Chapter 942
Zhang Hanhan bought six sets of new clothes for Guoguo, three sets each inside and outside, which made the little girl very happy.Guoguo couldn't think of leaving, and was eager to buy it, but was reprimanded by Xinhan, and the little girl obediently left the mall.

Originally planned to go back to work at [-]:[-] noon, have lunch, rest, and go to work, but because Zhang Hanhan was happy, he changed the plan temporarily, and the four of them went to a very elegant restaurant for dinner.

"Guoguo is so beautiful." Everyone loves the new and dislikes the old, especially for this little girl, Guoguo. She has already changed her clothes and put on a brand new coat.The chubby little face is pink and cute, Zhang Hanhan is willing to pinch her little face, and said with a smile while pinching the little girl's face with his snow-white hands.

"Enen, Aunt Wang said the same thing about Guoguo. She said that Guoguo is a little beauty. When she grows up, she will be a big beauty, as beautiful as her sister." With snacks stuffed in his mouth, his big black eyes are innocent.

"Beautiful fart, just eat like you, be careful that you won't get married when the time comes." Xin Han glared at her angrily and said.

"No, not to mention, what are you afraid of if you don't get married, Sister Hanhan said that you can always buy delicious food for Guoguo..." Guoguo shook her head and said carefree.

Zhang Hanhan nodded with a smile, and he liked it more and more in his heart.Although Xin Han always reprimanded the girl, she could also see Xin Han's love for Guoguo. If it doesn't work, just recognize a goddaughter?

After eating, it was already early in the afternoon.However, Zhang Hanhan was still shocked by Guoguo's amazing appetite. The little girl hadn't stopped talking since she was in the mall. She thought she was going to be full, but she didn't expect to eat as much as she did.You must know that although I have been keeping in shape and controlling my appetite, I am still an adult, and I am in a good mood today, so I eat a lot.

Xin Han kept scolding Guoguo for being an idiot, but Guoguo chuckled and stuffed it into her little mouth.

There is always a banquet in the world. At around 01:30 in the afternoon, Wendong drove Xinhan and Guoguo back to the orphanage.

"Goodbye, brother and sister, you must visit Guoguo often." Guoguo waved her fleshy little hands, blinking her eyes full of reluctance.

"I know, if Guoguo wants to have a brother and a sister, he should call her. We will pick you up and live in her house. This is an agreement between us." Zhang Hanhan waved his hand happily and said.

"Yes, Guoguo remembers it." Guoguo nodded happily.

"Then, let's go." Wen Dong stretched out his hand to open the car door to let Zhang Hanhan in, turned his head to look at Guoguo and Xinhan and said.

"En." Xin Han looked at her, opened and closed his small mouth, but only uttered one word.

"Enen, goodbye brother, I want to visit Guoguo often with my sister."

"Understood, little girl." Wen Dong smiled, and without procrastinating, he walked around the front of the car and got into the car.

The car left in the dust, Guoguo still reluctantly waved her little hand away, Xinhan stood silently aside, suddenly pulled Guoguo, stretched out his hand to rub her head.

Guoguo pursed her mouth in reluctance, turned her head and glanced at her sister secretly, seeing that she seemed a little unhappy, her small face was aggrieved but she didn't dare to say it.

"Let's go..." Xin Han stretched out his hand to grab Guoguo's small hand and said while waiting for the shadow of the car to disappear. His tone was relaxed, but his expression was indescribably lonely.

"Hmm..." Guoguo nodded, jumped up and down excitedly, but looked up at her sister full of doubts and said, "Sister, can brother really have two girlfriends?"

"Of course not, you little brat, why are you asking these things?" Xin Han glared at her angrily, this brat is too sensible.

"Then, why did Sister Hanhan say that Brother Wendong can have two girlfriends?" Guoguo's dark eyes were full of curiosity.

"Ah? When did your sister Hanhan say that?" Xin Han trembled and looked at her in surprise.

"When we first met, I said you were also brother Wendong's girlfriend, so I asked her why, and she said that brother Wendong is so good that he could have two girlfriends." Guoguo rolled her small eyes, recalled.

"Ah? Sister Hanhan really said that?"

"Yes, that's what she said." Guoguo nodded, but looked at her sister curiously. She found that her sister seemed a little unhappy today. Seeing that she didn't speak, she didn't know what she was thinking, and her mouth bulged. Drum, no more.

"Sister, you are Brother Wendong's girlfriend, right?" Guoguo asked again chatty.

"Yes." Xin Han said with a smile.

"Ah? Didn't you say it's impossible to have two girlfriends?" Guoguo looked at her seriously.

"Who said no, did I say? I didn't say..." Xin Han said with a blush.


Guoguo looked at her sister with a strange face, just now her sister clearly said...

"Let's go, go to class, the little girl cares about our adults' affairs all day long." Xin Han snorted, stretched out his hand and rubbed Guoguo's head.

As the sun faded to the west, it emitted a soft radiance, elongating the figures of the two beauties, one big and one small.Xin Han raised his head slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, facing the sun, showing a bright smile...


"Honey, I see you are very happy today." In the car, Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's the first time I'm so relaxed." Zhang Hanhan also nodded happily: "Guoguo is so cute, and Xinhan is also very pretty."

"Hehe..." Wendong seemed to hear a hint of sourness, smiled awkwardly, and dared not answer.

The car suddenly fell silent.

"What? Am I wrong?" Zhang Hanhan asked again suddenly.

Wen Dong turned his head and saw his wife leaning comfortably on the seat, looking at him with beautiful eyes without blinking, with a smile that was not a smile.

"Yes, my wife is right." Wendong's throat rolled, and he felt his throat dry. His wife's shrewdness must have seen something, and when he was treating the two polio patients before, it had been with Xin Han talked, but he didn't know what he was talking about.But Wendong can figure it out with his ass, and if she moves it out, God knows how much information he got out of Xinhan, so he dares not talk too much.

"Actually, Xinhan is pretty good." Zhang Hanhan looked back and said leisurely.


Wen Dong didn't know what his wife meant, and he didn't dare speak up.He is very clear about Xin Han's love, so how could he not know, and just as Zhang Hanhan said, Xin Han is good no matter what.

"I want a child." Zhang Hanhan said suddenly when Wendong was embarrassed.

"Squeak..." Wen Dong shuddered, slammed on the brakes, swung the steering wheel, and pulled it to the side of the road.Zhang Hanhan, who was lazily leaning on the car seat, had no defenses. Due to inertia, his body was lifted up suddenly, and his head almost hit the windshield of the car.

"Wendong, you are crazy! What are you doing?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback and said angrily.

"Wife, what you said is true? Do you want a child?" Wen Dong ignored Zhang Hanhan's anger and looked at her with surprise. It's a good decision, this woman must think that Guoguo is cute, and she wants it too.

"Yeah, Guoguo is so cute, I want one too." It turned out that it was because of this, Zhang Hanhan felt a little sweet in his heart when he saw Wendong's surprised look, his pretty face flushed, but he nodded seriously and said.

"Then, let's not go to work, so we're going back?" Wen Dong almost howled excitedly to express his excitement.Wanting a child with his wife was something he had just thought about, but now his wife is willing to ask for it?So before having kids...

The joy in Wendong's heart, while thinking, a pair of sneaky eyes glanced at his wife's sexy body, and his big paw directly patted his wife's leg: "Honey, let's go back?"


"Bah, bah..." Seeing the car go away in the dust, Wen Dong stood on the side of the road and wanted to cry, but Zhang Hanhan was just making fun of himself...

In the car, Zhang Hanhan pursed her mouth, her pretty face was full of anger, she felt that she had a brain twitch today, and she still wanted to have a child with that bastard Wen Dong?

But what I have to admit is that I am indeed tempted and want a child, but when I think of the expression Wendong looked at me just now, it seems that I can't help stripping myself naked immediately. This bastard is not because of I want my child to be happy, but because I can do that kind of thing to myself...

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan frowned tightly, his eyes full of disgust.


Fortunately, this is a busy road, so Wendong took a taxi back to Qingcheng Nightclub.

When Zhang Yifeng saw Brother Wendong coming, he thought he was going to discuss matters related to the Fuzhou forces, but after only talking for a few words, he saw that he was not interested, and only said that he could do it with peace of mind.He found that Brother Wendong seemed to have something on his mind, but he didn't ask any more questions, and went to work after saying hello.

Wendong returned to the state of ten days ago again, drinking quietly in the box by himself.

He is indeed busy. He is waiting for Lina's call. Although Lina said that he would call him at night, he has no mood to do other things. Fortunately, he went out with Zhang Hanhan this noon, otherwise I'm afraid I have to wait here for a day.

System: "Ding: This material is a third-level animal refining material, but it cannot be used due to the mixed ingredients..."

Sitting alone in the box, Wen Dong has already entered the attribute panel, looking at the materials in the crystal box snatched from Lina at the beginning, this is what Lina said that the so-called god did not hesitate to spend a lot of effort to make.

The system can actually gather this thing, so it means that this material is a product of the system, and Wendong has always believed that as long as it is produced by the system, it must be high-level, and it is something that does not exist in this world at all. However, This crystal box is an exception...

godlike man...

Wen Dong murmured, and for the first time, he had the urge to meet the doctor Lina mentioned. Perhaps, this system is not as simple as falling on his head casually, or maybe... that god The man also has a system?
(End of this chapter)

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