How bad guys are made

Chapter 928 The Movement of Fuzhou

Chapter 928 The Movement of Fuzhou
It is true that Tangyuan is not stunning, but she is still a beauty. Wen Dong originally wanted to tease her by making troubles, but he really did not compliment her appearance, because the makeup It was too thick, with heavy makeup, she was clearly a young lady.But he didn't expect that after removing all these colorful makeups, her appearance was very beautiful.This makes Wendong very confused, what kind of aesthetics do they have?The more you paint, the uglier you are?
As the lord of Qingcheng, Wen Dong was obviously discussing matters with the lower hall master and other high-level officials. Originally, she was not suitable to be here, but Wen Dong didn't let her go out.Although she is a woman, she will be fine even if she listens to some secret things without the power to restrain her, but Wen Dong's actions show her big heart.

Tang Yuan didn't know what the consequences would be for her, but at least, Wen Dong would not kill her, let alone reward her casually to his younger brother to humiliate her, which was enough for her as a captive.And for a servant like her, it doesn't matter who she works for. She doesn't have any affection for the Blood Wolf League, nor does she have a good opinion of it.On the contrary, if you work for Wendong's Qingcheng Gang, at least you have such a relationship with Wendong, and they will not bully you.

Although his status is low, without Wen Dong's permission, who would dare to share a bowl with him?

And Wendong didn't humiliate herself in the first place, and as for the bed thing, although it was the first time she was forced, she didn't hate it in her heart.She was originally a prostitute, although she was fairly clean, she just tasted the forbidden fruit with her ex-boyfriend in college, but she hadn't made it to the archway yet.Of course, she didn't want Wendong to want her. A man like Wendong is not something a woman like herself can hug.

There's nothing wrong with that, it's just a dream.

"The Hong Gang, the Dark Night Gang, and a dozen other well-known gangs didn't make any movement except for a meeting last night," Zhang Yifeng said.

"Hmm." Wen Dong nodded. After taking down the Blood Wolf League in one fell swoop last night, more than a dozen gang leaders including the Hong Gang gathered. city ​​gang.In this regard, Wen Dong only said one thing, don't worry about them.

Even so, one-third of the members of the gang stayed up all night last night, while most of the others slept wrapped in their clothes and kept their clothes on in order to deal with emergencies.

Fortunately, the development of the matter is not any different from what was expected, and these big forces are still waiting and watching.

Wen Dong frowned and murmured. Last night, those people were left alone to discuss countermeasures, but at the same time, it could increase the rift between the various gangs and make them suspicious.

Of course, the premise of these things is that the Qingcheng Gang is strong enough to deter the gangs; and the second important point is thanks to the help of Jiang Han and Li Shan.This bloody incident caused a lot of trouble. Fortunately, it was suppressed, and some regular websites and newspapers dared not publish it. As for some gossip and public opinion, it was Zhener who took care of it.No matter what posts those people made about the gang shopping in Fuzhou, they were automatically returned as triggering sensitive words, and they couldn't be posted at all.

"Brother Wendong, what should we do next?" Everyone discussed a few words, but Zhang Yifeng still felt a headache and couldn't help asking.

After last night, the situation in Fuzhou became clear again.None of their gangs dared to take the lead against their own Qingcheng gang, but the Qingcheng gang they waited for was a foreign gang after all, so bullying them, but no gang would buy their territory. They wanted to sell it, but they couldn't sell it. Wouldn't you be laughed at if you bought it?Reduced to contempt?

Facts are always different from expectations.Of course, it seems that the situation is very quiet, but the undercurrent is surging. Many forces in Fuzhou dare not move them at present, but I and others will leave sooner or later. This is their territory. If this confrontation continues, losers Sooner or later you are yourself.

But the Qingcheng Gang paid so much for the capture of the Blood Wolf League, and no one would be reconciled if they just left these territories behind.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of, Boss, you only need 1000 of me, and I will guard these territories. You can go back to Shuishi, I don't believe it, who dares to grab it." Seeing everyone frowning, Ling Yun immediately rolled up his sleeves Said angrily.

Hearing this, everyone was silent again. This method is feasible in a short period of time, but it won't last long.

"Dong dong..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Guard master, hall master..."

The person who came was Xiao Cheng. After taking a look at everyone, he greeted everyone and said directly: "According to reliable news, the two vice-heads of the Thunder Hall and the Electric Hall of the Blood Wolf League have led their subordinates to join the Hong Gang and the Dark Night Gang respectively. .”

These two hall masters were both guarding the water city before and came to the rescue, and then disappeared on the rescue road.

Seeing the gloomy faces of everyone, Xiao Cheng didn't dare to hide it, and said truthfully: "Many of the captives of the Blood Wolf Alliance have been taken in by the Hong Gang, the Dark Night Gang, and a dozen other gangs. Only Fengtang Zhenhui's subordinates are honest. , but many people have already begun to move around."

Hearing this, everyone's faces turned serious again. The Blood Wolf League captured nearly 6000 people, and their Qingcheng Gang dispatched this time only had 500 people, and they are not a country, so they can't build a prison to detain them.If 6000 people were imprisoned, once the incident broke out, no one would be able to stop it, let alone Jiang Han, and many forces in Fuzhou took advantage of this to completely empty the Blood Wolf League, leaving only an empty shell. Force the Qingcheng Gang to compromise.

How to do?
Everyone turned to look at Wen Dong who was frowning.

"Boil it!" Wen Dong said coldly.

"Boil?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Yes, that's right! Didn't they accept the captives of the Blood Wolf Alliance? Let them take them anyway. If we don't stop them, they will have problems themselves." Wen Dong sneered.

"Brother Wendong, do you mean the problem of staff saturation and territory?" Zhang Yifeng was smart, and when Wendong mentioned it, he figured it out.

"Yes, that's it." Wen Dong nodded.

Seeing Ling Yun and the others looking at him suspiciously, Zhang Yifeng smiled and said, "How many boys are recruited by a large site is generally determined. To put it in layman's terms, it means that the site is small, so you dare not recruit too many boys, otherwise the boys under your command will If the territory is large and there are few younger brothers who watch the scene, they may not be able to defend their homes. Whether it is the Hong Gang or the Dark Night Gang, which has a large territory and many younger brothers, they have developed for so many years based on stability, and now they have suddenly received so much blood. If the Wolf League captures them, they need to use a large territory to distribute these spectators, but the territory is in our hands. As long as we hold it and prevent them from capturing it, they will attack the surrounding forces if they have no choice. The so-called alliance created will be self-defeating." After speaking, Zhang Yifeng looked at Wendong.

"That's right." Wen Dong nodded.

Hearing Zhang Yifeng's detailed analysis, everyone's eyes lit up, yes, the territory is in their own hands, what are you afraid of, the big deal is that I won't make a profit, but you can't do anything even if you occupy the latrine and don't shit, let's see who survives who, see Who has more money!
Powerful gangs such as the Hong Gang and the Dark Night Gang can still accommodate them, but they can't do it if they have a weaker territory. It seems that some younger brothers are stronger after taking in some younger brothers, but they are actually weaker without a territory. Weaker than the Blood Wolf League, but he didn't dare to take action against his own Qingcheng Gang, and as long as he waited for someone to manipulate it secretly, it would be easy for several gangs to fight because of their territory.

"Call Qian Feng, he has the most research on this kind of thing, let him stir the water vigorously, the muddier the better." Wen Dong said angrily, paralyzed, can't sell it?Don't give me money?Damn you!
"Oh, no need, actually, I have studied this matter very well." Unexpectedly, Ling Yun at the side interjected and volunteered.

"You?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looking at him curiously.

"Enen, boss, I can do it." Ling Yun nodded hurriedly, seeing everyone looking at him with strange expressions, Ling Yun was a little embarrassed, and nodded shyly.

What they said was naturally doing some immoral things, but Ling Yun volunteered to say that he could do it himself, which is a bit weird.

Wen Dong took a deep look at him. This guy has a lot of thoughts, and he doesn't even blink when he does wicked things. Wang knows best, you can help him, this matter is entrusted to the two of you, and doing these things really requires masters."

"Okay, I will definitely do it beautifully." Ling Yun nodded quickly, patted his chest and made a loud noise.

Li Ba and the others on the side were helpless. That scumbag Qian Feng finally found a confidant. Although he didn't know Ling Yun very well, he hadn't seen anyone in society for so many years. Ling Yun was a slippery character at first glance. Bad brain...

The combination of two bases, the world is going downhill, and the world is hot and cold...

"Boss, I have a little opinion and I don't know if I should say it or not." At this time, Ah Xing who was on the side suddenly said.

"Say, everyone, don't be cautious. Feel free to mention any good methods, can I say that? Get rid of the dross and extract the essence. We will adopt the good methods, and pay attention to the bad ones. If you have any opinions, please feel free to raise them, and there will be no harm." Wen Dong glanced at A Xing and said quickly.

"Yes, yes, take the essence, the essence..." Ling Yun on the side hurriedly catered. At this time, his heart was already full of joy. The boss and Zhang Yifeng must go back. Are you in charge of it all?Although it will be sold out sooner or later, at least it can be cool to manage things for two days!

Ah Xing looked at the smug Ling Yun contemptuously, thought for a moment and said, "I think Qingyu's helping Xi Ling is a good breakthrough point."

"Oh? What do you say?" Wen Dong asked curiously, and everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows.

A Xing said generously: "Yesterday afternoon, that guy Ling Yun stayed at the Blood Wolf League Villa for a whole night and failed to accomplish anything, so the task on Xi Ling's side was entrusted to us." A Xing As he said that, ignoring Ling Yun's murderous eyes staring at him, he said loudly: "The original plan was to let Shen Zichen, the son of the blood wolf lord, rape Xi Fengshuang, the daughter of Xi Ling. I was in the house at that time, even if I escaped, I couldn't hide it from Xi Ling's eyes, so I killed Shen Zichen."

"What about after that?" Wen Dong asked with great interest. These were all branches of the task of disturbing the water arranged by Qian Feng. He didn't know about it, so he couldn't help being curious.

(End of this chapter)

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