How bad guys are made

Chapter 913 I'm Really Not Angry Anymore

Chapter 913 I'm Really Not Angry Anymore

"Hanhan, maybe our dad didn't tell you about his situation at that time, probably because he was afraid of scaring you, the broken cloud country is not as peaceful as our inland." Sensing the worry in Zhang Hanhan's tone, Wendong smiled wryly Said.

"Then, how did you rescue Dad?"

Zhang Hanhan has always been a little curious, but there are too many mysterious things about Wendong, and she didn't think that she had to dig out Wendong's secrets to the bottom. She just felt that as long as Wendong loves herself, they can be together good.

Seemingly startled by Wen Dong's sudden low tone, Zhang Hanhan's speech was no longer so aggressive.

"You are very knowledgeable, and you should understand as soon as I say it. Most of the territory of the Suiyun Kingdom is controlled by a group of pirates, and Dad was rescued by Zhang Xiuxiu at the beginning, and he was transferred to the pirates of the Suiyun Kingdom. Zhang Xiuxiu killed a group of pirates before entering the country’s pirate den, and at that time..."

Wen Dong began to tell, Zhang Hanhan listened quietly, frowning from time to time, her pretty face showed horror, the encounter on the boat was the most painful and frightening time in her life, and hearing Wen Dong According to Dong, the so-called Broken Cloud Kingdom is not bad at all in comparison.

She already had a preliminary definition of Suiyun Kingdom in her heart: rape, killing and looting, and truly regard human life as worthless.

"At that time we were hiding in a place called General Poppy. We didn't dare to reveal our whereabouts to him. We could only pretend to be a team of merchants. Fortunately, we were treated by General Poppy. Pirates still focused on looting, except In addition to locally grown poppies, they mainly traded looted goods, including slaves and female slaves."

Wen Dong paused and said again: "These women-slaves are ruined like goods in order to survive. And they are a local custom, and they are served like a special dish for our guests to play with. If we don't , That means I don’t understand etiquette, but we still asked General Poppy to do as the Romans did. The female-slave that the general gave me was this Japanese girl. This girl came from a big family and moved to General Poppy. It wasn't actually touched. I thought he was pitiful, so I took her to the base, then gave her an errand, and that was it."

"En." Zhang Hanhan agreed in a low voice, frowning, especially when Wen Dong said that these women were treated as a special dish, she couldn't calm down.What would you do if you had such an experience?Any man can easily play with her. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel her scalp tingle. If this is the case, she might as well die.But in order to survive, these female-slaves are not even qualified to lament the injustice of God. Now that I think about it, how lucky I am.

"By the way, what is the base Yuemeng mentioned? A military base?" Zhang Hanhan asked curiously.

"Well, almost." Since Zhang Hanhan asked, he didn't intend to hide it, so he said: "Speaking of this base, it's too complicated, are you sure you want to listen?"

"Then don't talk about it, I don't have that much curiosity." Hearing Wen Dong's words, Zhang Hanhan shook her head quickly, she may not be interested in these things at all.

"No, no, my wife, you are obviously still angry with me, so I must explain it clearly to you." Wen Dong said quickly, "Is there anything else you are curious about or don't understand? I can tell you."

"Don't talk about it, I'm not curious at all, I want to work, you go out quickly." Seeing that Wendong was about to be raped, Zhang Hanhan waved his hand quickly and said, got up and walked to the desk, the chat turned out to be useless After going there for more than an hour, she still has a lot of work to do this afternoon.

"No, my wife is still angry. I can't leave. What if you won't let me go to bed at night? I must explain clearly to you." Wen Dong hurriedly walked to the table, his tone firm, as if He didn't see the irritability in Zhang Hanhan's eyes, and he insisted on telling others that he didn't want to listen.

"Don't explain, I'm very clear. Really, I'm not angry anymore, I want to work, you go out quickly." Zhang Hanhan frowned and waved his hands and said, being pestered by Wendong tirelessly.

"Don't tell me, wife, I was wrong, I should be honest with you, I have decided, I want to tell you everything about me, um... let's start with 20 years ago, it was a dark month High night..."

"Stop it, stop it for me, get out, immediately, immediately!" Zhang Hanhan was sure that his bastard husband was trying to get angry with him, Zhang Hanhan quickly reached out to stop, and stared at him angrily, what is this bastard going to do, he is still here up?

"Look, wife, you're obviously angry." Wen Dong spread his hands and pointed at his wife's livid face - the evidence is conclusive.

"You..." Zhang Hanhan almost vomited blood for three liters of anger, and said helplessly, "Get out quickly, I beg you, I really don't want to be angry anymore, you go away..."

At this moment, Zhang Hanhan only felt his head buzzing, but he never thought that he was the one who took the initiative, and he would beg him instead in the blink of an eye?Until now, she still didn't understand what was going on?

"No, no, I won't go. Don't you think I'm looking for other women? I promise I won't. I'll stay here with you. If I can't do it in one day, I'll take two days. If I can't do it in two days, I'll take three days. Yue, I will always be with you until you are happy." Wen Dong said in a solemn tone, and then fell on the seat beside him with a 'dang', but he said something solemn.

two days?three days?a month?Then do you still have to work?Seeing Wendong making up his mind to stay here for three days and three nights, Zhang Hanhan felt a crazy urge.

"I'm not angry anymore, I'm really not angry anymore, it's okay if I let you go to bed tonight..."

Wen Dong: "..."


"This is what you said..." Zhang Hanhan sat on the desk, his face livid with anger, he reached out and grabbed the tissue next to him to wipe someone's saliva on his cheek, Wen Dong was buzzing in his head This is what I said before leaving.

Thinking of the smug look on Wendong's bastard before he left, Zhang Hanhan seemed to understand.

Being tricked again, Wen Dong simply wanted to force himself to say this sentence, so he said it inexplicably, not only that, but before leaving, this bastard even grabbed his head and slapped him fiercely. Take a bite.

"Take it as being bitten by a dog!" Zhang Hanhan wiped his face with a tissue with a disgusted expression, cursing loudly.

Bitten by a dog?I don't know how Wen Dong, who has already run out of the office in joy, will feel when he hears his wife's words...


In the office of the president of Qingcheng Group, a young man and woman are sitting opposite each other.

"Brother Wu, this invitation is presumptuous, and I hope it doesn't disturb your business." Su Yuemeng sat dignifiedly on the reception sofa, while fiddling with teacups, her tone and posture were extremely low.

"Sister-in-law, if you say that, you're going to kill me. I'll do it, I'll do it." Wu Zhan was frightened by Su Yuemeng's words, and quickly reached out to take the teacup in Su Yuemeng's hand and pour tea water.

The current Wu Zhan is different from the past, he is fatter than before, his complexion is more rosy, he is wearing a decent suit, his hair is tied back, he is pomaded, his leather shoes are polished, he is a successful young man He is a fashionable president now.

"Although I'm one year older than you, Wen Dong is my older brother. You call me Brother Wu, but you're a generation behind." Wu Zhan said while pouring tea, a pair of sneaky eyeballs swept across Su Yue without a trace With Meng's pretty face, she guessed in her heart the purpose of this invitation.

Wu Zhan is a shrewd person, and he has worked harder since he became the president. He is also very clear about Su Yuemeng's identity, the daughter of the Su family.Now it is Brother Wendong's woman who is in charge of the Qingcheng Group, which is her real superior.

"Since this is the case, then I will make it clear that I want the fashion style to belong to the Qingcheng Group for unified management. I wonder if Mr. Wu would like it?" Since everyone is friends, Su Yuemeng no longer hides it.

Fashion style has already gained a lot of fame in the entertainment industry, especially Lin Xiaoxi, after several concerts, was rated as the youngest and most promising singer in Tianxia Kingdom.At least among the people, there are even more people who know and recognize her than those who know Qingcheng Group.If the fashion style can be assigned to the Qingcheng Group in a legitimate manner, it will have unexpected benefits for the future development and image establishment of the Qingcheng Group.

"Would you like it? What does sister-in-law say? I have always wondered why Qingcheng Group doesn't include our fashion style, but I was afraid that my sister-in-law was busy, so I didn't dare to ask." Wu Zhan was caught by Su Yuemeng's words. He froze for a moment, and said with a wry smile.

Seeing Wu Zhan's appearance, Su Yuemeng understood, and explained: "Because fashion style has a special status. Firstly, you are Wendong's good buddies; secondly, Lin Xiaoxi and Sun Xiaojie are both his girlfriends, and once Unified to the management of Qingcheng Group, it is naturally not as comfortable as being independent outside, and I just got together with Wendong, not only took such an important position all of a sudden, but you have become my subordinates, I am also afraid that you will not You are at ease, so after thinking about it for a long time, you didn't take the fashion style into consideration." Su Yuemeng said with a low posture, these are Wendong's friends or girlfriends, and she, a newcomer, naturally wants to establish a good relationship.

"Hey, sister-in-law, what are you talking about? If you said it earlier, I've been in fear for the past few days. I thought our fashion style was born by stepmothers, and Qingcheng Group didn't want us."

"Ah?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing with a 'puchi'. Wu Zhan's description is really...

"Then, are you willing to return to Qingcheng Group?" Su Yuemeng said happily.

"Of course I do, one hundred percent do. Sister-in-law, when do you say? If it's now, I'll go back and hold a full-staff meeting immediately, and we can move here tomorrow morning." Wu Zhan said quickly, with a serious tone.

Everything he has now is given to him by Wendong, although there are also his own efforts.But if Wendong didn't give me such an opportunity, I'm afraid I'm still watching the gate of Lanyun Plaza, and I might be unemployed.

But now, he has a successful career, and he has also chased Shen Yadan into his hands, earning both career and women.Not to mention that it is under the unified regulations of Qingcheng, even if his position as president is taken away, he will not blink.During this period of time, he has been grateful to Wendong's eight generations of ancestors...

"Since you said that, I'm relieved, but don't worry, Qingcheng will have to wait a few days before it opens, and it won't be too late for the fashion to come back after the opening." Su Yuemeng said with a slight smile.

Wu Zhan nodded, pondering in his mind: "Well, in five days, there will be an album signing event for Lin Xiaoxi's newly released album. At that time, many famous people in our circle will come to celebrate. This signing event We will also upload headlines, and we will belong to Qingcheng Group on this day, what do you think, sister-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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