How bad guys are made

Chapter 910 1 male and 2 female

Chapter 910 One Man and Two Women

The meeting room suddenly fell silent.Lan Yun and the other high-level executives stared wide-eyed, a little puzzled.

Lanyun Automobile Trading Department has indeed gained a good momentum now, but it is still an old project after all. If it sells this industry, it can be regarded as taking off the burden and moving forward with light load. Once the cooperation project with Qingcheng Group is completed, the benefits obtained Much bigger than these older projects.

And how did they know that Wen Dong didn't let Zhang Hanhan have any contact with him because of Hong Zhanyun.

Jing Shilin looked at Wen Shaojin frowning from the side, and he was a little bit on pins and needles. He just wanted to let Wendong's Qingcheng help Lanyun, but in the end he was a little bit Menglang, Qingcheng Group funds Strong is indeed good, but the funds required for this start-up must be astronomical.And it's not that they can't afford the money, on the contrary, they have more, but the money is used for turnover, and it must not be used lightly unless it is more necessary.

Such a large Qingcheng Group is like a large-scale machine. Once it is put into operation, so many industrial projects will inevitably have some problems, and a large amount of funds will be needed to fill the turnover and maintain the operation.And this working capital is like the engine oil for a machine. If there is no oil or not enough oil, the machine will be destroyed soon!

Seeing Zhang Hanhan standing aside, hugging his shoulders and sneering, Jing Shilin felt a little regretful. With his business talent, no one present could compare with him. Zhang Hanhan made such a decision after careful consideration. The only best way.

"In this way, I will help you get a loan from the bank for the remaining 40 billion yuan from Lanyun. We will handle the repayment rate and interest, and..." Wen Dong buried himself in a page of documents on the table, and raised his voice: "Lanyun We also have cooperation projects with Qingcheng Group in the field of precision industry, and now we add another item, that is, automobile trade. In addition, our two groups fully cooperate in the field of automobile trade. Our Qingcheng Group is responsible for 40% of the payment, but we also have to take a percentage Accounted for [-]%, until Lanyun earns surplus funds from other cooperation projects to repay the [-] billion, but before paying it back, your Lanyun Automobile Trading Department is under the jurisdiction of our Qingcheng."

Wen Dong said so much in one breath, anyway, he is determined to eat the weight, even if he sells it, he has to sell it to me, anyway, he can't sell it to that little boy!

Hearing Wen Dong's words, all the high-level executives looked thoughtful. Obviously, although Wen Dong said so, it was Lan Yun who made the cheapest money.

"That's not okay." Unexpectedly, Zhang Hanhan immediately shook his head in denial.

"Zhang Hanhan, you..." Wen Dong tilted his body and almost fell to the ground. This stinky woman is determined to sing against herself, isn't she?He raised his head and stared at her coldly. If he hadn't been in front of so many people, he might have rushed up angrily and pressed this stinky woman on the table to slap her ass.

"Our company has a budget. In this way, we have to pay [-]% of the funds, which is still not enough." Zhang Hanhan ignored Wendong's anger and calmly analyzed.

Yes, I see.One more cooperation project means more start-up funds, and Zhang Hanhan had already budgeted it before, that is, the investment from the automobile trade department was discarded, and the funds were just right. Now they are responsible for [-]% of the automobile trade, so the funds are not enough.

"How much is missing, calculate it quickly, Jing Shilin, what are you still doing in a daze? Calculate it quickly!" Wen Dong rolled up his sleeves with his eyes wide open and hummed.

"Oh, yes, President Wen." Only then did Jing Shilin come to his senses, and quickly ordered the right-hand assistant of the finance department to start the preliminary budget, but he was very excited.

But at this moment, Zhang Hanhan stared dumbfounded at Jing Shilin and other high-level financial managers who started to work. Who is the CEO? Then he turned his beautiful eyes to Wendong. Why do you order my chief financial officer?

What the hell is this bastard up to?
"[-] million, about [-] million is enough." After more than ten minutes of rapid operation, and then several senior officials in the finance department discussed, Jing Shilin wiped the sweat from his forehead and reported a number.

"What is the approximate number, I want the exact number." Wen Dong said with a glare.

"Three hundred million, three hundred million is enough." Jing Shilin said hastily.

"Success, [-] million, right? I'll pay, and I'll send you the funds later." Wen Dong snorted coldly, but couldn't help his eyelids twitching. Damn it, [-] million, he just received money from Gu Fengshuang and Gu Fenghan. The money collected over there, before I had a closer look at how many zeros there were, it was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Gu Ying Phantom Killing" converted the contribution value into cash plus a part of the pills it took, which was exactly [-] million. Yingzi had already told him when he called before.And with the precedent of exchanging cash for contribution, the base's pills are so short...

"Wendong, are you sure you have [-] million?" Zhang Hanhan couldn't help asking in shock when he heard Wendong's words.

"What? Don't believe your man's words?" Wen Dong turned around and stared.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan's pretty face blushed for no reason, and secretly took a mouthful of this bastard who was outspoken. Although it was a fact, she still felt very uncomfortable saying it in front of so many company executives.

Wen Dong's heart is also bleeding, that's [-] million, and the cash is a whole tractor, he has never seen so much money in his life, and most importantly, it's his private money!
"Wen, Wendong..." At this time, Su Yuemeng greeted in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" Wen Dong turned his head and hummed.

Seeing Wendong's red eyes and angry look, Su Yuemeng shrank in fright, but thinking of this serious matter, she still mustered up her courage and said: "In this case, our Qingcheng Group's funds will also have a vacancy. "

Wen Dong: "..."

"Big, about [-] million." Su Yuemeng said aggrievedly.

Wendong saw that Su Yuemeng was serious and didn't look like he was joking, Wendong opened his mouth, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently...

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat. Just now, after serving Zhang Hanhan, Su Yuemeng came to join in the fun and asked for milk. This is not raising a child and raising a wife, but raising two ancestors.

The money tree, the money tree, I've lost all my private money, and it's not enough!Wendong has urinated all over his face...

"I will find a way for the other [-] million. In short, I will call you before Qingcheng opens." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Well, Qingcheng Project will open the day after tomorrow, so it can't be too late." Su Yuemeng reminded weakly.

Wen Dong: "..."

Wendong helped with the loan and advanced another [-] million yuan. Zhang Hanhan would not agree unless he was a fool, so the matter was finalized quickly.


After talking about business affairs, it's time to talk about private matters. Zhang Hanhan asked Su Yuemeng to sit in her office. Su Yuemeng understood and agreed with a smile. However, she wanted to tell Qing Xiao some matters after the event. Wen Dong was bored, so he followed her .

When Zhang Hanhan walked out of the conference room, the corners of his brows couldn't stop laughing, and he stared fiercely at Wendong, who was like a wolf with a big tail and his face was full of pain. The reason why he made so many troubles was Hong Zhanyun. Eyes and mouths staring at his jealous bastard husband, he felt a little bit of happiness inexplicably, but he couldn't laugh or cry.How could this bastard doubt himself like this, he really didn't mean that to senior Hong Zhanyun.Besides, this bastard is a playboy, and he still has the face to stare at him?
CEO's office.

On the reception table, Zhang Hanhan held a cup in both hands and looked at Su Yuemeng opposite. He was stunned for a full minute before recovering. He picked up the cup and took a sip, then turned to Wendong who smiled wryly at the sofa After taking a look, he put down his cup, smiled slightly at Su Yuemeng, and said, "I remember the last time we met, we were talking about the travel benefits of my Lanyun employees in Jinxiu Villa. Things are changing so fast now."

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, I..." Su Yuemeng opened her mouth nervously but couldn't speak. Just now, in front of so many people, she didn't think too much about the cooperation project, but now There were only three of them in the office, and she only felt her heart beating uncontrollably.

After all, I am still a third party, even though I have established a relationship with Wendong now, Zhang Hanhan in front of me is still at the level of a young lady. If it was in ancient times, I would come to greet her every day as a young person.She has calmed down a bit now, and couldn't help but look at Wen Dong who was on the sofa looking at her with a wry smile. She felt very wronged. to such things.

Seeing Su Yuemeng's terrified look, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but 'puchi' smile: "Yuemeng, we have known each other for a long time, am I so scary? Besides, didn't you call me sister when you called before?"

"Mr. Zhang, I..." Su Yuemeng saw Zhang Hanhan's pleasant smile, she didn't seem to be angry at all, and felt a little relieved.It is true that I have known Zhang Hanhan for nearly two years, but most of that was business dealings, and I don't know much about her nature.Then he glanced sideways at Wen Dong, complaining in his heart.

It's no wonder that Su Yuemeng was nervous. It's because the woman Wen Dong said was so hateful. Not only was she unreasonable, she was also lazy, her temper was stinky and tough, and she was unreasonable. She simply described Zhang Hanhan as a barbaric mother. Yasha, but this dominatrix is ​​still the eldest mistress, so why doesn't this scare her.

"Wendong, what did you tell Yuemeng about me? Did you say something bad about me?" Seeing whether Su Yuemeng was looking at Wendong, the clever Zhang Hanhan immediately noticed the clue, and couldn't help turning his face to look at Wendong.

"Boom!" Wen Dong, who was admiring the two beautiful beauties with Erlang's legs crossed, slumped on the sofa when he heard Zhang Hanhan's words, and looked at his wife dumbfounded. Now he really has a feeling of admiration for Zhang Hanhan. come out?

(End of this chapter)

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