Chapter 912
"Yuemeng, you can't think like this. Don't be fooled by Wendong's appearance. She just needs to be tough. He doesn't dare to do anything to you. If it doesn't work, I will support you. I will see what he dares to do to you. Moreover, once you find a bad sign, you can tell me that I will work with you to punish him, and we must not let him bother anymore." Zhang Hanhan snorted.

Hearing Zhang Hanhan's instructions, Wen Dong, who was hiding behind the door of the lounge and eavesdropping, was frightened for a while, and quickly lay on the door frame and secretly winked at Su Yuemeng who was facing him.

Unexpectedly, Wen Dong was lying on the door frame and his eyeballs almost popped out, but Su Yuemeng didn't look at him at all at this time, especially Su Yuemeng's excited little face was full of admiration at this time, the two talked just now, Zhang Hanhan came up with a lot of golden ideas that she didn't even think of, and she admired her in her heart as a talented business woman in the water city. She looked so excited that she wanted to show her heart and soul, but now Zhang Hanhan said a word to her heart again, even though she is a do-it-yourselfer Small, but after all, I still don't want Wendong to have too many women. After all, which woman is not jealous?If there is one more woman in Wendong, then you will have less energy for yourself.

The most important thing is that there is still Zhang Hanhan backing her up, the excitement on her face is not expressed in words, and Wen Dong's heart is filled with grief. He originally thought that Su Yuemeng was smarter, but how did she know that she was even more stupid than that girl Zhang Xinlan? There is no cure...

He hurriedly took the teapot to make tea, and frantically took out his mobile phone to send a text message to Qing Xiao. The content of the text message was very simple: Get Su Yuemeng away from Lanyun as quickly as possible!
Damn, Wendong is going crazy, what a virtuous and lovely little woman Su Yuemeng is, if she stays with Zhang Hanhan for a long time, something will happen sooner or later.Hmm... Such a lovely person must always maintain a pure and kind childlike innocence, yes, a pure and kind childlike innocence.

"The tea is here." Wen Dong walked out of the lounge, with a smile on his face, and walked over with a teapot in his hands.

Hearing his words, the brains of the two women and two women who got together quickly separated tacitly, and stopped talking. Wen Dong was talking about tea and water, but his heart was full of tears. God knows that the conversation between the two of them just now was agreed. what an idea.Zhang Hanhan, this hateful woman, in terms of shrewdness in playing tricks, ten Su Yuemengs can't compare to her, but Su Yuemeng has blindly worshiped her at this time, Wendong is about to cry, but he can't blatantly remind Su Yuemeng moon dream.Not only is she regretful now, but her intestines are turning green. If she had known that Su Yuemeng had no position, she would have been taken down by Zhang Hanhan in a few minutes. With the little private money he had accumulated, even Su Yuemeng was cheated by Zhang Hanhan. He felt that he was simply the biggest bully in the world.

Zhang Hanhan glanced at Wen Dong with a half-smile, and continued to say with a smile: "Hehe, so that's how it is."

"What kind?" Wen Dong looked at her, then at Su Yuemeng, and felt that one was big and the other was big. What did these two girls say just now?

"Yes, yes, in fact, Wendong was worried about his sister all the time, so he was bored in the box all day. Fortunately, Uncle Zhang Jiren has his own destiny. Wendong rushed to the Broken Cloud Country for rescue this time. Rescued Uncle Zhang, and brought a beautiful Japanese woman, I heard that she is beautiful and sexy, Xiuxiu scolded others all day long, and I heard that Wendong left her in the base to take care of her..." Suddenly realized that I said Talking a bit too much, I looked at Wen Dong who was pouring tea and glaring at me in embarrassment, and then I remembered that Zhang Hanhan probably didn't know about some things about Wen Dong.

"Oh, Japanese women? I heard that Japan still continues the dogmatic customs. The women there are not only beautiful, but also men are superior to women. They are respectful and humble to men. It is the best choice to marry as a wife." Zhang Hanhan also looked at it playfully. Wen Dong said casually: "By the way, what kind of mysterious place is that base? I'm very curious. Why don't we go and see it when we have time? It's just a chance to appreciate the style of foreign women."

"Hehe, okay, okay, I, I also want to go and see..." Sensing Wendong's eyes that wished to peel herself alive, Su Yuemeng felt sweat on her forehead, Xu always felt a little bit towards Wendong. The reason for the fear is that even though Zhang Hanhan, the eldest wife, is supporting her, she still has lingering fears. She smiled, feeling her throat was a little dry, and she was embarrassed to cater to her.

"Boom..." At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in."

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wen, Mr. Su, we have an important meeting this afternoon. You have already set the time at [-]:[-], and the meeting notice has been sent." Qing Xiao spoke very tactfully, and called the three of them. Hello, reminded Su Yuemeng.

"Oh oh, I had such a good time talking with my sister that I forgot for a moment, sister, I won't bother you, let's chat some other day when I have time." The little girl finally knew what it was like to survive in the cracks. She was very grateful for Xiao's words, and hurriedly got up to say goodbye, grabbed the information bag on the side and left the office before the two of them reacted, and ran away completely...

Zhang Hanhan hurriedly got up and said goodbye, Wendong quickly got up and followed: "Hehe, go, I happen to be busy, anyway, we have a phone number, we can chat on WeChat if we have nothing to do." I winked.

"Okay, okay, let's chat at night." Su Yuemeng smiled and agreed secretly with a look that I understood.

Wen Dong stood aside, but he could clearly feel the cold air on Zhang Hanhan's body half a meter away, and he winked at Su Yuemeng in a hurry, you said that I have something to do and asked me to go too.But who knew that Su Yuemeng didn't dare to look at him at all at this time, seeing Zhang Hanhan nod with a smile, and before Wendong opened his mouth to find a reason to leave, he slammed the office door shut.

Wen Dong's face was livid with anger, and he almost couldn't hold back and rushed forward to strangle this dead girl to death.

"Hehe, wife, I have something to do, so I'm leaving too." Seeing his wife hugging her chest and turning her head to look at him, her eyes became more and more playful, like a demon crawling out of hell, Wen Dong was so frightened Trembling, let out a haha ​​and left.

"Okay, you can go." Zhang Hanhan said with a gentle smile.

"Hey." Wen Dong hurriedly agreed, reached out and grabbed the doorknob, but felt that something was wrong. Turning his head, he found that Zhang Hanhan was already looking at him with a smile on his face, and that bright smile was in sight right now. However, it is more terrifying than a demon with teeth and claws.

"Honey, I'm really leaving." Wen Dong was embarrassed and said tentatively.

"Let's go." Zhang Hanhan replied, still holding his chest, as if I would never stop you.

Wen Dong swallowed, feeling his throat dry. He thought that as long as he walked out of this door today, he would never be able to climb into his wife's bed in the future.

"Wife, I was wrong." Wen Dong said with a dejected face. He didn't feel ashamed to admit his mistake to his wife. It was better than sleeping with a dry pillow every day, right?

"Wendong, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly admit your mistake? Where did you go wrong? Are you sick?" Zhang Hanhan looked at him with a strange expression, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his little hand to try Wendong. forehead.

But her action almost scared Wen Dong to the ground, especially the worry in his eyes was real, his wife's acting skills were definitely better than his own, the more Zhang Hanhan was like this, the more worried Wen Dong was, and finally couldn't help crying with a mournful face Said: "Honey, I was really wrong, you should be more normal, let's not do this, okay, okay..." Wen Dong was about to cry, and it was not easy to get along with Zhang Hanhan, he didn't want to make trouble again What's the matter, he doesn't have the heart to hate Su Yuemeng, that stinky girl now.

"Hehe." Seeing Wendong's poor virtue, Zhang Hanhan didn't feel sad or lamented, but smiled again, but that smile was like the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month, which only made Wendong feel chills all over his body.

Finding his wife turned back to the meeting table, Wen Dong hurriedly followed, reached out to pick up the teapot and was filled with tea by his wife, and looked up at her eagerly.

"Wendong, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful to me here. I don't know what virtue you have?" Zhang Hanhan glanced at the tea in front of him and sneered.

"Hehe." Wen Dong smiled awkwardly, but did not dare to speak.

"Qingcheng Nightclub... Hehe, I heard that there are many beautiful women there, many of them are single senior white-collar workers, so you stay in the private room drinking day and night? That's Su Yuemeng, that silly girl! "Zhang Hanhan sneered.

"Hey, Zhang Hanhan, you can say that I'm a playboy, but you can't slander me, the conscience of heaven and earth, I never touched any other woman in Qingcheng Nightclub." Hearing Zhang Hanhan's sneer, Wen Dong suddenly became angry.

"Really? I still remember clearly the sentence you said the day before yesterday. Why do you think I'm ugly? Let's change it..."

"Zhang Hanhan, you still mention this kind of old sesame seed and rotten millet, it's all over, and I was indeed drunk that night, is that interesting to you?" Wen Dong stared at her and said, this woman is simply unreasonable.

"Yes, this incident is indeed in the past, but what you said is really proficient. Are you sure you didn't do such a thing after getting drunk in a nightclub?" Zhang Hanhan looked at him coldly, with a trace of anger in his eyes. Disgusted, she seemed to have thought of another scene in the private room where a large group of beautifully dressed women stood in a row Ren Wendong chose, or why he was drunk and said to change another...

my day!

Wen Dong was so choked that he couldn't speak, he was still a little confused now, did he really say those words that night?
"That's because I was drunk. I don't know what I said. I definitely didn't have those messy things in Qingcheng Nightclub. Believe it or not." Wen Dong said angrily.

Zhang Hanhan glanced at Wendong's swearing look, then withdrew his gaze coldly, and said, "Okay, then what do you say about that Japanese woman? You can do it, we women in Tianxia Kingdom can't tolerate you anymore. I also go to foreign women, do you know that they are not clean? I can’t control you if you are a woman, and I don’t want to. Besides, I can’t tell what is wrong with good women like Sister He and Yuemeng. Not good, but what are these messy foreign women, how long do you want to beat the dog?" Zhang Hanhan seemed to get angrier as he talked, thinking that those unclear women also had an inexplicable relationship with Wendong , the color of disgust in her eyes grew stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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