How bad guys are made

Chapter 911 Chapter Two

Chapter 911 Two Women Conversing
"Wife, what are you talking about? How could I say bad things about you? You are so outstanding, and, hehe, how dare you be a husband..." Wendong cried and gave Zhang Hanhan a mean grin. He won't even admit it.

Seeing Wendong's virtue, Zhang Hanhan snorted and ignored him.But when you think about it, even she doesn't know how to describe the skill of her bastard husband. She thinks it was like this when she first dated him, and now the two have been married and living together for so long. He is not in a good shape, and he bullies himself from time to time, but he has never blushed with himself once since then. Now that he thinks about it, every time he gets angry, he will either coax himself or get out of here. Thinking about it carefully, he actually I haven't quarreled with myself once, let alone scolded myself for speaking ill of myself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but blushed slightly, and a faint halo of happiness appeared on his quiet face.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Su Yuemeng couldn't help but - looked at Zhang Hanhan, the stunning beauty who was graceful, luxurious, and elegant like a goddess. Su Yuemeng sighed again in her heart. When I woke up, I was really far behind.

As if aware of it, Zhang Hanhan quickly put away his happy attitude and looked up at Su Yuemeng. At this moment, Su Yuemeng hurriedly withdrew his eyes and dared not look at him. Even she couldn't help but feel sorry for her terrified and cute look. .She couldn't help but lament in her heart, what's so good about her bastard husband, it's nothing more than being cheated by him, why are there so many excellent women around her, He Qing, Lin Xiaoxi, and Su Yuemeng in front of her...

No matter which man gets one of these women, they are all contented, but they are all gathered by Wen Dong.Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel wronged in her heart. How much more can this bastard Wen Dong look for to be satisfied?
But thinking of himself who was also devoted to Wendong, he couldn't help but feel sad. Since it has become an irreversible fact, he should have a good relationship with Su Yuemeng, at least not let the relationship become rigid.

And there are thousands of mistakes, all of which have nothing to do with Su Yuemeng. She and Wendong are together because the two groups are harmonious and used as victims of marriage.For Qingcheng, she now has a little understanding of it. To put it bluntly, it is a gangster society. For a woman like her who has been well educated since childhood, she is very disgusted with these dark activities.Fortunately, Wendong did not fall completely, but deliberately formalized Qingcheng, so Qingcheng Group was established.She has studied the business system of Qingcheng Group, and it is a completely legal business group.Gentlemen love money and get it in a proper way. Wendong wants to do big business and start a big company, which is very much in favor of her.

As for the strength of the Su family consortium, she is even more aware of it, it is even bigger than Lanyun back then.And her bastard husband actually asked the daughter of the Su family to marry to maintain the relationship, which made her look at her husband with admiration, but she was not too surprised when she thought of what Wendong did on the boat before.

But in the final analysis, Su Yuemeng is not wrong, she is kind, and this cooperation obviously intends to befriend her, she is not a fool, this can still be felt.

But my bastard husband seems to have said something bad about herself to Su Yuemeng. She seems to be afraid of herself. Many of its subsidiaries have matured and have fixed customers and production lines, but if we want the group to enter Tianxia's first-class level as soon as possible, these alone may still be lacking."

"Yes, my sister is right, so I discussed with Wendong before, whether it is possible to join forces with the Su family's industry..." When talking about business matters, Su Yuemeng was not so nervous, and smiled sweetly. Speaking of her own plan, everyone here is a family, and she has nothing to shy away from.

Hearing the two talking about the company's development, Wen Dong was not interested in these farts, but he was very happy. A pair of eyeballs rolled around on the two women, not to mention his wife.Today she is wearing a brown formal dress, and the package outlines the undulating and exquisite curves.The beautiful face is even more goddess than a goddess, with beautiful posture and radiant glory, especially after admiring his wife's perfect body the day before yesterday, it is simply the perfect incarnation of elegance, beauty and beauty.

And Su Yuemeng was dressed in a well-cut black suit, with a snow-white shirt inside, and her long braids were tied up, making her look very capable, but her eyebrows were like ink, her nose and mouth, and her watery and delicate face, no matter what. A calm and gentle heart that cannot be concealed.

The only thing in common is that the two women are both at the level of the president, and the other point is that the long legs in stockings of the two are so coveted. He watched with a lewd smile on the corner of his mouth. , Touching the legs of these two women at the same time, even if you are a ghost, you are not in vain.

But soon, Wendong began to wonder, then depressed, until now, it has turned into shock.Zhang Hanhan seems to be a completely different person today, with his rosy mouth raised slightly, always with a faint smile on his face, he looks gentle and virtuous, approachable, very talkative, and even added a glass of water for himself.And under her deliberate efforts, Su Yuemeng, who was still a little afraid of Zhang Hanhan, stopped being nervous after a while, and finally opened her mouth and shut up with her sister. They chatted very happily, as if meeting a confidant, but instead Wendong became redundant.

Seeing the two beauties gathered together and chatting about girls' new clothing and cosmetics, Wen Dong was dumbfounded, and always felt that something was wrong, because no matter how you look at it, this scene is a bit familiar...

That's right, Wen Dong slapped his head, and suddenly remembered the days when Zhang Xinlan's silly girl lived in the house. Compared with now, she was carved out of the same mold...

Although Zhang Xinlan's situation is somewhat different from Su Yuemeng's, and Wendong and Su Yuemeng have slandered her wife for being abominable, but the way is one foot higher than the devil.After Zhang Hanhan noticed Su Yuemeng's restraint and fear, she found a very good entry point, which was the Qingcheng Group's affairs. In addition, Su Yuemeng also intended to get Zhang Hanhan's approval. Talk to her happily.

Then, from public to private.Under Zhang Hanhan's deliberate guidance, the two women began to talk about some interesting topics between women, so the two quickly became friends.

As long as Zhang Hanhan is willing to accept Su Yuemeng, Wendong will be very grateful, but at this time Zhang Hanhan has worked hard to get along with Su Yuemeng, and Wendong feels guilty and pity for her.

At this time, Su Yuemeng has completely let go of her heart, her heart is happy and joyful, her family is in harmony, which is better than anything else, and she, who was born in a big family, attaches great importance to this.Having seen the scene where the disciples of the family tried their best to fight for power and profit, she was already disheartened, which was why Grandpa made a quick decision when he wanted to betroth himself to Wendong.She just wanted to get out of this scheming circle, but she didn't expect to be involved in the palace fight again. Fortunately, Zhang Hanhan was very kind and gentle, unlike what Wen Dong said, how could she be unhappy.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glared angrily at Wen Dong, what was going on with this guy, why did she scare herself, why was she so bad.

After a while, she found that she had talked for more than half an hour, and the pot of tea on the table had already run out. Su Yuemeng immediately got up to make another pot of tea, but Zhang Hanhan grabbed her and swept her away. He glanced at Wendong and said with a smile: "Yuemeng, you don't have to go, let Wendong go, this guy is too lazy to work, he doesn't want to take care of the company, let us women use our brains, men can't do nothing Let us women take care of him, so we can't get too used to him."

"Enen, my sister is right. Men really can't be used to it all the time. What should be done is still to be done." Su Yuemeng nodded thoughtfully, and her serious face was a little dumbfounded when she saw Wendong. Who was it before? Who swore and promised to take care of his own food and daily life, who seriously said that serving his man is a matter of course?

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and make tea, I'll talk to Sister Yuemeng, there are still some things to deal with later."

"The tea is in the drawer in my lounge. I want Huangshan Maofeng." Zhang Hanhan reminded, and while Wendong wasn't paying attention, Zhang Damei showed him a smug expression.

"Yes, yes, go quickly, my sister and I still have a lot to talk about." Su Yuemeng also urged, no matter how she looked, she looked like a little traitor following behind and cheering.

Wen Dong glared at her angrily, I really love you for nothing, but I got up helplessly, reached out to pick up the teapot and walked into the lounge.

Walking to the door of the lounge, Wen Dong couldn't help but look suspiciously at the two girls who were chatting together again, something was really wrong.But for a while, I couldn't remember what was wrong.

"...Well, Sister Yuemeng, I heard that you live in Qingcheng Nightclub, and Wendong also lived there before, are you still used to it?" Wendong just walked into the lounge when he heard his wife's voice that seemed to be careless but actually had ulterior motives, Suddenly trembling with fright, he almost threw the teapot in his hand away.

Now he thinks something is wrong, yes, he clearly thought of it, this scene is exactly the same as when Zhang Xinlan came to live in the house before, Zhang Hanhan is a master of acting, she and Su Yuemeng got together so quickly just to get information !

Wendong is the clearest. His wife's unique skill of white wolf with empty gloves even scares him when he sees it. At the beginning, he took away Zhang Xinlan's silly girl's words with a few words. Now, the old trick is repeated, and the effect is better than before. There is no other reason , Su Yuemeng is too stupid!
God, Wen Dong felt a groan in his heart, Zhang Xinlan had been by He Qing's side all the time, in terms of experience and intelligence, she was much higher than her peers. Under the guidance of the teacher, everything was explained.

"It's okay, I wasn't used to it at first, but now I'm busy with the company's affairs every day, and I don't have the energy to dislike it anymore." Su Yuemeng replied with a smile.

"Hey, I heard that the nightclub is a very noisy place, and there are often some unhealthy relationships there, you have to keep an eye on this guy Wendong." Zhang Hanhan suddenly moved a little closer, reminding Su Yuemeng in a low voice .

"Watch? Elder sister, I don't dare to control Wendong. I think that if you can control him, he won't listen to me at all." Su Yuemeng was taken aback when she heard that, and shook her head with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan frowned immediately, and glanced coldly in the direction of the lounge...

(End of this chapter)

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