How bad guys are made

Chapter 927 The villain's mission: what the husband points out

Chapter 927 The villain's mission: criticizing everyone

Level 50000 Beast King Dan Lion Pharmaceutical Pill: [-] points of disgust.

Wen Dong stared blankly at the familiar word in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He knew how serious the side effects of this elixir were. Being rescued by Xin Han, I am afraid he has already been eaten by wild dogs.

Although the side effects are extremely great, but I have to say the other way around, how powerful this elixir is!
How strong is it?Had it not been for him phantom lion form on the oil tanker, with a [-]% increase in various attributes, I am afraid that he would have been the ghost of Devil May Cry and Ghost's sword!It was also because of this elixir that he had the ability to seriously injure the ghost.

Wen Dong's eyes were fixed on the pill scroll in front of him, and he looked away after a long time. Although this kind of pill is powerful, it is not suitable for the people in the base at all. You must know that the [-]% attribute of the increase is based on your own On the basis of combat power, and the side effects of this elixir are really too great, even if his physique is easy for ordinary people, after leaving, he still makes people who are neither human nor ghost, but if it is used by people in the base, it is tantamount to letting They kill themselves.

Although the explosive power is very strong, his base is not the Dark Twilight organization. He doesn't have the heart to make these people who are loyal to him into a form similar to the colonizers.

Forget it, just pretend you didn't see it.

Wen Dong thought so, unless he can find something that can eliminate the disadvantages of the Beast King Pill.

After thinking for a long time, he finally let go of this idea. Wen Dong felt relaxed. Looking at the thirty blank mirage beads rolling in front of him, he became excited again. Each of these is worth [-] million yuan. How much are these worth?

Wen Dong touched the slippery bead, just like touching the body of a beauty, his eyes were red.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for successfully copying a "Lonely Shadow Phantom Killer" mirage bead."

[-] million.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for successfully copying a "Body of the Earth" mirage bead."

"22 billion."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for successfully copying a mirage bead of "The Sword of Heaven and Kun"."

"42 million..."

Every time one was copied, Wen Dong spit out a number, and he was about to faint with happiness.

I am not in charge of my family!
I am not an official!
I wish in my life!
Just make big money!
"Quack quack..." Wen Dong smiled openly, standing on the bed and dancing excitedly, bouncing up and down as if he had epilepsy.

It was past six o'clock in the morning, and the sky outside was still dark, and there were bursts of strange laughter in the bedroom of a certain suite on the third floor of the magnificent palace, which was extremely eerie.Fortunately, Tangyuan was still in a deep sleep, otherwise, even if she woke up, she would be frightened and faint...


"By the way, what the hell is that track king?"

Because of the three blank mirage beads obtained from the primary task of Gui Wang, Wen Dong ignored it after that. After the excitement, he immediately found this task again.

Gui Wang intermediate task: The three people who are pointed out by thousands of people enter the palace.

Reward for completing the task of entering the palace three times with glutinous rice balls: a blank mirage bead.

Reward for completing Cheng Yanan's second entrance to the palace: a blank Mirage Orb.

Rewards for the quest for a beauty to enter the palace for the second time...

The intermediate mission of Rail King will be triggered according to special circumstances...

Rail King's ultimate mission reward: Soul of the Sword.

"Damn, there is also a mission about Cheng Yanan, a wicked girl?" Wen Dong's eyes widened suddenly, what is the system doing?Do you think you died too slowly?
Wen Dong swallowed his saliva, his expression was speechless, and he hadn't looked for Lin Xiaoxi during this period of time, one was because Zhang Hanhan and Li Ningyan were not in the mood to quarrel, and the other was because of Cheng Yanan, a woman who had always been It's too late to hide from this woman, let alone enter the palace for the second time, or enter the palace for the third time...

Wen Dong frowned and thought, why is there no mission for Lin Xiaoxi and Su Yuemeng to enter the palace?And his own wife?Not even once?

After thinking about it for a long time, I still haven't figured it out, but in the end, I found a reason that shouldn't be wrong, that is, the question of willingness, and Li Binger and Sun Xiaojie. Although they are not his wives, they already have a relationship. Without emotional basis, everything is voluntary.

However, Tangyuan, Hongyan and Cheng Yanan are different, which should be the reason.

But it seems that this is not a mandatory task, and it doesn't matter if you don't do it, but...

Wen Dong stared at the system reward of Tang Yuansan's attack, and he couldn't bear it any longer. A blank Mirage Orb is worth [-] points of disgust.

Anyway, there have been two times, so this time is not bad, right?

Thinking of this, Wendong's eyeballs turned to Tangyuan, who was lying on the side and sleeping soundly. It was obviously not the first time for this woman, but the glutinous rice balls were tight and slippery, definitely the best, especially after receiving a call from Lina Later this time, Wen Dong was almost comforted to heaven, or else, it would be...


"Let me give you a massage, you can blow it for three years..."

The glutinous rice balls were really exhausting, Wen Dong felt ashamed of torturing others like this just to earn rewards, so he simply gave her a massage.

"Hmm..." At [-]:[-], the sky was dim, and Tangyuan, who was sleeping soundly, uttered a sleepy cry, blinked her eyes, and slowly woke up.

Glancing at Wen Dong who was sleeping beside her, she turned her head to look at the clock on the wall, and then the faint light outside the window revealed that it was half past six.

Turning over slightly, the thin blanket on his body slipped off, revealing the white and smooth skin underneath, looking sideways at Wen Dong's profile, thinking of the madness of the two last night, but couldn't help but blushed.

This is really a strong man in every way.

That time in the middle of the night, Wendong was not the only one who was comfortable. Under the violent impact of this man, she hit her heart again and again, which was both painful and comfortable.But she was a little puzzled, she should be very tired, especially last night, but she didn't expect to wake up so early, and she felt relaxed after waking up, even the numbness in her lower body was gone...

But thinking of the madness last night, Tangyuan couldn't help but blush and heartbeat.

"Are you awake?" Wen Dong opened his eyes and looked at her sideways when Tang Yuan was thinking wildly.

"Ah? You, you woke up too..." Tangyuan was startled, and shrank back to the side of the bed. After all, she only knew this man for one night, but she did such a ridiculous thing. I didn't even feel disgusted in my heart, my little face turned even redder, and I said embarrassingly.

"Well, I just woke up." Wen Dong said boldly, why just woke up, he didn't sleep tonight!

"Oh, then, get up when you wake up, you're hungry too, I'll make you some food." Seeing Wen Dong's eyes falling on her, Tang Yuan looked flustered, straightened up quickly and was about to put on her clothes, but Unexpectedly, Yi Yi hit her with a big hand, pressed her on the peak, and fell into the other's arms with her flustered scream.

"You, you..." Tang Yuan panicked inexplicably. Although she had already had skin-to-skin contact with this man twice, she still couldn't help her heartbeat as she threw herself into his warm chest.

"It's still early, don't worry." Wen Dong said, of course she couldn't be allowed to run away, otherwise I've been busy for half the morning, it wouldn't be in vain!

"Oh, um..." After all, she was still a little scared of this man, and Tang Yuan snorted, obediently lying in his arms and not daring to move.

She didn't move, but Wen Dong was not idle. Originally, he only wanted to earn rewards, but when this delicate Xiangyu body was embraced in his arms, Wen Dong was immediately aroused.

Obviously aware of a pair of big hands floating around her body, Tang Yuan didn't dare to say anything, but her pretty face was blushing, those big hands were very gentle, but very provocative, her body soon became hot...

"Hmm..." When the big hand covered the crotch, Tangyuan finally couldn't help making an uncontrollable nasal sound, as if in a hurry...

Wen Dong put his big hand on the cheek, and turned her shyly away to face him, but saw her pretty face flushed, as if she was about to drip, and the spring between her brows was rippling...

"I, I..." That big hand had already touched her body, and seeing Wendong looking at him with a half-smile, Tangyuan was extremely embarrassed, and he was telling himself, you are emotional!

Wen Dong's big hand on her face pressed slightly hard, and it touched her tightly pursed mouth...

But after a while, Tangyuan's uncontrollable panting sounded again in the room...

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for completing the sub-task of the King of the Rails mission: Tangyuan enters the palace three times. Mission reward: a blank mirage bead, do you want to claim it?"

System: "Do you want to receive..."


At eight o'clock in the morning, almost all the hall masters of the Qingcheng Gang and other high-ranking members of the gang had already gathered in the living room of the suite.

"Brother Wendong."


"Help Master."

A Xing and Ling Yun, who were in charge of special tasks, also arrived, and only Li Ba and Qingfengtang advocated that Yu was here at the hall master level. After all, this is Fuzhou. They don't know how to snatch it by hand, so most of the hall masters brought in are guarding other halls.

"Well, sit down." Wen Dong put on a bathrobe, smiled at everyone, and stretched out his hand.

"Yes." Everyone nodded and sat down, but Ling Yun's eyeballs swept towards the direction of the kitchen without a trace, where the breast-god chick was making breakfast for the boss.

Looking up at Wen Dong who was sitting upright with a smile on his face, Ling Yun felt envy and contempt at the same time, but at the same time he did not forget to glance in Zhang Yifeng's direction, and heard that this guy said that the boss had never been in the gang since he came to the gang. It's close to female sex, but I actually really believe it.

But is this called unfeminine?Well, I went to the ancient city restaurant to have a drink, and got the daughter of the Su family to be the wife of the village; I went to Suiyun Kingdom, and took down Yingzi, a beautiful woman in Japan; this time I came to sweep up the blood wolf alliance , Here comes another breast-god chick, this is also called a bad mood, not close to women?

That's right, the boss is in a bad mood, especially after meeting two guests last night, he ignored everyone with a stinky face, but now?In his heart, he had already admired the boss, especially the acting skills of the boss. Yesterday he was so stinky, but this morning he was full of glory.

No, not this morning.He heard from the younger brother who was watching the night that the boss had tossed about in this bedroom three times last night.

Contemptuously in my heart, a fragrant wind blows beside me, and I saw Tang Yuan coming to the table in a white gauze, holding a plate in his hand, with several steaming cups on it, serving cups of fragrant tea, Then he bowed to the hall masters, and returned to the kitchen.

Ling Yun looked at the handsome bartender girl, and felt even more envious and jealous in her heart. What a girl, what a pair of breasts, they are all so cheap...

(End of this chapter)

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