How bad guys are made

Chapter 904 Don't push yourself

Chapter 904 Don't push yourself
Withdrawing a 10 yuan fine?Is this jerk husband joking?Is this punishment or reward?He was obviously trying to anger himself on purpose!
Zhang Hanhan hated him very much, his bastard husband was simply in the same league as Ling Yun, working hand in hand.

Fortunately, I thanked Ling Yun several times last night. I was really kind-hearted. That Ling Yun's eyes rolled around, and it seemed that he was the same as Wen Dong, who was stealing and playing tricks...

Walking to the door of the study, Zhang Hanhan's face was still gloomy, and he turned around to look at Wendong who looked at him pitifully with mournful eyes.

"Wendong, follow me into the study."

That sound was like hailstones in June, all of which were cold blades...


in the library.

Zhang Hanhan leaned on the seat with his fragrant shoulders in his arms, pursed his lips in a half-smile, and looked at his husband with a disturbed expression in front of him.

At this time, the computer in front of her has been turned on, and there is some information about Qingcheng Group on it, and the legal person of Qingcheng Group is written in the name of Wendong, the chairman of the largest shareholder of Qingcheng is also Wendong, Su Yuemeng It is the president of the group.And there is an information bag next to the keyboard, with the words Su Yuemeng clearly written on it, which is obviously information about Su Yuemeng.

"Wendong, why don't you explain to me your relationship with Su Yuemeng?" Zhang Hanhan spoke first, looking at Wendong with playful eyes.

"Hehe, I wanted to explain, but I gave up when I saw you like this. You definitely won't believe my words." Wendong smiled wryly, walked to the wicker chair beside him and sat down, stretched out his hand to push open the French window, and clicked on it. Taking a puff of the cigarette, he turned back and said, "Tell me, what do you want to do with me?" That tone was full of the energy to rush to the execution ground without fear of life and death.

"Take care of you? Do you think I can take care of you?" Zhang Hanhan sighed softly. Now, Wendong's identity is still a mystery to her. She just didn't want to ask because the relationship between the two had just reconciled. And she felt that even if she asked, he would not tell the truth to her, and made herself angry for no reason.

"Honey, I..."

"Do you want to mess around? Do you really think I don't know anything? But I think Su Yuemeng is really good. She is beautiful, kind-hearted, and very talented in business. Well, the most important thing is that she is pure and gentle. Not like me." Zhang Hanhan glanced at Wendong and said to himself.

"Hehe..." Wen Dong smiled wryly, not knowing how to explain it.The reason why he and Su Yuemeng were together in the first place was the marriage of interests, but at that time, he happened to be in a bad mood, Su Yuemeng was by his side, coupled with gentleness and kindness, he really had a good impression of her.

But this is not a reason after all. You can't say that because you are in a bad mood, you just took in a woman. In that case, Zhang Hanhan probably didn't kick his leg, but directly stamped his face.

"Yesterday, Su Yuemeng found me and wanted to cooperate with Lanyun." Zhang Hanhan saw Wendong's embarrassment, and felt even more irritable, and said to himself.

"Huh? Then did you agree?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Su Yuemeng to make her own claim. Could this girl be trying to protest against Zhang Hanhan?
"Unless I'm stupid, I won't agree." Zhang Hanhan snorted angrily.Although she was a little angry in her heart, compared to Lan Yun's interests, she naturally agreed that Su Yuemeng was helping her, and it was a good intention.Even though Zhang Hanhan was unwilling in every possible way, she had to admit that Su Yuemeng's affinity was much stronger than her own, and the most important thing was the interests of Lanyun, which she could not ignore.

"Oh, that's pretty good." Wen Dong nodded. Seeing that his wife didn't seem to be really angry, he breathed a sigh of relief. He secretly praised Su Yuemeng as a smart girl. There was one aspect of his promise to establish Qingcheng Group The reason for this is to help Lanyun regain its former glory.

"It's pretty good." Zhang Hanhan nodded, pursed his lips and looked sideways at Wendong, with a half-smile on his face.

"Yeah, me too... I..." Wen Dong nodded hurriedly, and began to imagine what it would be like to throw two big CEOs on the bed, but seeing Zhang Hanhan's cold eyes, he immediately choked on his words In the stomach, I was too embarrassed to speak.

Zhang Hanhan stared at him coldly, but in the end there was nothing he could do. With a headache, he reached out and rubbed his snow-white forehead, got up and walked out.

"Wife, why are you going?" Seeing that Zhang Hanhan seemed to be angry, Wen Dong quickly stubbed out the cigarette butt, and followed him out.

"Take a bath and sleep." Zhang Hanhan said, his tone was as cold as a knife.

Wen Dong followed her carefully, his eyes lit up when he heard her words, his wife was thin-skinned, and she did this for herself before going to bed, obviously to create a ladder for the next co-sleeper.

Thinking of this, Wen Dong's eyes brightened, looking at his wife's back, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, otherwise what was his wife doing in such a glamorous dress this evening, especially the swaying skirt on the gauze skirt? Under the light, a pair of calves showed a perfect white curve...

Wendong has been greedy for his wife's perfect legs for a long time. This morning, he was still unsatisfied, but he was disturbed by the second elder. He must not let her run away tonight...

Besides, my wife is white and tender, so why take a bath at night...

"What do you want?" Just as Wen Dong stretched out his hand, Zhang Hanhan suddenly turned around, so frightened that he quickly took it back. Seeing Wendong following, Zhang Hanhan was a little flustered in his heart, but he held back and remained cold. His face scolded.

"I, why didn't I think about it?" Wen Dong shook his head and said innocently.

"is it?"


Zhang Hanhan looked at him coldly, with vigilant eyes, obviously disbelieving, his hands gripping the doorknob tightly, as if Wen Dong dared to touch her, and she even threw the door with someone.

"Wife, I really don't want to do it..." Seeing Zhang Hanhan staring at him coldly, Wendong's face was full of mourning. After all, he was still afraid of his wife. Wen Dong was ashamed of his beautiful temperament and despised himself, and couldn't help but mutter: "I really want to do it, but haven't I done it yet? I'm just thinking about it..." While thinking, Wen Dong's expression was even more mournful.

Hearing Wendong's muttering, Zhang Hanhan's expression became colder and flustered in his heart, but he restrained himself and said with a natural expression: "Just thinking about it? That's why I asked you what you want to do?"

my day...

Wen Dong was speechless, he couldn't say that I miss Japan...

Seeing Wendong being choked by himself, Zhang Hanhan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at him with a pursed mouth and sneered, "No more to say? Then go cook!"

"Cooking? Haven't you had dinner yet?" Wen Dong was taken aback and looked at her in surprise.

"What do you think?" Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan became even angrier, and looked at him coldly, as if looking at an idiot, with obvious meaning——Aren't you talking nonsense?
Originally, I wanted to have dinner with Wen Dong and the other two today, but I didn't know that they didn't come home until ten o'clock. What's more annoying, this bastard is still full of wine and food...

"Oh, take me to cook for you." Wendong nodded quickly, and just took two steps, suddenly turned around, but Zhang Hanhan who was about to close the door was startled, but he heard him say: " Why should I cook, cooking is your woman's job."

"Because you lied to me just now and didn't tell the truth, so you cook." Zhang Hanhan snorted coldly, confidently.

Wen Dong was speechless. Seeing her cold expression, he instinctively told him that his wife was teasing him and wanted to drive him out.

"I lied to you every issue. I was taken aback by you just now and forgot. Oh, yes, wife, I remembered what I was going to do to you." Wen Dong suddenly slapped his head and said with a smile on his face.

After saying this, Zhang Hanhan's expression turned colder, but he smiled and said, "That's fine, but I'm hungry. When you cook, I'll hear what you want to do to me."

Wen Dong suddenly raised his head and stared at her, looking at Zhang Hanhan's face that suddenly became charming and crimson as he spoke, eight hundred brilliant chrysanthemums bloomed in his heart.

"Okay, I'm going to cook now." Wen Dong was overjoyed, turned around and left, suddenly felt something was wrong again, his wife's skin had always been thinner than that gauze skirt.

He turned around abruptly, but the door closed with a 'bang', almost knocking his nose crooked.

"Damn, Zhang Hanhan, come out and play with me!" Wen Dong suddenly understood, covered his nose, and stood at the door, jumping angrily.

"What's wrong with me just playing with you? Who told you to talk and play hooligans, Wen Dong, don't think I don't know your ghostly thoughts, tell you, no." Zhang Hanhan's proud voice came from the bedroom, paused and said : "Also, never treat me like this morning again..." As he said this, he heard the sound of the bathroom in the bedroom being closed.

"No, no, no, what's the big deal..." Wen Dong rubbed his nose, walked into the kitchen with a sullen face, and then curled his lips and hummed: "Besides, if you say no, you won't, why should I listen to you?" of……"

Zhang Hanhan had a small appetite and was about to go to bed, so Wendong only cooked a side dish for her and made two bowls of porridge.

In this way, she didn't finish eating, and half of it was eaten by herself.

In other people's words, it is to keep in shape, Wen Dong has nothing to say.And it's good to keep in shape. In the end, it's not me who is cheap, Wendong is obscene in his heart - laughing...

"Who told you to come in, get out, I'm going to bed." After eating, Zhang Hanhan took a nap for a while, just walked into the bedroom to change into pajamas, but saw Wen Dong, who was going to the kitchen to wash the dishes, followed him, and immediately Abandoning the plan to change clothes, she stared at him vigilantly.

"Hey, wife, just finished eating, stop making trouble. You are full and take a bath, go to bed." Wen Dong said casually, sat down on the edge of the bed with a natural expression, and was about to climb onto the bed .

Zhang Hanhan: "..."

"Go down, no, you can't sleep here." Zhang Hanhan raised his foot and kicked his ass, his tone resolute.

"Zhang Hanhan, don't push yourself too hard!" After being kicked on the butt, Wen Dong became angry immediately. Damn it, I have been busy cooking and washing dishes for half the night, and I still can't let myself sleep in the end?
"I'm not making progress. You can go to the next bedroom to sleep. You smell like alcohol and smell bad. I can't sleep at all. I have to work tomorrow, so you can't disturb my rest." Zhang Hanhan said with an innocent face. He also covered his nose and spoke logically.

Wen Dong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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