How bad guys are made

Chapter 891 Come to the aid

Chapter 891 Come to the aid
"Ready to jump into the sea at any time."

Wen Dong's yell alarmed Zhang Wending and others who were sheltering from the rain in the cabin, and everyone hurried out of the cabin.

Yingzi's injured arm had already been wrapped with a layer of oil paper cloth, impermeable to the rain.A stood beside her, carefully supporting her. At this time, her face was as pale as paper.The strong wind raged on the deck, and the petite body weighing more than 90 kilograms was suddenly blown to one side. She and A were close together, and the rain penetrated the sarong on her body, revealing the outline of a beautiful body. She was so weak that it seemed that any stronger wind would knock her down.

Everyone had no time to appreciate it, Wen Dong was standing on the edge of the deck, pouring raindrops hit his face, flowing down the smooth and hideous scar on his cheek, reflecting the cold face became more ferocious .

He held the Chaos Sword in one hand, looked in the direction of the main ship with cold eyes, and did not speak.

The crowd gathered behind him, waiting for him to give the order to jump into the sea. At this time, the crowd could not see whether the main ship in the distance was going to fire or not.But at this time, Wen Dong was already a god-like existence in their minds, and no one doubted his words anymore.

Yingzi bit her red lips with her white teeth. She didn't expect her master to be so powerful, but at the same time, she also didn't expect to face the land of life and death before leaving the Broken Cloud Kingdom, let alone revenge.

The pouring raindrops blocked most of the sight, and through the blurred line of rain, she saw the not-so-tall figure standing in front of her, but his waist was straight.

Suddenly, she thought that the master would definitely not die here, he was so powerful, how could he die under the artillery of these pirates, as for herself and others...

However, it is nonsense to say regret at this time.But what she thought was that even if she died, the master would definitely avenge herself. This was what the master had promised her, and he would definitely do it. Before she knew it, she felt that certainty in her heart.

So, she thought.If the master asked her to jump into the sea, she would definitely jump in without hesitation, even if she died, because she believed in the master.


The thunder sounded again, and the bucket-thick lightning tore through the clouds, as if they were connected to the dark sea. The dark sky was as bright as day in an instant, but soon became dark as ink, and the strong wind ravaged everything, as if the doomsday had come.

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback suddenly, and turned his head to look further away.

"Huh? What was that over there just now?" At the same time, Gu Fengshuang and others were also found to be different. Ling Yun's sharp eyes were the fastest, and his strange doubts sounded immediately, but the bright time of the lightning was too short, so he didn't wait to see it at all. Qingqie became dim again and couldn't see clearly.

"It seems to be a fleet. The ship just now was bigger than the Black Skull main ship. Could it be that they still have a strong backup?" Gu Fengshuang also said, his tone full of doubts and shock.

"Cao Te, this f-ck thinks highly of us, isn't it that we have a boat full of gold and silver treasures here, have their brains been flooded?" Hearing Gu Fengshuang's guess, Ling Yun was even more angry Jumping and cursing.

A strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, so this time they are considered a raptor crossing the river.Longyou Shoal was attacked by shrimp, besides, what they offended was Black Skull, not a small fish or shrimp...

"Everyone, don't make random guesses, it's not right!" Wen Dong raised his hand suddenly and said loudly.

He squinted his eyes, his eyes penetrated the darkness, and saw a ship that Gu Fengshuang said was bigger than the main ship of the Black Skull.

Gu Fengshuang is right, this ship is definitely bigger than the Black Skull main ship, even twice the size of the opponent, but it is not a Black Skull military ship at all.

Wen Dong raised his head slightly, and raindrops flowed down his slender eyebrows from both sides. When he saw the strong wind spreading the torn flags and streamers, his hand holding the Chaos Sword snapped. Tight, the blooming poppy flower flag came into view...

It's General Poppy's fleet!

Just when everyone was shocked and confused, two cannons in the distance overwhelmed the rumbling thunder in the sky, and the fire snake torn out of the cannon barrel lit up where the dark sky intersected with the black ink-like sea surface, as if Two poppies blooming...

Since the speed of sound transmission is slower than that of shells, everyone saw a pirate ship on the right side of the Black Skull main ship explode directly under two cannonballs.And at this time, the sound of the cannon was heard, and the pirate ship sank to the bottom of the sea in less than a minute, and was swallowed by the rolled up sea waves...

"Fuck, what's going on? Dog biting dog? Civil war?" Seeing that the black skull pirate ship was sunk by a sudden ship, Ling Yun almost jumped up in surprise, his eyes rolled around, and exclaimed.

"Stinky boy, don't fart here!" Gu Fengshuang kicked Ling Yun's ass, but Ling Yun dodged it nimbly. He gave him a hard look and turned to look at Wen Dong standing in front of him. , tentatively guessing: "Boss, could it be General Poppy's support?"

Hearing Gu Fengshuang's guess, everyone was startled.

"Yes, it's General Zhou." Wen Dong confirmed.

Although he saw it very clearly, he was still shocked in his heart.General Black Skull is very powerful, and his military strength is almost twice that of his. He never thought that General Poppy would take the initiative to start a war with the Black Skull army in order to save himself and others.

How much courage and determination does this require?
Of course, things are somewhat absolute.This is not a war, it can only be regarded as a threat of force, but if this is the case, he will definitely be questioned by General Black Skull afterwards, and even suppressed on a brighter surface.

According to the data, Zhou Shuhua is an extremely shrewd person who is good at calculating, and after seeing it, it is indeed the case.A man who is good at calculating never suffers, he is like a profiteer.And businessmen are after profit, so every decision must have more benefits than harm. This is their principle that is almost engraved in their bones.

Therefore, Wen Dong was shocked by Zhou Shuhua's move.

There is no sea area of ​​General Poppy Flower here, that is to say, the fact that the Black Skull Pirate Fleet surrounded them will soon reach Zhou Shuhua's ears, and he will definitely know about it!

And if counting from the beginning of the siege, it will be at least an hour from now, Zhou Shuhua has more than enough time to rush here.

And before his oil tanker was used as a live target by the Black Skeleton Army, Zhou Shuhua has not appeared for a long time.In fact, Wen Dong did not blame him.Calling them brothers is just a matter of appearances. They have only known each other for two days. The relationship between the two parties has not reached the point of risking their lives for someone else. Besides, Zhou Shuhua is such a shrewd person, how can he do business at a loss?
Therefore, Zhou Shuhua should have seen this scene long ago, but he did not appear at that time.If he and others die under the siege of the black skeleton fleet, they will die if they die.But now, not only did he try his hand to blow up three mortar shells with his own strength, but he also blocked the attack of the opponent's mortar group, which made him, after weighing the pros and cons, choose to help!
There is a saying that goes well, the favor of saving a life should be repaid by a spring.At this time, he is sending charcoal in the face of crisis, to save himself and others in danger, and he and others must repay with their lives, so he appeared!

This remark echoed back to the front, if she and others were insignificant little fish and shrimps, Zhou Shuhua would definitely watch her and others die here without showing up.You know, he is a great general with a heavy army in his hands, what can you give in return for saving you, a little fish and shrimp?What can you do for him?
To put it bluntly, this kind of stake is actually a microcosm of life.It's like a circle of life, a circle of friends, a large group of rich people, and a group of people without money and power.And rich and powerful people will never deliberately befriend you, a person who has no money and no power, for no reason, because if he has difficulties, you will not be able to help him at all.If someone needs money urgently, but you turned your trouser pocket upside down and only took out 200 yuan, then you still have a dick for deliberately making friends?
So, now, Zhou Shuhua feels that Wen Dong and others are strong and powerful enough to help him a lot, so he will rescue them.He felt that the benefits of befriending Wendong were completely greater than offending General Black Skull.

Moreover, once it appeared, it was so ruthless that it directly sank a pirate ship of the Black Skull Pirate Army.

I have to say that Wendong's immediate feeling was moved, grateful, indescribably excited, and even felt willing to die for Brother Zhou.And Zhang Yifeng and others also looked excited.Especially Ling Yun, wiping his face with his hands, his posture seemed to be so moved that he was already crying, but he didn't know whether it was the rain or the tears...

The thunder exploded again, and under the reflection of the lightning, the flag of the poppies in the distance became more and more clearly visible. At this time, Wen Dong's excited mood gradually calmed down.

He looked at the scene in front of him with cold eyes.

There has been a long-standing rift between Zhou Shuhua and General Black Skull, and this incident only opened up the gap in the conflict between the two parties.Moreover, Zhou Shuhua didn't really want to go to war. What he blew up and sank was just an ordinary pirate ship belonging to the Black Skull, and he didn't fire at the main ship.And he only fired two shots, which only played a powerful deterrent effect.

But, no doubt, they were saved.

On both sides of the poppy main ship, there are eight ships of the same size as the black skull main ship, like frigates and cruise ships, guarding the large main ship that fired in the middle.Under it, there are more than 30 poppy pirate ships.

Thirty pirate ships stretched out like two tentacles, surrounding more than a dozen pirate ships of the Black Skull Army.

After a while, the besieged black skeleton pirate ships began to disperse, and a main ship with a poppy flag hung across the street like a crab crossing the street, and all ten cannons on both sides were opened, like a mighty The fierce tiger patrolled his territory with strides, and black-skull pirates gave way one after another wherever he passed...

And the largest main ship remained motionless on the sea after firing its guns. After a while, the main ship of the Black Skeleton Army slowly approached it, like a pilgrimage subject.

"It's really fun. General Zhou can do things well. I, Ling Yun, recognize him as a brother." Ling Yun looked at the splendor in his eyes, and slapped his chest with a big slap.

"You know my brother, but they don't necessarily know you." Zhang Xiuxiu also looked at the main poppy ship approaching with a smile on her face, but said with a small mouth.

"Xiuxiu, you stinky girl, do you dare to underestimate your Brother Ling?"

(End of this chapter)

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