How bad guys are made

Chapter 914 Jiang Han's Trip

Chapter 914 Jiang Han's Trip
In fact, Jiang Han came to Water City from Kyoto for another purpose.

Just two days ago, he received a request call from Li Shan.To be honest, he and Li Shan are not familiar with each other, but only because of Zhao Hongjian's relationship.When Li Shan was promoted to the boss of the blood thorn group, he had already left the blood thorn, but because his sister was also serving the blood thorn, the relationship between the two parties was not bad.

However, during this period of time, he also investigated Li Shan according to the orders from above.Queen Isa was assassinated in Shui City. In addition to the responsibility of Commander Zhao Hongjian, Li Shan, as the leader of the blood thorn team, was also the head of the blood thorn team. Queen Isa was assassinated under the nose of the blood thorn team he led , he also has a lot of responsibility, especially his mistakes in decision-making.

But Li Shan didn't complain about the suspension, and he stayed in Shuishi during this time. The prison order from above had come down, but Li Shan ignored it, and the National Security Bureau never found him.

But Jiang Han knew that he was in Shuishi, and he was looking for his daughter who disappeared many years ago.

This is a very quaint courtyard. Several sycamore trees have begun to lose their leaves, but the courtyard has been swept clean. This is the home of an old friend of Li Shan, who has been living here for a while.

Li Shan, at the age of 47, has climbed to such an important position with his own ability, he is already considered young, and he looks like a 40-year-old man, in his prime.But seeing Li Shan this time surprised Jiang Han.

He was wearing a dark gray sweater and a woolen coat of the same gray color. His temples were slightly gray, his face was vicissitudes, and he looked very haggard. At first glance, he looked like an old man in his early 60s...

"Uncle Li." Jiang Han glanced at him in surprise, and greeted him.

"Nephew, please come in quickly, come and sit down." Seeing Jiang Han, Li Shan seemed to be rejuvenated, and he pulled Jiang Han into the room kindly, because he had talked with Jiang Han on the phone before, and he Said that there has been news of his daughter.

"Where is my daughter? Is she still alive? Is she doing well?" As soon as Jiang Han sat down, Li Shan impatiently asked a series of questions, his eyes fixed on him, full of urgency.

Li Shan, a clean and honest government, for the sake of the country, has not had children until he was nearly fifty.But only a few people know that he actually has a daughter, but she was taken away by traffickers not long after she was born.But no matter what, the hearts of parents all over the world, just because of their daughter who has been missing for many years, are so out of control, they deserve everyone's respect.

Seeing that Li Shan was anxious, Jiang Han nodded slightly, without beating around the bush, took out a paper bag from his bosom and pushed it in front of him. There was only one photo in it. Jiang Han said, "Uncle Li, see if it's her."

Li Shan quickly picked up the photo, looking at the beautiful outline of his wife in the photo, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and he said with tears, "Yes, it's her, this is my daughter, It must be my daughter."

The full moon was just born when my daughter was taken away, and she has changed in her 20th year, and now she has grown into a slim figure in the past [-] years. Although there may be two people in this world who are not related by blood but look almost exactly the same, Li Shan is still sure. , the girl in the photo is his own daughter.

This is a close relative, blood is thicker than water, an inexplicable feeling, this feeling can never deceive anyone.

"Actually, you are looking for a good direction. She has been in Shuishi before, and she has been there for several years. Her name is Li Ningyan, a very nice name." Jiang Han sighed in his heart, and said leisurely.

"Li Ningyan, a woman who looks like a cloud of smoke, looks exactly like her mother when she was young, exactly like her." Li Shan murmured, and couldn't help wiping away tears.

Seeing that Li Shan was excited, Jiang Han took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette. After waiting for about 3 minutes, Li Shan gradually calmed down from the excitement. Jiang Han thought for a while and said directly: "Uncle Li, I want you to have a Mentally prepare."

"What, what's the matter? My daughter, is she..." Hearing this, Li Shan suddenly looked away from the photo in his hand and stared at him closely, but he didn't dare to say any more.

"No, Uncle Li, it's not what you think, but..." Jiang Han snuffed out the cigarette butt, and his expression became serious: "Li Ningyan, the most wanted criminal in the National Security Bureau of Shui City, in the past few years, she She is suspected of murdering twelve people, and each of them is an important figure in the water city. She is a killer and belongs to the No.13 group of seven killers in the world. If you go back further..."

"Seven Kills should belong to the Dark Twilight terrorist organization." Jiang Han said.

Hearing this, Li Shan's body trembled suddenly, a pair of tiger eyes stared at Jiang Han closely, and his whole body exploded, as if he was examining the reliability of Jiang Han's words.

With a serious expression on Jiang Han's face, he looked at him quietly and showed him that he did not tell a single lie.

After a long time, Li Shan finally lowered his head slightly, with a pair of sharp tiger eyes flashing with a complicated look. He remembered the shadow he finally met on the day he was carrying out the task of protecting Queen Isa. He should have thought of it a long time ago. Go, how can it be good...

And it is said that He Wenlong, who Wendong and Jiang Han wiped out on the boat, was the leader of the Seven Killers.

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Han: "Have you met my daughter?"

"Yes, I've seen her before. If you hadn't mentioned it, I would never have thought that she was your daughter." Jiang Han nodded and admitted, with a wry smile on his lips.

"Then my daughter..."

"I don't know." Jiang Han interrupted his question with a more complicated expression.

"Nephew Jiang Han, don't play around with uncle anymore. Uncle is begging you. As long as you find my daughter, uncle will go back and confess. Queen Isa was assassinated. I did fail in my duty. I..."

"Uncle Li, there is only one person who knows about Li Ningyan, and that is Wendong." Jiang Han said.

"Wendong? Him? How could he know about my daughter? Do they still know each other?" Li Shan looked at him in surprise and said, he has been thinking about his daughter all this time, and seems to have forgotten many things. Now Jing Jiang When Han mentioned it, some outlines of Wen Dong, a young man who was only slightly familiar, seemed to have recovered in Li Shan's mind.

I met Wendong because he was a supernatural being and saved his teacher Zhao Hongjian, but in other respects, he didn't actually have any dealings.He had thought about asking Wendong to help, after all, he is indeed in full swing in the water market now, but he couldn't find it even if he asked his friends to find it, Wendong didn't expect too much, after all, he was still young, so He was about the same age as his daughter, and the Qingcheng Gang he controlled was only a few years old, and he couldn't help him with the old sesame seeds and rotten millet more than 20 years ago.

"Know each other?" Jiang Han glanced at Li Shan in surprise. Thinking of his own investigation results, he couldn't help but smile even more bitterly. It's not just that easy for the two of them to know each other?
"Li Ningyan, who is your daughter, lived in Shuishi as Xu Fengjiang's goddaughter." Jiang Han said while taking the information bag to the table.

"Xu Fengjiang? Who is that?" Li Shan asked with a frown.

"Hehe, Xu Fengjiang has some similarities with you. He went to sea more than 20 years ago. Later, he started a business, made a fortune, and opened several factories. However, after Tianxia's economic reform, The factory closed down, and he and his wife returned to their hometown, Songli County, MS City. However, he was very discerning in business. At that time, he bought a large piece of land in Shuishi with good money, and it has now been built. Four years ago, he was seriously ill, his old disease relapsed, and he died."

Jiang Han paused and said again: "If you want to talk about similarities, it is that he also lost a daughter who was just born more than 20 years ago, but he still hasn't found it until now, but he gave birth to a little daughter later. , whose name is Xu Zihan, who is also Li Ningyan's younger sister."

"My daughter's sister? This..."

"I didn't understand this thing. I investigated and asked Xu Fengjiang's wife. She only said that Li Ningyan was kind, and that Li Ningyan was the same size as her daughter, so she accepted her as a goddaughter. And Xu Fengjiang's wife She is a full-fledged village woman, and she doesn't understand business, so she handed over the property rights of the residential building in Shuishi to Li Ningyan to take care of it."

"And your daughter Li Ningyan was Wendong's landlord from the beginning, and the two lived diagonally opposite each other. At first, I only thought that Li Ningyan wanted to use this identity to deceive Xu Fengjiang's wife's trust and get an identity and residence in Shuishi, but It turned out that it wasn't that simple..."

Jiang Han paused and continued: "This matter starts with Xu Zihan again. Li Ningyan is closer to Xu Zihan than to her own sister, and the Qingcheng Gang established by Zhang Sanbai is to serve Li Ningyan and collect information. Wait, Xu Zihan is also at the level of the little ancestor in the Qingcheng Gang."

"Qingcheng Gang? It's not Wendong now..." Li Shan looked at him in surprise, his eyes flickering.

Jiang Han nodded, and didn't speak any more, waiting quietly for Li Shan to digest all the news.

"You mean...Wen Dong is my daughter's boyfriend?" Li Shan is someone who has experienced it, and immediately thought of a possibility.

"Yes, to be precise, your daughter should be Wendong's woman. When we fought on the tanker, your daughter Li Ningyan was on our side. She and Wendong fought against the Seven Killers together."

"You mean my daughter is in Qingcheng now?" Li Shan asked anxiously, he couldn't help patting his thigh, regretting it, why didn't he ask Wendong for help, Wendong, that was one of the few things he liked The young man still thinks too much about this now, and he is more worried about his daughter.

"No, Li Ningyan is not in Qingcheng now..." Jiang Han shook his head. Seeing that Li Shan looked anxious and didn't hide it, he told him again, telling the story of Qin Feng leading the two extraordinary warriors in Tianxia Palace until now. Speaking of Wendong jumping into the sea with Li Ningyan...

Li Shan sat on the side quietly listening to Jiang Han's memories, feeling extremely nervous.

"Qin Feng, you must die!" After hearing this, Li Shan gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes full of killing intent.

"By the way, then why do you say that my daughter is not in Qingcheng? Where would she be if she wasn't in Qingcheng?" Li Shan suddenly remembered and asked in surprise.

"I don't know either." Jiang Han lowered his head and smiled wryly. Back then, Wendong and Li Ningyan jumped into the sea together. At first, he thought that if Wendong dared to make such a move, he would not be afraid of being drowned by the sea. Wendong was indeed He didn't die, but Li Ningyan who was with him never showed up, and yesterday I had two drinks with him, during which I secretly mentioned about Li Ningyan, but Wen Dong never mentioned it.

Seeing the doubts on Jiang Han's face, Li Shan was sure that he had not lied to him. The safety of his daughter was at stake. He couldn't sit still anymore, and got up and said, "Let's go, let's go to Wendong now."

(End of this chapter)

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