Chapter 902

"Zhang Ya." Zhang Ya stood at a distance of ten meters from Yingzi on the podium, his hands slowly stretched out, and the two daggers shone with a faint cold light against the sunlight.

Zhang Ya is now nearly 35 years old, still the best age for a man, but for a killer, he has reached the end of his career as a killer.This is like a player, who has basically started to retire at the age of 35, and the training intensity of the killer is much higher than that of the player, including the previous training and the hidden injuries left by the killing mission. It will also become more prominent.

However, as the instructor of class three years, he is still one of the few masters in the entire base. At this time, the students in classes one to three of the third grade of the Cold War Department below the podium looked at the upright Zhang Zhang on the stage with enthusiasm. Ya, like a god...

"Huida Yingzi." Yingzi also reported her name as a sign of respect, and slowly pulled out a dagger about sixty centimeters long.


Yingzi's expression was cold and serious, and her beautiful and exquisite body under the tights was tense, like a leopard ready to go.

The base implements the contribution value system, which will be a historic change. This historic change all comes from the master, and the executor is himself. This is the master's trust in him, and he must defeat this Zhang Ya.

If he still can't defeat an instructor at the base even after he has practiced "Guying Phantom Killing", then who will accumulate contribution points?And in this way, this so-called virtuous circle was strangled in the cradle. She had to win this battle.

For the master.

No, to be precise, it was for my own man.Sakura said this in her heart.

Beside the podium, Gu Fengshuang stood aside with arms crossed, looked at the two people on the stage who were ready to go, and said, "Who do you think will win?"

"Miss Yingzi." Gu Fenghan said.

Gu Fengshuang turned to look at her younger brother with surprise in her eyes: "Zhang Ya is also your teacher, at least one-third of your abilities come from Zhang Ya, right?"

"Look." Gu Fenghan only uttered two words, his eyes fixed on the podium.

Gu Fengshuang knew his younger brother's character, but curled his lips helplessly...

It was mid-afternoon at this time, and the scorching sun was scorching the earth, but none of the nearly thousand students in the training ground spoke.

Yingzi's body arched slightly, making her petite body even more exquisite, but her eyes were extremely black and bright, staring at Zhang Ya in front of her without blinking.

Zhang Ya looked at Yingzi indifferently in front of him, but after the brief confrontation between the two, his expression gradually became dignified. He only felt that Yingzi in front of him was like a poisonous snake, arching her body slightly, pulling her All the weaknesses in the body are all restrained, the breath is concentrated, and there is no breath in the whole body, just waiting for the opponent to show his flaws and then urge the fatal blow.Especially those bright black eyes, Zhang Ya felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake, and under the scorching sun, it gave people a feeling of ice-cold all over his body.

A master of masters!Zhang Ya hadn't experienced this sense of crisis for a long time.

He knew that he could no longer look at this woman. Her eyes seemed to be charming, which would bewitch and disturb people's minds. The longer the time dragged on, the worse it would be for him.

The dagger was swallowing and spitting between his wrists, but Zhang Ya put an unsheathed sharp sword straight at Yingzi.

He actually shot Yingzi first, but no one in the field looked down on him, because the instructor said that in their eyes, there are no men and women, only dead people, either you die or I die, and these words , has always been the motto of these students.

Yingzi's black eyes froze suddenly, and she dodged, a cold light flashed from her ears and temples, a few strands of blue hair slowly fell, Yingzi didn't even look at it, and suddenly stomped her feet hard.

With a bang, Yingzi's petite body jumped up high.

Although this woman is a bit weird, and she can seduce people's hearts, but the combat experience is still a little tender. People jump into the air, there is no point of leverage, and this is the most taboo in the battle between masters. It looks very fancy, but Not practical at all.

Zhang Ya suddenly raised his head, the sunlight reflected the dagger in Yingzi's hand and flashed before his eyes, only blinding his eyes for a moment.


The strong light and shadow forced him to close his eyes for a short moment, but Zhang Ya had been a killer for more than ten years, and his combat experience and keen perception were extremely strong. He threw a dagger out of his hand and stabbed Yingzi in the air.

Yingzi wanted to take advantage of Zhang Ya's blind moment to win with one move, but she didn't expect the opponent's reaction to be so fast. The dagger thrown by Zhang Ya was right at her vital position, so she had to dodge.

Yingzi twisted suddenly in the air, dodging the flying dagger, and stepped on Zhang Ya's head with her toes pointing down behind her ear.Zhang Ya picked up the dagger, and a cold light flashed by, but Yingzi's little foot was like a dragonfly on the water, and she could leave at the touch of a touch. With the help of that little reaction force, she took a step forward and was about to rush out.

How could Zhang Ya let go of this opportunity, his body turned over smoothly, and the only remaining dagger in his hand slid out.

It's empty!
Zhang Ya's face turned pale with shock, and then he felt a chill on his neck and a slight tingling sensation.The dagger in Yingzi's hand slashed across Zhang Ya's neck, her delicate body turned over flexibly, her toes touched his shoulder, her body shot out backwards, and landed floatingly.

"Phantom strangulation!" In the audience, Gu Fenghan's eyes without waves finally showed strong fluctuations, and he let out a low voice.

"What is phantom strangulation?" Gu Fengshuang focused on strength, but his body skills were second. He was only a little dazzled. He thought he couldn't do the moves like Yingzi just now. Hearing his younger brother's exclamation, he couldn't help asking curiously. road.

"Phantom strangle is to jump into the air, change posture, change shape and position, confuse people, and complete a one-hit kill." Gu Fengshuang said in a serious tone.

"Oh." Gu Fengshuang scratched his head, his expression half-understood, he did see Yingzi took a step forward, but in the blink of an eye, he turned back and couldn't see it anymore. Find out why.

Gu Fengshuang couldn't understand the so-called "experts look at the doorway and laymen watch the excitement", but seeing his younger brother's serious expression, it was obvious that this move came from a very powerful move in "Guying Huansha". No?"

"No. This move needs to be as light as a swallow, and it also needs to be extremely flexible. In addition, it also needs to grasp the balance and rhythm of the body. In this regard, I am not as good as Miss Yingzi." Gu Fengshuang shook his head.

"Uh..." Hearing his younger brother's explanation, Gu Fengshuang felt even more confused.

Gu Fenghan only said these things, regardless of whether his brother understood or not, he was inexplicably shocked.The most difficult thing about Phantom Strangling is the sense of rhythm, shifting shape, confusing people, and it is still in the air, especially if the opponent is an experienced master, it is not as simple as it seems to confuse him, but Sakura It took only two days to practice Yingzi. Although Zhang Ya was flustered by the reflection of the short sword in the sun at first, Gu Fenghan still had to admit Yingzi's talent!

"Then Miss Yingzi won?" Gu Fengshuang asked seeing the two standing still in the field.

Gu Fenghan glanced at him and didn't speak, but his eyes told his brother - aren't you talking nonsense?

"Oh day!" Gu Fengshuang was a little speechless. He thought he could watch a fierce battle, but he didn't expect that the winner would be decided after only two moves. The most important thing is that he didn't understand it yet! ! !
"I lost." Zhang Ya looked at Yingzi who was standing in front of him and retreated more than ten meters away, and said in a bitter tone.

Yingzi obviously kept her hand with the sword just now, and only drew a shallow bloodstain on his neck. If she was her enemy, her head might have been separated by now.

Now he has figured out how he lost. He was cheated by her.But if the situation just now happened again, he felt that he still had to do it based on his own perception. This was the scariest thing, because it was so real. She obviously took a step forward, but suddenly came to her own Rear, it's just unbelievable.

At this time, there was already a huge wave in his heart.


The well-known master of the base failed miserably without even touching the corner of the opponent's clothes within two moves. His surrender immediately caused an uproar in the audience...

The effect has been achieved, and then Huang Ming came to the stage, announced the end of the meeting, and notified the location of the Advanced Resource Department, where the contribution value can be exchanged for pills and cheats, and also said that this is just the beginning, and there will be more and better ones in the future Cheats and elixirs are available for everyone to exchange.

Yingzi became famous in the first battle at the base. She, the so-called No. [-] person in the base, no one would dare to disrespect her now.

Afterwards, Yingzi said a few words, the content was about the two cheat books "Gu Ying Phantom Kill" and "The Body of the Earth". After all, the contribution required is too much.She said that the contribution required by these two cheat books can be credited, but the condition of the credit is that the talent in this area is absolutely outstanding.

The talent in "Gu Ying Phantom Killing" needs to be recognized by her and Gu Fenghan, while "The Body of the Earth" needs to be recognized by Gu Fengshuang.

The meaning is obvious, as long as your talent is high enough, the base can give you all the conveniences. Therefore, after many students saw the power of "Gu Ying Phantom Killing", brothers Gu Fengshuang and Miss Yingzi became very popular figures in the base.

Of course, this enthusiasm only lasted for a few minutes, and then everyone quickly understood that there was no way to talk about favors through the back door. Needless to say, Gu Fenghan, although everyone is in the relationship between classmates and seniors, but Everyone knows that this guy doesn't like oil and salt at all.

As for Gu Fengshuang, I can only say hehe, this guy is even more old-fashioned, especially at this time he is dedicated to serving the base, and it is impossible to walk past him.

Then, there is only one way for students with low talents to obtain such good cheats, and that is to accumulate contribution points.


Although cheats and pills are still very far away from everyone, especially "Lonely Ghost" and its equally famous "The Body of the Earth", with 3000 contribution points, it is estimated that the contribution points of all the students can be exchanged for a copy , is too far away.

However, the pill...

The base is a hodgepodge, and there are people from any country, so the appearance of A and Yingzi didn't attract many people's special attention.

Suba also has a job when she comes to the base, which is to help Yingzi. Although Yingzi manages these important high-level resources, she still has to practice "Gu Ying Phantom Killer".

In an office specially planned by Huang Ming for them, Yingzi was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, closing her eyes and resting, obviously feeling a little bit about this noon battle; sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard with her fingers clumsily, The contribution value data of all the students in the base are all entered into the computer.

"Dong dong..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Sakura opened her eyes, stood up and said.

The visitor is a young man with a simple and honest appearance, but Yingzi will not be deceived by this young man's appearance. This young man looks only about 20 years old, but his eyes are extremely sharp, and he is a master at a glance.

"Hello, Ms. Yingzi, I am Zhou Changqing, the squad leader of the second class of the second year of the Hot War Department, and I want to exchange for the elixir." Seeing Yingzi looking at him, the young man said.

(End of this chapter)

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