Chapter 892

The heavy rain came and went quickly.In just a quarter of an hour, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, revealing the faint light of the western sky, the pouring rain gradually slowed down, and a light rain began to fall.

The siege of General Black Skull finally passed without any danger. Wendong turned his head and gave Yingzi a wry smile. This moment could make her very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he fed her a nourishing lotus pill before, It seemed that there was nothing serious, but her face was still pale, so she hurriedly took her back to the cabin and asked A to help re-bandage her wound.

"Here it is, Zhenhe." Zhang Yifeng said while wiping the rain from his face.Surviving the catastrophe at this time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression was a little excited.

Regardless of whether Zhou Shuhua came to the rescue out of interests, they still saved their lives. Wen Dong and others rushed out to greet them.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Zhang, we are late." Zhen Ge walked onto the deck, followed by only a young adjutant, and said in an apologetic tone.

"It's not too late, it's just right." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, and quickly reached out to hold Zhen He's hand, his expression a little excited, but what he said made Zhen He a little embarrassed.

Gu Fengshuang on the side couldn't help but glance at Wendong, the admiration in his eyes was even stronger.

You don't need to remind yourself, the boss has obviously seen the way.


In the large cabin of the main ship, the glazed lamps on the ceiling above the head emit blazing lights, sofas, coffee tables, fine wine, women, all of which are luxuriously furnished.This is Zhou Shuhua's sea car, as a general, naturally he can't be shabby

Zhou Shuhua held fine wine in one hand, and held the young woman in her arms with the other, caressing her wantonly, but her expression was very cold.

Just as Wendong thought, he had already received the news that Wendong was besieged by the black skull, and Wendong's show of the extraordinary warrior directly established his determination to help.Wendong has a lot of people, especially he himself is still a strong man, it is definitely worth his great sacrifice.

Even, he was a little rejoiced in his heart.Fortunately, he didn't do anything to rob that batch of military funds before, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully if he was remembered by such a powerful man.

As for the matter of General Black Skull, if you offend him, you will be offended, and the relationship between the two parties is not good anyway.And in his opinion, even if General Black Skull has the strength to destroy his poppies, it is impossible to really gnaw his territory without breaking a few of his teeth, and there are two other generals besides them He was staring at him, and there was General Yu Mu at the top. Even if General Black Skull was furious, he would not really dare to start a full-scale war with him.

And he is also famous for bombarding the Black Skull Pirate Army this time. Wen Dong is also his distinguished guest, and this is still on his own territory. The Black Skeleton Army's approach is too arrogant.The Black Skeleton Army is indeed powerful, you can find all kinds of reasons to make me laugh, but if you want to shit on my neck, then you have to be prepared to be stabbed!

"Zhou Shuhua, what do you mean?" The barn door opened, and a burly man walked in with a domineering face. He walked in angrily, not mentioning names, but asking questions.

This person is the leader of the Black Skull main ship, and he is highly regarded by General Black Skull.

Zhou Shuhua slightly raised his head and glanced at him, stretched out his hand to put down the wine, touched the woman in his arms with a big hand, and the woman suddenly let out a seductive whine.This seemed to be a signal, and the expression of the adjutant of the planter next to him suddenly turned cold, and when he saw a flash of a figure, he rushed to the leader of the black skull.

"What are you doing?" The leader's eyes lit up fiercely, and he stretched out his fist to hit the adjutant, but unexpectedly, the thick and strong wrist was pinched by the adjutant.

"Crack! Kick!"


The adjutant sneered, and twisted hard. Under the huge force, the leader's wrist was not broken immediately, and because of too much strength, he turned his head with his strong body in his hand. The adjutant's eyes were cold, and he stomped At the position of the leader's calf, the leg bone was directly broken by him, and he knelt down halfway on the ground with a 'putong'.

After the leader howled miserably, the pain in his wrist and leg bones was unbearable, and his eyes were full of shock. He never expected that Zhou Shuhua would dare to attack him. The slap slapped him hard on the face, and his teeth flew out immediately, and the blood mixed with the shattered teeth splashed on the carpet, which was extremely horrifying.

The leader finally knew how to be afraid, and his strong body lay on the ground, his body trembling violently due to the tearing pain in his hands and feet, his face was pale, and beads of sweat rolled down; In his arms, his body was also trembling, his face was blushing, and he groaned softly...

Blood splattered everywhere, and the leader howled miserably.Using both hands together, the woman's bewitching and coquettish moans created a colorful yet extremely contradictory atmosphere.

Seeing that the leader finally didn't dare to howl at her anymore, Zhou Shuhua let go of the woman in her arms. At this time, the woman's face was already red and dripping water. It was obvious that her body was overwhelmed by the general's teasing just now...

Zhou Shuhua stood up, turned into a gentleman again in an instant, reached out and patted the dust that was not there on her body, and said to the adjutant, "I've rewarded you."

"Thank you, General." The adjutant grinned at him, strode up to the woman, picked up the beautiful young woman, and walked into the room.

Zhou Shuhua walked to the leader and looked down at him.

Although the leader was terrified and his whole body was in unbearable pain, he didn't snort at this moment, his eyes were fixed on him, full of resentment.

Zhou Shuhua raised her foot, and the cowhide boots stepped on his face, and even crushed him hard, before she said leisurely, "You think I dare not kill you?"

The leader's face was only distorted, and his eyes were still vicious.

Zhou Shuhua said disdainfully: "It's just a dog, so what if I kill you, do you think your general will start a full-scale war with Poppy for you?"

The leader of the black skull looked at him coldly and did not speak.

"Presumably you are also aware of the strength of my Poppy Flower Island's heavy defense. Your general is indeed stronger than me, but how much do you think you need to spend if you want to capture all my territories? Even if it is the most ideal state, alone One-on-one." Zhou Shuhua said leisurely as he withdrew his feet.

Injuring one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred, this kind of thing is known to everyone, besides, Poppy is still the defender, especially Poppy Island is heavily deployed, which is similar to siege, and generally speaking, if you want to attack the next city , the required force is at least twice that of the defender, and the damage is extremely high.

Let’s not talk about whether General Mu Mu will agree, just whether the other two generals who are eyeing tigers will take the opportunity to stab Black Skull’s ass is still uncertain. understand.

"The damage is at least [-]%." The leader of the black skull trembled in his heart, and said in a trembling tone.

"This is still a one-on-one situation, so do you think your general will fight poppy with me for you?" Zhou Shuhua said disdainfully.

Hearing his words, the leader of the black skull immediately sweated profusely and his face was as pale as paper, because what he said was right—impossible.

"Your general values ​​love and righteousness, I have nothing to say about that. But valuing love and righteousness does not mean that he is stupid, so he can be a general, but you can only be a dog!"

The leader of the black skull trembled, his lips were trembling and he could not speak.

Zhou Shuhua curled her lips and said, "Go away..."

Hearing this, the leader of the Black Skull limped away in a hurry, holding his leg with one hand, as if he had received an amnesty.


"Wendong, why haven't I heard that there is such a big person in the mainland of Tianxia Kingdom..." Zhou Shuhua murmured, a powerhouse like Wendong who has reached the pinnacle of humanity should be well-known far and wide.

But no matter what, this person is worth clinging to.

Zhou Shuhua thought for a while, walked back to the sofa, took out her mobile phone and dialed Wendong's number.

"Brother Zhou."

"Brother Wen, are you alright? I wanted to notify you earlier, but it was raining heavily at the time, and there were lightning flashes and thunder, and the call would attract lightning. It was too dangerous. It's my elder brother who came late, and my elder brother apologized to you." Zhou Shuhua sat up Straightforward, with an apologetic tone.

"What did the elder brother say? I won't say much about the grace of saving my life. From now on, the elder brother will ask for anything. As long as I, Wendong, can do it, I will come to the elder brother as soon as possible." Wendong replied excitedly. Dao, the tone is full of gratitude.

Holding the phone, Zhou Shuhua squinted his eyes slightly. Wendong's words were remarkable. He didn't say that he would respond to every request, but only said that as long as he could do it, he would definitely respond, but no matter what, it was worth it.

"This makes me unhappy. You call me big brother. Big brother should do everything for you. Besides, this is still in my territory. Even if I, Zhou Shuhua, risk my life, I won't let my brother have an accident." Zhou Shuhua said angrily .

"Yes, it's my younger brother who spoke recklessly." Wen Dong replied with a smile, his gratitude was beyond words.


On the tanker, everyone sat around together, surviving the catastrophe, and their emotions were very excited.

Zhen Ge laughed and talked on the sidelines, his words were full of awe, and he didn't bother about Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending who suddenly appeared among these people.

And with the escort of Zhen Ge's poppy main ship, the oil tanker left the sea area of ​​Suiyun Kingdom calmly.

Zhenhe cupped her fists and said, "Take care."

Wen Dong also clasped his fists, and replied gratefully: "Come and play in the South China Sea when you have time."

The two sides stood on the deck and waved goodbye.

It was not until [-]:[-] in the evening that the tanker approached the port when it came.

Wendong is ready to return home, but Zhang Wending is old after all. He has been in and out of the rain a few times and suffered from the wind and cold. As for the matter of Yingzi, he still does not want to bring her back to Shuishi, and it is getting late, so he will stay here for a while. base for one night.

After all, I am the real leader of the base anyway, so I have to take a look when I come here.

And he has other ideas, especially after seeing the strength of Gu Fengshuang and others, he feels that there is no need to hide those mirage beads.

Although these iron-blooded men kill people like hemp, they are loyal to the base. As long as they are strong enough, the overall strength can be raised. To fight against the Dark Twilight Organization, it is not enough to rely on yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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