How bad guys are made

Chapter 931 Goodbye Lin Xiaoxi

Chapter 931 Goodbye Lin Xiaoxi

"Hello, Miss Lin."


The sky was getting dark, and most of the fashionable employees started to go home from get off work. A few passing employees greeted Lin Xiaoxi with a smile. Lin Xiaoxi is also a celebrity after all, so a familiar face is better than someone from a stranger. At worst, you can brag to your friends Woolen cloth.

Lin Xiaoxi smiled and catered to them one by one.

Seeing many colleagues driving home in their private cars, Cheng Yanan was swaying in the wind, and she glanced at Lin Xiaoxi with resentment in her heart. If Lin Xiaoxi said to take a ride, I believe these colleagues would be very willing, but his smiling face is only because of Lin Xiaoxi has nothing to do with herself. Although she is careless, she knows herself well. If Lin Xiaoxi doesn't say that she needs help, it's not easy for her to do so.

This stubborn ass!

Cheng Yanan felt helpless. Although Lin Xiaoxi was humble and kind, she was very stubborn. Otherwise, she and Wendong wouldn't have had so many entanglements, and they would have been together a long time ago.After Lin Xiaoxi identified Wendong, she was stubborn and unrepentant. Even if Zhang Hanhan publicly admitted that she and Wendong were husband and wife a few days ago, Lin Xiaoxi laughed it off.

She is willing to 'wait', then 'wait'.Waiting for Wendong, waiting for the special car of that unreliable young bodyguard.

As the sky was getting dark, Cheng Yanan couldn't help hugging her body. She didn't wear much, and she only had a pair of not-so-thick linen pants under her body. The autumn wind had already brought a bit of winter cold, and she couldn't help shivering from the cold.

Lin Xiaoxi was dressed warmly, with a black and white light down jacket on her upper body, just covering her waist, revealing a pair of slender legs wrapped in jeans under her body that became more slender and slender. dress up.

But compared to her current status, her outfit is really shabby, but Lin Xiaoxi is used to wearing it all day long, and she doesn't like it.What made her smile wryly was that during the previous few bus trips, the fans praised her outfit even more.

Her voice is a little childlike, and she sings in a soft and ethereal tone, and her personality is also pure and gentle. Coupled with this fresh attire, she exudes a kindness from the inside out. A pure and ethereal feeling that is not stained with the world.

In fact, according to her worth, buying a car is no longer a problem, but it is not because she has not got her driver's license on purpose, and she is very busy during this period, so she has no time to learn; Cheng Yanan has some time But she didn't dare to drive at all, don't look at her bluffing all day long, but as soon as she sat in the driver's seat and stepped on the accelerator, she shivered all over, leaving Lin Xiaoxi speechless.


Just when Lin Xiaoxi was hesitating whether to call Jiang Tao for help, a fluent hooligan whistle rang in his ears.

"Hey——" A Zhanyi 5 series car with a unique shape suddenly stopped on the side of the road in front of them.

"Miss, let's go home. I happened to drop by and give you a ride?" As soon as the car stopped, a man's voice sounded from inside, and he said with a smile.

Hearing such molesting voices, Cheng Yanan simply turned her head and ignored them. She saw that he was a hooligan with nothing to do. She didn't even bother to pay attention, but happened to be upset in her heart, so she couldn't help but sneered and said with disdain: "Cut! Pull it down quickly!" Bar."

Lin Xiaoxi also shook her head, but couldn't help laughing in her heart, this young man's molesting techniques were a bit outdated, he didn't even know where his home was, so he just dropped in to tell me where he came from.This man is obviously up to no good.She has worked hard at the bottom of the society for several years, and it can be seen at a glance.

"I didn't say to take you home." Hearing Cheng Yanan's disdainful words, the hooligan who was driving also sneered and said.

"Huh?" Lin Xiaoxi was taken aback for a moment, this tone?
She couldn't help raising her head in doubt. At this moment, a head poked out from the car door. The man took off his sunglasses coolly, revealing a familiar face. He looked at her and grinned.

Lin Xiaoxi was stiff all over, and was stupid on the spot.


"Boom blah blah..."

"Wendong, you bastard! You still know to come back? Huh? You still have the mind to tease our Xiaoxi? Go to hell!"

As expected, Lin Xiaoxi stood aside stupidly, but Cheng Yanan was furious, every time he cursed, he kicked Wendong's car angrily, and even broke his pointed high-heeled shoes.Wen Dong quickly retracted his head into the car, and the corners of his mouth twitched when he heard the door slamming.

To say that Cheng Yanan is a wild donkey is not a disservice to this title at all, the posture of these two long legs swinging up, even he has to dodge three points, God knows that the car door has already been kicked out by this mad donkey several big holes It is estimated that it will cost thousands of dollars to go back and repair it. Fortunately, this car is not his, but Zhang Yifeng's.

Hmm... Zhang Yifeng wouldn't be ashamed to ask him for the car repair fee, would he?
"Wendong, you are such a heartless bastard, Xiaoxi, let's ignore him, we..." Cheng Yanan's feet hurt and finally stopped, but he still couldn't help the anger in his heart and kept cursing.

Unexpectedly, the crisp sound of the car door closing made her shut her mouth instantly, the car window was rolled down, and Lin Xiaoxi's head poked out: "Are you still in the car?"

Cheng Yanan was speechless, and almost bumped into the car, staring at Lin Xiaoxi with murderous eyes, you are too short-tempered, right?This, this, this, got into other people's car in a hurry?

Wen Dong was not used to her, and he was about to pull the gear and leave, but Lin Xiaoxi held down his hand that was placed on the gear below with a pair of small hands, and finally said helplessly: "Hey, are you crazy enough, you still go Don't go? If we don't go, we will go?"

"Go, of course I'm going, I don't want to go if I'm stupid." Cheng Yanan glared at Wen Dong angrily, but stretched out her hand and swished open the car door, and limped into the car quickly, "Bang" He closed the car door quickly, but couldn't help but rubbed his hands and said cursingly: "Damn, I'm freezing to death, why didn't you come earlier."

Wen Dong: "..."

Lin Xiaoxi: "..."

When Cheng Yanan got in the car, Lin Xiaoxi's hand that was put in gear and was held by Wen Dong took it back with a 'swish', Wen Dong smiled and didn't care.

Along the way, Cheng Yanan was complaining about Wendong's various bad things, and then asked him why he hadn't shown up for so long, Wendong smiled wryly, and answered casually, but he didn't take Cheng Yanan seriously, Lin Xiaoxi listened quietly , and didn't interrupt, she knew that Wendong was taking care of her emotions and would not quarrel with Yanan.

Looking sideways at this familiar face that she misses day and night, every outline is deeply rooted in her bones, she finds that Wen Dong has lost a lot of weight, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth and those bright black eyes are calmer than before. and cold training.Suffering can always make people grow up. Looking at his thin cheeks, she was thinking that the reason why Wendong didn't find her was that he must have suffered a lot.

He is more stable and mature than before.Lin Xiaoxi leaned her head gently on the seat, looked at his calm side face quietly, and felt a peace and stability in her heart that she had never had before. He is her patron saint. As long as she is by her side, even if she meets someone I am not afraid of any difficulties.

"Hello, huh? I'm on my way home, oh, ok, ok, I haven't seen you for a long time... OK, let's see you later." Halfway through the trip, Cheng Yanan suddenly received a call, and there Mutter a few words.

"An appointment?" Wen Dong slowed down the speed of the car and asked with his head turned slightly.

"Of course, I thought I was like Xiaoxi, except for going to work all day long, I just didn't leave the door." Cheng Yanan snorted and said, "Stop the car, labor and management have an appointment." She shook her phone and said proudly .

Lin Xiaoxi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was slightly taken aback. Since Yanan was kidnapped last time, she never dated those phone calls who introduced her messy boyfriends. The sky doesn't sound, let alone the weekdays when you go to work from Monday to Friday.She knew that Cheng Yanan must have found a best friend who called her and deliberately used this excuse to leave, so that she and Wendong could have a separate space, she was silently moved.

But in the end, her longing surpassed everything else, she wanted to be alone with Wendong, and told her longing for more than a month.

Although Wen Dong didn't know that the mad donkey had become a man again, but when he noticed Lin Xiaoxi's eyes, he immediately understood, and thought to himself, although this mad woman's temper hasn't changed much, she has a bit of insight.

He quickly tapped the brakes and parked the car on the side of the road.

"Cheng Yanan." Seeing Cheng Yanan opened the car door and walked out, Wen Dong suddenly stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yanan shook her head and stared at him with unfriendly eyes.

"You have grown up and become sensible."

Hearing this, Cheng Yanan was taken aback, what does this mean?
"Hey..." Cheng Yanan's thoughts turned, and she suddenly understood, but Wen Dong stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out, leaving behind Cheng Yanan who was yelling at the exhaust gas, and even broke her high-heeled shoes. Throw it up and hit the car.

"Ha ha……"

"Wendong, why are you so bad, why are you so angry at others?" Seeing Wendong who was laughing while driving a car, Lin Xiaoxi was immediately laughed out of anger, why is this guy so bad, Cheng Yanan is probably going to be pissed off up.

"Tch, that woman almost broke my car. She doesn't feel bad if she doesn't scold me. On the contrary, I don't feel bad if I don't piss her off." Wen Dong said with a smile.

Hearing Wen Dong's messy explanation, Lin Xiaoxi couldn't help laughing, if the two of them meet and fight, it means the sun is coming out from the west.

"Huh?" Just as she was smiling wryly, a big hand suddenly grabbed her hand. When she looked up, she saw Wen Dong looking at her from the side, his eyes full of longing and love.

"Drive seriously." Lin Xiaoxi moved, but even though he said so, he was still reluctant to push his hand away, and instead held it tightly with both hands.

"Well, one hand is enough." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

The car was very quiet, and neither of them spoke, fermenting the longing for this long-lost reunion...

They drove the car all the way to the Tianlan District, they held hands all the time, and even when they got off the car, Wen Dong directly carried her out of the car door on the driver's side.

Lin Xiaoxi's pretty face blushed slightly, and she took Wen Dong's hand and walked quietly to the alley in the community, watching the commuters coming and going in the community, she slowly leaned towards Wen Dong's side, and at this time Wen Dong Dong switched hands, and a big hand wrapped around her shoulder.

Lin Xiaoxi lowered her head slightly, leaned her head on his shoulder, and walked towards the door of the unit...

(End of this chapter)

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