How bad guys are made

Chapter 925 Lena's News

Chapter 925 Lena's News

Tang Yuan stared blankly at Wen Dong's peaceful and peaceful appearance, she seemed to have forgotten the bloody light that made her whole body terrified, her mouth was tightly pursed, and she was no longer afraid.

A pair of bright eyes stared at him closely, wondering what he saw in the fantasy?It should be his lover, his expression is so relaxed and comfortable...

Suddenly, a big warm hand was placed on her tight legs under the hem of the skirt, and it was caressing slowly, as if touching the cheek of the woman she loves, but it only made Tangyuan's body stiff, her pretty face flushed, but not Dare to move, let alone disturb...

Wen Dong's big hands were so gentle, the hem of the creased skirt slipped, exposing the two snowy, slender and tight legs in the air, with a slight trembling, the snowy skin was actually covered with a layer of pink... …

Tangyuan's small mouth was tightly pursed. Under this quiet and extremely gentle touch, she already had a physiological reaction, and a blush crept up her earlobe quietly...

At some point, Wen Dong has opened his eyes, his big red eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, against the glittering crystals in his eyes, it is very hideous and terrifying, he suddenly looks at the glutinous rice balls with a blushing face but surprised at himself...

Under Tang Yuan's surprised gaze, Wen Dong suddenly pounced on her, pressing her soft and sexy body hard on the sofa, his eyes were red, like a beast in heat...


Just as Tangyuan uttered a scream, there was a sound of "stab" in her ear, and the dress on her body had been roughly torn to pieces by Wendong. Feeling a cold body, her perfect delicate body was fully presented In front of Wendong...

Tangyuan is not an innocent girl, and she has already understood the consequences of being caught here, but she just hopes that the Lord of Qingcheng will not have a habit of abusing her.

Looking at the undulating peaks of the woman on the sofa with bloodshot eyes, Wen Dong didn't care about the panic in Tang Yuan's eyes, and rushed forward bravely. After a while, Wen Dong's heavy breathing came from the room, It was also accompanied by the uncontrollable joy of glutinous rice balls...

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission Rail King: Primary mission - I cheated, I am happy: cheated on three women. Reward: Three blank mirage beads, do you want to claim it?"

"Receive it?"


System: "Ding: The host triggers the middle-level mission of the Rail King—a thousand accusations..."

System: "Ding: The host's accumulated antipathy has reached [-] points. The antipathy store has opened to sell intermediate items, and a large number of new items have been added. The host is welcome to enter the store to buy."

But Wendong, who has lost his mind, still has the mind to pay attention to these things.

After being tormented by Wendong losing her mind, Tang Yuan felt like a flat boat on the rough sea, and she also lost her mind under the impact of the huge waves. She had begged for mercy countless times, and even her voice was hoarse.When Wendong finally let her go, it was already past one o'clock in the middle of the night. She only felt that she was so tired that she was going to die, her whole body was limp and weak, and she finally fell asleep in bed.


After some venting, Wen Dong evaporated a lot of alcohol, but he didn't bother to move anymore, and fell asleep holding the glutinous rice balls in his arms.

"Jingle Bell……"

Wen Dong was sleeping soundly, when the mobile phone in the living room rang suddenly, and one could tell from the ringtone that it was his mobile phone.

He opened his eyes in a daze, he didn't want to move, but he didn't know it was a ghost, so he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Is it a foreign number?" Wen Dong frowned slightly as he looked at the string of characters with '*' on the phone. He only had one friend abroad, and that was Poppy General Zhou Shuhua. Could it be that he encountered some problem?

But when he just picked up the phone, it may have been ringing for too long, and the other party had already turned it off. Wen Dong was hesitating whether to call back, when the phone rang again, and it was still the previous number.

"Hello?" Wen Dong answered the phone without thinking too much.

"Hee hee, Mrs. Wen, good morning." Hearing the familiar voice of the woman on the phone, Wen Dong's body trembled, and he was instantly dumbfounded on the spot.

"Oh, I forgot. It should be midnight. The distance between us is a bit far. Hehe, didn't you disturb my husband's rest?" Seeing that Wendong didn't answer, she seemed to be frightened by her own phone call. Said with a grin.

Wen Dong's eyes were lowered, and he slowly recovered from the shock. After calming down, he slowly walked to the sofa and sat down, but his steps were a little stiff, and he couldn't help but pick up the vodka base on the coffee table Taking a sip, he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He has been waiting for Lina's call for a long time!

Hearing Lina's tone, the big stone in his heart finally dropped half a point, Ning Yan is not dead, it should be in her hands, otherwise she would have no face to call herself.

However, this woman is too scheming, if she wants to get Ningyan back, she must pay something.

"Tell me, how do you want to play?" Wen Dong said softly, with no emotion in his tone.

"Hey, my husband, how can you say that, as if someone is very scheming." Hearing Wendong's words, Lina immediately said displeased, as if she could still imagine the displeasure of the goblin on the phone look.

Wen Dong sneered and stopped talking.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, and I have good news for you, Li Ningyan is still alive." Seeing Wendong's silence, Lina could only ask for forgiveness, and said hastily.

"Then?" Wen Dong asked immediately, without any fluctuation in his tone.Lie on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and couldn't help shaking.

"What's next? You are really heartless, so Nana misunderstood you, goodbye!" Hearing Wendong's casual tone, Lina said angrily, and she was about to hang up the phone.

"I will agree to any conditions." Wen Dong said hastily, his heart tightened.

"This is my good husband." Lina said happily, her tone proud.

"Tell me, don't go too far." Lina firmly grasped his handle, and Wen Dong said helplessly knowing that she was not her opponent in psychological warfare.

"It's very simple, give me the crystal box you got in exchange for Li Ningyan. Of course, there is a bonus from my slave." Lina said with a smile.

Wen Dong secretly said that it was true, but he was vigilant in his heart, and sneered, "What kind of gift?"

"Hey, it's really an infatuated daughter who has been infatuated since ancient times. What kind of tone are you talking about after doing so much?" Lina murmured unwillingly when she heard Wendong's sneer, but said: "A part of the factory buildings sold by Lanyun Group I secretly bought all the assets of the company and the group, and handed over all of them to you, hum, are you happy?"

"Happy? The value of the crystal box is much higher than these..." Wen Dong pouted and said with a sneer in his heart. Does this woman really think she is a fool?They have been working in the Lanyun underground base for many years just for that crystal box, the importance of which is self-evident.

But I still couldn't help being shocked. Lina is really not an easy woman. Zhang Hanhan sold off many properties of Lanyun. Lanyun's property was purchased, and no matter how in-depth the investigation was, they could only find out that it was a foreign account, and they knew nothing about the others. However, they did not expect that the person who bought Lanyun's property was actually Lina.

"The value of the crystal box is indeed very high, and it is very important to me. But what is Li Ningyan's value to you? I am afraid that even if I don't give Lanyun many industries as a gift, you are willing to exchange the crystal box for Li Ningyan, right?" Lina said angrily.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was silent.Lina sees things clearly, not to mention the crystal box, even if he is given everything from the Qingcheng Group as a gift, he is willing to switch back to Li Ningyan.

After experiencing loss, he knows how to cherish. The group still has money that can be earned again, but when people are gone, they have nothing. No matter how much money they have, it is useless.

"Then why do you help me when you know this?" Wen Dong said, he really couldn't figure out this woman.

"Because they are flattering you." Lina said with a grin.

Wen Dong: "..."

"I'm not a ghost, you don't have to tell me such nonsense." Wen Dong sneered, trying to please himself?Wen Dong didn't believe it at all, God knows what this scheming bitch is up to.

"Tch, forget it if you don't believe it, but I miss you when I wake up in the morning, I really have no conscience." Lina snorted.

"When?" Wen Dong asked without listening to her nonsense.

"The day after tomorrow, just wait for my call when the time comes. I will take Li Ningyan to the water market. He came here alone with sincerity. You can bully him, whatever you want, but you can't take your word for it." Lina said with a smile, the meaning of the last sentence is obvious, it is for the crystal box.

However, the voice of this mixed-race beauty is too soft and charming, and a casual smile makes people imagine infinitely. Wen Dong secretly sighed in his heart, this goblin!
"Okay, I'll wait for your call." Wen Dong nodded.

"Enn, don't stay in Fuzhou for too long, it's just a small gang..." Lina said with a smile.

Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this woman really was spying on him, and she knew what she was doing!
Was she reminding herself that all her activities were under her applause?

"That day... who was that sword..." Wen Dong was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but say.

Lina was slightly silent, she knew who Wen Dong asked, Ghost Li's younger sister, Ghosting!

"This... I will tell you at the same time. This matter is a bit troublesome to talk about. I have other things to arrange later, and I have another good news to tell you. I am so busy these days, Mr. Wen, Did you miss me?" Lina murmured, as if she was really talking to Wendong.

"I think, I think about it every day!" Wen Dong gritted his teeth.

"Hee hee, good husband, I knew it." Lina didn't seem to hear Wen Dong's tone of gritted teeth, she clapped her hands happily and said, "Mr. Well, hee hee..."

Wen Dong: "..."

Putting down the phone, Wen Dong was still so excited that he walked to the window sill and let out a long cry of "ah".

The sound was drumming, very loud and clear in the silent night, and spread extremely far.

With a yell, Wen Dong felt the suffocation in his chest dissipate, his heart was excited, and his drowsiness disappeared.

"What, what's the matter?" Wen Dong just turned around and walked to the sofa, when the bedroom door opened, and a pretty figure appeared at the door, completely naked, covered only by a thin blanket, which was glutinous rice balls.It is estimated that he was awakened by hearing Wendong's cry for more than ten seconds in his sleep, and hurried out to check.

"You're awake, how do you feel?" Seeing Tang Yuan's question, Wen Dong was a little embarrassed and asked with a smile.

Seeing Wendong's smiling face made Tangyuan a little confused. That kind of smile is a relaxed and comfortable one from the bottom of my heart...

"I, I'm fine." But thinking of being tossed by the man in front of him in the early morning, especially seeing his eyes looking back and forth on her naked skin, she couldn't help but blushed in a small voice with her pretty face.

"Then, shall we continue?" Wen Dong walked up to her in two or three steps and asked directly.

Tang Yuan's pretty face turned red, he hesitated and couldn't speak, before she hesitated how to answer, she felt lightened, and she was picked up by him.She let out an exclamation, flustered, and the thin blanket that had been covering her body indiscriminately slipped off, revealing the white and delicate skin inside.

"Bang bang..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Guild Master? Gang Master? Are you there? What's the matter?" A few younger brothers shouted anxiously from outside.

Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately remembered his whistling sound just now, which probably alarmed the night watch gang.

"I'm fine, you guys step back." Wen Dong replied.

Hearing his voice, the younger brothers left.Wendong looked down at the Tangyuan in his arms, his eyes fixed on her snow-white peaks, Tangyuan quickly reached out and grabbed the blanket to cover her, her pretty face flushed, embarrassingly shy.

Wen Dong laughed, carried her into the bedroom...

(End of this chapter)

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