingzi smiled sweetly, nodded, and reached out to take it.

The guides sat on the rocks to rest after drinking water, while Zhang Yifeng and others stood not far away and pointed at the distant mountains and forests, obviously looking for an excellent burial place.

The guide didn't understand this, and leaned against the giant tree trunk behind him to rest with his eyes closed slightly. Unknowingly, he felt sleepy and fell asleep after a while.

Wendong turned his head, and Yingzi said sweetly, "I can sleep for at least two hours, and I can wake him up at any time."

Wen Dong nodded reassuringly, turned his head to look at Zhang Yifeng who was on the side, and noticed the excitement on his expression, and his heart was also extremely excited, so he waved his big hand and said, "Look for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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