How bad guys are made

Chapter 926 Buy, buy, buy, buy at the villain's shop!

Chapter 926 Buy, buy, buy, buy at the villain's shop!
It was three o'clock in the morning, and after another toss, Tangyuan finally couldn't resist the exhaustion and fell asleep.Wen Dong was still in good spirits, but seeing that Tang Yuan was really tired from tossing and tossing, he couldn't call her up anymore.

By the way, system rewards.

I remember that the system rewards appeared when the Blood Wolf Alliance was captured, but the situation was urgent at that time, so I didn’t take a closer look. Anyway, I can’t sleep now, so I just check it out, maybe there will be unexpected good things.

After making sure that Tangyuan fell asleep in shock, Wendong entered the property panel.

"Huh? What is this track king's mission?" Seeing such a novel hidden mission, Wen Dong was very curious.

First taste of music?All accusations?
Nima, can you still earn rewards for cheating?Wen Dong stared open-mouthed, his eyeballs almost fell out.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission Rail King: Primary mission - I cheated, I am happy: cheated on three women. Reward: Three blank mirage beads, do you want to claim it?"

"I'm cheating, I'm happy...the king of cheating? The king of cheating? Such an apt name for the task..." The corners of Wen Dong's mouth twitched.

Although he was speechless, the matter of cheating was not linked to his so-called conscience at all. There was a bird under his crotch, standing upright.

"Hmm... what the hell is this blank mirage bead?" Wen Dong wondered for a while and said, "Get it."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining three blank mirage beads. Blank mirage beads: special material, which can copy a physical mirage into this bead (one-time consumable item)."

"Copy Mirage Orb?" Wen Dong's eyes lit up suddenly, this thing is good.

Great, what is the most valuable thing in his hands now?Mirage beads, and the only thing that bothers him is that there are only ten of each type of mirage beads. The base has such a large scale and the number of people has reached several thousand. If the contribution point is enough, the Mirage Orb is a good treasure that is really in short supply.

"How to copy?" Wen Dong hurriedly took out his "Phantom Killer" and "The Body of the Earth" mirage beads, put the three beads together, and couldn't figure out how to copy them after looking at them for a long time.

System: "Ding: The host's accumulated antipathy has reached 12 points. The antipathy store has opened to sell mid-level items, and a large number of new items have been added. The host is welcome to enter the store to buy."

"12 points?" Hearing the sudden prompt from the system, Wen Dong was startled. He remembered that he only had more than 7 antipathy points when he defeated the Blood Wolf Alliance yesterday evening. many?This method of a thousand-man invasion is really a good way to earn a lot of aversion.

As for the degree of hatred, well, 13500 points.

The hatred degree is much more precious than the disgust degree, and the ratio of the disgust degree is 15:[-]. In this way, this battle has earned me a full [-] disgust points!

Thinking of this, Wen Dong almost fainted from happiness. It really is that people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and they have a good shot-shot after shot.

Welcome to the Aversion Store.

Wendong quickly pulled down the list of items for sale, and he found a lot of good things, even the precious Ocean Star was sold, this thing is a good treasure to open the skill branch, and it can’t be bought with money .

However, most of the special skills on my body have been fully branched out, and the price is quite expensive.

Ocean Star: 20000 disgust points.

The eighth palm of the eighteen dragon subduing palms: 4000 aversion.

The ninth palm of the eighteen dragon subduing palms: 6000 disgust.

The tenth palm of the eighteen dragon subduing palms: 8000 aversion.

S+ level skill Phantom Thunder: 50000 aversion.

"Huh? Is this skill good?" Wen Dong's eyes suddenly lit up.

Phantom Thunder: The system is rated as S-level.Physical skills.The body is like lightning, a phantom clone.

There are two branches of skills that can be opened: 1——Instant Thunder: body like electricity, movement like thunder, use the teleportation ability unlimited times (consumes 300 energy points per second.)
"Excuse me!" Seeing this introduction, Wen Dong was taken aback. The effect is indeed powerful and outrageous, but the consumption is a bit too much. You must know that the energy slot expansion card that I used before is to permanently expend the energy slot. Get 350 energy points.

In that case, wouldn't it disappear in a second?
Wendong felt a little disappointed, but still glanced at the second branch: 2:——Yinglei Clone: ​​It can be used in conjunction with Shunlei, leaving countless clones. Each clone can have 50.00% of the fighting power of the main body, which is exactly the same as the main body.But when the thunder shadow clone is severely damaged and reaches the tolerable capacity, the shadow clone will dissipate.How many shadow clones can be controlled by the phantom of the main body is determined by the mental power. If the thunder shadow clone survives, it can continue to fight for 1 minute.The creator of this trick can create a thousand thunder clones, so it is also called Qianleidong. (Each shadow clone consumes 1 energy point.)
a little?A little energy can summon a shadow clone?Cheap, so cheap...

Wen Dong's eyeballs flicked around on the introduction of the two major skill branches of Huan Lei Dong, sometimes frowning, sometimes stretching, hesitating.

Trap, this is definitely a trap...

But the second largest skill branch is too cheap, cheap, really cheap!
He pondered for a long time, and seemed to understand a little bit.Instant Thunder and Shadow Thunder are a complete set of supporting skills.Although the energy value consumed by Shun Lei is outrageous, but the two branches of skills are released together, that is, in one second, he can transform multiple thunder clones with his own mental power. The more clones, the more he earns.

But this skill is really good, each avatar has 50.00% of its own combat power, it doesn't need to be much, won't it kill people if they get ten or eight?The most important thing is that you can use this trick to escape.Think about creating a dozen clones at once, fleeing in all directions, who knows which one is your real body?
The most important thing is that there is also the instant thunder. The introduction only introduces the consumption per second. Although one second is just the blink of an eye, it is ruthless when it comes to teleportation. Maybe one second can be instantaneous. Move it three miles away, even gods and ghosts can't catch it!
Sure enough, the first thought of Wendong, who was afraid of death, was to run away to save his life, and the skills related to life-saving are all good skills...

The more Wen Dong thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and his mouth watered.

The skill itself has [-] antipathy points, and the two Ocean Stars have [-] antipathy points. If you spend all of it with money, it will be [-] points.Wendong trembled, it was too much...

Buy, what are you afraid of, what is this, it only cost more than half of it; no, no, I can’t buy it, it’s too expensive, this kind of skill is completely possible to get it in a lottery, maybe it only costs a few hundred aversion points to get it .

Wen Dong shook his head, only to feel that there were two brats fighting in his mind, one was to buy and the other was not to buy.

"Forget it, let's look at other things first." Wen Dong shook his head vigorously, and looked away reluctantly, after all, he still did not lose his mind. He also knew the purpose of visiting the store this time. Arm yourself up, at least let everyone's strength rise by a level.

Sure enough, Wendong soon found out about the duplication of Mirage Orb.

Mirage Orb Copy Scroll: 30000 points of antipathy.

Thirty thousand points is not cheap, but it is a once-and-for-all solution. As long as you buy this scroll, you can copy thousands of mirage beads with blank mirage beads.

Hmm... one phantom pearl is [-] million...

Wen Dong counted with his fingers, and at the end of the calculation, the saliva dripped on his hands.


System: "Ding: The host buys the copy scroll of the Mirage Orb, and consumes 30000 points of resentment."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for learning the mirage bead replication technology."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for successfully copying three blank mirage beads."

There were three more mirage beads from "Guying Huansha". Wen Dong held them in his palm and looked at them with a smile on his face. This is worth [-] million.

Quickly and carefully sorting the beads away, he hurriedly checked the store list. This blank mirage bead must also be sold here.

Blank Mirage Orb: 3000 Aversion Points (one-time consumable item).


Wendong staggered and almost lay on the ground, isn't that a mistake, a blank bastard costs 3000?

Isn't it only 500?That's right, when I got the skills of "Lonely Ghost Killer", the system sold 10 mirage beads as a bonus, which was only 5000 points.

Well, the system is indeed a scam, first sell yourself ten pieces to let yourself taste the sweetness, do you want more?Sorry, the price has increased, 3000, no bargaining!

Nima, Wen Dong was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, but there was nothing he could do about it, three thousand is three thousand, I admit it!

Exchange [-] points of disgust for [-] million, even a fool would feel that it is not a loss.

System: "Ding: The host buys 20 blank mirage beads and consumes 60000 aversion points."

No wonder women are willing to spend money, it's so cool!
In the blink of an eye, 90000 points of disgust were gone, but Wen Dong felt refreshed.

He quickly plunged into the sea of ​​store lists again, and he thought of one thing, that is, the level 6 pharmacy scroll, the universal copy pill scroll, which can copy the Mermaid God Orb, which is missing now except for the level 6 pharmacy.

But unfortunately, he didn't find it. The pill scrolls listed here are at most level 5 pill scrolls, and according to the system, this store is only opened to the middle level. Perhaps, that thing can only be bought when it is opened to the high level.

Although it is regretful, he is not discouraged. Xiaoyu is kind by nature, but possesses special abilities. He is not yet able to protect her.

"Huh?" Thinking of this, Wen Dong no longer thought about it, his eyes swept across the store again, and suddenly found a familiar skill.

"Qian Kun Liang Yi Swordsmanship", the system evaluates A+ level skills: 30000 points of disgust.

The only characteristic of the formula: it can be used without limits.

Wen Dong's eyes suddenly lit up, he knows "Qian Kun Liang Yi Swordsmanship", and now he has cultivated his talents to level 18, especially the two branches of sword energy body protection and scud skills are very easy to use , I didn't expect other people to learn it?

"Buy!" Knowing the power of this sword art, Wen Dong made up his mind without even thinking about it.

"Guying Phantom Killing" is the master killer's strange way of assassins, and "The Body of the Earth" is the main practice - the method of strengthening body and strength, only some people are suitable, but "Swordsmanship of the Universe" is different, this method The tactic is peaceful and profound, but it is suitable for most people to practice. As for the extent to which it can be practiced, it depends on the individual's talent.

And he has been looking for a formula suitable for Bailihan to practice, and this "Sword of Qiankun Liangyi" is very good.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for purchasing the secret book of "The Sword of Heaven and Kun". This method has unique characteristics. The system can sell 10 mirage beads and 5000 points of disgust. Do you want to buy it?"

"Buy it, of course I'll buy it, idiots don't buy it." Wen Dong said quickly, this is much cheaper than copying it yourself.

System: "Ding: The host has obtained ten "Qian Kun Liang Yi Swordsmanship" mirage beads, consuming 5000 aversion points."

System: "Ding: The host consumes 5000 hatred points, which can be exchanged for 10000 disgust points."

System: "Ding: The host buys 10 blank mirage beads and consumes 30000 aversion points."

All the antipathy points were spent, and in the end, it was not enough, and I exchanged 15 points of hatred, and spent [-] points of antipathy in one night. This is an unprecedented time, it is so hearty...

"Huh..." Wen Dong was being cheerful, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he saw a familiar thing again.

"Level [-] Beast King Pill Lion Pharmaceutical Pill Roll..."

(End of this chapter)

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