How bad guys are made

Chapter 930 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Chapter 930 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

"Dinglingling..." Just when Wendong couldn't figure out how helpless he was, the phone rang suddenly, he took it out suspiciously, and was stunned for a moment, it was Zhang Hanhan's call.

I just thought about it because I didn't go home all night?He took a look at Zhang Yifeng who was driving the car with his mobile phone, and couldn't help smiling wryly. Just now, he was a little envious of Zhang Yifeng, but he didn't know that he was also the one who was envied.

"Hello, wife." Wen Dong answered the phone and said with a smile.

Zhang Hanhan on the other side of the phone was obviously taken aback. The two of them had been married for a long time, but most of them were named after each other. Now Wen Dong suddenly called out in such a natural tone, and the trace of resentment in his heart was unconsciously swept away. null.

"Well, you didn't go home last night, where did you go?" Zhang Hanhan opened his mouth, but his tone of questioning softened unknowingly.

"Don't tell me that I went to Yuemeng's place, hum!" Seeing Wendong not answering for a while, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but hum a little angrily. She had implicitly communicated with Yuemeng this morning and learned that Wendong was not there either. On her side, and the Qingcheng Gang where Wendong belongs, there has been turmoil in the past two days.

Although Zhang Hanhan didn't care about these things, at least he could know if he paid a little attention.

"I came to Fuzhou for some errands, and now I'm rushing home." Hearing his wife's questioning tone, Wendong was inexplicably happy, and while talking, opened the window to let Zhang Hanhan listen to the wind.

"Wendong, let me tell you something." Zhang Hanhan said suddenly, with a serious tone.

"Yeah." Wen Dong was taken aback, agreed, and waited quietly for Zhang Hanhan to tell.

"Is the Qingcheng gang a gang?" Zhang Hanhan said.

Wen Dong: "..."

Seeing that Wendong didn't answer, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but smiled wryly. What he said was like asking in vain. In this society, gangs have been established, so how could it not be a gangster?

"Wendong, I know you are very powerful, but I hope you can't do bad things, and I heard that gangsters sell drugs, you must not violate this point, this is my bottom line, otherwise, I, I will... "

It turned out that this was the matter, he was not a three-year-old child, and he could immediately hear the concern in Zhang Hanhan's tone, but when he curled his mouth, he committed a low nature: "How are you?" Wen Dong asked amusedly.

"If you touch this bottom line, I will remarry." Zhang Hanhan said angrily, his tone was firm.

"Zhang Hanhan, what did you say? Tell me again?" Hearing this, Wen Dong's expression darkened, and he scolded.

"Just say it, I'm still afraid of you, if you..."

"I promise you." Before Zhang Hanhan could finish speaking, Wen Dong suddenly interrupted her.

"You're smart!" There was a pause on the phone, and Zhang Hanhan's cold snort sounded again, and Wendong could clearly hear the sound of sniffling, probably this bitch was feeling complacent.

"Although I don't understand these things, I do know a little bit. I also know that you are trying to turn around. I have seen everything about your establishment of the Qingcheng Group. I called my dad today and asked him about the transition. I have some experience in this area, and I discussed with my dad to let him be a consultant for the Qingcheng Group, and he agreed. But my mother doesn't know about the Qingcheng Gang, so don't talk nonsense." Zhang Hanhan said.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was silent.

The sentence "our father, our mother" made Wendong feel a lot in his heart. He and Zhang Hanhan are husband and wife and a family.This incident was already a fact, but when it was said from Zhang Hanhan's mouth at this time, it made Wendong feel unspeakable.

"My wife, thank you." Wen Dong was silent for a moment, then said slowly.

"Thank...thank me?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, and then his tone suddenly became louder: "Wendong, what did you do to apologize to me again?"

Hearing his wife's angrily questioning, Wen Dong was tongue-tied and spat out a mouthful of old blood, and the touch that had finally been born in his heart disappeared in an instant.

"Zhang Hanhan, is Lao Tzu so unbearable in your heart...?" Wen Dong's tone also increased, trembling with anger.

But at the end of the yelling, he lacked confidence after all. It was true that he was carrying her behind his back, and what's more, he frankly tossed more than once last night.

Wen Dong felt a little guilty.

"Unbearable? Isn't it?" Zhang Hanhan was not afraid of his anger at all, and sneered: "Is there any merit in you that is commendable?"


my day!

Wen Dong was almost choked to death by Zhang Hanhan, a stinky bitch, and immediately said angrily: "Zhang Hanhan, you are dead, if you have the ability, don't go home tonight!"

"Oh, joke, that's my home, why don't I go back? What can you do to me? Wendong, let me tell you, don't scare me with this, I won't accept yours." Zhang Hanhan He snorted coldly.

"Which one? I have a deep routine. Sometimes even I don't know which one I am playing. Zhang Hanhan... Hey, hey... How dare you hang up on my phone..." Wen Dong snorted coldly He was talking, but at the end he felt that something was wrong, the blind tone of 'beep' had already been issued on the phone, and Zhang Hanhan had already hung up the phone.

If you don't fight for three days, you will go to the house to expose the roof tiles. This is really true!Wen Dong looked at the phone that had already been hung up, and was so angry that he wanted to drop the phone.

At this time, Zhang Yifeng, who was concentrating on driving, was already blushing, he was so suffocated, he really saw Jinger, Brother Wendong and President Lanyun talked on the phone like this...

His body was trembling, and he was about to suffocate internal injuries.And I heard brother Wendong from behind was panting heavily with anger, but he hummed helplessly with Zhang Hanhan.He felt a little envious in his heart, brother Wendong really can't help Zhang Hanhan's sister-in-law?Not at all.And such a unique emotional relationship between husband and wife...the indescribable comfort and nature...

I should learn from Brother Wendong... Zhang Yifeng thought to himself.

"Hmph, ignore me, right? Some people just ignore me." Wen Dong cursed secretly in his heart, while talking, he took out his mobile phone and sent Su Yuemeng a text message.

"Yuemeng, I'm back."

After the text message was sent, Wen Dong waited and waited, and waited for nearly 10 minutes for Su Yuemeng's text message before replying. After seeing Su Yuemeng's text message, Wen Dong almost smashed the glass with his mobile phone out of breath.

Su Yuemeng replied: "Ah, it's great that you're back...Well, I'm very busy."

Busy, busy, go busy, I'm so busy, let's see what you can come up with!Wen Dong snorted coldly and threw the phone aside.


Back in Shuishi, Zhang Yifeng frantically went to find Zhen'er, but Wendong stayed in the nightclub for half a day, all right?Even Zhang Xiuxiu, who was always pestering her before, disappeared, and she didn't know where she went to fool around.

Okay, you don't want to keep me, you have your own people.


Lin Xiaoxi, as a newly promoted singer, has a thriving career, but she is still in a bad mood these days.

She had already disclosed at the press conference that her boyfriend was Wendong.But Wendong disappeared for more than half a month.

Admitting the love relationship with Wendong already shows that she has no more grievances in her heart. The sweet period of lingering love will follow, but unexpectedly, Wendong disappeared, and then the news broke out. The relationship between Dong and Zhang Hanhan was inappropriate, and there was also the incident of Zhang Wending's madness.

She didn't believe it, but Wendong never showed up, and during those days, she tried to calm herself down and work, and wrote more than a dozen songs with her thoughts. Writing songs was like writing songs for her. The diary is average, but I don't understand the situation. I write it down in the diary, but I sing it out, but I didn't expect that the songs "Missing Illness" and "He" won the praise of the public.She sang out of her heart, and also sang the hearts of many people, and the subsequent singles "Prayer Beads" and "Later" were released, which made her even more popular.So, under the urging of Wu Zhan, she started to prepare for the concert, busying herself, using these to replace the long-term longing, otherwise she might really go crazy.

Just a few days ago, Wu Zhan returned to the company and held a full-time fashion staff meeting. She was delighted to learn that Wen Dong was back. God, he didn't even show up, which made her wonder whether Wen Dong had already forgotten herself...

And this guy Cheng Yanan scolded Wendong for being a heartless person these days, which made her feel even more bitter.

It was another ordinary afternoon, she and Cheng Yanan came downstairs to wait for the bus as usual.Originally, Jiang Tao, as his manager, was in charge of pick-up and drop-off, but Jiang Tao had a girlfriend recently, and since he was Wendong's friend, he couldn't bother him again and again.

And these days, I and Cheng Yanan have taken a special car, which is the bodyguard sent by Wendong to them.When I first saw this young man, because I was vigilant, I didn't take a ride, but took the bus home.However, he saw that the bodyguard had been driving with his own car, neither near nor far, and followed him all the way, and followed him all the way to the community, and he disappeared when he and Cheng Yanan entered the door.And to be precise, it didn't disappear, but kept in the dark.

At first, I and Cheng Yanan were a little scared, worried that this young man would have unruly intentions, but for a few days, this young man was like this, just protecting in secret, but women have a keen sixth sense, and they didn't when they could be vigilant. Not noticeable.Always being followed by such a young man, Lin Xiaoxi has experienced kidnapping, and always feels creepy.Later, Cheng Yanan was bold enough to ask the young man, and the young man said that he was a bodyguard sent by Wendong, and that Tian Yu innocently disappeared in front of their house, and he was the one who dealt with it.When the two heard this, they looked at each other, and they already believed it seven or eight percent in their hearts.

Although Lin Xiaoxi has gained fame, she is a farm child after all, and she doesn't feel that it is really hard to ride the bus, but because of the popularity of several singles, she often meets fans who recognize her on the bus, so, fans There was a lot of trouble on the bus. Some asked for autographs, and some gave up their seats. She is not an old man in her 80s or [-]s who can't walk. What is it about giving up her seat?She was embarrassed, but Cheng Yanan was embarrassed, and sat down carelessly, and invited her to do the same. Lin Xiaoxi noticed the eager and admiring eyes of many fans on the bus, and suddenly one head and two big eyes, too uncomfortable.

After a few days, they were finally almost sure that the young bodyguard was not disgusting, but Lin Xiaoxi was cautious, and still didn't dare, Wen Dong was no longer there, and she had no one to help her, but Cheng Yanan, a big nerve, was not afraid, and sat on his buttocks. In the car of the young bodyguard, she was afraid that something might happen to Cheng Yanan, so she could only get in the car.

But is it better for one person to have an accident or two people to have an accident?Lin Xiaoxi smiled wryly, she didn't know what kind of mentality she was at that time, but Cheng Yanan was the closest person to her besides Wendong, so of course she had to follow.

"Damn, it's not reliable, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the boss is unreliable, but the younger brother is still reliable?" The two stood on the side of the road and waited, but the special car of the young bodyguard did not show up for a long time. Cheng Yanan couldn't help cursing, Lin Xiaoxi stood aside and looked at the angry girlfriend, shaking her head and smiling wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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