How bad guys are made

Chapter 933 Are you secretly in love with sister?

Chapter 933 Are you secretly in love with sister?
After the passion, Lin Xiaoxi lay in Wendong's arms like a lamb, resting her head on Wendong's chest, listening quietly to Wendong's strong heartbeat.

"Okay?" Wen Dong stroked the other party's waterfall-like black hair with one hand, and stroked her suet-white jade-like back with the other.

"Well, it's okay." Lin Xiaoxi's pretty face still blushed, and when she heard Wen Dong's concern, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

This is the first time for Lin Xiaoxi, his affection for Xiaoxi is not inferior to that of any woman, so naturally he can't treat Yingzi like before, and Xiaoxi herself is not as good as Yingzi, although under his gentle guidance she Afterwards, I got used to it, but for the first time, it should not be too strong. There are still many days to come, and everything about her is already her own, and the water will flow forever.

Wendong, can you tell me about your experience in the past month?I wonder what you've been up to during this time. "I don't know if the deepest relationship has happened. Lin Xiaoxi's shyness has obviously subsided a lot at this time. She leaned awkwardly on the bedside next to Wendong, snuggled into Wendong's arms, raised her little head, and looked asked curiously.

From the beginning, from the very beginning, her relationship with Wendong was an anomaly, and Wendong disappeared after acknowledging the relationship between the two parties. They didn't even have a day of sweet love, let alone holding hands and kissing, and this time Wen Dong appeared and did everything.

"You really want to know?" Wen Dong turned to look at her.

"En." Lin Xiaoxi nodded seriously, she is not the kind of gossip woman, but after all she loves deeply and thinks deeply, no matter how beautiful she is, even if she is a queen, she is still an ordinary person.During this month, she couldn't help but think wildly, and that guy Cheng Yanan abused and guessed randomly when he had nothing to do, she really wanted to hear Wen Dong tell her, so that she could feel at ease.

"Hey..." Wen Dong smiled wryly, took out a cigarette from the side of the bed and lit it, looked at the ceiling above his head through the smoke, and laughed at himself: "In fact, many things have already exploded in public opinion, and many things are indeed like this occurring……"

It seems that there is a need for a release gap after the passion, especially during this period of time not only reunited with Zhang Hanhan, but also received a call from Lina last night, Li Ningyan is still alive.In front of Lin Xiaoxi, Wendong hardly concealed anything, and began to slowly talk about his experience over the past month, starting from the Lanyun crisis.Going to the trapped Xiangyun Villa again, after learning that Zhang Hanhan was kidnapped, he pursued the murderer at sea, and in the end He Wenlong forced him to kill her father in front of Zhang Hanhan, and even He Wenlong raped Li Binger, and then took Li Ningyan to escape, little by little. After talking about my experiences these days, the familiar scene before reappeared in my mind, as well as Li Bing'er, that stupid woman who was stubborn and took the risk for her own sake, soaring to the sky and shooting at the masters of the Summer Palace, and later returning to the water. City, divorced Zhang Hanhan after recovering from serious injuries, and went to Suiyun Kingdom for rescue, the purpose was just to make up for the irreparable wound... One piece, little by little, drop by drop, except for the devil may cry and ghosts in it, as well as his transformation into The really unacceptable content such as the lion shape, almost all said out, as if pouring out a confession.

Lin Xiaoxi remained silent all along, acting as an attentive listener, but her pair of small snow-white hands tightly grasped the blanket on her body, and her pretty face, which was originally flushed, also changed rapidly with Wen Dong's narration, and sometimes became nervous , sometimes frightened, sometimes relieved, as if Wendong's experience reappeared again, which made her worry...

After saying this, Wen Dong suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He thought he would never be willing to talk to anyone about the meeting at this time, which made him feel unspeakably relieved. He even took a self-deprecating glance at Lin Xiaoxi who was still nervous, With a wry smile: "Is my experience very complicated? It sounds like I'm listening to a story, a made-up story, haha."

Wendong's laughter was full of self-deprecating, Zhang Hanhan's suffering, Li Bing'er's suffering, and Li Ningyan's disappearance all made him blame himself and hate himself for being incompetent.

Lin Xiaoxi didn't smile, on the contrary, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, which couldn't stop flowing all over her face, and her voice was a little choked up: "Wendong, I didn't expect you to have such a hard time during this time."

That's right, if everything happened to me, I would probably make myself bewildered and at a loss as to what to do.And now she also knows why Wendong hasn't looked for her all this time. He is in a bad mood and panicked, but when he comes to see her, he will bring this emotion to her and make herself worry.But he endured the hardship, gritted his teeth, took on all the heavy burdens and settled them, and only then came to him consciously and relaxed.

In her mind, she recalled the slutty smiling face when he took off his sunglasses from the car and looked at her when he went down today. Under this seemingly heartless and slutty smiling face, there was such pain hidden!Thinking of this, she couldn't stop crying again.

"Is it bitter? But the bitterness has come, isn't it?" Wen Dong comforted her, and here he hugged her naked body into his arms, kissed her on the forehead and said, "Xiaoxi, be my woman for the rest of my life." ?”

"I'm not showing it to you with actions?" Lin Xiaoxi wiped away her tears and smiled lightly.

"Have you made it clear? Then I don't know who just lay motionless on the bed like a dead pig, and covered his face with a pillow."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi's little face turned red. Although she had already experienced human affairs, she still felt shy when such a thing was said, and argued with a flushed face: "You still say, you are so shy? How can I take the initiative!"

"Hey..." Wen Dong smiled, enough was enough, and he stroked her soft hair with one hand, feeling at ease.

"Hungry, I'll cook something." The two were quiet for a moment, Lin Xiaoxi slowly got up from his arms and said, and began to put on her own clothes while talking.

"What are you cooking for? Later, I don't like it enough." Wen Dong hugged her and held her down from behind.

"Go, stay here again, if Yanan sees us doing this kind of thing, won't she laugh at me to death?" Lin Xiaoxi angrily reached out and knocked off his mischievous hand, shaking her bra on the He said, "Help me buckle it up."

"Are you sure you can still cook?" Seeing that Lin Xiaoxi was a little awkward in slippers after fully dressed, Wen Dong asked while wearing his clothes.

"I'm not that delicate yet." Lin Xiaoxi cast a helpless glance at him, because it's hot in the room, and it's not appropriate to wear jeans. Besides, although Wendong is gentle, the previous burst of bravery still made her a little overwhelmed, and her lower body felt unwell, so she had to Put on a skirt, it's not cold at home anyway.

She turned around and walked out of the bedroom, then turned around abruptly and said: "By the way, don't touch the quilt, I'll take care of the sheets later." As she spoke, her face turned red, and there was her redness on it.

Wen Dong: "..."

Seeing the busy figure of Lin Xiaoxi plunged into the kitchen, Wendong felt relieved, turned around and walked into the bathroom to wash his face, but he wanted to have another candlelight dinner, but unfortunately things backfired. As soon as Lin Xiaoxi finished picking the dishes, he received a call from his best friend, who said Cheng Yanan was drunk, and originally called her a taxi back, but thought that Cheng Yanan was a woman, and she was a beautiful woman, so she couldn't be relieved.Ever since, under the urging of Lin Xiaoxi, Wen Dong reluctantly drove the car that had been kicked several times by a certain woman to pick up a certain woman.

Cheng Yanan was really drunk and didn't have a semblance of reason. When Wen Dong carried her on his back, he still stared at him vigilantly, but his eyes were blurred and he seemed to be unable to see clearly, but he said vaguely: "You, Who are you? Don't touch me?"

Wen Dong stared at her, speechless, thinking that Lao Tzu was willing to touch you, but seeing Lin Xiaoxi standing aside anxiously, he could only patiently say: "I am Wen Dong, don't say you don't know Lao Tzu."

"Wendong?" Cheng Yanan was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at him crookedly and said, "You, you are back? You didn't come back to find that silly woman Lin Xiaoxi, why did you come to me? Are you secretly in love with your sister? Tell me You, no, sister... sister doesn't agree, um... Xiao, Xiaoxi won't agree."

my day!

I have a crush on you?Wendong opened his mouth wide, tongue-tied!

Lin Xiaoxi opened her mouth and covered her face with her hands.

Wendong has a black line at the moment, where the hell is this?This brain-dead girl of feelings forgot all about this afternoon, if Xiaoxi hadn't begged, I wouldn't care about you, a drunk!
"Okay, okay, you're drunk, I'll take you home." Wen Dong ignored her nonsense, carried her on his shoulders, and strode out of the hotel.

"Ah, you, you bastard, what do you want to do, don't touch me, Xiaoxi will...will be unhappy when she sees it, you...uh..." Cheng Yanan lay on Wendong's shoulder and kicked her legs wildly, He muttered in his mouth, but before he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spat out.

Lin Xiaoxi was anxious when she saw it from the side: "Wendong, you are so stupid, you hug her, how can you do this?"

That's right, Wen Dong didn't feel so sorry for Cheng Yanan anymore. She drank a lot of wine, and Wen Dong carried her in this way until she emptied the wine all at once...

"I'm afraid you're jealous, aren't you?" Wen Dong gave Lin Xiaoxi a helpless look.

"What kind of jealousy am I?" Hearing Wendong's explanation, Lin Xiaoxi gave him an even more angry look: "If I were jealous, I would die of sourness sooner or later!"

Hearing this, Wen Dong understood what she was implying, and immediately smiled shyly, and quickly hugged Cheng Yanan in his arms.It's comfortable like this, Cheng Yanan was already drunk, probably even more dizzy from such a toss, honestly let Wendong hold her, but she still muttered in her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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