How bad guys are made

Chapter 898 Zhang Xiuxiu's Plan

Chapter 898 Zhang Xiuxiu's Plan

Therefore, Ling Yun hurriedly went out to search with his sister-in-law, and at the same time called the people in the gang to ask them to search together.

There was a park three miles away from the Qingcheng Nightclub, and the two of them walked all the way to find it, but what worried Ling Yun even more was that they hadn't found the boss.

He was also a little anxious, and almost couldn't hold back to slap himself, he was really confused, he didn't dare to follow, could he send a younger brother to follow the boss...

It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and the autumn evening wind was a little cool.When Zhang Hanhan heard that his father was still alive, he just picked up a coat and put it on and hurried away. When the cool wind hit, he couldn't help hugging him.

Under the dim street lights, a pretty woman looked around blankly, her eyes full of anxiety.

Zhang Hanhan wanted to know more about Wendong, so he frowned and thought about it, "Which way do we go from here to Cuiliu Court?"

"Cuiliu Courtyard? Just take a road and go north along this road..." Ling Yun was stunned when he heard that. , quite familiar with the road here.

"Then let's go." Zhang Hanhan nodded, and walked forward along the road pointed by Ling Yun.

Ling Yun followed behind his sister-in-law and looked a little dumbfounded, her eyes full of strangeness. Doesn't my sister-in-law know that to get to Cuiliu Court from here, you need to cross the viaduct? This is the rhythm of walking back?
And no matter what my sister-in-law thinks, Ling Yun will naturally follow, nothing will happen to the boss, but my sister-in-law has a body of ten thousand gold, if something happens to my sister-in-law, I really want to hang myself.

After a few miles, we came out of the brightly lit section of the road. There were fewer pedestrians and vehicles on the road, and Zhang Hanhan's pretty face became paler.

Ling Yun honestly followed behind, while searching, couldn't help but look at the sister-in-law who was walking in front, wondering why the two of them were torturing each other?I really don't understand...

However, he seemed to understand what his sister-in-law meant. The reason why the boss was drunk is self-evident. It was because the sister-in-law in front of him was happy, and when he came out staggeringly, it was very likely that he wanted to go Cui Liu Yuan Ju Villa is looking for a sister-in-law.

My sister-in-law was right.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly ran to the side of the road, ran left and right, and didn't miss any corner.

The two walked while searching. The lights on the road were dim, but it was not that there were no passers-by.The two passed by a car repair shop on the side of the road. The car repairers were working. There was a barbecue stand next to the car repair shop. It was already autumn. There were not many people in this kind of roadside barbecue stall, and only workers who got off work at night would come to eat. It's cheap and affordable to drink a few beers on a few skewers.

And there is a small store built in containers near the barbecue stand. Because it is close to the barbecue stand, it has not closed yet.

"Hey, you drunk, why didn't you pay for the water..." A woman complained from the container store.

"Forget it, forget it, it's not worth a lot of money, let him drink it." The woman's husband saw the drunk man dressed in extraordinary clothes and said, dragging his wife out after him.

A bottle of mineral water costs one yuan, and the purchase is only a few cents, but it is really not worth a few dollars.But the woman was still a little angry. After all, she was not rich, or even poor. Otherwise, who would live in a container by the side of the road?

"Boss, where is boss..." Hearing the word drunk, the two of them looked at the small container shop at the same time. Ling Yun's eyes were sharp, and he saw Wen Dong crookedly leaning on the curb drinking water. Because he was drunk, more than half of a bottle of mineral water was spilled.

Ling Yun immediately understood that the boss must have been drinking too much and burned his stomach, and he was thirsty halfway and looked for water to drink.It seems that the boss is really drunk. Thinking about it, he is indeed. If an ordinary person drank a case of liquor, he would have been sent to the hospital long ago.

And he hasn't dared to tell his sister-in-law about this matter, if she knows that the boss drank a case of white wine, shouldn't he die in a hurry?

Fortunately, nothing happened, Ling Yun heaved a sigh of relief, greeted his sister-in-law, and hurried to the boss.

Zhang Hanhan took a look at Wendong, and walked quickly to the container store to pay Wendong.

"Boss, boss, you don't know me anymore?" Walking towards the two of them, Zhang Hanhan heard Ling Yun's anxious crying, followed by Wen Dong's vague voice: "Who are you, I don't know you... ..."

"How much alcohol did he drink?" Zhang Hanhan stood aside, looking at Wendong's drunken face, he couldn't help frowning, the smell of alcohol was lingering, even the wind couldn't blow it away.

"Uh, sister-in-law..." Seeing sister-in-law angry, Ling Yun didn't dare to tell the truth, and stretched out three fingers. Seeing sister-in-law's expression was cold and domineering, she obviously didn't believe it.Ling Yun was taken aback. He knew deeply in his heart that even if he offended the boss, he could not offend his sister-in-law. A wind from her pillow could blow him to Africa. In desperation, he stretched out another one, one, Finally, he stretched out his other trembling hand...

"Yes, that's more than ten bottles of Luzhou Cellar." Ling Yun said with a bitter face, while talking, he looked at his sister-in-law anxiously.

"More than ten bottles? Luzhoujiao?" Zhang Hanhan's eyes widened immediately. She thought that Wendong must have drunk a lot, but she didn't expect to drink so much. Is he going to die of drunkenness!

"Yes... yes." Ling Yun agreed, ten and a half bottles is more than ten bottles, nineteen and a half bottles is more than ten bottles, he wailed in his heart, sister-in-law, I didn't lie to you.

"Hey, boss, boss..." Just as the two were talking, Wen Dong swayed away and Ling Yun staggered and almost lay on the ground. The sister-in-law guessed right, although the boss was drunk, but subconsciously He wanted to go to Cuiliu Yuanju to look for her, but the real master was here, so he hurried to catch up and pull Wendong down.

"What are you doing? Who are you?" Wen Dong shook off Ling Yun's hand, breathing alcohol.

"Boss, boss, I'm Ling Yun, Ling Yun..." Ling Yun looked like he was about to cry, but the boss didn't recognize his sister-in-law's voice. Seeing that his sister-in-law was about to get angry, he quickly grabbed him to explain.

"Ling Yun..." Wen Dong glanced at Ling Yun with his eyes half open.

"That's right, Ling Yun, I'm Ling Yun." Ling Yun suddenly became happy.

"I don't know." Wen Dong shook his head, left him and walked forward.

Ling Yun: "I rely on..."

"Boss, I'm Ling Yun, we were drinking together tonight, and you gave me a copy of "Guying Huansha", I'm Lingyun..."

"Oh, Ling Yun..." Wen Dong chewed, shook his head and nodded, as if he remembered something, but he ignored it and staggered away.

"Wendong, stop!" Seeing that Wendong was drunk and turned into a puddle of mud, unconscious, Zhang Hanhan got a little angry and yelled.

"Huh?" Wen Dong staggered and looked at her sideways. Under the dim streetlight, he tilted his head and looked at Zhang Hanhan, his eyes met.

Ling Yun knew that he must have recognized his sister-in-law, and this was a matter between the two of them, so he took a few steps back slowly.

"Hmm...Ling Yun, who is this chick? Why is she so ugly, give me another one!"

Unexpectedly, after Wen Dong glanced at her, he waved his hand, pointed at her and said, with the smell of alcohol in his mouth, full of domineering arrogance.

Just as Ling Yun took half a step back, when he heard the boss's words, his feet suddenly became unsteady, and he sat down on the ground directly. You thought this was still in the private room. ?
Seeing that the sister-in-law's face was ashen, and her eyes were spitting fire.Ling Yun covered his face and wept, almost turned around and ran away, I quit, why is it so difficult to be a dog leg...


It's been a sleepless night.

Afterwards, Zhang Hanhan stayed on the side of the road to watch Wendong, and Ling Yun ran back to drive. Originally, it was only a phone call to drive the car, but Ling Yun was careful, and was afraid that others would see his boss and sister-in-law making a fool of himself. For such a suggestion, Zhang Hanhan gratefully agreed .

Sending Wendong and his sister-in-law to Cuiliu Yuanju, they were met by Phantom, and Ling Yun drove back.However, Zhang Hanhan didn't ask Phantom to help, but dragged Wendong back home by herself. She drove Wendong away, and she gritted her teeth and wanted to carry him home. .

She had never taken care of anyone. After putting Wendong on the bed, she began to busy herself, feeding him water, and wiping the alcohol on his face and neck. The alcohol on his body was too strong.

The work has been very tiring these days, the most important thing is that the emotions are mixed with sorrow and joy, and I have been busy until 12:30 in the evening to get it done.

Taking off the clothes on his upper body, the soft fingertips touched the hideous scar on his cheek. She knew the origin of this scar best, and an unbearable complexity flashed in his eyes. The upper body is also full of scars.

She has seen scars on Wendong's body, but now, there are more new injuries.However, although the two were already husband and wife and had shared the same bed before, it was the first time for him to touch a man's chest with his hands. Zhang Hanhan blushed slightly, and quickly reached out to turn off the desk lamp.

There was a lot of noise in the bedroom, and she fumbled to take off Wendong's pants.

Fortunately, Wendong's wine tastes good. After getting drunk, he won't be noisy or go crazy. It's probably because he really drank too much and has already passed out.Wendong didn't move, so Zhang Hanhan didn't worry anymore, she reached out to remove the burden in the nightdress, and lay down next to Wendong, but Wendong was almost naked at this time, so she didn't dare to touch it, she just groped to hold her hand Wendong's big hand.

The tentacles were very warm. During these days, her heart had never felt at peace. After all, she was too tired. She didn't know when she fell asleep in a daze.


Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Zhang Xiuxiu was lying on the bed like a pancake, tossing and turning, her eyes were as bright as ink in the darkness.

It was she who brought the drunk Su Yuemeng back to the room, and thus, the plan of devotion began.

Su Yuemeng and Wendong's suite had two bedrooms. She was so ghostly that she put Su Yuemeng in the side bedroom, but she stayed in the master bedroom to wait for Wendong to come back.

In her mind, Wendong was drunk, and when he came back, he would definitely regard himself as Su Yuemeng, and then...

Zhen'er also knew about this, Zhen'er scolded her for being a scheming bitch, with a look of disdain on her face, Zhang Xiuxiu snorted.

She is not a well-behaved character, what is this, but what almost drove her crazy was that she had washed up for nothing and waited until 03:30 in the morning before Wendong came back, so she finally couldn't help but put on her clothes and went out, looking for a The vigilant asked about the situation, but heard that Wendong went to Zhang Hanhan's place.

Zhang Xiuxiu's grand plan of dedicating herself to death failed, she stared at the two pandas for nothing all night, and almost vomited three liters of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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