Chapter 897
At nine o'clock in the evening, in the large private room on the top floor of Qingcheng Nightclub.

On the snow-white ceiling, crystal lamps emit bright light, illuminating the entire room extremely brightly.

The round table was full of dishes, and there were two large boxes of white wine and several bottles of red wine on the corner of the table. There were exactly six people sitting around the table.

Wendong, Zhang Yifeng, Zhen'er, Zhang Xiuxiu, Ling Yun, and Su Yuemeng who hurried back from work after receiving a call from Wendong.

Not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns, because I miss him day and night, I haven't seen her for three days, but Su Yuemeng feels as if a century has passed.Su Yuemeng specially wore a small suit with a snow-white shirt inside, which was very chic. A light makeup was applied on her pretty cheeks, her eyebrows were picturesque, and she was unspeakably beautiful.The whole person looks beautiful and has a unique and wonderful feeling.

Xiao Biesheng is newly married. At this time, she is sitting beside Wen Dong, pouring tea and water for him from time to time, looking at him with her bright eyes from time to time, because she also drank a lot of red wine, her face is full of drunkenness, and a touch of blush appears on her cheeks. Red, under the bright light, it is more charming, tender and tender, indescribably soft and delicate.

At this time, a box of Luzhou cellars has been drunk, and the room is filled with a strong and intoxicating smell of alcohol.

"Come on, Brother Wendong, I'll toast you again." Zhang Yifeng had almost drunk, his handsome face was flushed, he stretched out his hand to pick up a glass of wine slowly, his tongue was already tied up when he was talking, but he was pouring his head up. Down.

"Okay." Wen Dong nodded, and drank in one gulp, while Ling Yun at the side quickly picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for the two of them.

Seeing that the two were drinking so fiercely, Su Yuemeng exchanged a glance with Zhen'er who was opposite, and they both frowned slightly at the same time.

"Wendong, drink less." Su Yuemeng quickly added a cup of hot tea and handed it to him, whispering comfort.

Zhen'er told her that Zhang Wending was rescued, and the stiff relationship between Wendong and Zhang Hanhan would also be resolved.Su Yuemeng knew that he was happy in his heart, but the two of them had almost drank a case, this is not beer, no matter how good the physique is, it is easy to cause problems.

"Sister-in-law, let the boss drink more. This matter has been held in the boss's heart for a long time. You don't know how excited and happy the boss was when he heard that Uncle Zhang was still alive. The boss is fine, sister-in-law doesn't have to Worried." Ling Yun comforted Zhang Yifeng with a smile while adding wine, moreover, who is the boss?

"Pour the wine." Wen Dong glared at Ling Yun, but his words hit his heart, while speaking, he stretched out his hand to drink up the freshly filled white wine, the meaning was obvious, he thought he was talking too much.

"Hey, it's the boss." Ling Yun bared his teeth and smiled, and quickly filled Wen Dong with wine.

The glasses they both used were deep-bottomed cups for drinking water. A bottle of baijiu was finished in less than four cups. Ling Yun filled it up for the boss, and hurriedly opened another box. There are more than a dozen empty bottles crooked.

"Yes, Sister Yuemeng, don't worry about them, let them drink more, it's okay." Zhang Xiuxiu, who was sitting on the side, also persuaded her, picked up the red wine in front of her and said, "Sister Yuemeng, I respect you A glass."

"No, I should be the one who respects you. This time it's thanks to you." Su Yuemeng knew that if it wasn't for Zhang Xiuxiu, Uncle Zhang might have already met with an accident. As his wife, I naturally have to be grateful for it.

"What sister Yuemeng said, we are all our own people, we should." Zhang Xiuxiu replied with a smile.

"Yes, they are all from my own family." Su Yuemeng nodded quickly. Although she has a lot of work experience, she has a high status in the Su family no matter what, and she doesn't participate much in such wine and meat occasions. He didn't talk too much about the scene, and took a cup with his little hand and drank it in one gulp.

Zhang Xiuxiu also finished the red wine with a smile on her face, but she couldn't help but grieve in her heart, calling Brother Wendong a hooligan and a bastard. She thought that there would be a lot of cherry blossoms, but she didn't expect that there are so many gangsters now. I had a Su Yuemeng.

Zhang Xiuxiu was anxious and angry,
Before, she persuaded Yingzi to stay at the base, wasn't it just for the idea of ​​helping the wife of the master, but now it's good, the bamboo basket was empty.She finally figured it out, after all, a woman who has a close relationship with Brother Wendong is the best, so she made up her mind and started to implement the plan of dedication.

Of course, he also knew that Brother Wendong cared very much about Su Yuemeng, which can be seen from the fact that he handed over the Qingcheng Group to her.And she didn't have the heart to play palace fights, Su Yuemeng did it as soon as she became the wife of the gang leader, but she had to reserve the position of the second wife of the gang leader.

Brother Wendong is mine!Zhang Xiuxiu shouted in her heart.

And Ling Yun was equally anxious in his heart.After going through this incident, my position as a dog leg is already in jeopardy. In terms of talent and power, I can't compare with Gu Fenghan and the others. In terms of intimacy, I can't even compare with Yingzi. First, she is the boss's woman, and second The talent is not low, and if you shout one master at a time, it feels much closer than calling yourself the boss.

He is a man, so he can't offer chrysanthemums to the boss, he is willing, but the boss is definitely not willing, so his only thought is to stay close to the boss, as soon as he thinks about it, he has already done everything well , but also to make it beautiful, and even to make a flower, only in this way, the boss will use it smoothly, and he will be his closest dog.When the boss is happy, he can give him a reward for several years.

Therefore, at this celebration, he held back and only drank a glass of white wine. He only poured wine for the boss and Zhang Yifeng. To stay awake.

Ling Yun shouted in his heart, the position of the number one dog leg is mine!
The food was almost unchanged, that is to say, Zhen'er and Su Yuemeng and the three daughters ate some, and they usually ate very little at night to keep in shape.However, Su Yuemeng also drank a lot of red wine under the persuasion of Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhen'er. Wendong is her own man, and if she marries a chicken, he will marry a dog.

The alcohol content of red wine is low, but it can be intoxicating if you drink too much, especially for someone like Su Yuemeng who doesn't drink often. She stayed with her until ten o'clock in the evening. She finally couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep on Wendong's arm.

"It's getting late, and we're almost done drinking. Xiuxiu and I will take Sister Yuemeng back to her room first." Zhen'er got up and said, her pretty face was also flushed with drunkenness.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Zhang Yifeng waved his hands and said, his words were already a little slurred.

"Drink less." Zhen'er looked at him helplessly, but in front of Wen Dong, she couldn't show her tigress' arrogance, so she got up with Zhang Xiuxiu and lifted Su Yuemeng, who had fallen asleep drunk, to come out. private room.

Wen Dong didn't use any special skills to dispel the drunkenness on his body, but his physique was different from ordinary people, and he didn't seem to be drunk yet.But Zhang Yifeng has reached the limit of the limit, his eyes are red from drinking, and he is unconscious.

After drinking twice more, Zhang Yifeng completely fell unconscious under the table. Wen Dong picked up the wine glass, his face was also full of drunkenness, and asked Ling Yun to drink with him.Ling Yun had a drink with him, but the boss had a drink three times, so he just had a drink with him.It was supposed to be done, but Wen Dong was so drunk that he couldn't see clearly. Ling Yun said he did it, but he didn't watch it either.

The second box of baijiu drank another six bottles, and Ling Yun also drank a lesser catty. Fortunately, he drank a lot when he was in the mercenary regiment, so a catty of wine would be fine.But seeing Wen Dong still pouring alcohol into his mouth, he couldn't help being shocked. The three of them drank a case and a half of liquor, but the boss drank more than a case.

"Boss, are you going to the bathroom? I'll help you." Seeing Wen Dong standing up unsteadily, unable to walk straight, Ling Yun quickly stood up and said.

"No, no, I'm going out for a walk, you don't have to follow me." Wen Dong said vaguely.

"But, Boss, you're drunk." Ling Yun stood aside and was a little worried.

Wen Dong just waved his hand, didn't speak any more, and staggered out.

Ling Yun stood at the door of the private room, looking at the back of the boss leaving thoughtfully, this matter has been on the boss for so long, today he finally relieved, it's good to be quiet for a while.

Thinking of this, Ling Yun didn't follow, he was not worried, the boss is so powerful, let alone the water market, there is no one in the entire Tianxia Kingdom to be his opponent, even if the boss is drunk.


Yujingyuan District.

Zhang Hanhan had a reunion dinner with his parents.There is a good saying that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to support but does not wait for relatives.Only after losing it did she know how much to cherish. In the past, such a reunion dinner was the most normal and common for her, but now she knows how to cherish it.

And this reunion dinner was the first time she found it so delicious.

After going through all these hardships, my father looks a lot old and haggard, and his waist is not so straight anymore. He can no longer ride a tiger on his father’s back when he was a child. The crow’s feet on my mother’s face are also deep, unlike As good as ever.

And parents have been nagging about their affairs with Wendong, just to make themselves happy.

From now on, she must be filial to her parents, she said in her heart.

She knew she was wrong, and decided in her heart that she would go to Wendong to remarry him tomorrow. Her father drank a lot of wine, but said: "Hanhan, you bring Wendong back tonight. Dad knows your suffering , but Wendong is more bitter, now that you have worked so hard, you should control your own happiness, your parents will grow old one day, Wendong is worth entrusting you for a lifetime."

"Okay, my daughter will definitely get him back." Zhang Hanhan wept with tears in his eyes, and nodded in agreement.


Qingcheng Nightclub.

Ling Yun was standing at the door waiting for the boss to come back, but a special guest was ushered in.

Looking at Zhang Hanhan, who had reddened eyes and an outstanding temperament, he almost frightened his heart out.

Sister-in-law, this is the real legal wife of the boss.And for him who is motivated to become the number one dog leg, leaving a good impression on this sister-in-law is the most important thing.The extreme tenderness that the boss showed his sister-in-law that night, even now thinking about it, he still can't help but feel his scalp tingle.

Although he has met her before, this is the time when he is really talking to his sister-in-law. Ling Yun is a little excited, and after drinking some wine, his tongue is so frightened that he is tied up.

Especially when he heard that his sister-in-law was looking for the boss, he turned around and ran away in fright.The boss is out, and he doesn't know where he is now.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. The boss just said that he wants to go for a walk. He drank a lot of wine, so he won't be able to go far." Seeing his sister-in-law's anxious expression, Ling Yun said carefully from the side.

"He drank so much, how can you let him go out alone?" Zhang Hanhan was a little angry.

"I...I..." Ling Yun was about to cry, but the boss said he wouldn't let him follow, how could he dare to follow...

(End of this chapter)

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