How bad guys are made

Chapter 899 Collapse

Chapter 899 Collapse
The autumn wind is slightly cool and the sky is slightly bright.

Wen Dong was leaning against the head of the bed, leaning halfway, smoking quietly.

The upper body is naked, and the scars on the body are criss-crossed, like a dormant beast.Because of the twilight morning light covering the scar, the delicate side face was a little more calm and stern.

The cigarette butt had burned to the fingertips, and he didn't seem to notice it. He stared at the quietly sleeping woman next to him in a daze, and it seemed that he had been in a daze for a long time, and had been waiting for a long time.

Wait for the prey to wake up and sacrifice willingly.

"Hmm..." The snow-white and straight nose trembled slightly, and Zhang Hanhan groaned dreamily, as if he was awakened by the smell of his own smoke.

Hearing the sound, Wen Dong came back to his senses, his fingers trembled slightly, and he turned sideways to put out the cigarette.

"Wendong..." Zhang Hanhan called softly, stretched out his hand to hold his arm, his eyes were sleepy, he probably thought he was dreaming, and that movement showed that she was afraid it was a dream.

In the bedroom, the quiet needle drop could be heard, and Zhang Hanhan blinked his sleepy eyes a few times, only then did Zhang Hanhan realize that this was not a dream.Maybe it's because they haven't seen each other for too long, and maybe it's because of the previous estrangement, the four eyes meet each other, and they are speechless.

Wen Dong leaned over slowly, and stroked her snowy cheek with his big hand, extremely gentle.

The black eyes stared at her closely, and there seemed to be something silently gathering in the eyes.

Zhang Hanhan could see it clearly, even though she wanted to throw herself into his arms, but the lust in Wendong's eyes made her heart feel an inexplicable throbbing, and she turned her head away to avoid his eyes.

But he suddenly pulled her body, and she lay in his arms.

Under the dim light, his face was half-bright and half-dark, more handsome than anyone else, but also made her feel palpitations and fears more than anyone else.His broad and lean chest didn't feel thin at all, instead it was like a wall enveloping her.

He lowered his head and stared at her face, but with his big powerful hands, he caressed her smooth back from behind, gently stroking along the ridgeline.

Fortunately, through a layer of pajamas and a back, Zhang Hanhan's slightly flustered heart slowly settled down, and the whole person lay motionless in his arms, with his face pressed against his warm and flexible chest, enjoying the joy of reunion and stability.

"Wendong, I miss you very much." After all, the panic could not overcome the longing, she took the initiative to put her arms around his broad back, and whispered softly.

"Yes." Wen Dong agreed.

The surrounding was very quiet, only his scorching gaze and the sensitive touch gradually approaching the waist made her tremble slightly. She was untouched, but her body was more sensitive, but she did not refuse, but after all, she couldn't resist the other's fiery touch. Eyeliner, turn your head away.

Warm big hands entered the pajamas and caressed her slender waist. She didn't say a word, biting her red lips with her white teeth, slowly enduring or enjoying the gentle and gradually warm caress.

"Hanhan, I love you." Wen Dong whispered in her ear.

The woman's ears were very soft, and the fiery breath spewed out on the sensitive auricles, and a blush flew over the crystal ears in an instant, and he kissed her gently on her ears.

Zhang Hanhan trembled and let out a sound.

He lowered his head and found the tightly pursed cherry red mouth.

This kiss, however, changed from the tenderness just now, to extremely warm and fierce.His tongue is like a fire that cannot be suppressed, and only her breath can put out the fire.

His tongue rolled her fragrant lilac, everywhere, imprisoned her, entangled her, made her nowhere to retreat, and made her mind run wild.

The instinctive desire of her impersonal body, her body and mind have accepted Wendong, and she did not refuse the kiss at first, but what she didn't expect was that Wendong was so passionate that he seemed to eat her whole body .Reason made her nerves panic, she writhed uneasily and pushed him hard, but his tail didn't move.

She gritted her teeth and forced him to go out, but his big hand on her waist pressed it, her waist tingled, and she let out a low sound, her lips opened involuntarily, forced to meet his more violent ravages.

After a long time, until Zhang Hanhan was dizzy, he felt that he was about to suffocate due to lack of breathing, and she gave up resisting the hand that was beating on his chest, so he slowly moved his lips away, his slender eyes were darkened, writing Full and unfinished.

"I want to drink water." Although Wendong's kiss was passionate, but fortunately he didn't move. Zhang Hanhan panted, his face was flushed, and he licked his dry and hot lips. She was not thirsty, mainly because of internal heat.

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded, moved away from the broad shoulders covering her, and reached out to bring the water from the bedside table.

Zhang Hanhan's breath was stagnant when he saw it: "I want a warm drink, you go down and pour it for me."

"Are you sure I'm going on like this?" Wen Dong knew what she was thinking, and smiled faintly, his eyes were indescribably ambiguous.

Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately remembered Wendong's state. Originally, she just wanted Wendong to go down and pour water for herself, and then she took the opportunity to get up and put on her clothes quickly, and she would be fine.

"Then I won't drink." Zhang Hanhan said helplessly.

"Actually, it's not that you can't drink warm water. Do you want me to feed you?" Wen Dong held the water without moving.

"Then I'll drink some herbal tea."

"It's getting late, it's time for us to get up." After drinking the water, he handed him the cup, but seeing him turn back after putting down the cup, his eyes were still burning, Zhang Hanhan said in a low voice, with a hint of pleading in his eyes .

"It's not yet seven o'clock, don't worry." His shoulders sank, he pressed her arm directly, freed a hand, and embraced her in his arms again, his voice was extremely soft: "Hanhan, are you willing to give birth to me?" a child?"

Hit the nail on the head.

The same thing, but in another way, left her speechless.

Zhang Hanhan remained silent.

Wen Dong stared at her, there seemed to be mist in his black eyes, Zhang Hanhan couldn't see what kind of emotion was in his eyes, which made her heart soften completely.

His hand silently slid to the buttons of her pajamas, and unbuttoned them one by one.

"Wendong, don't." Zhang Hanhan grabbed his hand.

Wen Dong looked up at her, smiled gently and said, "You don't want to?"

These words only made Zhang Hanhan feel uncomfortable, his body stiffened, and it was difficult for him to speak for a while.

Before going to bed, Zhang Hanhan had already removed the burden on his upper body. The light pink pajamas were opened, and the plump Xuefeng came into view. Against the pink pajamas that had been unbuttoned on both sides, he looked more snowy and delicate. Wen Dong bowed his head, trembling. against his cheek.

Wen Dong seemed to be admiring it, which made her blush uncontrollably, and she tried her best not to look into his eyes.

Before she could resist, Wen Dong turned his head sideways, covered half of it with the other hand, and used both hands and mouth.

How did Zhang Hanhan expect him to treat himself like this without saying a word?Shocked and inexplicable for a moment, her delicate body was stiff, flustered, and her body trembled violently.He was like a beast that had been hungry and thirsty for a long time. He had endured to the limit, and this time he finally broke out, unstoppable.

Zhang Hanhan's untouched body is as sensitive as dry grass doused with petrol, and Wen Dong's lips and tongue are the introduction, instantly starting a prairie fire, everywhere.Unprecedented, extreme stimulation came from the tip, and Zhang Hanhan's face suddenly became hot.

The ubiquitous lips and big hands were like electric current raging unscrupulously on her body, she bit her lips hard to prevent herself from making strange sounds.

This kind of Wendong is too strange.In her cognition, Wendong is a ruffian, a scoundrel, joking and joking, but he is very kind to herself and never disobeys her own wishes.But this time, it was obviously different, except for his drunk gaffe last night, although he only spoke a few words, Zhang Hanhan found that he had changed a lot, looking calm and gentle.

Compared with the lazy Wendong before, she prefers this kind of Wendong.People will always change, especially after experiencing extreme sorrow and pain, but perhaps such changes are too fast, which makes her a little overwhelmed, strange to her, and frightening to her.

"Zhang Hanhan, everything you have is mine." He looked up at her and said.

The light was dim, and dimmer than the light were his eyes.There is no longer the joking and joking of the past, nor the tenderness of the past, only the strong and stubborn possessiveness.

Different from the eagerness and toughness just now, he has become extremely patient, like a beast that catches food and eats slowly, yet extremely gentle.Touching Zhang Hanhan's slightly stiff body, he kissed the other's tender neck, slowly, downward.

Her face is still ugly, but her body has softened uncontrollably.The fair face was flushed with bursts of blush, and when he kissed her calf, he had already taken off all her clothes naturally.The body as smooth as jade was exposed in the air, like a white lamb, lying quietly on the bed, lying in his sight, but trembling slightly uncontrollably.

With a snowy ketone body, every part of her body is extremely perfect, her legs are slender and close together, white and round, and her face is alluring.

Touching his eyeliner, Zhang Hanhan opened his eyes and looked at him, their eyes met.At this moment, there was less fiery blazing in his eyes, more like forbearing tenderness, with such deep affection.She is no stranger to such eyes.It was like the night when they met again after being shipwrecked, he drove away as if he was angry, but his eyes could not deceive anyone; it was also like the second time they met each other in Jinxiu Villa, the two did not speak, but their eyes , but it was as clear in Zhang Hanhan's mind as yesterday; it was more like the second time he met Hong Zhanyun, even though he was angry, the eyes were as passionate as ever.

Zhang Hanhan knows what kind of infatuation Wendong has for him.

He slowly bent down, but lightly bit her snow-white thigh, the numbness was so unbearable that she forgot to break free, and subconsciously closed her legs together.

Although he had already made preparations, when the two of them were about to have a relationship, Zhang Hanhan still couldn't help but hold on to the sheet under his body tightly, and wanted to close his eyes, but he didn't dare to close them.After all, it was the first time, she panicked, she was afraid.

Obviously aware of his slightly shortness of breath, Zhang Hanhan was even more frightened, staring at his every move with difficulty, but he did not rush to attack, but turned on the bedside lamp instead.

He wants to see more clearly?She looked at him, Wen Dong grinned at her, leaned over and grabbed her Xuefeng tenderly again, Zhang Hanhan blushed on fire, and turned his head away vigorously.

She didn't know that he was no longer the lazy person who could only run amok but had nothing to do before, holding her slender ankle with his big hand, pushing her up, bending her legs into an M shape.

She opened her eyes with some fear, just in time to see his delicate face slowly approaching her leg-root.

Zhang Hanhan felt her brain explode with a bang, turning into a puddle of paste. She never thought that her most private place would be presented to her husband like this.

He was kissing her with the same devotion and obsession as before, but with a much more domineering force.

Zhang Hanhan grabbed the pillow to cover her face, she felt as if there were thousands of hands scratching her from the kissing place to her heart, which made her feel ashamed and embarrassed, extremely embarrassed.That never-before-seen feeling, from weak to strong, turned out to be just a moment of thought.She couldn't help it, and began to pant, panting very quickly.

Finally, at the moment of collapse, she suddenly felt something in her mind, and it completely collapsed along with her trembling.

That's her sanity and indifference.

(End of this chapter)

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