Chapter 903 Withdrawal of 10 Yuan fine

"Oh? What kind of elixir to exchange?" Yingzi frowned, then turned to look at Aya behind the desk, and the two looked at each other with smiles on their faces.I didn't expect that after less than half an hour of notification, someone would come to exchange high-level resources. This is good news...

Yingzi sat in a corseted black dress, revealing her curvaceous and beautiful figure, and she listened quietly to Zhou Changqing's narration.And behind Zhou Changqing, there were more than a dozen young people around. Hearing what the squad leader said, everyone nodded repeatedly, but they couldn't help looking at this beautiful newcomer.

We are all young men in their twenties, and when they are at their most energetic, they naturally have a different attraction to the opposite sex, especially for a pretty mess like Yingzi, who is even more powerful and messy. These youths are even more inexplicably attractive.

But everyone knows that although roses are beautiful, they have thorns.In particular, even the instructors of the three-year class were defeated by her. As for the students who majored in hot weapons, they were not the best generals. Even so, seeing Yingzi's face at a close distance , everyone still couldn't suppress the love in their hearts.

Even class leader Zhou Changqing couldn't hide the eager eyes of the students.Yingzi didn't care. As a young lady of the Soprano family, she had countless admirers at the beginning, and she was already used to it. Moreover, she only belonged to that person now.

Hearing what Zhou Changqing said, she immediately understood.

The reason for the incident was that half a month ago, the second class of the second year participated in the practice class. In the third grade, there will be more and more difficult practice classes. At this point, Zhou Changqing and all the young people after him were silent.

And their instructor, the teacher who led their practice class at that time, was shot twice and almost died.Fortunately, he was rescued in time and revived, but the gunshot wounded his spleen and stomach, and he has not improved after more than half a month of recuperation. If it wasn't for the base school teaching him for many years, he might have been abandoned long ago.

But the instructor and the students already had feelings, so Zhou Changqing thought of exchanging the Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill at this time, to see if the instructor could recover as soon as possible.

But a Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill requires 50 contribution points, and each of their students has no more than a dozen points at most. After all, they are only in the second grade, so Zhou Changqing came to discuss whether they can make it up.

"Are you willing too?" Yingzi nodded silently after hearing this, looked up at the young people behind Zhou Changqing and asked.

"We are willing. I have six contribution points here, and I will take them all out."

"I have eight o'clock here."

"I have here..."

On the desk, notebooks recording contribution values ​​were piled up one by one.

Yingzi didn't say anything, got up and walked to the desk and said to A: "Find out their names and erase all their contribution points."

"Okay." A nodded and started to work on the computer, while Yingzi picked up their notebook and erased the contribution value on it one by one.

"They are kind-hearted after all, can't they be accommodating?" A couldn't help but whispered to Yingzi, these many students gathered a snow lotus nourishing pill just to save the instructor, which made A feel a little unbearable.

"No, you can earn more when your contribution points are gone." Zhou Changqing denied, with a serious look on his face. Obviously, to them, A's words were like alms to poor people, hurting their self-esteem.

"Just do as I say." Sakura shook her head and said.

A helplessly smiled, and could only enter a series of complex passwords to open the system, picked up the logbooks of these colleges and erased all the contribution points after their names.

Yingzi picked up Zhou Changqing's contribution record book and saw that his sniper score was perfect. She couldn't help but take another look at this ordinary-looking young man. Being able to be the class leader is indeed extraordinary.


In the afternoon, Zhao Yifei came back again, Wendong had no choice but to have another drink with them.The three of them had experienced life and death together at any rate, and they were extremely excited to meet each other this time.

After a meal of wine, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and he didn't strike until after nine o'clock in the evening. Wen Dong drank a lot, but his body was different from ordinary people, and he was not drunk.Jiang Han was arranged by Zhao Yifei.Before leaving, Wendong expressed his gratitude to Jiang Han again and again. It is true that there are people who are easy to handle. If Jiang Han didn't help introduce him, I am afraid it will take a long time.

Although Jiang Han must have intended to befriend him because of his strength, Wen Dong was still grateful.

I took a taxi, and it was past nine thirty when I got home.

"Hey, dear Xiao Hanhan, I'm waiting for my husband to come back at home." After changing her slippers and coming to the living room, she saw Zhang Hanhan sitting on the sofa watching TV, because there was heating in the house, at this time she was wearing a white light The gauze suspender skirt, the delicate beauty is as dazzling as a blooming snow lotus in the night, although it is not very revealing, but it is definitely not conservative, fragrant shoulders, jade arms, long legs...

noble, sexy...

Wen Dong drank some wine, and his words were lost.

Looking at his wife's sexy and beautiful appearance, he couldn't help drooling, and leaned forward with a grin.

"Why are you drunk again? What nonsense are you talking about?" Sensing the smell of alcohol rushing toward his face, Zhang Hanhan's eyes showed a hint of disgust. Most women don't like men drinking, especially Wen Dong who drank a lot at first sight.

"Nonsense? How is it possible? I'm not drunk, I just met an old friend and had a drink." Wen Dong sat down beside her, reached out and grabbed the cup in front of her, raised his neck and gulped down A few mouthfuls.

"Didn't you talk nonsense? Are you sure you won't talk nonsense when you're drunk?" Zhang Hanhan seemed to remember something, and looked at him with a sneer.

Before coming here, Zhang Hanhan had already made up her mind that no matter how powerful Wen Dong was, she must take the initiative in this family, or she would not be bullied to death by him?And now that Lanyun is on the rise, it is impossible for her to have children.

Just by looking at He Qing, you can tell that her stomach is obviously bulging, and she is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting symptoms, which will greatly affect her work status, and in more than a month, He Qing will have to take a complete vacation. Now Lan Yun , Zhang Hanhan is simply not allowed to have the time to have a baby.

"Of course not. Even if I'm drunk, I'm still clear-headed. How could I talk nonsense." Wen Dong clarified, not knowing what Zhang Hanhan was thinking, shaking his head.

"Really? I remember last night, you said I was ugly and wanted to replace me. I heard this with my own ears. Did you already make up your mind to replace me?" Zhang Hanhan sneered road.

"Ah?" Wen Dong trembled, and he was a little dazed since Zhang Hanhan opened his mouth. Originally, the two had just reconciled, and this time the reconciliation was different from the previous kind of quarrel. In addition to the excitement this morning, taking down his wife was a matter of tonight, so until now I don't know how Zhang Hanhan would say such words.

The most important thing is, when did I say she was ugly? If my wife was ugly, there would be no beautiful people in the world.

"Ah what? Isn't it right? Didn't you say that you can't talk nonsense when you're drunk? Then it's not nonsense when you say you changed me. That's fine, don't touch me from now on, you go your own way , I will walk on my single-plank bridge." Zhang Hanhan said with a cold expression, seeing her husband's demented look, she felt extremely proud.

"Damn, who the hell said my wife is ugly? I'm going to kill him!" Wen Dong said angrily.

"Wendong, don't act for me here, you said it yourself, and Ling Yun heard it at that time." Zhang Hanhan was unmoved, made up his mind, and insisted on this matter.

"Oh, Ling Yun, I see. It must be that bastard who said it. Wife, I know what you mean. It's over, wife, don't worry, I will clean him up for you tomorrow. How dare you call my wife ugly? I'm impatient to live!" Wen Dong continued to be angry, and he spoke righteously.

"..." Zhang Hanhan's eyes widened, and he looked at Wendong with a look of incredulity.

Suddenly, Zhang Hanhan raised his foot and kicked Wendong with a 'dang' sound, the heel of his high-heeled shoe was kicking Wendong's calf.

"Hey, my wife, why are you kicking me? You are wearing high heels, and I still have to keep my legs to kick that bastard Ling Yun, hiss..." Wen Dong, who was caught off guard, grinned in pain.

"Kick Lingyun? Why do you kick someone, Wen Dong, stop messing with me, you are the one who called me ugly and drove me away!" Zhang Hanhan pursed his lips and snorted angrily.

"Okay, I'll call Ling Yun right now, and I won't make small moves in front of you. Wife, you are such a beautiful and sexy beauty, how could I drive you away? Unless I'm a fool." With an angry face, Dong took out his mobile phone while muttering.

"Okay, you call." Hearing Wendong's flattery, Zhang Hanhan was unmoved, and hummed with his mouth pursed, but his eyes were watching his hand holding the phone vigilantly, beware of his small moves.

"Hello, Ling Yun, I'm Wendong." The call was connected quickly, and Wendong's voice was a little high, reeking of alcohol.

"Boss, what are your orders?" Hearing the boss's intentionally raised voice, Ling Yun looked serious, and quickly made a gesture of silence to Zhou Yaman beside him, and said seriously.

"Ahem, I was drunk yesterday, did I say that your sister-in-law is ugly?" Wen Dong coughed and said in a low voice.

"Ah? No, why didn't I hear it." Ling Yun rolled his eyes and whispered.

Zhang Hanhan on the side heard it, his face was frosty, and he was about to reach out for the phone to ask himself.

However, Wen Dong turned around, straightened his face, and raised his voice: "Fart!"

Ling Yun: "Uh..."

"Your sister-in-law obviously heard someone say she is ugly, since I didn't say it, who said it?" Wen Dong said angrily.

Ling Yun was so shocked that his brain was rumbling, and he felt his throat dry for a while, but his brain turned rapidly, and soon he understood, and said in a mournful tone: "I'm sorry, boss, I said it, it's not that I don't know my sister-in-law, so I said Wrong word."

"Hey, you bastard, how dare you call your sister-in-law ugly? You are simply impatient, you should be punished!" Wen Dong raised his tone, and waved his big hands in anger, full of momentum.

"So, you go to the finance department tomorrow and get a fine of 10 yuan! Hang up!" After speaking, Wen Dong hung up the phone with a bang.

Zhang Hanhan sat on the side, his eyes wide open, and his expression was incredible!A ticket for withdrawing 10 yuan? ! !

"Hey, wife, look, I've taught Ling Yun a lesson, don't be angry, it's getting late, let's wash up and go to sleep..." Wen Dong casually dropped his phone, and approached Zhang Hanhan with a smile on his face.

With a cold face, Zhang Hanhan stood up abruptly, stomped on his high-heeled feet, and walked away, leaving behind Wendong hugging his feet and screaming in pain...

(End of this chapter)

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