How bad guys are made

Chapter 924 Demon Graveyard

Chapter 924 Demon Graveyard
"Ah?" The bartender chick looked at Wendong with a strange expression, with a puzzled expression, this man is so strange, he wants the strongest wine?
"Well, can you call it out?" Wen Dong nodded and looked up at her.

Looking at each other, she saw how terrifying Wen Dong's ferocious bloodshot pupils were, but his tone was not as cold as when he was talking to the younger brother just now, as if he was still asking herself?She was frightened by Wen Dong's seemingly contradictory feelings, and quickly said: "No, no problem, but I have to prepare."

"Go." Wen Dong nodded, looked away, and pulled out a cigarette to his mouth.

"Okay, okay...I'll go right away." She agreed hastily, got up and walked out.

"If someone makes things difficult for you, just say that I asked you to do it." Walking to the door, Wen Dong's voice suddenly came from my ear.

"Well, I know." She agreed, pushed open the door and left, the moment her heart closed, she couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the sofa in the living room, and couldn't help but think in her heart that the Lord of Qingcheng didn't seem so scary.

When I came to the wine cabinet downstairs, I encountered a dilemma as expected. These are rough men, most of whom were in their prime years. They hacked and killed a lot this afternoon. At this time, they drank some wine, and the alcohol wanted to vent, especially her At this time, they were still dressed in light gauze skirts, and the young men were drooling, as if they were about to take them away.

Although she did not sign a lifelong contract with the Blood Wolf Alliance, but she has no power to restrain the chicken, and has become the other party's trophy. She is afraid in her heart. The green eyes of several young people swept her hair unscrupulously, and she was flustered and confused when she saw that she was about to strip herself naked.

Fortunately, someone recognized her and said that she was the gang leader's woman, and everyone had no choice but to let it go. At this time, she was quietly relieved, and her pretty face couldn't help but flush.

Seeing himself walking to the bartending cabinet, Li Ba walked over, looked at him vigilantly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The gang leader asked me to make him a glass of strong wine." Seeing Li Ba's vicious look, she was immediately terrified, her voice trembling, and she explained in a low voice.

"Oh." A trace of doubt flashed in Li Ba's eyes, and he nodded, but he did not leave.

She knew what Li Ba meant, and it wasn't that she had a crush on her, but that she was worried that he would secretly poison their gang leader's wine. She felt bitter, unless she was stupid.

Under Li Ba's supervision, she searched for various auxiliary materials according to her own thinking, bowed to Li Ba, and then went upstairs silently carrying the wine tray.

A cocktail is a mixture of two or more alcohols.It is a drink made by mixing gin, tequila, vodka, whiskey and other spirits or wine as the base wine, with fruit juice, egg white, bitters, coffee, cocoa and other auxiliary materials. .

Base wine is also known as wine base, bottom material and main material.The base alcohol plays a decisive leading role in the cocktail.

There are more than 20 commonly used utensils for making cocktails.Including ice bucket, ice tongs, filter spacer.Spoons, mixing glasses and more.

Coupled with a variety of base wine and auxiliary materials, she moved three times in a daze.

Looking at the messy things on the coffee table, Wen Dong's expression was inexplicably shocked, but he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. This little girl was already terrified, but she still tossed her like this.

"Is this thing so particular?" Looking at her serious expression, Wen Dong couldn't help asking.

Seeing Wendong's puzzled expression, she didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly nodded and explained in a low voice: "There are..."

While she was talking, she added some messy condiments into the preparation vessel, but in the end, because she was too concentrated, she stopped talking halfway through, Wen Dong didn't understand anyway, and she was not in a hurry, and looked at her with a puzzled face Bartending.

When she took out the base wine, a strong smell of alcohol came out, but she has been used to dealing with alcohol for many years.Wen Dong was really watching, watching her add all kinds of auxiliary materials that had been ground into the base wine, followed by the bartending stage, her pair of snow-white hands were very dexterous, delicate and slender, dazzling and very pleasing to the eye.

When she poured the evenly mixed drink in the shaker into the cocktail glass, a more intense smell of alcohol waved out, mixed with the faint scent of lemon, which was very intoxicating just by looking at it.

Wen Dong nodded secretly, this chick is indeed a bartender who is resplendent and magnificent on the table, and she really has a hand.

"This is the Devil's Graveyard, and it's one of the strongest cocktails I can make so far. The base wine is vodka, with auxiliary ingredients such as lemon, lavender, tea, and chili." Slowly put the mixed cocktail into Wendong In front of her, she explained in a low voice.

"Devil's Cemetery? That's a good name..." Wen Dong glanced at Cocktail and raised his eyebrows at her.

Hearing this, she was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly woke up, and knelt on the ground in a panic, her voice was full of panic: "Sorry, I, I didn't mean that, I..."

Aren't the invaders like Wendong just like demons to her?And then added the word cemetery?The meaning is self-evident.She didn't think about it at all at first, but when she woke up with a start, a layer of cold sweat broke out all over her body.

"Get up, I don't blame you, I have indeed heard of this... well, the name of the cocktail in the devil's cemetery." Wen Dong saw that she was quite frightened, and smiled.

"I, I don't dare." Unexpectedly, she was really frightened, she didn't dare to raise her head, let alone get up.

"Get up as soon as I tell you." Wen Dong frowned.

"Yes Yes."

"What's your name?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"My name is Tangyuan." She lowered her head and answered in a low voice.

Wen Dong: "..."

The surname Tang is also a common surname in Tianxia Kingdom, but the name Tangyuan is really...

Wen Dong couldn't help but looked up at her, and Tangyuan was quite suitable for her: "Good name."

Tangyuan couldn't understand the meaning of Wendong's words, but her name was often teased when she was in school, and her little face couldn't help but blush, so she didn't dare to speak.

"Sit down." Wen Dong told her, and reached out to pick up the devil's cemetery on the coffee table.

"This wine needs to be drunk slowly, in small sips." Tangyuan sat down, and when she saw Wendong, she was about to pour her head up in one sip, and quickly explained.

"Oh? Is it important to drink this thing?" Wen Dong looked at her strangely.

"Yes. This wine is very unpalatable, but because it contains auxiliary materials such as lemon, lavender, and tea leaves, it has a very refreshing feeling after drinking it. It is bitter after a bite, and then it is refreshing, and so on. This devil The cemetery has great stamina, and it is said that after drinking a cup in this way, it will bring a sense of fantasy." Tangyuan sipped her mouth and explained quickly.

"Have you never drank?" Wen Dong heard her tone a little strange.

"I've drank it, but I've never finished a glass. The wine is too strong. I'm drunk after a few sips." , Drinking capacity is a must, otherwise how to try wine.

But this devil's cemetery, she really can't praise it.

"Yeah." Seeing that she was serious about what she said, and obviously not cheating, Wen Dong nodded and took a sip.

"Remember to take a breath after taking a sip..." Tang Yuan explained from the side.

"How is it?" It took Wendong a full 10 minutes to finish a glass of Devil's Cemetery, and Tang Yuan looked at him expectantly.

"Yes, three more glasses." Wen Dong nodded and put down the cocktail glass.

"Ah?" Tangyuan was startled, and looked at him with surprise on his face. This kind of wine is just a name, and in Jinbihuihuang, someone might not order it once a year. materials, so that this wine will not be too strong or too spicy, and in response to Wen Dong's request, this glass is the strongest wine she has prepared, even if a person who often drinks strong alcohol drinks this glass, it will be almost enough, besides Wen Dong obviously drank alcohol before.

"What? Is there anything wrong?" Wen Dong asked in confusion.

"Yes, yes... I'll make it for you right now." Tang Yuan was shocked, but didn't dare to say more, and nodded quickly.

Wen Dong nodded without urging.

After drinking three more cups, it has been nearly an hour. Although the interval between them is not short, the glutinous rice balls are really good. My head was spinning.

Wen Dong opened his mouth and said, "A few more glasses."

One cup after another, she no longer knew how many cups this man drank, but since Wen Dong wanted it, he didn't dare to disobey him, let alone dissuade him, so he had to agree.

She couldn't remember whether Wendong had drunk eight or nine cups. The shock in her heart had already been numb at this moment. The alcohol content in the Devil's Cemetery had reached at least 80.00%, so much alcohol that even two cows would be drunk.

Fortunately, it seemed that he had almost drunk. After putting down the glass, he didn't ask for any more. He lay on the sofa with his eyes closed, probably falling asleep.

Tangyuan looked at him strangely. He didn't know what kind of unforgettable past this man had, but she knew very well that every time she watched Wendong quietly drinking, she felt an indescribable distress. She even felt that she was drunk, how could she feel like this.And after a few drinks, she realized that this feeling was given to her by the man in front of her.

She had only known this man for a few hours. The first time he gave her the impression that he was a local hooligan, and then he was an upstart with no literacy. But what happened after that surprised her again. He was able to kill more than a dozen people by himself. A man, dripping with blood, without blinking his eyes, he is a vicious demon.

However, when watching Wendong quietly finish drinking a glass of wine, his expression will become completely different. His expression is obviously indifferent, but he always gives himself a feeling of distress.At this time, Wendong is like a depressing tomb, which is so heavy that people can't breathe.

Such a heavy breath seemed to remind her of the bloody scene that she would never forget in her life, and made her shudder. The two delicate long legs under the skirt were tightly bound together due to tension, and looked more white and delicate under the light. , she was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head curiously to look at Wen Dong, who was already drunk and asleep, and her cousin suddenly showed surprise.

Two crystals leaked from the corners of his slender eyes, especially under the bright light.Tang Yuan suddenly stretched out her small hand to cover her small mouth.The Lord of Qingcheng actually cried.

She stared at the man in front of her in a daze, but the distressed feeling in her heart was like a flood bursting a bank, sweeping across her delicate body in an instant, only making her stiff.

He was crying so sadly, but the slightly raised corner of his mouth was like a sleeping child, peaceful and peaceful...

The glutinous rice balls reminded the effect of the devil's cemetery, especially Wendong drank so many cups.She stared at him blankly, guessing in her heart what he saw in that fantastic feeling...

(End of this chapter)

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