Chapter 906
On December 12th, new fashion singer Lin Xiaoxi held her third concert at the Water City Stadium.On the day of the concert, thousands of people sold out, and the ticket office was 8, a record high.

At noon today, Lin Xiaoxi's album "Cherish My Love" has sold 50 copies, and the fashion website has downloaded 2500 million singles. , Wu Zhan, the new president of fashion style, delivered a speech...

In the office of Qingcheng Group.

Su Yuemeng was reading this explosive news, thinking deeply.

"Qing Xiao, come here." After pondering for a moment, Su Yuemeng picked up the internal phone and said.

"Dong dong..." After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Su Yuemeng said.

"President Su." Qing Xiao walked in with a stack of documents: "President Su, these are the documents of all real estate companies under our Qingcheng Group, and all of them have been renamed Qingcheng Real Estate."

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Su Yuemeng smiled, reached out to take the materials and put them aside.

Qing Xiao didn't leave, he could see that President Su still had something to ask himself.

"Fashion Entertainment is our Qingcheng property, right?" Su Yuemeng asked.

"It used to be." Qing Xiao was taken aback by the question, and said after some consideration.

"The former president of Fashion Fashion Entertainment Company was Mr. Wen Dongwen, but about a month ago, Mr. Wen transferred all his 80.00% shares to his friend Wu Zhan, but Wu Zhan only took 30.00%. Feng is the executive president, and the positions of president and chairman have always been vacant, reserved by Mr. Wen." Qing Xiao said.

"Because the fashion style is a bit special, I didn't put it in the plan. It is a company outside Qingcheng Group."

"Is it Wendong's girlfriend Lin Xiaoxi?" Su Yuemeng asked.

"Yes, it's not just Lin Xiaoxi." Qing Xiao was embarrassed for a moment, but said truthfully, "Sun Xiaojie is also Mr. Wen's girlfriend, and Wu Zhan and Lin Xiaoxi's manager Jiang Tao are also Mr. Wen's friends, so it's special. "

"En." Su Yuemeng nodded.

She knew what Qing Xiao meant, and now she is also Wen Dong's girlfriend, and You Qi has become the president of Qing Cheng Group.And fashion style is just a certain entertainment company under Qingcheng Group, which is nothing compared to Qingcheng Group, but Su Yuemeng is still a latecomer, and another latecomer came to the top, Qing Xiao is afraid of herself There will be conflicts with Wendong's two girlfriends, so it's not easy for Wendong to stand in the middle.

"In this way, you can make an appointment for me with Mr. Wu Zhan, the fashionable president. It would be even better if you can make appointments with Lin Xiaoxi and Sun Xiaojie." Su Yuemeng said with a smile.

"Boss Su means..." Qing Xiao looked at Su Yuemeng suspiciously, unable to figure out what she meant for a moment.

"I think I should get to know Wendong's friends." Su Yuemeng smiled happily, stretched out her hand to stroke the black hair on her forehead and tied it behind her head, and smiled gently: "Besides, the ugly daughter-in-law will eventually see her in-laws. Younger sister, don't dare to put on airs, or else Wen Dong will scold me if he is approached."

Seeing Su Yuemeng's attitude, Qing Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily, "Well, I'll go find them right away, and I'll go in person."



After coming out of Qingcheng Commercial Building, Wendong had nowhere to go for a while, so he drove back to Qingcheng Nightclub. At this time, Yingzi called.

"Hello, Yingzi?" Wen Dong answered the phone.


"What do you call me?" Wen Dong frowned.

"Wendong." Yingzi smiled lightly.

"Well, there should be some good news, right? Is the "Guying Phantom Killer" practiced smoothly?" Hearing Yingzi's voice, Wendong asked with a smile while driving.

"It's too esoteric, and I've only practiced superficially now." Yingzi replied, with a somewhat excited tone: "It's indeed good news, but it's good news that makes people a little headache."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Hearing Yingzi's contradictory words, Wendong became interested.

"The elixir you left was sold out yesterday, and now...the supply is in short supply." Yingzi said distressedly, with a very helpless tone.

"Exchange it all?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard it: "Impossible, did you adjust the exchange contribution value of those pills too low?"

"It's not low, and it's higher than what you thought before." Yingzi smiled wryly.

"Then not many people in our base have the ability to exchange these pills?"

"No, but it's not enough to put together..." Speaking of which, Yingzi was quite helpless.

Next, Yingzi began to talk about the reason, and the cause of the incident was the Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill.

And the base will organize about ten batches of practice classes every month. After the incident that the efficacy of the pills is comparable to that of the magic pills broke out, every class that will participate in the practice classes began to organize the contribution of about two pills to Prepare for a rainy day.

Moreover, Gu Fengshuang's mercenary group received a big task yesterday. Gu Fengshuang directly spent money on a batch of various pills. They were all sold out. If it weren't for the high contribution required by "Guying Phantom" and "The Body of the Earth", I'm afraid Yingzi's newly opened advanced resource department would close its doors to thank customers.

"Wendong, if you can, come over as soon as possible. Besides, Yingzi misses you." Yingzi said.

"Well, okay, I see, I will go there when I have time, I will think of a way now." Wen Dong said helplessly.



Yingzi is right, this is indeed a headache and good news.In fact, according to the plan of Yingzi, Gu Fengshuang and others, the accumulated contribution points of the ungraduated students in the base are just enough to exchange for one elixir until they graduate, and the system of base contribution points has just started to be implemented. There are not many contribution points, so Wendong has enough time to get more antipathy points to make various elixirs. In this way, this circle of conscience is formed.

It's a pity that I didn't expect that the students at the base would come up with the method of 'making it together', and the one hundred pills were simply not enough.

Bing, it really is not so easy to raise, and this is only more than 1000 people in the base, then in the future...

After all, he was born as a dick, Wen Dong really didn't think so much.

However, this method must continue to be implemented, because the Dark Dawn Organization and the base are the only capital in Wendong against the Dark Dawn.


Wen Dong muttered.In the past, the potions produced by the antipathy degree were only used by oneself, so they were very sufficient, but now to feed so many people, it is not enough to earn the antipathy degree by themselves...

No, this resentment is not earned by yourself alone.

Wen Dong had an idea. After such a long time, he already had a good understanding of the antipathy and hatred system. In fact, other people can also help him earn antipathy.For example, when he destroyed Nanqing City before, he earned the most dislike points in those few days, that is to say, as long as his younger brother did bad things, he would also earn a certain amount of dislike points for himself.

Back at the Qingcheng nightclub, Wendong has been thinking about this matter.

"Brother Wendong." Zhang Yifeng approached him and greeted him.

"Well, what's the matter?" Wen Dong asked curiously.

"A few days ago, the Blood Wolf League took over a dozen small gangs around the water city. They have a deep foundation, and there are constant frictions around the territory bordering us. I was thinking, should I teach them a lesson and give them a little warning? " Zhang Yifeng said hesitantly.

The Blood Wolf League, one of the biggest dark forces in the area of ​​FZ city south of Shuishi, used to spy on Qingcheng's territory when Zhang Sanbai was still there.Later, Wen Dong was killed by Tian Qing, a hall master of the Blood Wolf League, because of helping Cheng Yanan.The Blood Wolf League fought against the Qingcheng Gang, but was repelled by Zhang Sanbai's leadership, while Li Kui was imprisoned because of this incident and was assassinated by Tian Qing.

Afterwards, Tian Qing divided the Qingcheng Gang into North and South Qingcheng, which included the shadow of the Blood Wolf League. At that time, Tian Qing was backed by the Lanyun Gang, and was secretly supported by the Blood Wolf League. This is why Zhang Yifeng didn't put Tian Qing The reason why Nanqing City was destroyed.

And the Blood Wolf League spied on the Qingcheng Gang and the Lanyun Gang from the very beginning, but they were outsiders after all, and they only helped Tian Qing to split-up secretly, but their hearts were to be punished.

It's just that what the Blood Wolf League didn't expect was Wendong's strong return, turning Nan Qingcheng upside down overnight, and then the powerful Lanyun Gang also defected and merged into the Qingcheng Gang. While the foundation of the Qingcheng Gang is not stable, they want to gnaw at a piece of land no matter what.

It is estimated that they are thinking that as long as they can gain a firm foothold in the water market and slowly eat away at it until they finally swallow up the Qingcheng Gang, the Blood Wolf League has always had a big ambition.

And Zhang Yifeng said that a few days ago, when they went to Suiyun Kingdom to rescue Zhang Xiuxiu and the others, the gang leader and deputy gang leader left, and the gang focused on stability, allowing the Blood Wolf Alliance to occupy some small territories.

There has been a long-standing rift between the Qingcheng Gang and the Blood Wolf League.

"A little warning?" Wen Dong looked up at him and said.

Zhang Yifeng also hesitated. Firstly, the foundation of the Qingcheng Gang is not stable now. Secondly, they have basically unified the underground world of the water city. It would be troublesome for the Qingcheng gang to operate.

Ling Yun on the side stared and shouted: "What's the warning? I think it's the most worry-free to kill them directly. It's just a small gang. We are not the same as before. The boss alone is more than enough, but now there is no need for the boss to take action." , this little trash, as long as I bring some people, I can wipe out his blood wolf alliance."

"Don't talk nonsense, what do you know?" Zhang Yifeng couldn't help but glared at Ling Yun angrily. With the current strength of the Qingcheng Gang, it is indeed not difficult to destroy the Blood Wolf Alliance, but this involves a lot of involvement. Think carefully.

"I think Ling Yun is right." Wen Dong said suddenly.


Zhang Yifeng looked at Brother Wen Dong with a look of surprise. Could this be too reckless?
Ling Yun also looked at the boss with a shocked face, thinking that he heard it wrong, he was just bragging just now, what he was talking about was a happy enmity, it was a cool mouth, did the boss take it seriously?

"There's nothing to think about. Yue thinks about things before and after. The more things you worry about, the more things you have to worry about. Since the Blood Wolf League wants to make trouble, then let's do it with them." Wen Dong said coldly: "Ling Yun, this matter I leave the matter to you, my request is not too big, but to destroy everything."

"Destroy the dead?" Ling Yun pouted, looking at the seriousness of the boss, is this serious?
"What? Don't understand the meaning of destroying the dead?" Wen Dong raised his head and stared at him, frowning.

"Understood, I understand, I understand too much, but the Blood Wolf Alliance may not understand it yet, but boss, don't worry, they will understand soon." Seeing what the boss said, Ling Yun was suddenly excited, and the belligerent factor in his body burst out , It's like being beaten with chicken blood.

Destroy it, he often destroys Zhou Yaman, he can't understand the magic of this idiom...

(End of this chapter)

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