How bad guys are made

Chapter 941 3 beauties

Chapter 941 Three Beauties
"What? I don't know you anymore?" Wen Dong took Zhang Hanhan up to Xin Han, seeing that she was still in a trance, he couldn't help but greet her first.

"It seems that you are recovering well." Xin Han came back to his senses, looked at Wen Dong and said with a smile, then turned his eyes to Zhang Hanhan who was beside him: "Mr. Lanyun Zhang, you are much more beautiful than those on TV. "

Because she cared about Wendong's affairs at the beginning, after the Lanyun incident between Wendong, Zhang Hanhan and Zhang Wending, she often paid attention to the news in this area. The woman who is ashamed of women is not only Wendong's wife, but also the president of Lanyun, the brightest new star in the business circles of Shui City and even the whole country.

Speaking of which, she was really frightened just now. Zhang Hanhan, a character who is rarely seen even on TV, stood in front of her like this. How could it not shock her? She is wearing casual clothes, but she still can't hide the noble temperament on her body, no wonder she is called a goddess, she is so beautiful.

"Xinhan, hello. Wendong often mentions you, and thanks to you for saving him, otherwise I don't know what to do if something happens to him." Zhang Hanhan smiled sweetly, stretched out his hand and pulled the Wen Dong, very intimate, stretched out his other hand actively.

"Hello, President Zhang." Xin Han hurriedly stretched out his hand, and his tone was a little excited.

"Don't call me Mr. Zhang, it's too strange. I'm a few years older than you. If you don't mind, just call me sister." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile, his tone was approachable, and Wen Dong who was standing beside him couldn't help but stare. She opened her eyes, and she had already prayed in her heart that this woman would not pinch Xin Han, but she didn't expect... to be so gentle?I have never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

"Okay." Xin Han quickly nodded with a smile, and then said: "Are you tired after coming here, why don't you go sit inside?"

"I really mean that." Zhang Hanhan nodded happily, then let go of Wendong, and was dragged into the kindergarten classroom by Xinhan.

Wen Dong was dumbfounded, and turned his head to look at Xiao Liang, staring at Xiao Liang, labor and management are the main characters, so why not leave the main character behind like this?

"Madam is so kind. She has a gentle personality and is approachable. She doesn't have the overbearing aura of the big boss at all." Xiao Liang said enviously.

"Hehehe..." Hearing Xiaoliang's praise, the corners of Wendong's mouth twitched, Zhang Hanhan is a powerful acting school...

However, that's fine too.

"Master." Wen Dong was bored, and was just about to go to play with Guoguo, when Fu Qinghua heard the news and rushed over with an eager and excited expression on his face.

"I told him you're here." Seeing Wendong's doubts, Xiaoliang explained.

"Yeah." Only then did Wen Dong understand, nodded and greeted him with a smile.

"Tsinghua, how are those orphans with paralysis? Are you in a hurry?" Wen Dong walked over and asked directly.

"The condition is still stable for the time being, but naturally the sooner the better." Fu Qinghua explained.

"Hmm..." Wen Dong nodded, pondered for a while, then turned his head to look at his wife and Xin Han who had already walked into the classroom to chat. Based on his wife's tricks, he might have to fool around for a while. No matter how much information there is, Xin Han can only pray that the girl Xin Han can hold on a bit, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Then let's go and have a look now, sooner rather than later."

"That's exactly what the master said." Fu Qinghua nodded excitedly, and turned to lead the way.

"Well, I'll use the set of stitches I told you before. You can watch it and learn from it." Wen Dong said while walking.

"Thank you master."

"It doesn't have to be like this." Wen Dong waved his hand, expressing his indifference, his posture was leisurely, and he looked like a professional master...


"Really?" Xin Han's doubtful voice came out of the classroom.

"Of course it's true. You haven't seen that guy look so deflated. It's as funny as it needs to be." Zhang Hanhan said happily: "Don't be fooled by him, people like him just push their noses. On the face, the more you accommodate him, the more he will push himself..."

It only took more than 20 minutes to heal the two polio patients. Fu Qinghua who was on the side looked fascinated and was very excited, so he immediately began to think about which set of acupuncture and moxibustion Wen Dong gave him, even if Wen Dong left. It's just that he sent it to the door of the office and hurried back to study.

When Wendong came to the kindergarten classroom, he heard his wife chatting happily with Xinhan. Wendong felt relieved, and felt more and more that his wife...well...has the potential of a housewife.

"What are you talking about?" Wen Dong walked in with a smile, but seeing the two girls quickly shut up, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"No, we are talking about women, what do you care so much about?" Zhang Hanhan glanced at him and said.

"Really?" Wen Dong glanced at her suspiciously, then turned to look at Xin Han.Although Xin Han is only 19 years old, he is a person who has experienced it after all. When it comes to women's mature charm, he is not much lower than his own wife. , she dodged a little.

Wen Dong frowned slightly, turned to look at his wife and said, "Did you say something bad about me?"

"Do I have it? Do you think you have any fun to talk about? Right?" Zhang Hanhan said with a confused face, his acting skills were better than Wendong's, and he looked at Xinhan while talking.

"I didn't say anything." Xin Han shook his head, but couldn't help but burst out laughing.


"It's time for get out of class to end, teacher, you have worked hard..." At this moment, a child's voice sounded in the kindergarten.

"Brother, sister..." At this time, Guoguo ran over with a few packs of snacks, her face was very excited.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Wendong stared at his wife helplessly, then turned around and asked Guoguo with a smile.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious, Guoguo has never eaten such delicious snacks..." Guoguo said excitedly, touching the snack residue at the corner of his mouth with a small hand, and said excitedly: "These three kinds of snacks Guoguo discovered It's the most delicious, you each have a pack."

"Thank you, Master Guoguo." Zhang Hanhan took it with a smile.

"Hee hee, it's Guoguo who should thank the beautiful sister for buying us so many delicious food. My friends are all very happy. I eat the most and I'm almost full." little belly.

"Well, it's delicious, sister will buy it for you, but don't eat too much, be careful of tooth decay." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile.

"Enn, Guoguo ate so much because my brother and sister came to see me, and Guoguo was happy." Guoguo nodded seriously.

"Don't say those good things, no matter how much you buy, I will control you not to let you eat more." Xin Han gave the little girl an angry look and said.

Guoguo's face suddenly turned bitter, he made a face at Xinhan, and quickly hid behind Wendong.

Zhang Hanhan looked at this full-fledged little adult in front of him, and smiled from ear to ear, and he liked it very much in his heart.

"I just heard that get out of class is over, what's the next class?" Wen Dong asked.

"Mathematics class is about addition and subtraction within ten, Guoguo already knows it." Guoguo said quickly, with a very proud face.

"If that's the case, let's go out and have fun?" Zhang Hanhan murmured.

"Okay." Guoguo quickly agreed, she was thinking about this matter with a small mind, she cheered and then turned her eyes to Sister Xinhan who was opposite her.

The little girl listened to her the most, if sister Xin Han didn't want to, then she wouldn't go, but those dark eyes were watery and pitiful, no one could bear to refuse.

"If you want to go, go, see what I do, brat!" Xin Han couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

"You can go together too, get out of class is over anyway, right?" Zhang Hanhan invited with a smile, hearing Xin Han's tone.

"Me? I won't go." Xin Han was taken aback for a moment and said embarrassedly.

"Of course, let's go shopping together, the three beauties. By the way, we can choose some nice clothes for Guoguo and let Wendong drive." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile.

"Okay, there are new clothes to wear." Guoguo jumped up happily when she heard Zhang Hanhan's words, and then threw herself into Xinhan's arms, and said with a pair of watery eyes: "Sister, why don't you go together?" , let's go together..."

"You little girl, you are really annoying..." Xin Han laughed and cursed, stretched out his hand to pull Guoguo's braid, and agreed.

A group of four people left the orphanage and came to the shop house rented by Xinhan. Guoguo happily ran in with a big bag full of snacks, and fiddled for a long time before coming out.

Xin Han sat in the car and said with a smile: "This little girl is hiding the snacks. I guess there are at least a dozen places where she can hide them. If I don't let her eat them, she can eat them secretly."

"This little girl is too smart." Zhang Hanhan said with a smile.

Hearing the chatting and laughing of the two beauties in the back seat of the car, Wen Dong sat helplessly in the driver's seat and swallowed, waiting for the little girl to get in the car to urge him, then he started the car and headed towards the supermarket.

But Wendong was a little speechless, really too speechless.It was nothing more than being pulled by Zhang Hanhan as a driver, and there was no one in the passenger seat at this time.The three beauties were all squeezed into the back seat of the car, Guoguo sat between the two beauties, a big beauty on one side, her small butt rubbed against Zhang Hanhan's thigh, and then on Xinhan's lap, hugging left and right Yes, the Wendong I saw was envious and jealous...

When she came to the supermarket, Guoguo was even more excited, holding a beautiful woman by her little hand, and bouncing into the children's clothing section.Zhang Hanhan was in a relaxed mood, and he really liked Guoguo so much. He only had Guoguo in his eyes from the beginning to the end, and Wendong followed silently behind him, without any sense of existence at all.Even Guoguo, a poor girl, called her beautiful sister cordially. Ever since she got in the car, she didn't even call out to her brother, but the three beauties completely ignored him and treated him like air...

Wen Dong sulked after following, but his eyeballs were not idle, and he turned around to search for beautiful women.Although I dare not chat with beautiful women in front of my wife, it's still eye-catching, isn't it?It's a pity that I haven't found many beauties who can have the same temperament, figure and appearance as the two beauties in front of me, and even if there are, they are a bit worse than my own wife...

Soon, after discussing with the two girls, they ordered a set of children's clothes for Guoguo. It was very beautiful, and the little girl was very excited.

If you like it, buy it. Zhang Hanhan is so rich and powerful. He snapped his fingers with his snow-white hands, turned his head to look at Wendong, and handed him a note: "Go and pay."

Wen Dong stretched out his hand to take it in a muffled voice, and stared at his wife with a very bad look: Damn, did you think of me when you paid?

(End of this chapter)

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