How bad guys are made

Chapter 909 I Disagree

Chapter 909 I Disagree
"Mr. Wen, this is a conference room, and you are the chairman of Qingcheng Group. I hope you can pay attention to the occasion." Zhang Hanhan frowned, which meant that the bastard in front of her was Wendong. If it was someone else, she would have been out of control for a long time. The resident kicked her out, and until now she still doesn't understand what her bastard husband is doing here for no reason.

If it was said that he was here to discuss business, she wouldn't believe it.But the scene in front of her gave her an urge to go crazy, she always felt that Wendong was here to make trouble for her.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm used to it..." Wendong seemed to finally hear the anger in Zhang Hanhan's voice, and glanced at his wife who was pale with anger, while Su Yuemeng looked stunned, obviously not Thinking that Zhang Hanhan and I would be in this state, he smiled, flicked his fingers, and the cigarette butt drew an arc, and fell into the ashtray on the table five meters away accurately.

The senior executives of Lanyun who originally wanted to watch the couple quarrel and watch the show were stunned. They stared blankly at Wendong with wide-eyed eyes, and then looked at the ashtray on the table in the corner of the conference room. They felt strange that this legendary figure really What a strange person, who can play so accurately from such a long distance?
Zhang Hanhan was not surprised, he already knew that his bastard husband was not wrong when he was living with this guy, and he was proficient in all crooked ways such as unlocking locks.

"Okay, now that you have reviewed the documents in your hand, I don't know what opinions you have, but just put it forward, now is Lanyun's special period of reform, I hope that everyone will not be shy about anything, even if you think it is correct Put it forward, and then we all discuss it so that we can make a final decision." While everyone was not paying attention, he gave Wen Dong a hard look, and then Zhang Hanhan said calmly, and his beautiful eyes swept over the faces of the surrounding Lanyun executives. At a glance, after all, this decision is related to the future destiny and development direction of Lanyun as a whole. Once it cooperates with Qingcheng Group, Lanyun is expected to make another step or two in the top ten enterprises in the water city a year ago.But benefits and risks coexist. Even if the Qingcheng Group is owned by her bastard husband and has abundant funds, it has just started after all. Whether both parties can get the estimated benefits in this cooperation is still a matter of opinion. Don't dare to make a decision easily.

"Mr. Zhang, our development department has no objections." The two senior executives of the development department discussed with each other, and then the development minister raised his head and said.

"Yeah." Zhang Hanhan smiled slightly, turned to look at the senior management of other departments: "If you have any doubts, just ask them, let's discuss them."

Jing Shilin had obviously reached some kind of consensus with several subordinates just now, and immediately said: "Mr. Zhang, we have no objection to cooperating with Qingcheng Group on this project, but I have some doubts about the funding budget."

"Well, let's talk about it." Jing Shilin is also a high-level executive at the level of Elder Lanyun, but he is a bit of a fool, but after Li Peihong's death, he has been loyal to Lanyun, and there is no omission. In the financial crisis, he also thought of a few ways to do a few beautiful things, and he never left Lanyun since then. Zhang Hanhan is not a narrow-minded person, and he has already recognized him in his heart.

"We just reviewed the agreement budget proposed by President Zhang just now. I made a rough summary and found that the bank loan proposed by President Zhang this time exceeded 70 billion. 70 billion is not a small amount. In terms of funds, I think the current Lanyun The pace has far exceeded my load." Jing Shilin frowned while flipping through a document in his hand, even Jing Shilin, who dealt with money all day long, felt his heart beat faster when he saw this amount .

Obviously, today's Lanyun is no longer what it used to be. Even though Zhang Hanhan's decisive wrist made Lanyun survive, he is already a skinny camel, and he can't blow up so much oil and water at all.Moreover, he knew something about Zhang Hanhan's character. Needless to say, Zhang Hanhan's business talent was too strong, so she would definitely not ask Wendong for more benefits, that is, let Qingcheng Group make a profit.

"Besides, more than a dozen banks in Water City are not very willing to support our loan funds. Funding is a big problem..."

This matter can be traced back to the fact that many companies put pressure on Lanyun before, that is, many rich second generations proposed to Zhang Hanhan. He implicitly proposed that the reason was naturally to tell Wen Donglai.

70 billion, this is not 7000 million, let alone 700 million, even if it can be loaned out, how to pay it back?Qingcheng Group has not been officially launched yet, but Qingcheng Group is involved in more industries than before Lanyun. This cooperation project has invested so much, even if it can really bring big benefits, but there is still a time?And as the person in charge of the finance department, he had to worry about this huge and terrifying amount of funds, and as the head of the finance department, he certainly knew what Lanyun's current situation was.

If Lanyun cannot get funds from major banks, then there is only one way, and that is to continue selling other industries.

Zhang Hanhan didn't want to say it, so the bad guy had to do it himself.

Sure enough, Wen Dong on the side frowned immediately after hearing this, and glanced at Zhang Hanhan.

He really doesn't know anything about cooperation in these commercial projects, but it's not that he doesn't understand human language. Is Zhang Hanhan pretending to be an elephant with Lao Tzu?

After listening to Jing Shilin's words, Zhang Hanhan also frowned slightly, and then smiled slightly: "Director Jing's concern is very correct, but I have already discussed the repayment intention and interest rate of the loan with the presidents of several major banks. I have a loan of 30 billion, and I have other options for the remaining 40 billion."

Seeing the high-level executives of the company looking at him suspiciously, Zhang Hanhan pursed his lips and said, "The parallelization of Lanyun's new and old projects has always been a major problem. It doesn't generate much income every year, but it consumes a lot of energy, so I want to transfer the automobile trading department to Hong Kong. Star Precision Industry, the funds exchanged can just fill the vacancy in this area of ​​funds, while the high-level executives of the Automobile Trade Department will transfer all their energy to new projects. Taking this opportunity, we Lanyun can just reform and transform, and the real elimination The old makes the new."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, but several senior executives of the automobile trading department showed unbearable expressions. Automobile trading is the foundation of Lanyun. As Zhang Hanhan took the opportunity to exchange blood for many high-level executives in the automobile trade department, after the development of the past few months, the automobile trade has shown signs of improvement. It is a pity to sell it like this.However, Zhang Hanhan is now the only person in charge of Lanyun, so no one will disobey her decision.

"Fart!" There was a sound of falling documents, and a discordant voice sounded. Everyone raised their heads in astonishment and looked at Wendong.

Zhang Hanhan was also shocked by Wendong's swearing, and immediately came back to his senses, and stared at Wendong with a pair of beautiful eyes: "Mr. Wen, do you have any doubts?"

"What doubts? I don't agree with your statement." Wen Dong said firmly, pulling the documents on the table aside.What a joke, isn't the fucking Hongxing Precision Industry the company with the little boy? What does this motherfucker want to do?
"You don't agree?" Hearing Wendong's words, Zhang Hanhan couldn't laugh or cry. Her beautiful eyes swept over the surrounding high-level executives. Seeing that they were also half-astonished and three-pointed to watch the show, she was also a little angry. She was sure now that she This bastard husband is here to mess around, just because he sold the property to Hong Zhanyun, you don't agree?Why do you disagree?
"Mr. Wen, please pay attention to your words and your position. This is our Lanyun business." Zhang Hanhan said coldly, obviously upset by Wendong's sudden denial, she needs to remind her.

"What's wrong with my position?" Wen Dong snorted, put down his legs on the stool silently, curled his lips and said, "Don't forget, I still have 20.00% shares of Lanyun, and I am also Lanyun. As a major shareholder of Yun, I have the right to vote."

Hearing this, all the high-level executives present grew their mouths suddenly. Wendong actually still has so many shares in Lanyun?How do they not know?
"But I am the president of Lanyun, and, if not, do you have a better solution?" Zhang Hanhan said angrily.

"I can't do anything, anyway, I can't sell it." Wen Dong shook his head and said, but his tone was justified.

Zhang Hanhan's breathing was stagnant, and he almost vomited blood with anger. This bastard husband is playing a rascal at all.She was certain in her heart that the reason why Wendong disagreed was because the object she bought was Hongxing Precision.

Is he still doubting himself?Zhang Hanhan felt a little wronged, but after being wronged, he became even more angry...

"Yuemeng, do we have more money in Qingcheng? Can we buy this property?" Seeing his wife staring at him coldly, he was obviously really angry, and Wendong was also very angry. Calm down quickly, turn your head and look at Su Yuemeng.

"Wen, President Wen, it's impossible." Su Yuemeng shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Our Qingcheng Group's funds are also very tight. After all, hundreds of projects are involved, and a lot of start-up funds are required, and the industrial links of each project have already been established. Well-planned, every industrial chain cannot be lost, and the Lanyun automobile trading project is bigger than any of our Qingcheng automobile trading companies, it must be a huge investment to take over, and we don't have more funds."

If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Wendong is a real hand-off shopkeeper. Of course, she is not very clear about the current situation of Qingcheng Group, but as the group's president, she naturally knows it best.

"Damn..." Hearing Su Yuemeng's explanation, Wendong also knew that she was not lying to him, so he couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

A penny is hard for a hero. Wendong is from a poor family, and he knows this best. Besides, it is still 70 billion.

Seeing Wendong's frowning look, Zhang Hanhan hugged his shoulders and sneered, cursing inwardly, didn't you yell, didn't you call me fart, I'll see how you end up!

(End of this chapter)

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