Chapter 908
In conference room one.

Accompanied by He Qing and other Lanyun senior leaders, Zhang Hanhan had the final communication and discussion with Su Yuemeng. Several full-time secretaries around him were taking notes quickly. The high-level resolutions of the two parties are setting terms and amending the agreement.Su Yuemeng sat across from Zhang Hanhan and He Qing, nodding from time to time.

When things came to the fore, all the expected things did not happen.Su Yuemeng was thinking, that Wendong guy was really lying to herself, after all, she messed up on her own.For a high-ranking business genius like Zhang Hanhan with a superior IQ, Lanyun was one of the world's top [-] companies, and as the president of Lanyun, how could she be unreasonable?

Public is public, private is private, at least Zhang Hanhan can clearly distinguish this point.

Of course, Su Yuemeng is only the executive president of Qingcheng Group, and the real leader is yet to come.Wen Dong, the chairman of Qingcheng Group and the largest shareholder, is the one who makes the final decision.

At this moment, the people in the conference room pushed away from the outside with a 'bang' sound, and Wen Dong, who looked foolish, walked in from the outside with a cigarette in his mouth, like a bum. An old face, Jing Shilin, director of the finance department, Ren Changyuan, director of the security department, and Jing Shihua, Jing Shilin's sister, deputy director of the personnel department.

Seeing old acquaintances, Wen Dong smiled at them, walked exquisitely to an empty soft chair, sat down with a bang, and raised his legs arrogantly, full of style.

Jing Shilin had been threatened by himself once before, but when he saw it now, his old face suddenly turned into a chrysanthemum, and he walked up to say hello with a smile on his face.

The sudden intrusion of the uninvited guest made everyone in the meeting who were having final discussions raise their heads in surprise.

Wen Dong, the director of Lanyun's clothing trade department when they met for the first time, many people guessed that he had an unusual relationship with Zhang Hanhan.Afterwards, a fashion show was held, and the limelight came in and out, and then there were rumors of an affair with Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun.In the future, the resigned Director of Lanyun, within a few days, actually sat on the president of the fashion entertainment fashion company, and made fashion popular. Shang Chengming Wendong is his husband, and now, Wendong is the leader of Qingcheng Group.

With all this, even a fool would know that this seemingly ordinary-looking young man has an unusual identity.

Therefore, most people recognized this young man with the most legendary and mysterious identity of Lanyun at first glance. The original unhappiness turned into more confusion almost at the same time, but Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun, was the husband. It was enough to shock everyone, because in their opinion, in the entire water market, there were not many people who were worthy of Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan's complexion was a bit ugly, but it only returned to normal in a moment, and he introduced with a smile: "Everyone, let me introduce to you, I think many people already know that this is Wen Dong, the chairman of Qingcheng Group, he also There is another identity that is my husband. However, business is public and private is private. This time our two companies cooperate, it is up to me, Wen Dong and Mr. Su to make the decision."

"Hi Boss Wen."

"Hi Boss Wen."


Almost at the same time, everyone in the meeting room showed stunned expressions, and even some newly promoted middle and high-level managers were a little shocked. It turned out that the goddess in their hearts had already had a master, and the master was the chairman of Qingcheng Group.

While sighing in his heart, he felt that within reason, only such a person could be worthy of their president.But I was still a little shocked. Zhang Hanhan clarified at the press conference that Wen Dong was her husband's business. Few people in the company's senior management didn't know it. They thought that Wen Dong, the chairman of Qingcheng Group, was just a coincidence of the same name, but they didn't expect it to be the same person. .

The Su Family Consortium ranks No. [-] in the water market, and now Zhang Lanyun Enterprise has already looked at companies that can be incorporated into the top ten companies in the water market, while the newly promoted Qingcheng Group can reach the top three in the water market with its financial resources. Now many certificates have just been approved, but Qingcheng Group's strength and financial resources are not comparable to Lanyun's today.Wendong itself has some mysterious and fantastic colors, and the rise of Qingcheng Group is also fantastic. At this time, the combination of the two will make everyone even more shocked and inexplicable.

Therefore, at this time, it is said that it is an agreement between the two major groups, but to put it bluntly, it is a matter of the couple.However, Lanyun executives, who knew the strength of Qingcheng Group, immediately became excited. This cooperation is mainly decided by Wendong, and they are a couple, which is already a certainty.The Qingcheng Group is so powerful, Lanyun has their help here, and it is just around the corner to restore the former grandeur!
Looking at the eager eyes of the crowd, while He Qing looked at her with a half-smile, Wen Dong smiled bitterly in his heart. He never thought that Zhang Hanhan would take the initiative to stand up and explain to himself. He was prepared to be scolded and ridiculed by Zhang Hanhan. Don't get ready.

this woman...

"Okay, now the decision on whether or not to come out has been made, and now I would like to trouble you to review the documents in your hands, and then we will make the final decision." She said, looking at Su Yuemeng.

Su Yuemeng smiled and nodded, picked up the document in her hand and read it carefully.

Zhang Hanhan also picked up a document, glanced at Wen Dong cleverly, and warned him not to mess around. Obviously, she didn't expect Su Yuemeng to call this guy Wen Dong, what's the use of calling this guy, this The bastard knows nothing but bullying.

So he turned his head and signaled that the secretary in charge of sorting out the information also took a proposal document discussed with Su Yuemeng and sent it to Wendong. He is also the chairman of Qingcheng Group after all. Although he doesn't understand, he should pretend anyway. Put on a show.And she also lowered her head, and began to review the content of the cooperation agreement in her hand to see if there was anything wrong with it. After all, this cooperation project is related to the development of Lanyun, even if the other party is Wendong's company, she will You have to be more careful to see if there are any mistakes.

However, at this moment, Zhang Hanhan only felt that the phone in his pocket vibrated a bit, and felt strange, so he took out the phone inexplicably, opened it and found that it was a text message from Wen Dong, curious in his heart, thinking he was He explained to himself the reason for coming here today, opened it as if nothing had happened, only glanced at it, and suddenly his heart beat non-stop.

"Lovely little Hanhan, I am really fascinated by the way you work hard."

Zhang Hanhan's heart was beating non-stop, but he was afraid that the senior executives sitting here would see something, so he quickly stuffed his head into the document, and while pretending to review the document, he quickly uttered a few words: "Don't make trouble. !" God knows how nervous she became when she saw Wendong's text message just now, especially the nasty address at the beginning, which made Zhang Hanhan's body suddenly covered with goosebumps, and almost threw the phone flying out.

Return old man!The old rascal!

Unexpectedly, as soon as her text message was sent, the mobile phone in her hand that hadn't been put away trembled again, and another text message flew in, and it was Wen Dong's again.

This time, Zhang Hanhan was mentally prepared. He opened the text message while pretending to look at the file as if nothing had happened, but his head buzzed like a mobile phone. Even though he was mentally prepared, his pretty face was hot. Fly a touch of red clouds.

In the meantime, the phone was full of texts on the screen: "My dear Xiao Hanhan, you looked so sexy in a suspender skirt last night, if you wear a suspender skirt to work, you will be more charming, hehe, when will you come back?" Why don't you wear the suspender dress from last night to work, I really can't wait, hehehe..."

Zhang Hanhan only felt a buzzing in his head, even though there was a conference table between him and Wendong, at this moment, he wanted to grab the water glass in front of him and smash it on the bastard's head. Shameless text messages to tease yourself, you are simply a hooligan!

Thinking of this, she secretly raised her head and glanced in Wendong's direction, only to see that shameless bastard in her heart was cocking his legs and smiling lewdly at herself, with playful eyes, a pair of lustful eyeballs Undisguisedly looking at his full breasts, from Wen Dong's eyes, Zhang Hanhan immediately thought of his sexy suspender dress last night, especially the scene where he was pressed on the bed and bullied by some bastard. Her cheeks became hot immediately, she was so frightened that she hurriedly lowered her head and pretended to review the documents, but at this moment her heart had already been messed up by Wen Dong, and she didn't know what she was looking at. .

How boring is this shameless guy!Zhang Hanhan kept cursing in his heart.

But fortunately, Wendong stopped when enough was enough, and he didn't send any more rogue text messages to tease him, which made Zhang Hanhan feel a little relieved.

It took Zhang Hanhan half an hour to re-examine the documents in his hand. Because these cooperation projects had been discussed in advance, he did not find any problems. He raised his head with a sigh of relief, and saw Jing Shilin from the Finance Department The high-level executives of several departments of the development department and the development department were all watching him, noticing that he looked up, and Su Yuemeng, who was diagonally opposite, also looked up at him and nodded slightly. Obviously, they had already completed the review and were waiting for him to speak.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Zhang Hanhan pretended to glance at Wendong next to him unintentionally. It didn't matter, but he almost jumped up angrily and kicked the bastard out.In the meantime, the meeting in front of Wendong agreed that there were slowly documents on the table, which were the documents that he had given him to pretend to be. At this time, he had opened them indiscriminately, filling up the table and this bastard He is also pretending to check the documents, but the virtue of this bastard is really unsatisfactory. He leans on the soft leather chair, with one leg directly on the armrest of the chair, and the heel is stepped on the other side. On a chair, an unburned cigarette is half held up on the left and right.Especially his expression, although it looks like he is looking at the document with his head down, in fact, the bastard's eyes are lingering on the surrounding secretaries, that's all, the key is that the bastard is looking at it sneakily Make a 'tsk tut' sound, as if lamenting the high quality of Lanyun's corporate secretary, but no matter how you look at it, he looks like a rogue bastard who is not doing his job properly.

On the other hand, Su Yuemeng didn't dare to look in Wendong's direction, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

Qiangzi suppressed the anger in his heart, Zhang Hanhan pretended to cough to attract everyone's attention, and then said: "Mr. Everyone felt that the president was very upset at this moment. It seemed that things were not as expected. These two couples were a bit special.

"Enen, I'm watching, you go on, don't worry about me." Wen Dong quickly looked away, without raising his head, he raised his hand holding the cigarette and waved it.

I'm reading it?Are you looking at the beauty!

(End of this chapter)

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