How bad guys are made

Chapter 907 What Do You Say?

Chapter 907 What Do You Say?
The reason why he wanted to attack the Blood Wolf League, Wen Dong naturally thought about the degree of disgust, as long as the Blood Wolf League is established, there will be both disgust and hatred.Moreover, this is not without benefits, and once they tolerate the Blood Wolf Alliance, the disadvantages are that they cannot bear it.

Just like what Zhang Yifeng thought, the foundation of the Qingcheng Gang is not stable now. Although the merger of the Lanyun Gang seems to be very harmonious on the surface, but their hearts are not in harmony, and it will take some time.

At this time, the bullying of the Blood Wolf League came to the door. If I waited for others to endure again and again, the hearts of the newly merged Lanyun Gang would be shaken, and without thinking too much, the spies of the Blood Wolf League might have already buried them in Qingcheng In the gang, people's hearts are shaken, and that is the biggest trouble. If one fails, the Lanyun gang will turn against each other, so he discussed with Wendong whether to teach the blood wolf alliance some lessons.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Brother Wen Dong directly chose to destroy his Blood Wolf League.

Seeing the change in Zhang Yifeng's eyes, he seemed to be considering the pros and cons, but Wen Dong waved his hands and said, "That's it."

"Okay, Brother Wendong, what do you think?" Zhang Yifeng also gritted his teeth resentfully, and went crazy.

"There's nothing to do, it's just to destroy the dead." Wen Dong said, thinking things are not his strong point.Then he looked at the excited Ling Yun and said, "You go to select people now, and lead them to assassinate all the leaders of the Blood Wolf Alliance. Then draw up a list of personnel for me, and I will notify you personally." , Just act within these two days. As for the police, you don’t need to think too much about it, I’ll figure out a way. Remember my words, let’s destroy everything.”

"Yes, boss!" Ling Yun clasped his fists fiercely and said solemnly, his face flushed with excitement.

Now that he is at the first level of a general, Ling Yun gets more and more excited when he thinks about it, and looks at Zhang Yifeng with bared teeth: "The boss is still courageous, look at you, think about it, I don't think you need to be a gang leader, let me You Lingge me, let me sit for a few days to have a good time. Just let my Manman sit with the wife of the deputy head of the gang. Your Zhener really doesn't have the temperament of the wife of the deputy head of the gang. Look at sister-in-law Su Yuemeng. Temperament, my Manman has the temperament of a sister-in-law."

Zhang Yifeng glared at him angrily: "Stop talking, wait until you take down the Blood Wolf League."

"Cut, just look at it, I'll go draw up the list of people to do it." Ling Yun smiled proudly and ran away in a hurry.

After a simple lunch in the nightclub, Wendong thought that he hadn't seen Lin Xiaoxi and Sun Xiaojie for a long time, and wanted to go to see them, but was called away by Su Yuemeng.


The black Zhanyi 8 series limousine is a special car specially prepared by Qingcheng Group for Su Yuemeng.

The Qingcheng Group has such a strong momentum, and Su Yuemeng, as the president of the group, is useful for traveling to attend meetings or negotiating contracts, so naturally he can't be shabby.

In the back seat of the car, Wen Dong and Su Yuemeng sat side by side.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Su Yuemeng's unnatural expression, Wen Dong asked curiously, with a faint smile on his lips.

"You still have the nerve to say it." Hearing Wen Dong's question knowingly, Su Yuemeng immediately pouted in dissatisfaction.

She has already made an appointment with Zhang Hanhan to meet this afternoon to discuss the company's cooperation. When she was the general manager of Jinxiu Villa, she had a lot of cooperation with Zhang Hanhan, and she is very familiar with it.The Qingcheng Group is powerful, and Lanyun is weak now. It stands to reason that Zhang Hanhan should come to the door, but this is not the case at all now.

Because in the end, I am just a concubine of Wendong, and Zhang Hanhan is the wife, so there is no reason for the big one to come to her on the initiative.And Zhang Hanhan is not only Wendong's wife, but also a recognized business genius and business villain. Even now that Lanyun is in decline, Su Yuemeng feels that she is still better than her, let alone Wendong's relationship. .

So after thinking about it, she asked Wendong to go with her. It would be the best if Zhang Hanhan would admit that she was a younger sister, and the two parties would become friends.What made her happy was that Wendong agreed, and having Wendong to accompany her made her somewhat more confident and not afraid.

So I asked about Zhang Hanhan in the office, wanting to know more about her situation, but unexpectedly, this guy Wendong only used a few words to comment on Zhang Hanhan: unreasonable, unreasonable, unreasonable, hard-tempered, smelly and hard-tempered...

Especially when he was talking, his expression was still very scared, and he said some bad things about Zhang Hanhan, and he said it vividly, so a vague outline formed in Su Yuemeng's mind-Tigress!

Along the way, Su Yuemeng was thinking about this matter, the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt, holding the cooperation materials in her little hands, her heart was already retreating...

"Don't worry, Zhang Hanhan is a very nice person. Didn't you say the same thing yourself? I lied to you just now." Seeing Su Yuemeng's frowning cute look, Wen Dong couldn't help laughing.

"Really?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback, looking at him suspiciously.

"Of course it's true. When have I ever lied to you?" Wen Dong said solemnly.

Su Yuemeng: "..."

"Hmph, never mind, anyway, I just have to do my job well, anyway, you have to take care of me in front of everything." Su Yuemeng always felt that this guy Wendong was teasing herself, so Su Yuemeng simply snorted With a sound, she put the information in her hand to her feet, and put a piece of stockings on Wendong's lap comfortably and lazily, but she quickly took it back, especially when she saw Wendong. The eyes looking at his thighs were filled with a hot feeling, his face flushed with shame, and he said angrily: "Wendong, what are you looking at, you are looking, I will, I will..."

"Cough... Yuemeng, rub my shoulders." Wendong glanced at Qingxiao who was driving in embarrassment, and quickly withdrew his gaze and pretended to cough to change the subject.

Unexpectedly, the little girl snorted immediately after hearing this: "I'm so tired, I don't have the strength to rub your shoulders by myself." Her tone was so choked that people couldn't breathe.

Wendong was a little speechless, but he was at fault first, he smiled and pulled Su Yuemeng to rub her shoulders, this is his own cash cow, he has to wait on her, his eyes fell on her skirt involuntarily Looking at the full-full arc of the front, I wondered in my heart, when did my cheap wife become so feminine...

Sure enough, people depend on clothes, and beauty depends on beautiful clothes. Su Yuemeng is now in a high position, dressed in an exquisite professional skirt, coupled with a beautiful face, her temperament comes out.While thinking about it, he quickly looked away, Qing Xiao was still here, he was really afraid that someone who couldn't help rubbing Su Yuemeng from his shoulders would go elsewhere.

Su Yuemeng squinted her eyes and peeked at Qing Xiao who was driving. Seeing that he hadn't moved, she felt a little relieved, but her little face was still flushed, but half of her body was leaning on Wen Dong's body, enjoying his massage comfortably.

"By the way, there is something I have to confess to you." Wen Dong said suddenly.

"Well, what's the matter?" Su Yuemeng asked suspiciously.

"Now Lan Yun's vice president, He Qing, is also my girlfriend. You don't mind, do you?" Wen Dong leaned closer to her ear and said.

Su Yuemeng froze, and finally pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction.In fact, before she agreed to marry Wendong, she heard from her grandfather that Wendong had other women. Coupled with the nature of being born in a family, she had been fascinated by it since she was a child, and she was not so repulsive to things like polygamy. The grievance is that Wendong not only has many girlfriends, but all of them are elites.Let alone Zhang Hanhan, now there is another vice president, He Qing, even if Lin Xiaoxi and the others are very powerful figures in a certain industry, as a small one, I am really under a lot of pressure...

Now she can only hope that these elder sisters don't make things difficult for her, otherwise she won't have a place to cry.

And, what do you mind?Do you have the capital you care about?
Su Yuemeng just felt aggrieved and wanted to cry, especially the tone of this guy Wendong's speech, it was not confessing anything to himself at all, it sounded more like telling himself a fact, not confessing, it was simply an announcement to himself!

Su Yuemeng lamented in her heart, being a small person really doesn't have any real power...

But now, the only thing that makes her feel at ease is that Wendong treats herself very well.

"Wendong, what do you think if Mr. Zhang looks down on me and asks you to divorce me? And He Qing?" Su Yuemeng finally couldn't bear the pressure, and asked worriedly in a low voice.

"They won't do that." Wen Dong shook his head.

"I mean if." Su Yuemeng said immediately.

Well, some headaches.This seems to be a question that women often ask: If your mother and I fell into the river at the same time, who would you save first?
Of course, this question is much weaker than the latter, which is enough to show Su Yuemeng's anxiety and uneasiness at this moment.

This girl is still afraid that she won't want her anymore?Wen Dong was a little bit dumbfounded, but seeing her a little hesitant face, he cherished and couldn't bear it even more in his heart.

"No if, because I love you, no one can take me away from me, so I'm satisfied now." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Well, I'm satisfied." Su Yuemeng's ears were so soft, hearing Wendong's words, the big stone in her heart suddenly fell, and she looked at him sideways, her small face brimming with happiness.

Wen Dong looked down at her, and pecked at her ruddy mouth.

Unexpectedly, Su Yuemeng wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly.Fortunately, Su Yuemeng's position was just behind the driver's seat, so Qing Xiao couldn't see it at all.Su Yuemeng's pretty face blushed, and she secretly became intimate with Wendong, without saying a word, letting Wendong do...


"Brother Zhang." After parking the car, a group of three people walked through Lanyun Square, and Wen Dong suddenly saw an acquaintance, Zhang Dun.

"Wendong." Hearing the voice, Zhang Tun, who was standing guard, followed the prestige, and suddenly found Wendong, whom he hadn't seen for many days, and greeted him eagerly.

"This is Brother Zhang, my former colleague." Seeing that Su Yuemeng and Qing Xiao were puzzled, Wen Dong introduced with a smile, then turned to look at Zhang Dun, pointed at Su Yuemeng and said, "This is my daughter." My friend Su Yuemeng, this is her assistant."

"Hello, Brother Zhang." Su Yuemeng smiled generously, and Qing Xiao who was on the side also greeted her.

"Okay, hello." Zhang Dun nodded happily, "That's great, Wendong, you found such a beautiful girlfriend."

"Where, you don't know how hard I was chasing Yuemeng." Wen Dong smiled and waved his hands, and said to Su Yuemeng beside him: "You and Qing Xiao go up first, and I will chat with Brother Zhang."

"Okay, goodbye Brother Zhang." Su Yuemeng smiled and nodded, and the two left.


When they walked to the lobby, there were already people waiting here. Su Yuemeng and Qing Xiao followed into the special elevator, and along the way Su Yuemeng pouted and complained very much, complaining about the bastard Wendong.

It's not because of Wendong's friends, acquaintances and friends, the key is that this guy left him alone and let him come up first, doesn't he know that Zhang Hanhan and He Qing are waiting, Alexander...

(End of this chapter)

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