How bad guys are made

Chapter 885 Goodbye Zhang Xiuxiu

Chapter 885 Goodbye Zhang Xiuxiu
Gu Fengshuang was very tired from carrying the coffin all the way. He was fat and fat, and he was not suitable for traveling through the forest, so he was asked to stay here to take care of the guide. If the guide died, it would be troublesome to explain. .

Lin Ao was quite big, and they didn't dare to shout loudly because they were afraid of attracting wild animals in the forest and also afraid that there were other people in the forest.The five people scattered in the forest and searched for it for more than half an hour, but they still couldn't find it, so they couldn't help feeling anxious.Originally, Yingzi followed Wendong, but he also arranged for them to search separately, and handed her a photo of Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending.

"Hi." Yingzi didn't know the purpose of the master's trip until she was on the road, and she reached out to take the photo without asking any further questions.

"Found it." Half an hour later, Yingzi's surprised voice finally sounded.

Because in the forest, Zhang Xiuxiu was wrapped tightly in several layers of sarongs, but it did not affect her movements. A sharp dagger was twirling quickly in her little hand, ready to go.

"Who are you?" Zhang Xiuxiu looked coldly at a woman who was even prettier than herself. It was really strange that such a beautiful foreign woman appeared in such a place, and this woman was still a master.

She, A and Uncle Zhang sneaked here in the early morning of this morning. Zhang Xiuxiu is familiar with operations in the forest, and knows that the more critical the time is, the more careful he must be, so he has to check the situation around every two hours. Just by chance, I saw this Japanese girl in the dark.

Such a beautiful girl must have a conspiracy to show up here, Zhang Xiuxiu didn't have the intention to pity her, and no matter what her plan was, she directly killed her.Unexpectedly, this beautiful vixen-like woman is actually a master.

Zhang Xiuxiu was vigilant, but saw that the girl took out two photos after evading his attack, and then looked at him, a small face suddenly showing a look of surprise.

Especially when she said 'I found it', Zhang Xiuxiu became murderous. The first thought was that this powerful girl was a running dog of the Black Skeleton Army. Listen to her say: "Don't do anything, I'm here to help you, the master asked me to look for you and Uncle Zhang."

"Then who are you?" Zhang Xiuxiu was shocked when she heard that, but she didn't know this woman at all, and she was still vigilant in a foreign country where danger was everywhere.But she couldn't hide the excitement in her heart. She felt that what the other party said was probably true.

"Xiuxiu..." A familiar voice came, Zhang Xiuxiu's delicate body trembled, she raised her head suddenly, and a familiar face came into view, it was Wendong.

After a while, Zhang Yifeng and others who heard Yingzi's shout also came quickly.

Looking at the familiar face in front of her that she had been looking forward to day and night, Zhang Xiuxiu's small mouth was suddenly flattened, and tears flowed down her cheeks. No one knew how much she had suffered, how much grievance she had suffered during this period of time, and the burden on her shoulders was even greater. There was so much pressure, and seeing the arrival of relatives at this time, tears finally flowed out without disappointment.

"It's one of my own." Seeing Zhang Xiuxiu pointing at Yingzi's dagger, Wen Dong said quickly, and seeing a flash of a figure, he came in front of the two, with uncontrollable ecstasy on his face, Zhang Yifeng not far away saw Seeing my sister, I was also excited, and ran over like crazy.

"Brother Wendong..." Zhang Xiuxiu's face was flattened, pear blossoms were raining, and she rushed forward with her teeth and claws.

Wen Dong saw the dagger she was holding in her hand, and because of running and scrambling towards it, his heart jumped into his throat in fright. Just as he was shocked, a fragrant and soft body threw himself into his arms, It hung on his body like an octopus.

Wen Dong was so excited that he couldn't help reaching out to support the other's slender waist.

Zhang Yifeng ran too fast, coupled with the excitement in his heart, his handsome face was already flushed. At this time, he had already opened his arms, and stood aside stupidly, watching his sister throwing himself into the arms of the boss, and he did not let go. An old face is swollen like a roasted eggplant.

Zhang Yifeng has some doubts, is this his own sister?

Seeing Zhang Yifeng's unbearable face, Wen Dong was also hugged a little out of breath, especially when he saw the dagger that Zhang Xiuxiu was still holding in his hand from the corner of his eyes, how dare he move...

"Okay, go talk to your brother." Wen Dong comforted softly.

"I don't, my brother won't live with me for the rest of my life." Zhang Xiuxiu refused, humming, wrapping her two little hands around his neck but not letting go.

Zhang Yifeng stood aside and looked at his good sister, the corners of his mouth twitched, almost twisted.

"Hey, go quickly." Wen Dong was bitter in his heart, but he patted her little butt tenderly.

"Oh." Hearing Wendong's words, Zhang Xiuxiu let go of her hands obediently, put away the dagger, reached out to wipe away her tears, and looked at her brother standing aside with tearful eyes: "Brother."

This stinky girl, Zhang Yifeng smiled wryly in his heart, but he still couldn't hide his excitement. Seeing the other party rushing, he quickly reached out to take it, and hugged his younger sister vigorously. He was worried to death during this time!

"Handsome pot!" Zhang Yifeng was excited when he suddenly heard a strange voice from his sister.

Zhang Yifeng glanced at her curiously from the side, and following her gaze, it was Bailihan standing indifferently at the side. At this time, the younger sister's eyes were shining, and she looked like a nympho, completely forgetting his brother. disappeared...

Zhang Yifeng was so angry that he almost died. He almost couldn't hold back the dagger in her hand and committed suicide!

After the excitement, Wen Dong asked Zhang Xiuxiu, who had calmed down slowly.Only then did I know that Zhang Xiuxiu found Yingzi when she went out to spy and almost killed her.

At this time, Yingzi was holding a piece of white silk wrapped around her arm. Zhang Xiuxiu made a sneak attack just now. Although she didn't kill her, it also injured her.

"I am the master's slave-slave, and my name is Yingzi." Sensing Zhang Xiuxiu's gaze, Yingzi smiled indifferently and introduced herself.

Zhang Xiuxiu hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and straightened her swollen chest. In front of other women, especially a beautiful woman, she had to keep her makeup on.

"Oh, nice to meet you." Zhang Xiuxiu smiled slightly, nodded, but added something behind, muttering: "Fox spirit!"

So, under the leadership of Zhang Xiuxiu, a group of five people quickly found the hiding place of Zhang Wending and A.

On the gravel hillside, a simple small tent was built. They had been hiding here for nearly a day, and they seemed to be aware of it. When Wen Dong and others arrived, Zhang Wending stretched out his hand and stood in front of the tent. .

Before he knew it, Wen Dong quickened his pace, and rushed forward in a few breaths.

After all, Zhang Wending was old, he had been in fear all this time, coupled with the acclimatization, he looked much older, his face was wrinkled and exhausted.All in linen shirt, he looked like an old man who was dying.

"Dad." Wen Dong stood in front of him in a daze, his tone trembling a little, and the corners of his eyes were moist, showing his inner excitement.

"Good boy, it's been hard." Zhang Wending looked at his ordinary face, especially the hideous scar on his cheek, with tears running down his cheeks, and stretched out his hand to pat Wendong's shoulder.

"Dad, I'm not filial." Wen Dong knelt down on the gravel slope with a plop, excited and guilty in his heart.

"Silly boy, you've done a good job." Zhang Wending was hunched, and quickly helped Wendong up.

Before that, he had learned from Zhang Xiuxiu that his daughter Hanhan had been rescued by Wendong and had taken over Lanyun Enterprise.But because of the tight time at that time, she only asked Zhen'er so much.But these are enough for Zhang Wending.

And he knew even more that Wen Dong must be the one who saved his daughter. He felt deeply that his daughter had found a good son-in-law.

"Xiaohan, you're here too." Zhang Wending looked sideways at the silent Bailihan who came up to him, feeling grateful in his heart.

"Uncle, you have suffered." Baili Han said.

"It's okay, it's not hard work, it's not hard work." Zhang Wending smiled and shook his head.


"What should I do?" A group of eight returned to the place where the coffin was placed, and the guide was still asleep. Wen Dong glanced at the kind-hearted A, but couldn't help frowning.

A is kind to Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending, but the two explained that if it wasn't for A, they would have died a long time ago. Wendong was grateful and would definitely take A back.

And the number of people they have set for this trip, if there is one more, it will be difficult to explain.Originally, their plan was to throw away the corpses in the coffin and let Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending lie in it before taking them back. This is just a little explanation.But the coffin is so big, two people lying on it are already crowded, if there are three people, it will definitely not work.

"That's easy to explain. Let's just say that A is a new female-slave I've seen or bought. I just don't know if A is willing." Gu Fengshuang said on the side. He was originally from Thailand, although he wasn't Suiyun. He is a Chinese, but he has been a mercenary for the longest time and is most familiar with the customs and culture here.Ya is a native, it is actually not difficult to take her away.

Seeing everyone looking at him, A on the side also nodded slightly, and said a few words in Thai, which Wen Dong and the others couldn't understand, but Gu Fengshuang on the side laughed and said, "A is willing." Then he looked up at Wen on the side. The host said: "Boss, there is no problem."

"That's good." Wen Dong nodded happily, and couldn't help but glanced at her gratefully. He had a kind face, and he looked like a kind person. Now that he knew the occasion, he was even more grateful to her in his heart.If she doesn't want to, maybe there will be more trouble.

"Dad, I have to work hard on you." Wen Dong said, looking at the opened coffin.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Wending smiled indifferently.He was a soldier before, and later he was a big boss, and he also crawled out of the dead, so hiding in a coffin was nothing to him.

"Hmm... what's going on?" The guide woke up in a daze, seeing everyone talking around the coffin, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Yingzi who was standing beside him strangely.

"I don't know, but it seems that the plan has changed." Yingzi smiled, and said: "You may be too tired, so you fell asleep, it's okay."

"Oh, thank you." Looking at Yingzi's pure smile, the guide had never seen such a beautiful woman, especially when she smiled at him, he felt the adrenaline rush soaring, and his face flushed.Apparently, Yingzi secretly played a trick on him.

"That's right, my sister called and said that my brother had to go back to the ancestral land for burial, there was no other way." Wen Dong explained with a wry smile.

"This is A, the woman Brother Gu just rescued in the mountain stream, and they fell in love at first sight." Yingzi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "That will trouble brother."

The guide didn't know that he had been affected by Meizi Gong, and his mind was in a mess at this moment, so he didn't have any thoughts to think about it, he hesitated and said: "It's okay, then let's go back now?"

"Yes, we are leaving immediately, and we have to trouble brothers." Yingzi smiled sweetly.

"No trouble, no trouble." The guide quickly waved his hand, the beauty smiled, he felt full of strength, walked to the side of the coffin and lifted the coffin with Gu Fengshuang, he didn't realize that the coffin was much heavier...

(End of this chapter)

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