How bad guys are made

Chapter 896 Zhang Hanhan's Grievance

Chapter 896 Zhang Hanhan's Grievance
"Me?" Yingzi pointed at herself in surprise: "I, can I do it?"

Yingzi was a little excited, because this position is so important.Although I had sworn a blood oath, I still only knew my master for two days. Does the master really trust me so much and give me so many valuable things to distribute?

"It can be done, of course it can be done, Sister Yingzi, you can definitely do it." But Zhang Xiuxiu didn't know if her brain was flooded, and she eagerly pulled Yingzi's little hand to encourage her, and said it kindly.

Zhang Xiuxiu was still thinking about her plan of dedication.She has long seen that this little vixen is not right. She must have that kind of relationship with Brother Wendong.If you let her go to the water market, that's fine. I guess I'll take off all my clothes and have no bed. I must let this little vixen stay in the base!

Everyone didn't know that Zhang Xiuxiu was thinking about these ghosts. They looked at the enthusiastic Zhang Xiuxiu with a strange face, and felt that the words that women change faces faster than turning the pages of books are really good. Zhang Xiuxiu did not miss Sakura on the way here. It's not pleasing to the eye, now that posture is almost like sisters...

Everyone saw her pair of bright eyeballs rolling around, and they could guess her ghostly thoughts from there.

"Of course. But this may be a thankless job. So this is for you, right?" Wen Dong picked up a mirage bead from "Guying Huansha" and put it in her hand, smiling on the road.

"Ah? Give, give me? Master, I..." Looking at the mirage pearl in her palm, Yingzi opened her mouth wide in shock.She never thought that such good luck would befall her. This mirage pearl is worth [-] million, which is not a big deal to her worth, but it is just a random price raised by the master for the sake of contribution. , This kind of thing is simply a priceless treasure.

"I didn't give it to you casually. I think you have a good talent, which is just right for you to practice this "Gu Ying Phantom Killing". Don't refuse." Wen Dong said with a smile.


Gu Fengshuang and others looked at it from the sidelines, their eyes showed reverence, the boss's method of buying people's hearts is absolutely superb, although he has paid a lot, but he can receive a master with excellent qualifications Loyal heart, well worth it.

Besides that, what Gu Fengshuang admired most was the courage of the boss, if it were placed on him, he might really be reluctant to part with it, but the boss just did this without blinking his eyes, he could only admire it!

"Try it quickly." Wen Dong glanced at her and urged.

"Yeah." Yingzi was grateful in her heart, no more words, and quickly followed suit.

The reception room was quiet again, and it took a full 8 minutes, the talent was on par with Gu Fenghan, Wen Dong was excited to see it, this time he really found a treasure.

Yingzi practiced ninjutsu, and there is a branch of ninjutsu called hidden jutsu, so he felt that Yingzi was suitable for "Guying Huansha", but he didn't expect it to be so suitable.

Yingzi slowly opened her eyes, but found that everyone was staring at her with wide eyes, and the master was also looking at her with a smile on her face.

After all, she was still a girl in her twenties. With so many people staring at her, her face flushed immediately, and she quietly moved a little closer to the master's side, embarrassed and shy.

But the little hand holding the Mirage Orb was tightly clenched. She came from a family of martial arts, and there were some unique and advanced martial arts cheats in the family, but none of them could compare with "Guying Phantom Killing". Intermediate ninjutsu is also much worse.

She thought to herself, when she succeeds in practicing "Guying Phantom Killing", maybe she can kill the enemy by herself without the help of the master!

Originally, when she knew that the master would not take her to the water city, she felt a little uncomfortable, but now she is more willing to stay in the base. The atmosphere in the base is good, and she has enough time to study the "Guying Phantom".

And all of this is bestowed by the master.

I noticed Sakura's gaze.Wendong smiled, stretched out his hand to hold her hand, looked up at the crowd and said, "I think most people know the origin of Yingzi, but I don't have any special preference for slaves. Therefore, Yingzi is not my slave, she She is my woman and also my partner. I hope that everyone can take care of her after I leave, especially Gu Fengshuang and you guys. If you say that the contribution rate cannot be credited, it is Yingzi who opened the back door for you. You can be grateful."

"Don't worry, Boss, with me here, no one dares not to listen to her. I will treat Yingzi like my own sister." Gu Fengshuang patted his chest and said domineeringly: "Sakura Miss Zi, who dares not to listen to you, you can make a list for me, and I will deal with him!"

Yingzi's little hand was tightly held by the master, and she was extremely excited, so she nodded quickly.

Gu Fenghan on the side said, "Brother, what nonsense are you talking about, why are you treating me like your own sister?"

"Huh?" Gu Fengshuang was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered, Pu Shan slapped the back of the head with a big hand: "Ah, no, no, it is indeed a junior, not a younger sister, it should be a sister-in-law, hehe."

Hearing this, Yingzi's face turned even redder.

"Congratulations boss, congratulations sister-in-law, congratulations boss..." Ling Yun seized the opportunity and quickly flattered him, but before he finished speaking, he let out a cry of pain.

"Brother Ling, I'm sorry I stepped on your foot." Zhang Xiuxiu apologized, her face bulging with anger...

Zhang Xiuxiu raised her head and looked at Brother Wendong resentfully, and added another sister to herself, when will it be her turn...


By the time these things were fully explained, it was already past 11:30 noon.

Zhang Wending had already been waiting at the gate of the mansion. He hadn't seen his daughter and wife for more than 20 days, and he was already returning home.

Wendong came to the base for one night, but did not disturb any more people, and the group bid farewell in the backyard of the base.

Yingzi held Wendong's arm with her small hands, with reluctance in her eyes.

"I'll come back when things over there are done. After all, the base is the most important thing, and you have to take care of it for me." Wen Dong took her hand and said with a smile.

"Master, don't worry." He said firmly.

As soon as the words came out, Wen Dong's eyes darkened.Sakura was stunned for a moment, not knowing why.

"Still called master?" Wen Dong said angrily.

"Wen, Wendong?"

"Well, it's good to call me by my name in the future, and get used to it slowly." Wen Dong said helplessly.


"Huh?" Wen Dong's brows that had just opened were frowned again, did his tone just now seem to be giving orders?

"Okay." Yingzi understood immediately, and smiled sweetly. Under the sun, her bright eyes and white teeth became more and more beautiful.

Wen Dong reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile, "That's right."

At this time, Zhang Xiuxiu held A's hand, with a full face of reluctance.Zhang Xiuxiu has a lively heart, but she also knows how to repay her kindness. She has been with A for more than ten days and has a very good relationship. If it wasn't for A's help, she and Uncle Zhang are probably dead by now.

Du Manman and another exposed chick were already standing by the car and waiting.

Everyone bid farewell.

Wen Dong nodded slightly: "Goodbye."

Putting his hands together: "There are causes and effects in the world, don't do evil, do good, and good people will be rewarded."

Wen Dong, Zhang Wending and the others quickly clasped their hands together and responded solemnly.

A looked at Zhang Xiuxiu's still nondescript etiquette, covered her mouth and chuckled.

Zhang Xiuxiu also grinned awkwardly, and the eye sockets of the two women moistened.

"A woman is a woman, crying, I..." Ling Yun curled his lips aside.

"Aw..." Before he finished speaking, he let out a scream, clutching his feet and screaming in pain...


The group left quietly, and Gu Fengshuang arranged Bailihan's so-called training.He is here for experience, not for sightseeing, so there is no need to arrange everything for him. If this is the case, there is no need to talk about experience.

Because they were too busy at noon, everyone went back to the city and had a casual meal. The plane was scheduled at [-]:[-] pm, and they could reach Shuishi in three hours.

On the plane, Zhang Wending and Wendong sat side by side.

A son-in-law is half a son, especially for an old guy like him who only has one daughter, and so many things have happened here, in his eyes, Wendong is his own son.

Zhang Wending looked at him, and found that he was looking sideways at the white clouds passing by outside the window, his eyes were blank, he didn't know what he was thinking, but his legs were trembling a little, as if he was more excited than himself.

After all, Zhang Wending has experienced a lot, he quickly thought of the reason, reached out and took Wendong's hand and said: "Tell Dad, has that girl Hanhan flirted with you again?"

Hearing Zhang Wending's words, Wendong came back to his senses, pretending to be relaxed and smiling, but his tone was still excited: "Hanhan and I only thought that you were dead, and I pushed you down personally. I I can't get over that hurdle in my heart, if it weren't for the virtue of good life, I'm afraid I will live in regret for the rest of my life."

"Don't say any more, it's all my fault, I was blind, if it wasn't for me..."

"Dad, don't you stop talking?" Wen Dong interrupted his remorse.

Hearing this, Zhang Wending looked up at him, and the father and son smiled at each other.


At six o'clock in the evening, the sky in Shuishi was already dark.

Yujingyuan District.

Open the door, the familiar smell, the familiar environment, the smell of home blowing in the face.

"Has Hanhan come back? Wait a minute, mom will cook the noodles in a while." Hearing the sound of the door, Zhou Yahe's voice sounded from the kitchen.

Zhang Wending was a little excited, his wife whom he missed day and night finally saw him, but at this moment he felt a little cramped and apprehensive, as if he was afraid of disturbing something, he almost moved towards the kitchen.

"Oh, you girl, what are you doing here, the smoke is so bad for your skin, you come out..." The kitchen curtain was lifted, and Zhou Yahe reprimanded while cutting a few slices of green radishes, but she didn't say anything. After speaking, he was stupid on the spot.

Zhang Wending looked at his wife's still beautiful face, but the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes were much deeper, he looked down at the cutting board slightly and said, "Your old man is not here, so you can cook noodles to deal with things. If you are hungry and thin , aren’t you afraid that your old man will come and spank you?”


"Zhang Wending, you bastard, why didn't you die outside, huh? What are you doing back here? You still know that I have a wife? It's better if you die. My old lady is thinking about remarrying, so why are you still dead? ,ah……"

In the kitchen, Zhou Yahe's fierce abuse soon sounded, and a kitchen knife in his hand even rushed towards Zhang Wending with his teeth and claws.Zhang Wending was so frightened that he quickly grabbed her wrist and snatched the kitchen knife. He managed to survive, but he didn't want to be so excited by his wife that he took the kitchen knife and chopped it up.

The kitchen knife was chopped, Zhou Yahe threw herself into his arms, clenched her fists tightly and slammed him on the chest, crying and smashing.

Because his wife was excited, she did not act lightly, Zhang Wending grinned in pain.But the pain is on the body, but it is warm in the heart, and the warmth and stability in the heart have never been felt before.He grabbed his wife's still fist and hugged her tightly into his arms.

Zhou Yahe's wailing sounded from the kitchen, complaining about the grievances of the past half a month...


Cui Liu Yuan Ju villa area.

Zhang Hanhan had just taken a shower, because there was no one at home, so she casually put on a bath towel, held a porcelain cup in her hand, and walked into the study while stirring a spoon.

She was hungry at first, but she really couldn't eat, and she hadn't finished her work today, so she just made a cup of black sesame paste for dinner.

Putting the porcelain cup by the table, reaching out to turn on the computer, brushing up the hair covering his forehead, revealing a thin and tired face.During this period of time, she lost a total of ten catties. First, she was too tired from work, and second, she had no appetite for anything to eat.

After watching for a while, she turned her somewhat stiff neck, reached out and pushed the bath towel on her shoulders, and slowly pinched it a few times, revealing half of her snow-white fragrant shoulders and that pink and snow-white neck, under the bright white light, as if Such as embellished white jade.The body and face were thinner, but the plump and somewhat exaggerated chest did not lose any flesh.

Only then did she remember the sesame paste she had soaked before, and when she picked it up, it was already stuck together, and it was already cold, so she couldn't eat it anymore.Staring blankly at the porcelain cup in his hand, this sesame paste was the tonic that Wendong brought from home when he lied to his parents that he was pregnant.Thinking of this, my heart is complicated and wronged, and I feel so wronged that I want to cry.In the past ten days, she has felt wronged and wanted to cry countless times...

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, the mobile phone placed by the table rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw that it was her mother's number.

She sniffed, cleared her mind, picked up the phone and said, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Hanhan, your dad is back, come home quickly." Mom said excitedly on the phone.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly, "Mom, did you oversleep during your lunch break and dreamed about Dad again?"

"Hanhan." Zhang Wending's voice sounded on the phone.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback, thinking he had heard wrong.

"Hanhan? I heard from your mother that you divorced Wendong? Who told you to divorce him? Ah? Who gave you the qualification, who allowed you to do this? Ah? Come home quickly, do you still want I'm going to invite you..." There was a series of angry questions from my father on the other side of the phone.

Zhang Hanhan acted as if he had never heard of it, his whole body was sitting on the chair stiffly, as if he had been immobilized, the mobile phone slipped from the palm of his hand, and fell to the ground with a 'clang'...

(End of this chapter)

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