How bad guys are made

Chapter 940 Cute Guoguo

Chapter 940 Cute Guoguo
"Look, the one who pretends to be the eagle is Guoguo." Wendong smiled and pointed, with a helpless expression on his face. giggle.

Zhang Hanhan looked in the direction Wen Dong pointed, and the child's silver bell-like laughter filled the entire small playground, making him feel refreshed, and he smiled and said, "You really are a cute little girl."

"Since you cured Guoguo's disease, Guoguo's appetite has increased greatly. Everything is delicious, and with Miss Xinhan's careful care, this little guy has gained more than ten catties in the past ten days, which is more than eating. The piglets that are fed grow meat faster." The young man explained with a smile on the side.Guoguo is Li Kui's daughter, and the reason why the young man is guarding here is because of this little girl, of course he knows it well.

"Haha, your analogy is very appropriate." Wendong smiled happily, turned his head to look at his wife, Zhang Hanhan also pursed his mouth, and looked relaxed, but his beautiful eyes looked at Xin who was exquisite and handsome in the field. Han: "Is that Xin Han?"

"Yes, she is a music teacher here, just coaxing children to play." Wen Dong nodded and explained.

"Well, that's great." Seeing Xin Han coaxing the child to smile happily, Zhang Hanhan nodded enviously and said, "When I get tired of working, I will also work as a teacher in the orphanage to coax the children to play."

"Then I will be a teacher too." Wen Dong followed up.

"What kind of teacher are you here to be? Can you teach them a little bit?" Zhang Hanhan snorted and said without giving any face.

"I..." Wen Dong froze, choked and speechless.

The young man stood aside, looking up at the clear sky, pretending not to hear.

"Ah, I caught it... I caught it, sister, sister, I caught it." Just as the two were talking, Guoguo's excited shout sounded from the playground not far away.

"Hey, sister, what's the matter with you..." Guoguo was excited, but found that her sister was looking up at the direction of the entrance of the kindergarten. When Wendong came, a pair of dark eyes suddenly lit up: "Brother Wendong..."

"Brother Wendong..." Guoguo exclaimed excitedly, his voice full of joy.Seeing Guoguo rushing over excitedly with braids crooked, bouncing three times, Wendong squatted down and hugged Guoguo who rushed over.

"Brother, brother, you've come to see me, Guoguo misses you." Guoguo embraced Wendong's neck with a pair of fleshy hands, expressing how she misses her.

"Looking at how you run, you don't feel tired." The girl was playing too crazy, sweat was dripping from her snow-white and immature face, Wen Dong scolded with a smile.

"It's okay, my sister said that I am in good health, so I have to run more, so that I can grow taller quickly if I eat more." Guoguo stretched out her hand and wiped the sweat from her little face with her sleeve, revealing a row of Snow white wisdom teeth.

"Grow a fart, you've grown meat, and if you eat it again, you won't be called Guoguo anymore, you should be called Tuantuan." Wendong said helplessly.

Standing at the side, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help but glared at this guy angrily. Children are only happy if they eat a lot. This guy actually thinks the little girl is fat, how cute she is chubby.

"Hehe, that's right, Guoguo doesn't know why she only grows flesh but not height..." Guoguo giggled, and her immature face was also a little distressed...

"Hey, who is this beautiful big sister?" Guoguo tilted her head, and immediately found Zhang Hanhan standing beside her. Seeing what she saw, Zhang Hanhan smiled at her. Guoguo couldn't help asking curiously with a pure heart.

"I'm your brother Wendong's girlfriend, hello, Guoguo." Without waiting for Wendong to introduce, Zhang Hanhan said with a smile first, Zhang Hanhan was very happy when she called her beautiful sister, and stretched out her snow-white little hand while talking.

"Hi pretty sister, my name is Guoguo." Guoguo quickly wiped her dirty little hands on her body before shaking hands with Zhang Hanhan. Seeing this cute gesture, Zhang Hanhan was overjoyed.What Wendong said is right, Guoguo is much more mature than her peers, but because she is really a child, she is even cuter when she pretends to be an adult. In addition, Guoguo's voice is crisp and clear, so she is lovable no matter how she sounds or looks.

"Brother, brother, doesn't every brother only have one girlfriend? Why do you have two?" Guoguo hugged Wendong's neck, looking at him suspiciously with dark eyes, like a curious baby.

Hearing this, Wendong shuddered, and quickly noticed the coldness behind Zhang Hanhan's full smile, what the hell, I knew...

"Why?" Seeing that Wendong didn't speak, and the child didn't see the embarrassment on Wendong's expression, he asked curiously again: "Oh, brother, what are you doing pinching Guoguo's butt?"

"I...hehe, this..." Wen Dong's tongue started to get knotted. She was a cute girl at first, but now she looks so annoying. If it wasn't for his wife here, he would have brought this up a long time ago. The broken girl in the pot flew out.

"Because your brother Wendong is nice and powerful, so he can have two girlfriends." Zhang Hanhan suddenly explained with a smile, while talking, he glanced at Wendong, and said in his heart, if you only have two Girlfriend is fine...

"Oh, so it looks like this." Guoguo nodded, understanding.

"Hehe, yes, yes..." Wen Dong nodded quickly, but his smile was uglier than crying, and his cheeks twitched.Because Zhang Hanhan, who was standing by the side, had already touched the soft flesh of his waist with a small hand without a trace, and was pinching it happily...

"Guoguo, who is your brother Wendong's other girlfriend? Is that the pretty sister?" Zhang Hanhan smiled happily, and looked up at Xinhan who was standing not far away.

"Yes, that's my sister Xinhan, she is also brother Wendong's girlfriend." Guoguo nodded excitedly.

Wen Dong stood aside, his lips trembling violently, his eyes turned purple, and he stared angrily at the stinky woman.Zhang Hanhan, can we be more shameless?With that trick again, you won't even let the kids go...

"Well, Guoguo is really good, look at what delicious food my sister brought you..." Zhang Hanhan nodded and smiled, reaching out and snatching the snack bag from Wendong's hand and handing it to Guoguo without shame.

Wen Dong spurted out a mouthful of blood, covered his face and fell down.I've seen shameless ones, but I've never seen one as shameless as Zhang Hanhan...

"Is it okay?" Guoguo glanced greedily at all kinds of exquisite sweets and candies in the snack bag, her black eyes were already red and green, and she licked the corner of her mouth with her little tongue, but she didn't dare to reach out to take it. He looked at Wen Dong who was on the side.

"See how greedy you are, take it, we bought it for you." Wen Dong reached out his hand helplessly and amusedly, and tugged at the little girl's braid.

"Hee hee, thank you brother, thank you pretty sister." Guoguo suddenly became excited, a small head went straight into the snack bag, and the fleshy little hands just took it all at once, and finally hugged her arms and still couldn't get it, she couldn't help feeling anxious Turning to look at Xin Han not far away.Wendong turned his head to look at Zhang Hanhan speechlessly, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help laughing, seeing that the little girl was in a hurry, she couldn't get it by herself, so she wanted to call her sister to get it together.

"Choose it, it's all yours." Wen Dong leaned over and put the little girl down, and she hadn't seen her for more than ten days, and she really grew a lot of flesh.

"Then, brother, sister, can these snacks be eaten by my companion?" Guoguo asked eagerly.

"Of course, this is already yours. Share it with your classmates if you like it." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile. At this time, the young man also put the other two bags of snacks in front of the little girl with a smile.

"Wow, there are so many, are they all for me?" Seeing all kinds of snacks piled up into a hill, Guoguo's eyes suddenly widened, and her saliva almost flowed out.

"Well, it's for you, but don't eat too much, be careful of tooth decay, you can keep it and eat slowly." Zhang Hanhan said dotingly.

"Enen, Sister Xinhan said the same thing." Guoguo nodded excitedly, her eyes glanced at the snacks in front of her, she couldn't help but feel a little troubled, she immediately raised her head to look at Wendong, and whispered: "Why don't you give it to me?" Classmates, let’s have two packs, Guoguo will keep one pack for herself, and keep the biggest one.”

"Why don't they all be divided?" Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Of course not. My brother and sister bought it for Guoguo. It's very generous for Guoguo to share two bags with everyone. I want to keep the biggest bag." Guoguo said with a puffed mouth. The snacks that I thought were delicious were put into one of the bags, and then my head got into the other two bags to start picking, moving all the delicious snacks into the big bag I kept.

Look at this Guoguo, with her little butt pouted, got into the big snack bag and worked tirelessly as a porter. She didn't even bother to wipe off the sweat. Zhang Hanhan's beautiful eyes widened, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, this The little girl is too cute.

Wendong stood aside and watched Guoguo busy to find his head and buttocks, and couldn't help laughing.

"Okay." Finally, she couldn't fit the bag she left behind, so Guoguo straightened up, grinned at Wendong and Zhang Hanhan, turned her head to look at the young man beside her and said, "Xiaoliang Brother, these snacks are mine, you have to look after them for me."

"Lord Guoguo, don't worry, I'll take care of the little girl." The young man was familiar with this little girl, and nodded with a smile.

"Enen, Guoguo will give you delicious food at that time." Guoguo nodded earnestly, and after speaking, she grabbed a half-moved snack bag in one hand and strenuously walked towards the companions.

The large shopping bag was propped up higher than Guoguo's body. Seeing Mrs. Guoguo dragging two big bags away, Zhang Hanhan bent over with a smile. This little girl is simply too cute.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look. I want to thank Xin Han too." Seeing his wife was happy, Wen Dong took the opportunity to hold her little hand, and whispered: "Xin Han and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend, just because we At that time, I lived with her for a few days, and the sweeping lady here thought I was a couple with her, so this little girl Guoguo heard about it."

Zhang Hanhan struggled a little, blushed and gave this guy a pale look. It was rare that he was in a good mood today, and he didn't bother to argue with him.

Guoguo moved the snacks, and soon there was a scene of children snatching up the snacks. The children hurriedly opened the snacks, and soon the children's crisp and melodious laughter rang out again.

After pulling Zhang Hanhan into the room, Xin Han realized it. He looked up at the two of them, with an inexplicably complicated expression on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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