How bad guys are made

Chapter 900 Zhang Hanhan's Change

Chapter 900 Zhang Hanhan's Change
But when this moment came, apart from shyness, panic and embarrassment, she didn't have a trace of disgust in her heart.

Only then did she know that she really loved him.She knew better than anyone that her body and mind already belonged to this person.

Wendong has changed, she needs time to slowly accept and get to know her.So she felt that it would take some time for her body and mind to fully fit together. By then, perhaps there would be no fear or panic, only the calmness of love.

too fast.

But she didn't have the energy to struggle.

The feeling of chopsticks impacted her thoughts, disrupting her heart and reason.She didn't know what he was doing to her, she only knew that her whole body seemed to be ignited by fire, the sense of emptiness that had never been empty, invaded her whole body heavily, leaving only desire.The sensation of the body replaced everything, and her trembling legs couldn't help but tighten his head, only bringing him closer and more violently.

She actually wanted his caress so much, she was extremely ashamed and helpless...

"Hanhan, you are mine." At some point, he had withdrawn, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and said, his hands were still caressing her obsessively.

Zhang Hanhan didn't know how long he had sunk in a daze until he woke up when he heard his voice.His voice seemed to be bewitching, and she opened her eyes to look at him.The black eyes on her delicate face were deep, as if she had been watching her for thousands of years.The dark desire in her eyes seemed to tear her into pieces and swallow her up.

The last shred of reason in Zhang Hanhan's mind finally disappeared. At this moment, she was so distraught that she didn't want to think about anything. She only knew that if he wanted it, he would give it to him.And I also want to give him, want him.

At this moment, Zhang Hanhan's cell phone by the bed rang.As if Wen Dong hadn't realized it, he was still fascinated by her.

Zhang Hanhan had already heard it, but he didn't want to answer it either.Unexpectedly, the phone rang again after the call.

"Wendong, look who is calling." Zhang Hanhan pushed him away vigorously and said, his voice was hoarse and suppressed, his face was extremely red, full of lust.

Wen Dong was also annoyed by the phone call, he didn't want to.Zhang Hanhan pushed him hard.

Wen Dong looked at her delicate and charming cheeks, knowing that her body and mind had fully accepted him, so he let it go temporarily, got up and handed her the phone.

"Why Xiaoying?" Zhang Hanhan frowned.

"Ask." Wen Dong only uttered two words, his voice was low, obviously being disturbed at this time made him very upset.

"You, you pick it up." Zhang Hanhan hesitated for a moment and said, obviously, she was just panting for breath now, although she was facing Wendong calmly now, but she would never dare to be heard by others.

"What's wrong?" Wen Dong answered the phone and said.

"Oh, master, you're awake." Phantom said aloud, "Mistress's parents are here, and they are parking the car in the parking area behind the villa."

"Oh, I see." Wen Dong agreed and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Hanhan gasped a few times and asked aloud.

Wen Dong was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, but he said helplessly: "Our parents are here and they are parking the car."

"What!" Zhang Hanhan exclaimed, straightened up suddenly, and lifted Wen Dong who was pressing on her to the foot of the bed...

"Receive your parents first, and I'll take a shower." Zhang Hanhan felt that his current state could never be seen by his parents. He hurriedly dropped a sentence, and without being shy, he grabbed it and was untied by Wen Dong and threw it aside. The pajamas got into the bathroom.

Seeing that the big white sheep that has already been obtained disappeared from the bed in the blink of an eye, Wen Dong was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother and his father. At this juncture, why did the old couple come to join in the fun? They don't want to hug their grandson anymore?

However, it is already the most important thing to have a complete and harmonious relationship with Zhang Hanhan, and this time it can be clearly seen that Zhang Hanhan has not refused, it is nothing more than a matter of time, Wendong has no choice but to comfort himself like this, and quickly got up and put on clothes. clothing.

As soon as Wendong got dressed, the doorbell rang, and he hurried out of the living room and opened the door to take a look. Phantom was right, it was indeed the parents who came, Wendong called his parents, greeted them with a smile, and quickly invited the elders in .

"Oh, Wendong, mom is still worried that Hanhan is disobedient, so I didn't find you last night." When Zhou Yahe saw Wendong, Xu Niang's beautiful face immediately bloomed, and she grabbed Wendong's arm, Very kind to this good son-in-law.

"I found it. Besides, even if Hanhan doesn't look for me, I have to come back." Wendong said with a smile.

"Look, let me just say, the young couple love so deeply, we don't need to worry about it at all." Zhang Wending glanced at his wife and said helplessly.

The reunion of their old husband and wife is also very sweet. They drank some wine last night because they were happy.Who knew Zhou Yahe was worried about her daughter and son-in-law, so she insisted on dragging herself to take a look at it early in the morning. If Hanhan couldn't find Wendong, or if Wendong didn't forgive her daughter, the two elders would accompany their daughter there. Looking for him, and from Zhang Wending's point of view, this is nothing but worrying, but he has to listen to what his wife says...

"Where's Hanhan? This girl hasn't woken up yet, has she?" Zhou Yahe glanced in the direction of the bedroom, smiling all over her face.

"She has already woken up and is taking a bath. Yesterday I was happy, and I drank too much out of control, which made her smell of alcohol, and she was still blaming me just now." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm taking a bath." Zhou Yahe nodded, looking sideways at her son-in-law with ambiguous eyes.

How can I take a shower in the morning, unless...

Zhou Yahe is someone who has been there, and seeing his son-in-law's smile deepens, it seems that the matter of holding his grandson will soon be on the agenda.

I just bullied their daughter, and I have a ghost in my heart. Even if I have a thick skin, I can't stand the eyes of my mother-in-law. I quickly got up and poured water, saying: "I haven't eaten yet, I'll do it now."

"No, with my mother here, I still need you to cook? I'll come, you take a rest." Zhou Yahe smiled and got up.

"No, I'll do it, it's easy." Wen Dong shook his head and refused, walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, and was stunned on the spot. The refrigerator was empty, only a bottle of yogurt and a few slices had been opened and not finished. Bread wrapped in a wrapping bag.

"I knew it was the flesh that fell from my body." Zhou Yahe said with a smile standing behind Wendong.

Wendong turned his head, only to see that his mother-in-law was carrying some vegetables and fruits in her hands, apparently just bought on the way here.

Zhang Hanhan eats this these days?Wendong turned off the refrigerator a little angrily. Doesn't this stupid woman know how to take care of her body besides work?
Standing in the bathroom of the master bedroom, Zhang Hanhan listened to the conversation outside, heaved a sigh of relief, and said to himself, fortunately, fortunately, his parents came before Wendong really bullied him, otherwise, if they saw it, he would really be ashamed .

Even though Wen Dong was not allowed to succeed, she still felt exhausted, as if she was more tired than staying up late to make a project. She couldn't help thinking of the embarrassing thing about Wen Dong lying on her lap, and she couldn't control her blushing and heartbeat again. , Cursing inwardly: This bastard, why is he such a hooligan, how could he treat himself like this!
Zhang Hanhan's body was sore and weak, and he gasped for a few more breaths before slowly suppressing it. He glanced at the mirror, his face was still flushed abnormally, his wrists, chest, waist, and thighs were all covered with his hickey marks. At that time, he was in a daze I didn't know it at all, and only now did I know that Wen Dong never let him go—he made no secret of his long-term enthusiasm.

Although he didn't do that kind of thing, he was not the only one who was released.Zhang Hanhan only felt that his bones were soft, and his heart was happy and sweet.

She wondered in a daze, why did she fall in love with this man so deeply?She has always claimed to be shrewd, with a cool and indifferent personality, and what she is most upset about is Wendong's laziness and muddy walls, but at that time, she agreed to marry him in a daze.

I obviously hate this kind of unprogressive person very much.She couldn't help thinking of Li Jing's words, if one party is smart and capable, then the other party will be lazy and lazy; if one party spends a lot of money, then the other party will calculate everything.If two people are lazy, they will not be able to live; if both spend money lavishly, then they will not be able to live; if both are good at calculating and calculating everything, they will also be unable to live. The thicker the skin, the thicker the thinner it must be, otherwise both parties would be timid, and it would be impossible for them to be together.

Perhaps, I and Wendong are really a destined couple...

However, this guy is too thick-skinned, how could he be like this...

Zhang Hanhan looked down at the hickey marks on his snow-white legs, his pretty face was flushed, and he secretly cursed.

The breakfast was very simple, and the four of us enjoyed it very much.When the two elders left, Zhang Hanhan saw that it was a bit late, and ignored Wendong, and went out to drive to work in the company, leaving Wendong with a speechless face alone to guard the empty room.


Life continues as usual, but the mentality and mood of doing things have changed a lot.

Different from his usual dress, Zhang Hanhan wore a brown formal dress today, and the package outlined undulating and exquisite curves.The face as fair as fine porcelain, because of the faint smile and relaxed demeanor on the corner of the mouth, is more and more natural, with an elegant temperament.

Li Jing stood aside with a look of doubt on her face. The president's schedule was arranged for her by herself. There were no big events or parties today.Moreover, the relaxed and natural smile on the president's face is definitely the first time in the past ten days.

"Mr. Zhang, is there any happy event?" Li Jing finally couldn't hold back and asked.

"Ah? What happy event?" Zhang Hanhan put down the documents and looked up and asked, with a puzzled expression.

Li Jing was taken aback by the question.

"I can't say it, but it feels good." Li Jing pondered for a moment and said.

"Don't worry about me. I have a lot of work today, and you still have a lot to help me. Give this document to Mr. He." Zhang Hanhan handed her the document and said with a smile.

He Qing is now Lanyun's second in command.

"Okay." Li Jing nodded and took it, then turned and left.When he opened the door, he couldn't help but look sideways at Zhang Hanhan who was at the desk, with a calm face and a faint smile.

Li Jing looked away, muttering 'strange' in her mouth, and walked out...

(End of this chapter)

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