How bad guys are made

Chapter 934 Who celebrates birthday?

Chapter 934 Who celebrates birthday?

Throwing the drunk into the car, Cheng Yanan was still murmuring on the road, not knowing what he was talking about, anyway, Wen Dong wasn't that curious to listen.

Driving all the way back to the Tianlan community, I didn't expect this drunk to have a new trick. He would not let Wendong hold him even if he was beaten to death, and he was still muttering.After all, Wendong is guilty. He has not forgotten the incident of the magnitude [-] earthquake with this woman in the car. She is probably drunk now. Seeing the familiar places in the community, he thought he was going to drag her to have sex with her behind Lin Xiaoxi's back. that kind of thing.

How could Wendong dare to hug her up? God knows what shocking things this drunk said in a daze. The time between him and Cheng Yanan was definitely a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding that definitely didn't have any beautiful notes, although of course it was quite It was cool, but afterward, Wen Dong regretted that his intestines were green, why couldn't he resist Cheng Yanan's seduction at that time...

Of course, the main reason was because Cheng Yanan was drugged at the time, and she took the initiative to seduce her, but she was justifiable, but I didn't control it, and the fault was still with me. Apart from regretting in Wendong's heart, he was also a little ashamed of Cheng Yanan .

Since Cheng Yanan was dead and refused to be hugged, Lin Xiaoxi could only be allowed to come, but Cheng Yanan is really not small. As a model, the minimum height is 1.6 meters five, and Cheng Yanan is much taller than Lin Xiaoxi. The height may reach 1.7 meters five, how can such a big man Lin Xiaoxi, a girl with no strength to restrain a chicken, be able to hug him?

So they could only be supported by two people, Cheng Yanan still refused to let Wendong touch, Wendong stood aside and could only help, her whole weight was on Lin Xiaoxi who was on the side, and she only went up three floors, but Lin Xiaoxi I feel that it is so difficult to follow the Long March.Especially since she has just passed through the human affairs tonight, it doesn't matter if she walks a little bit. At this time, she climbed up to the third floor with Cheng Yanan's weight.

Finally put the drunk on the bed, Wen Dong stood aside with a very unhappy expression, this smelly woman just took up the time of being intimate with Lin Xiaoxi, and made her woman so tired.

"Help her take off her shoes and coat, and I'll fetch a basin of water." Lin Xiaoxi took a few breaths, seeing that Cheng Yanan was covered with a lot of vomited wine dregs, and the whole room was filled with the smell of alcohol, she gasped and ordered to stand aside and go for a walk Yanan frowned and Wendong said.

"Ah?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Lin Xiaoxi was shaking and about to go out, he quickly said, "Shall I help her undress?"

"Oh!" Seeing Wendong's shocked expression, Lin Xiaoxi patted his forehead, feeling really tired and confused: "Go and boil the water, it should be hot, Yanan's towel is the one on the left, with a picture of Donald Duck on it, don't you I took it wrong. I will help her change clothes, and I will let you in, and you can come in again."

"Okay." Hearing Lin Xiaoxi's order, Wendong had no choice but to do it, speechless in his heart, letting himself and Lin Xiaoxi, the new love-loving man and woman, run around for you. blood mold.

The water was boiled very quickly, and it was done in a few minutes. Wen Dong simply sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for Lin Xiaoxi to change her clothes and told him to go in, but he waited and waited. After smoking both cigarettes, he didn't wait for Lin Xiaoxi to call him.

"Wendong, you, come in and help me, I can't touch her!"


"Xiaoxi, are you sure I'll help her up?" Wen Dong brought the hot water basin to the bedroom with a bitter face, but he was shocked when he saw Cheng Yanan on the bed at this moment, and stared at the man who was sitting beside him wiping the sweat from his forehead with his mouth open. Lin Xiaoxi asked, the corners of her mouth twitching vigorously.

There is no other reason, the clothes on Cheng Yanan's upper body have been coaxed by Lin Xiaoxi to strip off and throw them on the floor. Although the upper body is covered with a thin quilt, the half of the slender snow-white arm protruding from it can imagine her scene under the quilt.

Lin Xiaoxi glanced at the surprised Wendong, feeling helpless in her heart.In winter, the heating is turned on, and the room is too hot, so she is very cooperative when undressing Cheng Yanan, but it is not enough to cover her with a quilt, which cannot be covered.She was also afraid that she would catch a cold at night, so she wanted to put Cheng Yanan on a pajamas, but she kept moving around in a daze, but she was not allowed to wear it, Lin Xiaoxi didn't put it on for her for a long time, and even made herself very tired , and finally had to ask for help from Wendong.

"Don't look around." Seeing Wen Dong sitting on the edge of the bed and supporting Cheng Yanan, Lin Xiaoxi snorted and warned.

"Don't worry, I don't look at it, I just look at you, hey." Wen Dong grinned, and couldn't help curling his lips in his heart, he was quite familiar with Cheng Yanan's body...

Hearing Wen Dong's teasing, Lin Xiaoxi blushed and took a bite, seeing that Wen Dong really turned his head and only stared at herself, with a pair of thieves' eyes sweeping back and forth on her legs, seeming to have hook energy Getting under the skirt, Lin Xiaoxi kicked him angrily: "I can't watch either."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she lifted her leg, Wen Dong grabbed her in his hand, and stroked her shiny and snow-white calf with her big hand.

"Don't make trouble!" Lin Xiaoxi blushed and said angrily. Fortunately, Cheng Yanan was drunk, otherwise she would be ashamed to death if she was seen.

"Otherwise, you can go back." Cheng Yanan was finally done, but Lin Xiaoxi was still a little worried, afraid that she would vomit and find water to drink. Obviously, serving this best friend was not once or twice, and Wen Dong was here after all. not good.God knows if he will bully himself at night?And Yanan would get up at night every time he drank too much, if she heard it, it would be troublesome.

Hearing Lin Xiaoxi's words, Wen Dong thought about it and agreed.He knew that Lin Xiaoxi was thin-skinned. If Cheng Yanan didn't come home, he would be so shameless here that he thought Lin Xiaoxi would be shy, but he agreed, but not now, God knows if Cheng Yanan, a stinky woman, will make a catch-rape show after she wakes up. Come on, I guess it will be difficult to get close to Xiaoxi in the future.


It was half past nine when we drove home. Wen Dong felt at ease, humming a little song, and even said hello to the phantom who was guarding in the dark.

But when he saw the scene in the living room, Wen Dong was startled immediately. He looked back to see that the door of his own room was right, and then closed the door full of doubts. Cake, I feel a little strange.

In other words, today is not my birthday. I am an orphan, and I don’t even know when my birthday is. If I have to tell a birthday, it should be the day when I first came to this world. However, Wen Dong I really forgot what month it was...

Whose birthday is today?

While putting on the slippers, Wen Dong was full of doubts, and then he reached out and slapped himself on the head. There are only two people in this house, Han Han and himself, who is left if it is not his birthday?

Wendong hurried into the living room, turned his head around a lot but did not find Zhang Hanhan's figure, the door of the study was open, and Zhang Hanhan's beautiful woman was not inside, and Zhang Hanhan's bedroom door was closed, although Wendong guessed that he might be in the living room. In the bedroom, but he didn't have the guts to break in to see if Zhang Hanhan was in there, God knows if the woman would pull out an electric baton.

The most important thing is that Wendong himself is also guilty. On the day he reunited with Zhang Hanhan for the first time a few days ago, Wendong secretly made up his mind to treat his wife well, but the time he spent with her can be counted with a slap of the palm of his hand. The minutes are counted, especially in the past two days I have eaten two more...

Wendong started to think wildly for a while, and this morning Zhang Hanhan suddenly called a little abnormally, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, his heart twitched, his wife celebrated her birthday, but as her husband, he spent most of the night with other women. , That's all, I even wanted to spend the night at Lin Xiaoxi's house before, thinking about myself, I'm really a jerk.

Looking at the big cake on the coffee table and the two blue goblets, Wen Dong smiled wryly in his heart. If he had known that Zhang Hanhan's birthday was today, he would have to stay at home and prepare for her carefully.

The more Wen Dong thought about it, the more he felt that he was an asshole. He reached out and knocked on the door, but found that his wife's bedroom door was not locked at all, and it opened with a push. But when he looked up at the scene in the bedroom, Wen Dong was dumbfounded.

Today, Zhang Hanhan changed into the previous suspender dress again. This suspender dress was molested once by himself with a text message. It is too sexy and beautiful to wear on his wife.At this time, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, a pair of slender white legs were hanging under the bed, and the slippers on her feet were also thrown aside by her, her two calves were swinging in mid-air, outlining two snow-white arcs, and more What shocked Wendong was that she was holding her cheek with a small hand at this time, looking at him sideways, not only did she look not angry, but she was also smiling at herself?

Wendong thought he was hallucinating, and shook his head vigorously, only to find that his wife was still smiling at him again. Wendong was still guilty in his heart, and always felt that his wife's smile made people feel a little creepy.

"You're back." Zhang Hanhan said with a sweet smile.

"Uh, wife, hehehe..."

"Come and sit." Zhang Hanhan didn't seem to notice Wendong's embarrassment, and pointed to his bedside.

"Uh..." Wen Dong's throat rolled, looking at his wife who was obviously abnormal, his eyes quickly swept around, especially her other hand hanging by her side, whether there was any murder weapon, God knows when he sat down Will she give herself a blow in the head in the end?

After discovering that there were no doubts, Wen Dong was even more puzzled, what happened to his wife?Was it stimulated by something, she never had a smiling face to herself before?Moreover, seeing that sweet smile, I couldn't help thinking about it.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of sitting here, what are you afraid of as a big man?" Zhang Damei patted the edge of the bed beside her with her small hand reproachfully, and then rolled her eyes over again.

Can't stand it!
Wen Dong barely controlled the uncontrollable violent heartbeat, leaned over with some fear, sat down cautiously, suddenly wrinkled his nose, looked at Zhang Hanhan and said, "Have you been drinking?"

I didn't notice it just now, but I was sitting together at a close distance, and suddenly I smelled a strong smell of alcohol. I looked down and found that there was still half a glass of red wine on the bedside table.

"Yeah, you haven't come back. I couldn't hold back and drank a little." Zhang Hanhan smiled, and the smug look on his brows was like a goblin stealing food, which made Wendong even more puzzled.

Looking sideways at Zhang Hanhan, who is charming and seductive, Wen Dong has a weird face, and he is a little confused. It has been a long time since they lived together. Zhang Hanhan is a woman who can drink a lot, but with her strict and meticulous behavior , Generally, if nothing happens, you will not drink, and every time you drink, you are mostly in a bad mood.

Just like the series of things after Zhang Hanhan got drunk at the barbecue stall some time ago, Wen Dong still couldn't figure it out. Although the two of them went to disco and made some ambiguous things, even because of the paralysis of alcohol, she was just a little indulgent. Take a look at yourself, and she will never be as she is now. At this time, she is not indulgent at all, but debauchery. Even Wendong can't stand the winking eyes...

But remembering the last time Zhang Hanhan forced himself to jump a viaduct after drinking, he didn't know how to torment himself tonight.

Just when Wendong was thinking wildly, a pair of white and tender hands stretched out in front of him: "Today is my birthday, where is the gift?"

(End of this chapter)

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