How bad guys are made

Chapter 923 My own daughter

Chapter 923 My own daughter
According to information, Wendong actually held a celebration banquet at the Jinbihuanghuang Entertainment Club.This kind of approach completely ignored the powerful gangs in Fuzhou. The gangsters were furious and wanted to crusade against the Qingcheng Gang.

Some people even suggested that the Qingcheng Gang had just wiped out the Blood Wolf League, and its gang members must be exhausted, so why not take back these territories tonight.This proposal was quickly approved by some bigwigs, but when it came to the gang taking action in the end, no one dared to jump out and be the first.

According to the news, the Qingcheng Gang has gathered [-] people this time, each of whom is an elite. Whoever dares to jump out at this time and be the first to stand out is an idiot. What they did was the so-called companions around them.

The meeting didn't come to a hasty end until ten o'clock, and in the end, nothing substantial was discussed. However, as Mr. Hong mentioned, everyone had formed a preliminary union.Of course, everyone here is a genius, and no one dares to jump out and pick this leader.


In a certain spacious private room in the splendor, Wen Dong sat opposite Li Shan and Jiang Han who had just arrived, and his face looked a little drunk and flushed because he drank some wine with everyone.

"Uncle Li, long time no see." Seeing that Li Shan looked at him a little differently, Wen Dong was also a little confused. Li Shan is the boss of the blood spur team. Although he was temporarily dismissed because of the previous incident, he and Jiang Han, who looks like a demon king in the world, is different, and hearing Jiang Han say that Li Shan has exerted a lot of force in this pressure, this makes him even more puzzled.

"Wendong, how is Ningyan? Where is she?" Seeing Wendong, Li Shan couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and asked directly, his tone trembling. That was his daughter who had been missing for more than 20 years. Until now, he had never seen his daughter in person except for the photos.

"Ningyan? Why would you ask that?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, as if Li Ningyan, who was still out of touch, was mentioned in his heart, Wen Dong's face suddenly suppressed, but he couldn't help asking curiously.

Did Li Ningyan commit another catastrophe?Also killed someone related to Uncle Li?But looking at Uncle Li's expression, it doesn't look like it, more like caring?He asked a question, and couldn't help but look up at Jiang Han who was at the side.

Jiang Han glanced at Wendong with a bitter smile, and was about to open his mouth to explain, but Li Shan said anxiously: "Ningyan is my daughter, she is my daughter."

"Ah?" Hearing Li Shan's words, Wen Dong was shocked, and suddenly looked up at him, seeing that his face was serious, but he spoke excitedly, obviously not joking with himself.

Li Ningyan is indeed an orphan. She heard that she has no parents, and in her memory, she has no parents. She was in that secret training base at the beginning.Uncle Li is also surnamed Li, but there are so many surnamed Li in the world, it can't be such a coincidence, right?
"Ningyan is my daughter who has been missing for many years. Where is she now? Wendong, tell Uncle Li quickly..." Li Shan's expression was agitated, and his words were a little incoherent.

"Ningyan is your daughter, what's going on?" Wen Dong asked in shock.

"Let me say it..." Jiang Han interjected, turning his head to look at Li Shan, asking for opinions.

Li Shan was so excited at this moment that he had lost his logic, so he nodded in agreement.

Sensing Wen Dong's suspicious gaze, Jiang Han took out the previous materials and began to tell...

Hearing Jiang Han's narration, Wen Dong became more startled the more he listened, while Li Shan on the side nodded from time to time.

"Uncle Li, are you really Ningyan's father?" Wen Dong exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure she is my daughter, my biological daughter." Li Shan looked at Li Ningyan's photo in the file, became excited again, and immediately raised his head and grabbed Wen Dong's arm and said: "Wen Dong, Tell Uncle, where is my daughter? Is she okay? "

"Wen, Wendong..." Seeing Wendong slowly fall silent, a bad premonition suddenly hit his heart, Li Shan looked at him in surprise, his lips trembling.

"I don't know, she's missing, and now, I don't know if she's alive or dead." Wen Dong shook his head and said, this sentence seemed to have used up all his strength, leaning on the sofa, letting Li Shan hold his hand tightly. Shoulder.

Li Shan looked at him in surprise, seeing his sad expression, he was stupid on the spot, Jiang Han at the side pulled him, Li Shan slowly came back to his senses, let go of Wen Dong silently, his body limp on the sofa, There was a trace of moisture in the cloudy eyes. For so many years, he has not fulfilled his father's responsibility for a single day...

Jiang Han sat aside and glanced at Li Shan, then at Wendong, opened his mouth, but did not speak in the end.

Wen Dong got up, took out a cigarette case and put a cigarette in his mouth. He lowered his head and took a puff, exhaled slowly, and said slowly: "At that time, I was on the tanker, because Mu Zhen and Mu Yu wanted to arrest Ning Yan, I jumped into the sea with Ning Yan..."

In the half month after being sent to Shuishi by the Taihuang Avoiding Shuizhu, the reason why he has been neither human nor ghost, apart from the incident with Zhang Hanhan and Zhang Wending, is the other reason is Li Ningyan's disappearance. His wrong decision made Li Ningyan, who was by his side, go home...

"You, you mean that Ningyan is not necessarily dead, right?" After listening to Wendong's narration, Jiang Han on the side could hear the strangeness in it, and asked quickly, Li Shan on the side also His eyes were fixed on him, eyes full of hope.

"Yes, I guess Ning Yan didn't die, but even if she didn't die, she was saved by Lina." Wen Dong said with a sigh.

"Lina, I also have some information about this woman. She is the mastermind of the Lanyun incident. He Wenlong was just thrown out to block the gun." Jiang Han thought for a while and said.

"Yes. I have been investigating this woman for a long time. This woman acts a little strangely. Up to now, I don't know who she is." Wen Dong nodded and said.

Jiang Han nodded, his expression indifferent.

"Ning Yan is probably not dead, but she is a traitor of the Seven Kills Group, and now she has been captured back to their base. I don't know what kind of treatment she will have, but I dare not go to her at all. I don't have this strength at all, I have failed Ning Yan, but I dare not fail more people, I am a coward!" Wen Dong took a deep puff on his cigarette, his fingers sunk into his hair, and his expression was very painful.

The guardian of the dark dawn alone is at the level of an extraordinary king. Although Wen Dong is a supernatural person, he is still not the opponent's opponent. What's more, it is just his guard. The real master of this dark organization has not yet appeared.

Jiang Han glanced at Wendong, and his heart was also indescribably complicated.As the former soul of the blood spur group, he has experienced no less joy and sorrow than Wendong, so he has the deepest understanding of Wendong's pain.This is a feeling of powerlessness and helplessness against reality. Even if you bite your teeth and risk your life, you are still helpless...


The conversation ended in silence like this. When Li Shan brought up Li Ningyan's matter, Wen Dong didn't care about the previous system reminder and the degree of disgust he got.

In the resplendent third-floor suite, Li Ba and others simply tidied up Wendong's bedroom.

Ling Yun helped him back, and the two of them remained silent all the way.Although Ling Yun has a mean mouth, he also knows the timing. When he observes his words and looks, he sees that the boss is in a bad mood. At this time, he is talking nonsense in front of him, which is purely looking for abuse.

Pushing open the door, his eyes narrowed slightly under the glazed light in the living room, and his eyes fell on a fidgeting woman on the sofa.

It's the **** bartender.

"Ling Yun." Wen Dong frowned and glanced at the woman, then turned to look at Ling Yun who was about to slip away.

"What, what's the matter, boss?" Hearing the boss's bad tone, Ling Yun trembled in fright, walked back cautiously, and looked at him eagerly.

"What's going on?" Wen Dong glared at him, then pointed at the bartender girl on the sofa.

"This... I don't know either." Ling Yun secretly glanced at the living room, noticed Wen Dong's staring eyes, and helplessly stretched out his hand to scratch his head and said, "I just heard that Li Ba said that you seem to be interested in her , so I brought her here to serve you."

Hearing Ling Yun's explanation, the bartender girl's pale face was even paler from fright. She was nervous and frightened, but she couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the door curiously. Very disdainful, now she can only smile wryly, this man who seems to be sloppy is actually the lord of Qingcheng!
Moreover, this flow is just an illusion of his acting. At this time, his expression is very majestic, and there is an overbearing and chilling aura in his ruthlessness, especially his bloodshot eyes, which are very scary .

"I don't need anyone to serve me." Hearing Ling Yun's explanation, Wen Dong said coldly, feeling upset, he doesn't want to see anyone now.

"What does the boss mean?" Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood, and couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the living room. A white dress, a fair face without the smoky makeup before, although not the kind of beautiful beauty, but also a real beauty, especially the pair of bulging breasts, you can see The population is watering.

Boss doesn't want it, does that mean I rewarded myself?
After hearing Wen Dong's words, the bartender's already pale face became even more terrified, and his mouth was full of fright, but he didn't dare to say anything in the end.

Wen Dong glanced at Ling Yun, and seeing that the bartender was very frightened, he felt even more irritable. He walked into the living room, grabbed the doorknob and closed the door with a bang. He carried it away, but saw a door "whoosh" flying towards him, and it was directly installed on his face door. Immediately outside the door, Ling Yun held his nose and screamed in a low voice.

"I rely on the boss, I know that you must have taken a fancy to her chick. But don't worry, I won't tell my sister-in-law, hehe..." Ling Yun shouted angrily outside the door, but in the end it became cheap laugh.

"Get out!" Wen Dong bent down and kicked off his shoes and cursed.

"Hehe, Deling, I'll just get out of here." Ling Yun laughed cheaply again, and quickly ran away without a trace.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the bartender Xiaoniu was a little surprised. Although she was not very willing to be caught to serve Wendong, at least it was much better to be carried by the guy just now. Now there are so many people in the Qingcheng Gang in Jinbihuihuang, God knows what will happen to me after being carried away by this guy.

The bartender girl was not so nervous, her brows slowly relaxed, especially at this time when she heard the compliments from the lord of Qingcheng and his younger brother, her crescent-shaped eyes couldn't help showing a hint of a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the sofa sank, and Wen Dong had come over and sat down.

Although he didn't look at himself, but his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking, but the sparse blood in his eyes combined with his cold expression looked a little scary, especially when she watched this man slash a dozen people with a knife.

Wen Dong didn't see her pale face, and even if he saw it, he didn't pay attention to it. After a moment of silence, he still felt chest tightness: "Mix me a glass of the strongest wine."

(End of this chapter)

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